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1. As a consonant this letter very frequently takes the place of h, as in yeffer, yeath, yarbs, yeat, yerrin, &c. See YERR.

A toteling, wambling, zlottering zart-and-vair yheat-stool.
Ex. Scold. 1. 54. See Ib. 1. 39.

2. [ee]. As a vowel, it is commonly used to express the final infinitive inflection of the intransitive form of verbs, as ploughy, warshy, looky, talky, &c., of which abundant examples have been given in these pages. See W. S. Gram. p. 49.

In M. E. this inflection was used with both trans. and intrans. verbs, but in the dialect it is now confined to the latter.

pe duc Willam anon: uor-bed alle his,

þat non nere so wod to robby.-Rob. of Glouc., W. the Conq. 1. 68.

þet is a zenne pet makep to ssewy þe gode wypoute þet ne is wyp-inne. Hundreds of examples herein.

Ayenbite of Inwyt, p. 25.

Now my folkes doþ þus wanye: y-lost ys myn honour.—Sir Ferumbras, l. 1645.

Also þere is an ilond, pere no dede body may roty.

Trevisa, De locorum prodigiis, xxxv. vol. I. p. 361.

3. When added to any species of handicraft, it has a frequentative force, and implies the practice, or occupation in the work named.

I do stone-cracky hon I can get it,-means I follow the occupation of stone-breaker when I can obtain work. See MASONY.

4. The usual objective form of you.

I tell-y hot tis. You can't, can'y? You don't zay zo, do-y? Usually spelt ee. See E 2.

5. Final y of lit. Eng. is sometimes dropped in the dialect. See CAR, SLIPPER, Dirt, Stid, Store.

and meyntene pe pouvert of crist and his apostelis,

3if þei make profession to most hey pouvert.-Wyclif, Works, p. 5.

YA [yaa], pr. You. This form is only used when applying an epithet.

Ya gurt mumphead, you !

Ya hugly son of a bitch, I'll break the neck o' thee.

How! ya gurt chounting, grumbling, glumping, Zower zapped yerring Trash. Ex. Scold. 1. 39.

YALLER [yaal'ur], sb. and adj. Yellow. (Always.)

YALLER BWOY [yaal ur bwuuy], sb. A gold coin.

I thort fust 'twas a varden, but zoon's I'd a-clane the dirt off o'un, I zeed sure 'nough twas a yaller bwoy.

YALLER-HAMMER [yaal'ur-aa'mur], sb. The yellow-hammer. Emberiza citrinella.

This very common summer bird is often called, from its peculiar note-" Little-bit-o'-bread-an'-no-cheese." Our ammer is a more

correct pronunciation than the lit. hammer. Ang.-Sax. Amore.

YAMMET [yaam ut]. See EMMETT.

YAP [yaap'], sb. The shrill bark of a dog.

YAPPY [yaap'ee], v. i. 1. To give the short shrill bark which spaniels or terriers do, on starting their game.

Look out! That's th'old dog, he don't never yappy vor nort.

2. v. i. To chatter. The use of the word is distinctly depreciatory.

Mind yer work, and neet bide there yappin.

avore tha art a hoazed that tha cast scarce yeppy.—Ex. Scold. 1. 261.

YAPRIL [yae'uprúl], sb. April.

Thick piece o' groun 'ont be a-stock 'vore out in Yapril.

YAPS [yaap's], sb. Disease of chicken. Same as GAPS, PIP.

YAPURD [yaap'urd], sb. Halfpenny-worth.

A yapurd o' scall-milk. (Com.)

YARBING [yaar been], part. sb. Gathering herbs.
We've a-bin vor a riglur day's yarbin.

Old women do vind 'em 'pon times, eens they be yarbin.

YARBS [yaar bz], sb. Herbs. By this is meant "simples," or medicinal herbs, while those for cooking are always pot-herbs [paut-aar bs], such as thyme, sage, mint, organ, &c.

I don't never go to no doctor; nif any o'm be bad, I boils some yarbs down, and gives em to 'em, and they don't lack no doctor's stuff.

YARD [yaar'd], sb. Of land. Of land. A measure of five and a half yards (16 feet) both long and square, i. e. the same as a rod, pole, or perch. (Always.)

In this district are three distinct yards. See W. S. Gram. For ill. see GATHER, THROW-ABROAD.

P. II.

Earnest. Yarnest money. Earnest

YARNEST [yaar nees], sb. money money paid to bind a bargain. You'll buy un then, will-y? yarnest, else I 'ont stand word.

Well then, I must 'ave a suvreign in

YEAR [yuur], sb. The ear. (Always.)

A tuck under thy [yuur].

YEAR-GRASS [yuur'-graa's]. See EAR-GRASS.

YEARLING [yaarleen], sb. I. A steer or heifer of a year old.
Whose be they yarlins? so nice a lot's I've a-zeed's longful time.

2. adj. When applied to any other kind of animal, as “yearling-
bull," "yearling-colt." The latter is not the usual term, though
heard sometimes. Hog-colt is the general name.

YEARLY [yuurlee, sometimes yaar lee], adv. Early.
You be come to yearly, I baint in order vor-y, not eet.

YEAT [yút], sb. and v. t. Heat. (Always.)

[Wuul, Júmz! kún-ee kaech yút s-maurneen-shaa'rp, úd-n
ut?] well, James, can you catch heat this morning—(it is) sharp,
is it not? See Ex. Scold. 1. 54.

He knowed twad-n no good vor to come vor to kill the pig,
'vore we'd a-yeat the water vor to scald-n way.

