feeble thread, was prolonged for twoand-twenty years; and he enjoyed the happiness of seeing a young family growing up around him. The duties of the pastoral office were not new to him, nor had an academical life deprived him of his taste for them. In the busiest period of his college engagements we find him wishing to resign the classical tutorship, alleging, in one of his private papers, the following rea sons: "First, the propriety of acting with reference to the ministry (in conformity with my frequent petition, that the minister might not be sunk in the tutor,') and therefore of consulting and recruiting, as far as I shall be able, my health and strength, that I may be able to the discharge of parochial duties, when (if it please God) I shall succeed to a college living. Secondly, the earnest and settled desire I have long had, to be more at liberty from the hurries and interruptions of care and business, in order to make religion,-vital religion,-my grand concern, and to wait more quietly and habitually upon God in the use of the means, that He may lay the foundation-work better in my soul (if indeed it be at all laid at present), that is, may bring me off from my deep self-sufficiency, &c. to a simplicity of dependence upon Himself, his word, in Christ my Saviour. This has been long a great and sad desideratum with me; and till it be supplied, to aim at extensive usefulness seems unseasonable and out of place. It is not the order established by God, &c. I wish I may not have been acting hitherto a very weak and wrong (if not presumptuous) part in this respect, &c. &c. Thirdly, as far as a regard to my health and spiritual interests will admit, it seemed very desirable to institute a course of private studies, all tending to qualify me for ministerial duties, which my public engagements have prevented." pp. 99, 100. Our notices of his life, from the period of his leaving Cambridge, in 1806, to his entrance upon his eternal rest, in 1828, must consist chiefly of a few extracts from his brother's narrative. "In the very sequestered situation in which Mr. Lloyd now lived, my reader will not be surprised to hear, that he was the same man the same identical character, that he was in the University; for the truth' admits of no changes in its nature, or in the heavenly fruits it produces. The Christian may accommodate himself to his meridian, and modify the expression of his principles according to the various relations and corresponding duties of his sphere, but the principles themselves are immutable under all the varieties of human condition, and this remark was fully verified in him. His vicarage was, indeed, the abode of tranquil happiness. His presiding mind was felt in the admirable constitution and arrangements of his household. Each member knew his ap pointed duty, and faithfully discharged it." p. 114. "Though Mr. Lloyd seldom moved beyond the circle of his own family, his reception of his friends, and some of them vicarage was always open to the cordial often availed themselves of the privilege of visiting him. He was a most interesting companion. Whilst his guests experienced his exuberant kindness in his entertainment of them, they were at the same time attracted by his transcendent piety. It encircled them, as it were, with a holy atmosphere which they felt to be conducive to their spiritual welfare. His life was, indeed, a standing sermon, which spoke with a silent, but impressive eloquence, to the heart." pp. 116, 117. "I could not help feeling, upon certain occasions, a sentiment of secret regret arising in my mind, that the subject of this memoir, who was so well qualified to enlighten and adorn society, should spend so many years of his life in a state of perfect seclusion from the world. But he himself entertained no such ideas concerning his own attainments. He seemed, in the beautiful simplicity of his mind, to be perfectly insensible to them, and gratefully acknowledged the hand of God in appointing the bounds of his habitation, and was devoted to the discharge of its appendant duties. I never saw a person, without exception, so singularly free from any propensity to display himself." pp. 118, 119. "If we extend our view beyond the precincts of the vicarage-house, and those retired virtues which adorned Mr. Lloyd's conduct in the various relations of domestic life, and contemplate his character as a parochial minister,-we shall find that his deportment, in this more extendcredit upon his principles. He recognized ed sphere of jurisdiction, reflected equal the interposition of Providence in his sacred connexion with his flock, and presided over it with a parental influence and kind ness. bitious views or vagrant desires beyond His heavenly mind, having no amhis appointed station, was intent only upon its appropriate duties. As his parish was neither extensive nor populous, and his curate resided at one extremity of it, and himself at the other, nothing of any moment could transpire without his immediate knowledge, as they were in daily communication with each other. He was, consequently, well acquainted with the habits of his people, their religious opinions and prejudices, and administered, with the wisdom of a scribe well instructed, corre sponding instruction upon the sublime and powerful principles of the Gospel. Their welfare was, indeed, deeply engraven upon his heart, and