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who were engaged in the action, refused to give these any thing, but their wives and children; but David made them equal sharers of the booty with their brethren. His own share of the spoil he divided among his friends in Bethel, South Ramoth, Jatthir, Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa, Rachal, Hormah, Chorashan, Athach, Hebron, and other cities on the south of Judah. By this means, he at once expressed his gratitude for the kindness which he had received; and at this critical juncture, recommended himself to their favour, 1 Sam. xxvii.


the army, saved him from condign punishment. Baanah and Rechab, two Benjamites, murdered Ishbosheth, and brought his head to David, expecting a reward; but he justly ordered them to be killed, and made them standing monuments of his detestation of their treachery and murder, 2 Sam. ii—iv.

David had already governed the tribe of Judah seven years and six months, when 339,822 armed men from the different tribes, assembled to make him king over all Israel. He therefore removed northward to Jerusalem; and with no small diffiMeanwhile, the Philistines had de- culty reduced the proud Jebusites, feated the Hebrews at Gilboa: Saul that had kept possession of it till and his three sons, with a multitude now. Resolved to overturn his goof his army, were slain. On the third vernment, ere it was established, the day after the battle, an Amalekite, Philistines twice marched their troops expecting a reward, brought him almost to the walls of Jerusalem, and Saul's crown, and pretended he had encamped in the valley of Rephaim. helped to despatch him out of life. It was probably about this time they David ordered him to be killed, as had their garrison at Bethleem, and confessedly a murderer of the king. Adino, Eleazer, and Shammah, DaHe and his warriors expressed great vid's three principal heroes, brake sorrow at the news of the defeat; through their host, and brought Daand he composed a mournful elegy vid water from the well of Bethleem, in honour of Saul and Jonathan. as that about Jerusalem was brackFinding the slaughter was much ow-ish; but he would not drink it, as ing to the Philistines' arrows, he ordered the men of Judah to be taught the use of bows, that they might oppose the enemy on equal terms, 1 Sam. xxxi. 2 Sam. i. 1 Chron. x.

Directed of God, David removed his family and warriors to Hebron. Thither the princes of Judah came, and made him their king; but Abner made Ishbosheth, Saul's son, king over the rest of the tribes. For some years, almost perpetual skirmishes happened between the troops of Ishbosheth and David, in which the latter had always the advantage. At last Abner, conceiving an offence at Ishbosheth, began to treat with David, in order to render him king of all Israel; but was murdered by Joab, ere he effected his purpose. David sufficiently marked his detestation of the murder; but Joab's credit with

they had endangered their lives to bring it, but poured it out as a drinkoffering of thankfulness for their preservation. Attending to the direction of his God, David gave these enemies two terrible defeats. He next removed the ark of God from Kirjath of Jearim, to bring it to a tent he had prepared for it at Jerusalem. Contrary to the law, they brought it on a cart; but Uzzah being struck dead for touching it, when the oxen shook the cart, it was left in the house of || Obed-edom. Three months after, it was with great solemnity, according to order, carried up to Jerusalem on the shoulders of the Levites. David dressed like a common priest, played on an organ before it: Michail rallied him for this behaviour, as too mean and base for a king. He replied, that he thought no expression

of gratitude to God, who had given dors, sent with compliments of conhim her father's throne, any base-dolence to Hanun king of the Amness, but honour, 2 Sam. v. and vi. monites, were ill used, as if spies, and xxiii. 13-17. 1 Chron. xii— and sent home with their clothes cut xvi. David now enjoyed profound over by the middle of their buttocks, peace, and resolved to build an house and their beard shaved. Fired with for the ark of God; as he thought it indignation, David commenced a war improper, that it should be lodged against the Ammonites. Twice he worse than himself. Nathan the pro-defeated their armies, though mightiphet encouraged him in his project. ly enforced with vast numbers of SyBut the Lord by Nathan quickly in- rians. Several petty kings of Syria formed him, that though he approv-submitted to him, 2 Sam. x. 1 Chron. ed his good design, yet he had shed, xix.