Wul thay zot roun agane, an thay vill'd up tha kwarts,

An tha yet an tha drink zim'd ta warm up thare harts.-N. Hogg, s. 1, p. 48.

YEAVY [yai'vee], alj. Damp; moist. This word expresses
the condition of painted walls and stone floors upon the giving
out of frost. See EAVY.

YEFFER [yaefur], sb. Heifer. (Always.)

There, maister! don'ee call that good beef? A maiden yeffer,
and so nice a one as ever I put a knive into.

YEFFIELD [yaefree'ul], sb. Heathfield.


Usual name for a

Langford Heathfield [Lang vurd yaefee'ul], Chelston Heathfield,
Milverton Heathfield, Crowcombe Heathfield, are the names of
commons in this neighbourhood, and Heathfield is the name of a
parish. See HILL, MOOR.

YELD [yuuld], sb. Hunting. A female deer not pregnant.

In the autumn hunting, a yeld or barren hind should if possible be selected.

YELK [yael'k], sb. Yolk of an egg.
Beat up the yelk of a egg way some

fine thing vor a cough.

Collyns, p. 73.

(Very com. pronun.)
milk and a drap o' rum's a

ZELKE, of an eye (ey K. S. egge, P.). Vitellus.-Promp. Parv.

YEN [yaen', yún'], adv. Yon; yonder. (Very com.)

[Wee'ul, dhee gèo yún tu faarmur Snuulz, un aak's oa un tu
plai'z tu km oa vur-n smoak u puy'p umbuy'nai't,] Will, thee go yen

to farmer Snell's, and ask him to please to come over and smoke a pipe umbye night.

YENNY [yaen ee], v. i. To yean; to bring forth young-said of ewes only.

Her'll yenny vore mornin'.

YERE [yuur], adv. Here. (Always.)

[Yuur twau'z,] here it was. [Uur úd'n yuur,] she is not here. [Yuur! aay bae'un gwai'n t-ae'u dhaa't,] here! I am not going to have that.

And tellep hym how þat Charlemayn Wyb ys host hym comeþ agayn With hym to fizte zeare. Sir Fer. 1. 5233. See also 11. 5289, 5322.

YERR [yuur], v. t. To hear. (Always.)

I do yerr how you've a meet way a bad job, an' a lost yer dunkey. In certain combinations the y is dropt, as [shuur mee? ] dost hear me? A very com. saying.

[Aal maek dhee muy'n, shuur!] I will make thee mind, dost hear!

The words here and hear, as well as year and ear, have precisely the same sound, as above. See abundant examples herein.


YERRING [yuur een], sb. 1. Hearing; trial. (Always.)
The yerrin idn avore next Monday.

2. Herring. (Very com.)

Fine yerrins! Fine yerrins, all alive!

YET [eet]. See EET.

In negative sentences it is usual to find a redundant not before

I tell-y I baint gwain not eet.

YETH [yaeth'], sb. 1. Heath, i. e. heather. (Always.)

The yeth's all a blow up t'hill-do look terr'ble purty, sure 'nough. Earth has not the y sound as given in many glossaries. See EARTH.

2. sb. Hearth. (Always.)

The hearth is that on which a wood fire is actually burnt, and does not include the space in front of a grate. This latter is the yeth-stone [yaeth-stoo un].

So a smith's forge is the large square erection at which he heats his iron, while the yeth is limited to the very small space in front of the "tew-ire" (q. v.), where the fire is actually burning.

YETI-CRAPPER [yaeth-kraap'ur], sb. A rough pony or horse turned out upon a common, and half starved.


See Vuz

YETH-HOUNDS [yaeth'-aew'nz], sb. A phantom pack of hounds, believed to hunt in the night, and whom some superstitious people declare they have heard. The legend is not very common, but is steadfastly believed in out-of-the-way places.

YETH-POULT [yaeth-poalt], sb. The regular local term for black grouse, including both sexes, which were once very plentiful in the district, and are still common enough.

The Poult Inn' on Brendon Hill is a favourite meet of hounds. There was dree hen-poults and an old blackcock, but yeth-poults be got terr'ble skee us (scarce).

YETTER [yútur], sb. A heater-an iron to be made red-hot and then inserted into ironing box, tea-urn, or other article.

YOE [yoa], v. t. 1. To hew. (Always.) To hew a tree into shape fit for sawing.

'Tis a gurt piece, 't'll take us more'n quarter day to yoe un.

2. with out to shape with an axe.

[Vuul urz bee bad'r u-yoa'd aewt-n dhai bee' u-zaa'd,] felloes be better hewn out than they be sawn.

Sharp, Jim, and yoe out a laver (lever).

3. [yoa], sb. Ewe. (Always.)

That's a vew culls out o' the [yoa-augʻz,] ewe-hogs. See HOG.

YOE BRIMBLE [yoa brúml], sb. The common bramble. Rubus fruticosus. The term is specially applied to one of the long, rank, rope-like runners which are so obstructive to the beaters in a covert, and which are much sought after by broomsquires for binds or tyers.

Hitched my voot in a gurt yoe brim'l, and valled all along.

The second is never sounded except by those who wish to speak like "gin'lvokes."

YOE CAT [yoa kat], sb. Ewe-cat; she-cat.

Sex of cats is usually distinguished as ram-cat or ewe-cat. Tomcat is the genteel form.

YOLK [yoak], sb. The grease in unwashed wool. (Always.) Terr'ble heavy lot o' ool, sight o' yolk in it.

YOLKY [yoa kee], adj. Of wool, unwashed; full of the natural grease.

Yolky wool is that which is shorn from sheep without their having been washed. The custom of shearing sheep without first washing them is very common in Devon and Cornwall, but much less so in Somerset.

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