were frequently infested with vermin and skin disease, and my own horror and disgust at these things were far from being less than any other person could have known, especially as I could not even mention my distress to any human being, because my friends, not exposed to the trial as I was, nor requiring strength peculiar to it, might not have felt themselves justified in receiving me from the prison to their houses. I had, however, access to One, whose care was over me, in whom I had perfect confidence, that I should be preserved from evil, whose laws impelled me to forget all else in the important work, nor did I hope in vain; and then how eagerly did I resort to the Bible, and feed on such assurances as these, "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling," Psa. xci. 10. The promises of that beautiful Psalm suited my case, and the support was equal to my require ments. The Divine power supported me in a wonderful and signal manner, in some years previous to 1838, when the bad character and conduct of the turnkey was the occasion of great distress to me; yet I would gratefully remark, that even he could not deprive me of respect from the prisoners, nor destroy my influence over them. Such was the state of things; and my only, but safe, alternative was, trust in God. "My soul was even as among lions," for that man was a legion, and my health at length suffered from intense anxiety of mind, as he became worse and worse. My influence with the prisoners was simply supported by what I taught of truth, nor was it for a moment forced upon their unwilling attention. In 1838, on entering the Bridewell one morning, several prisoners, instead of seating themselves in order, left the room, and talked loudly in the yard. Before leaving the place I went and told them they might leave the room, but must be silent; and whilst I came for their profit, not my own, in turning from me when I read the Bible, the insult was to God, and the injury to themselves. Next morning, I found the table dirty, and the room in confusion, and I instantly left them. Those who desired my visits followed me, expressing their hope that I would not forsake them, and punish the innocent with the guilty. Judging that these were less determined in having the room ready than they ought to have been, I did leave them a short time, and on again returning at the earnest request, not only of my friends, but of those who had been opposed to me, I was received with eager thankfulness, and I never had occasion afterwards to adopt a similar course. Even when our gaol was in its worst state, there was always much to encourage hope and patience. Sometimes an ill-disposed prisoner, after having been reproved, for awhile would be sullen, and decline to receive instruction, then desire to be forgiven and received, and then would again fall back into idleness, and again having been forgiven, would become eventually benefited. The work of God became so increasingly dear to me, that there were times when I found myself supplicating the Almighty that he would claim all my time for it. As my occupation of dress-making declined, I devoted every day not demanded by it, to the gaol and its dependencies; but in December, 1838, such occupation was entirely withdrawn, and by the good providence of God, and his gracious blessing, I then found my time entirely free, and engaged it in instructing the prisoners every day. At this period, the resignation of the former governor, who was an aged man, was followed by the appointment of another and most efficient one, and an entire and happy change of system began to be introduced. The governor's wife also, as matron to the female prisoners, was well adapted to the important office, and we have ever acted together in harmony and peace. The question may now arise, What were my means of support? All I possessed of income was the interest of between two and three hundred pounds. In the full occupation of dress-making, I had care with it, and anxiety for the future; but as that disappeared, care fled also. God, who had called me into the vineyard, had said, "Whatsoever is right I will give you." I had learned from the Scriptures of truth that I should be supported; God was my Master, and would not forsake his servant: he was my Father, and could not forget his child. I knew also that sometimes it seemed good in his sight to try the faith and patience of his people, by bestowing upon them very limited means of support; as in the case of Naomi and Ruth; of the widow of Zarephath and Elijah; and my mind, in the contemplation of such trials, seemed exalted by more than human energy, for I had counted the cost, and my mind was made up. If whilst imparting truth to others, I became exposed to temporal want, the privation, so momentary to an individual, would not admit of comparison with following the Lord, in thus administering to others. Supported with these views, I advanced, still meeting increased disclosures of the Divine goodness. The highest elevation of desire and satisfaction that I could contemplate, on this side heaven, has been afforded me during the last five years. With all my time devoted to the prisoners, I have found it to be an expanding field, bringing wealth which the mind of an archangel might fail to estimate. To those who may not enter into these views, much of what has been said may seem visionary, and they may think I depict my happiness in too glowing colours. But how should that be, when my peace, in its nature, stood as firm in the former state of the gaol as it has remained since? Now that tide of evil is gone by, and cleanliness, order, and quietness are enforced. Experience, as well as the promises of God, justified the absence of concern as to my temporal support. With my thoughts differently engaged, presents have met me from this kind friend, and that, with the charge, "This is not for your charities, but for your own exclusive use and comfort." Liberal supplies of clothing have always been sent, and, as I have remarked, before it occurred to me that I stood in need of any. And it ought to be named, that others may trust in God, for "there is no want to them that fear him." The manner in which instruction has been carried forward amongst the prisoners, was as follows:-Any who could not read I encouraged to learn, whilst others in my absence assisted them. They were taught to write also, whilst such as could write already, copied extracts from books lent to them. Prisoners, who were able to read, committed verses from the Holy Scriptures to memory every day, according to their ability or inclination. I, as an example, also committed a few verses to memory to repeat to them every day,. and the effect was remarkable; always silencing excuse, when the pride of some prisoners would have prevented their doing it. Many said at first, "it would be of no use," and my reply was, "It is of use to me, and why should it not be so to you? you have not tried it, but I have." Tracts and children's books, and larger books, four or five in number, of which they were very fond, were exchanged in every room daily, whilst any who could read more, were supplied with larger books, all of which were principally procured from the Religious Tract Society. Surely the power of God might here be distinctly seen, where a number of persons, differing in temper, although conceited, prejudiced, and ignorant, yet obeyed what was recommended with the docility of children; and if I left home for a day or two, yet all learned the same, and most of them more, in my absence, with the view of giving me pleasure on my return. From the commencement of my labours to 1832, I read printed sermons on Sundays; and from that time to 1837, wrote my own observations; but after the appointment of the present governor, when a new system arose, and no attention on my part was required |