and would shed, too much blood, to In the third year of this war, while be concerned in so sacred an un- Joab, after ravaging the country, indertaking; but his son and successor vested Rabbah the capital, David at should build it: and that his family | Jerusalem happened, after his sleep, should be established on his throne; to take an evening walk on the flat and the everlasting King, the Messi-roof of his house. He observed Bathah, spring from his loins. With the sheba, the wife of Uriah, bathing herutmost thankfulness and wonder, Da- self in her garden. His carnal lust vid acquiesced in the will of God, and was inflamed; he sent for, and defiled contented himself with preparing a her. She proved with child, and infund and materials, for the erection || formed him of it. To prevent the of a temple, 2 Sam. vii. 1 Chron. xvii.

discovery of their guilt, David called home Uriah from the army; did what About A. M. 2960, he commenc- he could to make him go home, sleep ed a war with the Philistines, and with his wife, and so be reputed the rendered that troublesome nation his father of the child. Neither the royal tributaries. Provoked with the Mo- advice, nor the luxurious entertainabites for the murder of his parents, ment, could prevail on Uriah to apor for some other cause, he subdued proach his own house. David theretheir country, dismantled their for- fore sent back this worthy hero, with tifications, and slew the most of them, a letter to Joab, ordering him to have except such as were necessary to cul- him killed by the sword of the chiltivate the fields. He next attacked dren of Ammon, while his bravery the Syrians of Zobah, routed Hada- refused to yield to a shameful flight. dezer's army; and just after, routed Uriah, according to direction, was dethe allied army of Syrians from Zo-serted at the siege, and so slain by bah and Damascus, put garrisons in the Ammonites. Informed of his their cities, and rendered them tri- death, David represented, that there butary. About the same time, he was no more but the chance of war in attacked the Edomites; and on the the whole matter; and quickly after field of battle, in the valley of Salt, took Bathsheba to wife. This scene cut off 12,000 of them, and 6000 of wickedness highly provoked the more in the pursuit; or Abishai cut Lord, offended the pious Hebrews, off 18,000, and Joab 12,000 more, and tempted the very Heathens to Psal. 1x. title. 2 Sam. viii. 1 Chron. blaspheme the way of God. By Joab's xviii. It was about this time he advice, David with a strong reinforcefound out Mephibosheth, and ad- ment, marched to Rabbah, about 64 mitted him to live at his table, 2 miles distant from Jerusalem, that he Sam. ix. might have the honour of taking a About A. M. 2967, his ambassa-place so noted for strength: he took

it by storm; gave it up to the ravage || as they went. As they passed the of his soldiers, reserving only what mount of Olives, Ziba met him with belonged to the king for himself. two ass-load of provision; and by The principal men, and most violent, falsely accusing Mephibosheth his that held out against him, he put to master, of intending to set up for the exquisite tortures, tearing their flesh crown, prompted David to make him with harrows, saws, and axes of iron, a grant of Mephibosheth's estate. and burning them quick in their brick- David was just advanced over against kilns. Or as some read the words, he Bahurim, when SHIMEI rudely inobliged them to work at the saw, at sulted him, and bitterly cursed him, cutting of stones, digging of iron- as a most wicked and bloody monster. mines, hewing of wood, and making He endured all with the utmost reof brick. Thus he used all the Am- signation and patience, taking it out monites, who did not readily submit, of the hand of his God; nor would 2 Sam. xii. 1. he allow his attendants to revenge it Scarce had David returned to Je-on Shimei. Informed by Hushai of rusalem, A. M. 2970, when Nathan Absalom's designs, he fled beyond the prophet, by a parable, brought Jordan to Mahanaim, where Barzillai, him to condemn himself, in the mat- Shobi, and Machir, supplied him with ter of Uriah, and to supplicate the plenty of provision. During this repardon of his sin. Nathan was soon bellion, he composed a number of exafter ordered of God, to inform him, cellent psalms, as 2d, perhaps to 7th; that his crimes should not expose and 41st, 42d, 43d, and 44th, and him to wrathful and eternal punish- 55th, &c. Absalom pursued him as ment, but to fearful chastisement in quickly as possible, with a formidable this life; his adulterous child should army. Absalom's troops were routdie in its infancy; several of his fa- ed, and himself, contrary to the charge mily come to an untimely end; one David had given to his warriors, was of his sons rebel against him; and slain. David most bitterly lamented his wives be publicly prostituted. No his death. Joab sharply chid him for less than four of his sons perished in so discouraging his friends and troops, this quarrel. The child begotten in who had saved his life at the hazard adultery fell sick in its infancy, and of their own. David hereon forebore notwithstanding his most earnest his mourning, and spake kindly to his prayer, and fasting for its life, was friends. He next set forward for Jecut off. Next year, Bathsheba bear rusalem, and sent word to the chief David a second son, whom he called men of Judah, to shew their distinSolomon; but God, by means of Na- guished zeal on this occasion; and than the prophet, called him Jedidiah, promised Amasa, his nephew, the the beloved of the Lord, 1 Chron. xx. office of chief general, in room of Joab, 2 Sam. xi. and xii. Psal. li. who had highly offended him in the killing of Absalom. The men of Judah, instigated by Amasa, immediately invited David back to his throne; and multitudes went to conduct him home. Shimei, at the head of a thou

