WOOD [èo'd], sb. Used collectively-faggots of firewood. A single one is called [u faa'kut u èo'd]. [Maek een dod,] making wood. Chopping brushwood or treetops into the proper lengths, and binding them up into faggots. This is sometimes called slatting wood, [slaat een èo'd]. [Aard-èod,] hard-wood. Used collectively only. Firewood, i. e. logs or brands, cut to length, and split for burning on the hearth. Three feet is the proper length for hard-wood. [Faak ut-èo d,] faggot-wood, is the tops of branches and sticks suitable to be tied up into faggots. Hence advertisements offering "Five hundred of wood for sale," mean five hundred faggots. Wood in the sense of lignum is rarely used by peasantry, except to the "quality." See Ood. WOOD-CARRIER [èo d-kaa ryur; èo't-kaa'ryur]. The caddisworm, from the pieces of stick which are generally adhering to its sheath. This name is the common one among the boys who bait pins with it to catch minnows. WOOD-RICK [èo'd-rik], sb. A stack of faggot-wood, as distinct from brand-rick. A paperhanger complaining of the roughness of a wall said, "Anybody mid so well paper a 'ood-rick." WOOD-WALL [èo'd-waul], sb. The green woodpecker, whose peculiar cry is said to be "Wet! wet! wet! and is a sure sign of rain. Picus viridis. REYN FOWLE, bryd (or Wodewale, or Wodehake). Gaulus, picus. and alpes, and finches, and wode-wales.--Chaucer, Romance of the Rose, 1. 658. See Tenth Report Provincialisms, Trans. Devon Assoc. 1887. WOPPER [waup'ur], sb.; also WOPPING, adj. A big thing of any kind; a big lie. That's a wopper. Catch'd a gurt woppin rat. WORDLE [wuur'dl], sb. World. (Always.) I don't ver❜ly b'leive there's the fuller o'un in the wordle. Werdle or worlde. Mundus, seculum, orbis.—Promp. Parv. Lute 3eme he nom to be wordle: to alle godnisse he drou3: Lhord y-blyssed by po pet wonep ine þyne house in wordles of wordles. which by sotilte and wickidnesse getith þe goode of þis wordle, and be vanyteys of his wordle. Gesta Roman. p. 8. (Very frequent in this book.) WORD OF A SORT [wuur-d-uv-u-soa urt], phr. Angry dispute, usually accompanied with bad language. This implies a more violent quarrel than "a vew words." We'd a-got a word of a sort, as mid zay, and zo I thort 'twas time to paeurt (part). WORD O' MOUTH [wuur'd-u-maew'dh], sb. Parole agreement. There wad-n no writin', 'twas on'y word o' mouth, but I should-n never think he wid'n be jich rogue's t'urn word. See RUN-WOrd. WORDS [wuur'ds], sb. Dispute; disagreement; also bad language; abuse. What! to be sure you have not left Mr. White. What's the matter? Well, you zee, zr, we'd a got a vew words, an' zo I comed away, an' I hope he'll get zomebody to do better vor'n. A vew words is the stock reason for leaving service. WORK [wuurk]. 1. In phr. making work-mischief. [Dhai bwuuy z bee au vis maekeen wuurk,] those boys are always making mischief. 2. Attempting to commit rape. They've a summons-n for makin' work way Joe Salter's maid, and I count he'll meet way it sharp dhee uz tich. WORK [wuurk], v. i. 1. To ferment. Always used in connection with brewing or cider-making. Plase-m, the drink's a-workt all out over the vate, 2. sb. Fuss; disturbance; row. Maister made up fine work, 'cause the gig wad-n in order; but he never zaid nort about-n vore jis up ten o'clock. WORK-A-DAY [wuurk-u-dai'], adj. Given up to work, as in the phr. "This work-a-day wordle.' WORKISH [wuur keesh], adj. Diligent; industrious. He's a workish sort of a young chap. WORKMAN [wuur kmun], sb. A farm-labourer. There's very good premises, and two workman's cot-houses 'pon the farm. No, I don't drave th'osses, I be on'y a workman. Wanted, at Lady-day, a Carter; also a Workman, cottages and garden provided. -Apply to L. Darby, Kerwell, Huntsham. Wellington Weekly News, Feb. 16, 1888. WORKMANSHIP [wuur'kmunshúp'], adj. Workmanlike; substantial. I'll war'nt shall be put out o' hand in a proper workmanship manner, eens you shan't vind no fau't. WORK OUT [wuurk aew't], v. t. 1. In cultivating ground, after each ploughing, the soil is rolled and "dragged" with drags or heavy harrows, until all the weed and couch is brought to the surface, and the earth completely pulverized. This after process is to work out. We ploughed thick field, and work-n out dree times over, [un ee úd'n tlai'n naut ee't] and he is not clean yet. 2. To pay a debt by performing work to its amount. Nif you'll plase to let me work it out, I'll 'low zix shillins a wik gin 'tis all a-paid. WORRA [wuur'u], sb. Whorle. (Always.) The word is applied generally to the grooved pulley fixed upon the spindle of all the various spinning machines. It is also the name of the grooved pulley upon a common blind-roller, in which the cord works. The pronun. is invariable. No untaught native would guess the meaning of whorle unless pronounced [wuurul], of which no doubt our word is a contraction. WHORLWYL, of a spyndyl (whorwhil, K. whorle, P.). Vertebrum.