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and conduct in school. She notes down all the information she receives from time to time, relating to the conduct of the liberated prisoners.p. 171.


That most estimable female, whose charitable offices I have with much pleasure recorded in former reports, still continues to follow, with untiring zeal, her truly benevolent endeavours for the reclamation of her fellow creatures from ignorance, crime, and misery. Some idea of the extent, and the results of her labours, may be formed from the extracts which I make from the journals and tables kept by her, and which afford much information upon the habits, and pursuits, of the classes most prone to criminal acts, and also upon the discipline of the prison. p. 124.


Although there is no chaplain specially appointed to the spiritual care of the gaol, the wants of the prisoners in this respect, are still most carefully and energetically attended to by that most excellent female, whose exertions I have pointed out in former reports, and who, with an unwearied zeal, undisturbed temper, and the purest benevolence, devotes her days, not only to the moral and religious instruction, but also to the employment and reclamation of its inmates. - p. 156.



Strand on the Green, near London,
November 11, 1843.

YOUR letter of the 3rd instant, which only reached me yesterday, was the first intimation I received of poor Miss Martin's death; I thank you for the opportunity your communication here affords me, of expressing how sincerely I valued her when living; and how deeply, in companionship with all who knew her, I deplore her loss now dead.

Her simple, unostentatious, yet energetic devotion to the interests of the outcast and the destitute, her practical and useful benevolence, gentle disposition, her temper never irritated by disappointment, nor her charity straitened by ingratitude, present a combination of qualities which imaginațion sometimes portrays as the ideal of what is pure and beautiful, but which are rarely found embodied with humanity.

I shall certainly feel it my duty to record her loss in my forthcoming report upon the Yarmouth gaol; and I am truly happy to hear from you, that other testimonials to her worth are in prospective. Indeed, it is by such means that the void left by our valued friend is most likely to be supplied; her simple name thus honoured, may stimulate others to go and do likewise.

I am, Sir,

Yours very faithfully,


Inspector of Prisons.


There being no chaplain regularly appointed by the town council, to perform the duties and take the responsibility of the office as required by law, I am of opinion that no time should be lost in making the appointment; the more so, as that extraneous assistance which has for so many years been so kindly and effectually rendered by the exemplary Miss Martin is now withdrawn for


This admirable person, of humble condition, but exalted mind, for a period of twenty-three years, and until broken down in health for a short time before her death, devoted all her energies to the moral and religious instruction and reclamation of the otherwise utterly neglected prisoners in this gaol. Her influence over those who came within the pale of her attention was great, although her means were small, and her manner simple and unpretending in the extreme. She was no titular sister of charity, but was silently felt and acknowledged to be one by the many outcast and destitute persons who received encouragement from her lips and relief from her hands, and by the few who were witnesses of her good works. p. 182.

In conclusion, it may be right to mention, that Miss Martin, by her will, after appointing her friend Mrs. Glasspoole, wife of Richard Glasspoole, Esq., of Ormesby, executrix, and after bequeathing a few small legacies to her attendants and Mr. Shuckford, the manager of the Yarmouth gaol, gave the rest of her property to the British and Foreign Bible Society.

* Published in 1844


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