About A. M. 2974, his son Amnon defiled Tamar his sister; and after two years, was murdered by Absalom on that account. About 2981, Absalom drove his father from his throne, and publicly defiled ten of his concu-sand Benjamites, came with the first; bines. David's lifeguard and principal friends fled along with him; but he persuaded Hushai, Abiather and Zadok, to serve his interest, by staying at Jerusalem. He and his friends crossed the brook Kidron, weeping

and by his frank confession of his late behaviour, obtained his pardon, contrary to the remonstrance of Abishai. Mephibosheth too met David, and cleared himself of the charge which had been laid agains him by Ziba

pointed to take the account. Joab remonstrated against this project, as not agreeable to the promise of God to render the Hebrews innumerable; but was obliged to yield to the king's will. After nine months, he brought in the account. The men of Judah amounted to 470,000; which, toge

He was continued in favour, but had go to battle, least his death should no more than half of his estate re-quench their light, glory and comfort, stored to him, while his treacherous 2 Sam. xxi. 1 Chron. xx. servant was allowed to enjoy the other The above famine had scarce ceashalf. To reward Barzillai the Gilead-ed, when David, permitted of God, and ite for his late generosity, David beg- tempted by Satan, proudly resolved ged him to go and live with him in to have all his subjects, capable of his palace: but the old man declin-arms, numbered; and Joab was aping this offer, David took Chimham his son with him. When the other tribes found that the men of Judah had come before them, to bring back their king, they were highly offended, and hot speeches were thrown out on both sides, especially by the men of Judah, as they reckoned themselves more deeply connected with David.ther with their 24,000 of standing miSheba the son of Bichri, a Benjamite, instigated the ten tribes to a new revolt: but Joab, after murdering Amasa, who had been perhaps not very justly invested with his office, pursued Sheba, and soon put an end to his life, and rebellious attempt, 2 Sam. xiii-xx.

litia, made near 500,000. The men of Israel were 800,000; which, with several odd thousands, and the 264,000 of the eleven trained bands, made near 1,100,000. But the Levites and Benjamites were not numbered, as Joab heartily detested the whole business. Offended with About A. M. 3983, God punished || David's pride, God offered him his the Israelites with a famine of three choice of three different punishments, years continuance. Informed by God, calculated to diminish the number of that it was the punishment of Saul his subjects; three years of famine and the people's sin, in murdering the added to the former three; three Gibeonites, whom, by a solemn oath, months flight before their enemies: made about 430 years before, they or three days pestilence. David chose were bound to preserve, David sent for the last, as it came immediately from the remains of that people, and asked the hand of a gracious God. It had what satisfaction they required for lasted about nine hours, and had cut the injury done them? Upon their off 70,000 persons, when David obdemand, Armoni and Mephibosheth, served an angel brandishing his the sons of Saul by Rizpah, and the sword over Jerusalem, and ready to five sons of Adriel the son of Barzil-destroy the inhabitants. With great lai the Meholathite, borne by Merab, earnestness he implored mercy and and brought up by Michal the daugh-forgiveness; and having erected an ter of Saul, were delivered unto the Gibeonites, and they hanged them up before the Lord in Gibeah, and his anger was appeased. Much about this time, or perhaps before it, the Philistines, encouraged by a family of giants, made four different attacks on the Israelites; in one of which David had like to have been slain, had not Abishai run up to his assistance, and slain the giant after which the Hebrews would no more allow David to

altar on the threshing-floor of ARUANAH, and offered sacrifices thereon, the plague was staid, 1 Chron. xxi. 2 Sam. xxiv.

