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for the preservation of order, I was enabled, by the help of God, to address the prisoners without writing beforehand, simply from the Holy Scrip


For many years before this period, having been informed that it was the wish of some gentlemen of the corporation to present me with a testimonial of approval in money, I opposed, and prevented its being brought forward, until a step was taken in April, 1841, which placed it entirely beyond my own power. A very dear friend, the wife of one of our magistrates, informed me by a note, that her husband had brought the subject before the council, and it was referred to the gaol committee. That lady said in her note, “We consider it impossible, from the manner in which you live, that you can long continue your arduous labours at the gaol, etc. Mr. -- and myself will feel angry and hurt if you refuse to accept it. I must entreat you to do this," etc.

My letter to Mr. will best express my feelings on that subject. I transcribe nearly the whole of it.

"You have long known my views on this question; yet long as they have prevailed, and interwoven as they are with my inmost soul, that alone is not a reason why they should be held, except as supported by higher principles. I have hated the thought of remuneration for gaol services, casting it away when proposed, as an odious thing, a fetter. Yet, be it so, that the Searcher of hearts may have detected secret pride assuming a place with other motives and good; I refuse not to be corrected. My objection to receiving

money in this case, as far as I can judge, does not arise altogether from pride; as my kind friends can tell, I accept the smallest obligation with the same grateful feeling that prompts the acknowledgment of a larger one. But here lies the objection which oppresses me: I have found voluntary instruction, on my part, to have been attended with great advantage, and I am apprehensive, that in receiving payment, my labours may be less acceptable. I fear also, that my mind may be fettered with pecuniary payment, and the whole work upset. To try the experiment, which might injure the thing I live and breathe for, seems like applying a knife to your child's throat to know if it will cut. Now, my life is my own, my time is my own for the prisoners, according to my conscience before God; and the consequent desire is, in an honest and faithful manner, to obey the wishes of the gentlemen who have the control of the gaol, who honour me with their confidence, and support me with their influence. Were you so angry that I could not meet you, a merciful God, and a good conscience, would preserve my peace; when, if I ventured on what I believed would be prejudicial to the prisoners, God would frown upon me, and my conscience too, and these would follow me every where! As for my circumstances, I have not a wish ungratified, and am more than content."

I was suddenly comforted in my distress, by a few words from one of those gentlemen, whose kindness to me on this occasion ought not to be forgotten. The words were, "The business is out of your hands: if we permit you to visit the prison, you must submit to our terms." Before the evening came when the committee met, my mind was at rest, and I was free to say, "Whatever decision they may arrive at, I shall have acted right." Nor had I any choice from that time as to receiving any pecuniary acknowledgment or not, until it was made known to me that I should receive twelve pounds a year. My peace was restored in the consciousness, that money was no part of my object; and when I saw the measure carried forward without my knowledge or concurrence, by the secret providence of God, I felt it a privilege to acquiesce and be thankful.

From my first visit to the gaol in 1819, to the present year, (1843,) I never had a serious illness, and I have seldom been compelled by indisposition, to omit regular attendance on the prisoners. So remarkably have I been favoured, that I have often said, "I see that the Almighty indulges me in health in order that my delightful privileges may be pursued to advantage." In the course of the last five years, my strength has, however, been failing, and during the last winter, health departing; with pain and difficulty I have, however, been enabled to reach the home of my first interest and pleasure, until April 17, 1843, from which day I have been entirely confined at home by serious illness. Then did I remember how often I used to tell the prisoners, that a Christian's happiness, imparted and supported by his God, was unmoved in affliction; and now I proved it, and the half had not been told. In bodily affliction, my mind was full of joy and peace: I found affliction so deprived of afflictive power, that I could not call my own illness by that name. I have been mercifully favoured with much comparative ease; yet in sleepless nights, and days of pain, I found neither grief nor sorrow, for my Saviour had "borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows." My cares also were lost in peace; all the deep anxieties inseparable from my duties among the prisoners whilst in health, in sickness fled. From my twentieth year, as before mentioned, in the happy assurance which Divine truth brought by the power of God, of my Saviour's great work upon earth, and his intercession in heaven, I had seen death to be disarmed; for whilst Jesus tasted death, the shadow only remained, and it has seemed from the Holy Scriptures, that the last moments of a believer were the most joyful of life below; yet such was my frailty then, that I still shrank with much timidity from the thought of sickness and pain; but when sent by my most merciful God and Father, I found them to be all blessing. In the consciousness of being in his hand, there is no void, no loss. What made me happy? When abroad, I had his smile; now, I have it more undisturbed, and prove his boundless all-sufficiency.

After a course of medical treatment, with renewed health and return of appetite, when advancing strength was expected, I still sank, and extreme weakness brought its attendant pain. The excitement of seeing my friends for the first nine weeks, was too much for my weak state, and I found inexpressible sweetness in calm seclusion with God. The medical gentleman who attended me, ordered strict quietness, and in this point my weakness made way for a blessing of the highest advantage. In health, my duties at the gaol, my beloved friends, and other duties, had my time : in sickness, cut off from these, God demanded it. This was a happy season below heaven; but in spirit as much above earth. I at once found free access to the Father, Son, and Spirit, and had learned from the word of God, that ministering angels surround his children below. In spirit, I seemed in communion with the redeemed in heaven; nor can I, with a grateful heart before God, omit to mention the goodness and great kindness of my dear friends to me in my illness. Those, whose love and care had long before sweetened life to me, with new energy poured fresh benefits on me, both in spiritual sympathy, and in supplies of temporal bounty. The beneficence of the Almighty followed me in these precious human streams, and I was also favoured with medical attendance by the husband of a friend, without money and without price.

At an early period, after having been brought out of spiritual darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son, I found great pleasure and delight in writing sacred poetry; and homely as my attempts were, they were not the less profitable to me, as I accustomed myself to seek portions of matter from the Holy Scriptures. I leave these pieces in the hands of my dear executrix: they were nearly all written twenty years ago; but at later periods, some improvements were made in

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