expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." How condescending, how kind, how gracious was this!-Lord, behold my heart, fain would I embrace the encouragement it presents for me to apply for the like blessing. Open my understanding, I beseech thee, every time I take thy book, to understand it; there let me read the mind and will of God. Behold, "how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty!" Let me be conformed to thee in spirit, and let the holy fruits of this true faith abound in my life, an hundred fold, I beseech thee. "Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all," 1 Timothy iv. 15. How greatly do I desire to observe and practise this exhortation! May I take heed unto myself, and to the doctrine, and continue in it; then may I claim this excellent promise, "In doing this, thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." Surely I shall, by thy grace, study thy word more, meditate upon it more, and seek more abstraction of thought from all else: may I have less eye and ear for all earthly things, and be far more alive to thee, and all that thou hast revealed of thyself. Prayer for especial grace, and qualifications, for a great work. "Gracious God, I would beseech thee by thy power sent forth into my soul, to cast forth all my pride, vanity, self-conceit, and self-dependence, and to give me a meek and lowly spirit, according to the exhortation, 'let each esteem other better than themselves.' A great work, a wide field, a conspicuous place in the vineyard, are before me: the distinct compartments in that work require the love of Christ constraining me, that I may die daily to sin, and live to him who died for me. Thou alone canst impel me, by the spiritual sight of thine own loveliness, to cast off iniquity, to deny myself, to take up my cross and follow thee: I beseech thee to bless me thus, this day at the gaol; this evening at the school; give me faith, love, knowledge, zeal, and grace sufficient, much grace to declare the whole counsel of God. Holy Spirit, thus work in and by me ! glorify Jesus, glorify the Father, and glorify thyself, by devoting me and keeping me to thyself, and for thy service, and by thy truth declared by me, magnify Thyself in convincing the judgment, enlightening the understanding, and inclining the affections of my flock to thyself. Furthermore, O Lord! hear these my prayers, indited by thine own pen, and applied to my case! 'Oh send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.' 'Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me." [God had given her a deep knowledge of her heart, and we find her here deploring its sinfulness, and the infirmities of temper, which cleaved to her.] ""He heareth the prayer of the righteous.' Thou, O Lord, seest the prayer of my heart respecting the circumstances of this day: oh, blot out my sins of temper, of unkindness, of ingratitude, of impatience! oh, forgive, forgive, I beseech thee! The foe is powerful, my corrupt nature is on the side of the enemy. Oh that I had returned good for evil, and love and gratitude for good! Forbid, I pray thee, any evil to others from what I have said, for when I reproved the sinner I did it not in love, but in the feeling of human vexation, and of human anger: I did not love the sinner, but felt great dislike, yea, aversion to him. Have pity on the lost and guilty one: teach him to pray, and whilst I try thine infinite forbearance, as I do, give me the grace of patience and forbearance to others, I beseech thee, most gracious God, Father, Son, and Spirit! ""Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.' Thou wilt not deceive me; thou art the Truth; I will seek the Father in thy name; thou art his beloved Son, in whose person, and in whose work, He is well pleased. Almighty Father, look upon the face of thine Anointed, teach me to ask according to thy will, according to thy holy purposes: assimilate my will and my affections to thee, and hear my prayer. Sanctify to my soul all the wonderful blessings of this day. Bless my dear fellow creatures, in whose hearts thou hast given so much kindness towards me. Bless and give saving effect to those truths which, in the name of Jesus, I have spoken to the prisoners: have pity! oh, have pity on the two Jews! Eternal Spirit! breathe on these slain ones, and bid them arise and follow thee! Thou didst hear what I spoke in thy name to the poor Jew, and what were his replies: the Testament is in his hands; let not the precious treasure still be slighted, still despised: open the eyes of his understanding; give him a glimpse of the King in his beauty; oh, allure him to thyself! Save me from the malice of the foe, of the persecutor. I thank thee for thy support to-day, for I was strong in the Lord; yea, thou art my strength. Thanks be to thee for the bountiful supply, for the help of others: guide me in the conscientious disposal of it for thy glory. "And now, O my covenant God, sanctify me through thy truth; continually acknowledge me as thine own. Bless the dear family to whom thou in thy kind providence hast introduced me this day, and let lasting and incomparable blessings attend the circumstance, for thy dear name's sake. Amen." In the memoir, a notice is given of her different channels of benevolence, and the manner in which the funds were expended: "The Female Prisoners' Employment;" "Employment for the Destitute;" an account is also opened, "Donations for general purposes;" each has its distinct and appropriate detail, and it is only on a review of the books, that any adequate idea can be formed of the immense time that each separate charity must have occupied; the account books show every item most accurately put down; nothing can exceed the minuteness in accounting for expenditure; not a shilling spent either for herself K or others, but is stated. The friend, upon whom the charge rested to settle matters after her death, inquired, "Are there no little bills?" the reply was, "Little bills, madam! oh no; I suppose Miss Martin never had such a thing as a bill." It is remembered she often spoke of the great duty of following the apostolic injunction, "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another." As to the appropriation of the money connected with the charities, there is abundant record, but the labour attending the disbursement is not so easy to appreciate, as so much was involved in the employment for the prisoners, for instance, in the purchase of material, and preparing it. She has been known frequently after a day of toil, and an evening of writing to record the day's work and expenditure, to stand cutting out work until past midnight, or in preparing the copy books for her pupils in the gaol the next day; the latter was a constantly recurring occupation, as she found it necessary to allow only two sheets of paper at a time, that she might the more easily detect any abstraction from the copy book. The employment for the destitute was wider in its demands, and the labour attached to it less concentrated. The book entitled “Liberated Prisoners," tells the tale of her indefatigable and persevering energy, and her self-denying benevolence towards her fellow creatures. The prisoners when liberated, in many cases, were far from being off her hands; for if there appeared the smallest promise of reformation, she sought to cherish it, by keeping the individual in sight; she would follow |