About A. M 2988, David's aged body was now so exhausted of natural warmth, or smitten with a kind of palsy, that he could get no heat in his bed. They got him Abishag, a beautiful young woman to sleep with him, and keep his body in temper; but he had no carnal intimacy with her.

Meanwhile, as David was too indul- fulfils all his councils! How noted gent to his children, Adonijah attempt- his fidelity, meekness, and humility! ed to render himself his successor, His love to God, zeal for his honour, but was prevented; and Soloman was and devout intimacy with him! made king, as David had long before Thrice in his conception, at his bappromised to Bathsheba his mother. tism, and at his ascension, he was In the latter part of his reign, David || plentifully anointed with the Holy made great preparation for the tem- Ghost above measure, to be the head ple of God; and he settled for the of God's chosen people. He is the priests, Levites, singers, and porters, covenant head of his spiritual seed, their respective orders and stations of who are kings unto God. He is our service. His kingdom was put into sweet psalmist, who sings for himthe most excellent order. Of 288, self, and indites our songs, and tunes 000 standing militia, 24,000 served our hearts to praise God. He is our each month by turns: rulers were as- great prophet and king, who instructs, signed to the various tribes of Israel, forms, and governs his church, the and to the king's stores, vineyards, Israel of God. Through what deflocks, and herds. The history of his basement, labour, reproach, temptaMIGHTIES Will occur, afterward. Per- tion from the world, from heaven, ceiving his death near, David confirm- from hell, from relations, from friends, ed Solomon's enthronement; deliver- from foes, did he obtain his kingdom ed into his hand a model of the tem- and glory; With what resignation, ple, which had been prescribed him courage, and steady eye to his father's by God, with about 46,000 ton weight glory, and sure hope of an outgate, of gold and silver, besides, an immense he endured the whole. How he dequantity of brass, and other materials feated and destroyed the lions, the for the use of it. And having given|| bears, the giants of hell; fulfilled the him various solemn charges, with res- law, destroyed death and the grave; pect to his religious and civil conduct, and by the gospel, conquers the naand enjoined him to punish Joab for tions to the obedience of faith; and his redoubled murder, and Shimei puts his chosen people in possession for his opprobious insult, and poured of the whole inheritance and dominion forth a prophetic prayer on his behalf, assigned them by God! How skilhe breathed out his last; expressing ful, compassionate, and righteous is his firm assurance, and full comfort, he, in the government of his subjects! in the everlasting covenant made with and how active in forming the gospelhim and his seed. He reigned seven church, and in preparing the temple years and an half in Hebron, and 33 above for his people; and in preparin Jerusalem. He penned a vast num- ing them for it; His mighties, who, ber of PSALMS, especially during his by the word of the gospel, do wontroubles. He was a noted type of our drous exploits, are prophets, apostles, Saviour. God gave him the exalted|| evangelists, pastors, and teachers: and character of his servant, and a man af- his faithful warriors are such as, dister his heart: but the Jewish Rabbins, content with their natural state, poand other wicked men, have rudely a- verty and debt, have been obliged to bused him, 2 Sam. xxiii. 1 Kings i. enlist in his service, Psal. lxxxix.— and ii. Chron. xxii-xxix. Psal. Ezek. xxxiv. and xxxvii. Hos. iii. 5. lxxii. Acts xiii. 22, 36.

Jesus Christ is frequently called DAVID, because he was the antitype of the former. He is the chosen one of God, who sprung from Bethlehem; the man according to his heart, who

DAVIDISTS, DAVIDICI, OF DAVID GEORGIANS, a sect of heretics, the adherents of David George, a native of Delft, who, in 1525, began to preach a new doctrine; publishing himself to be the true Messiah; and that he

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