-Pr. Parv. WORRIT [wuurut], v. t. To teaze; to worry; to harass. WORSHIP [wuush'up], v. t. To be fond of. "Her A cat had been seen in a preserve, and a man said to me, idn arter the pheasants, 'tis the rabbits her do worship." Another man said, "I tell'ee her do worship they rabbits." WORTH [waeth', wuuth']. In phr. "a worth." This insertion of a before an adjective is both curious and very com. In the case of worth it is almost invariable, and seems to imply that speakers feel the word to be a participle. This prefix is used even in such com. phrases as, ""Tidn a-wo'th while," "He wad-n a-wo'th tuppence." [Haut-s dhik u waeth een yoa'ur muun'ee, maek su boal?] what is that one worth in your money, make so bold? A very common way of inquiring the price of any article. An equally common depreciatory saying is, "He idn a-wo'th a louse." Him semede it nas no3t worp a lous: batayl wip him to wage.-Sir Fer. 1. 439. WORTHY [wuur dhee], adj. Able; wise enough. (Very com.) Nif on'y I'd a-bin worthy to ha' knowed it avore. WORTS [huurts, wuurts], sb. Whortleberries. In this district known only by this name. In the season they are brought round in carts, the hawkers crying, "Hurts! Hurts!" Of late I have noticed the cry is Wuurts! WOSBURD [woa uzburd], sb. Common pronun. of osbird (q. v.). This pronun. makes the meaning self-evident-i.e. "whore's brood." WRANGWAY [rang'wai]. A hamlet in the parish of Wellington, near to which is a small farm called Wrangcombe [rang kèo m]. These are situated on the ancient roadway, on which is another place called Oldway. It is probable that the names are modern, only dating from the cutting of the new "turnpike." Yf hit go by wrang prote into, And stoppe by wynde, pou art fordo.-Boke of Curtasye, 1. 99. WRASTLE, WRASTLY [vraa'sl, vraa'slee], v. i. To wrestle. In some districts, particularly round Wiveliscombe, it is pron. vrau'sl and vrau'sleen. There idn gwain to be no vraa'sleen t'our revel de year, 'cause they can't gather no money vor't, nit vrom the gen❜lvokes. 3if tweie men goth to wraslinge. An either other faste thringe.-Owl and Night. 1. 793. Ful big he was of braun, and eek of boones; That prevede wel, for overal ther he cam, At wrastlynge he wolde bere awey the ram.-Chaucer, Prol. 1. 546. Go not to be wrastelinge, ne to schotynge at cok. How the Good Wijf tauzte her douztir, 1. 81. such as have wrastled much with the Lord for a blessing. 1642. Rogers, Hist. of Naaman, p. 332. WREATH-HURDLE [vraeth, or vrai'th-uur dl], sb. A hurdle made of wattle or basket-work, as distinguished from the gate or "vower-shuttle" hurdle. In Dorset and other chalk districts the wreath-hurdle is the commoner kind. Root pulper, cake crusher, 2 iron sheep-racks, sheep-troughs, about 12 dozen gate and 3 dozen wreath hurdles, sack trucks, corn measures. Adv. of Farm Sale, Wellington Weekly News, Oct. 15, 1885. WREDY [hree'd(ee], v. i. Of plants, especially corn. To throw up several stalks from one root. Called to thiller in some counties. Rollin's a fine thing for young wheat, 'bout makin' o' it wredy. WRICK [rik, vrik], v. t. and sb. To sprain; to wrench. I wrick my neck more sharper; darned if I didn think I'd a-brokt my neck. Well, the doctor zess how 'tis on'y a bit of a vrick in my back, but I zim 'tis wiss-n that (worse than that). WRIGGLE. See RIGGLE. WRIGHT [rait, vrai't], v. t. 1. To repair; to restore. [Dhik ul dùe ugee un vuree wuul', aa'rtur ee-z u-vraitud au'p u bee't,] that one will do again very well, after he is righted up a bit. 2. [vrai't], adj. and adv. Right. From this com. pronunciation it would seem as if the idea had taken root that the opposite of vrong must be vright. Robert, I do vind eens you was vright all the time. WRING [ring, vring'], sb. A press. A cheese-press is always a "cheese-wring," or by many cheese-vring. A well-known rock in the Valley of Rocks is called "The Devil's Cheese-wring." WRITINGS [vruy teenz], sb. Title deeds relating to land. Well, he calls the place his own, but I count he must get up by time vor to show the vritins. (Always.) My God, if writings may Whither the buyer and the seller please; If this poore paper do as much as they. 1620. George Herbert, Obedience. WRIZZLED [rúz·ld, vrúz·ld], adj. Shrivelled; wrinkled. Can't think how 'tis our apples 'on't keep de year-they be all a-vrizzled up to nothin'. WUG! [wuug!], imper. The word used in driving horses, to make them go to the right or "off side." If they are to keep much to the right it is " Wug off," if to turn round to the right, "Wug roun'," if to turn round to the left [km yuur raew'n !], come here round. This is of course because a driver without reins always walks on the left or "near" side. I hollar'd "Waa! wogg off! stan' still!" But on ee gallop'd up the hill.-Pulman, Rus. Sk. p. 58. WULL [wuul], sb. Var. pron. of wool. The usual one among farmers who have learnt to spell. FLEESE of wulle. Vellus." FLOCKKYS of wulle or oper lyke. WULLE. Lana. WULLE HOWSE. Lanarium. WULLE MANN. Lanarius. Promp. Parv. WURD [wúrd, wuur'd], sb. Hoard. (Always.) Hot be axin de year vor wurd-apples? They there baint fit vor wurd. See PIXY-WORDING-i. e. robbing the pixies of their hoard. WUSSER [wùs'ur], adj. Worse. See Wiss. There's so rough a lot a-lef' as ever he is, and wusser.-April 13, 1881. No, wusse. Che lighted I but now in the yard. WUTS [wút's, waet's], sb. Oats. Ben Jonson, Tale of a Tub, I. ii. (Always.) they on't paay vor tillin'. |