engaged his constant meditations and prayers. He lived for them. I never heard from him any expressions of regret concerning the solitude of his situation, the want of literary society, and other sources of mental recreation, which he had long been in the habit of enjoying." pp. 120, 121. "He felt it his highest privilege to preach the Gospel to the poor, and to educate them, under the Divine blessing, for the kingdom of heaven; and his labour in the Lord was not vain ;' he was instrumental in turning many from the error of their ways to the service of the living and true God, some of whom had entered their eternal rest before him, and those who still remain in the house of their earthly pilgrimage, will be kept, I trust, faithful to the end, and receive the promised crown of life." p. 123. When Mr. Lloyd was not able, on account of indisposition, to visit his people, he was accustomed to invite them singly to his study, to converse with them on religious subjects, and to offer them such in structions as they required. He was also in the habit of writing them little notes of advice or admonition, adapted to their circumstances. He kept a private list of those of them of whose Christian state he entertained the most favourable opinion, in which he recorded such particulars as he thought calculated to assist his ministrations among them. His biographer adds: "So deeply concerned was this good man for the salvation of his people, that he was often heard by his beloved partner, ere the morning light had scarcely appeared, recounting the names of those inscribed upon his Christian list, and offering up such ejaculatory petitions on their behalf as their respective cases seemed to call for." pp. 152, 153. In the spring of 1828 the disorder with which he had been long afflicted began to assume a serious aspect, and he suffered protracted and severe pain; but he continued resigned to the will of his Heavenly Father. He writes to his brother: "I would say, with much thankfulness to the God of all grace, that, under this new trial, I have been effectually supported hitherto,-enabled to put away my unbelieving fears, &c.; may I learn to trust him more, and serve him better!" p. 155. And, again, to a lady of his acquaintance: "I expect to be a sufferer during the remainder of my life; the scene of active service is closed; and I am learning of Him, who, for our sakes, was made perfect through sufferings, to 'die daily',- before the solemn hour of death shall arrive. It is, my dear madam, an interval pregnant with deep thought and useful reflection, graciously afforded by our heavenly Father to call forth the best and highest energies of the soul in the wrestling importunity of faith, and the persevering endeavour to take a firm hold of those precious promises, whereby we become partakers of a divine nature. I am thankful to find it thus with me; yet the consciousness of great weakness both in nerves and spirits, and in Christian attainments, urges me to solicit your best remembrances." pp. 156–157. And again, to his brother, a few weeks before his departure: "I never remember to have had my pletely and so long overruled; or to have nervous and gloomy tendencies so combeen able to come upon the true foundation with a faith so simple and unmixed with any secret dependence on any thing three months have been among the happiest of my own. In consequence of this, the last of my life, and I have, in a degree, proved the truth of that gracious promise, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose carefulness for myself, my dear wife and mind is stayed on thee.' I am without children, because enabled to cast my care upon my Lord and Saviour, or (in other words) to cast my burden upon the Lord.' Yet whilst I speak thus, I feel how easily, again eclipsed, and plunged into doubts, with such a heart as mine, I may be difficulties, and painful apprehensions." pp. 158, 159. A few weeks before his death he came to London for surgical assisthopes which had been raised. He ance, but the result disappointed the however continued, amidst great pain and inconvenience, tranquil, and even cheerful. His brother remarks, "His hope, like an anchor within the veil, kept his mind stayed upon God, and enabled him to enjoy a sublime rest amidst the deep waters of affliction which in this house of mourning, for such it was I found it good to be encompassed him. to us all, except the beloved invalid himself. He was ripe for glory, having no will, but the will of his Maker." p. 169. We find him writing to his curate a week before his death: "This painful dispensation has brought me to the test, and tried the soundness and strength of my principles. And I bless God that, upon a retrospect, I have reason to acknowledge he has helped me, and not suffered them to fail. Never did I discern the freeness and fulness of God's precious salvation, so clearly opened and revealed to me. Great, my friend, has been the need of faith and patience, and of spiritual strength to cast all my care, both for myself and my family, upon him, I that blessed God, who careth for us. was kept very much at this point, when at Weedon. But, oh! how I miss my study at home, my quiet and retirement there." p. 170. But he adds, a few lines further on, "God is however faithful, and therefore I shall not utterly fail." His bodily weakness did not, towards the last, admit of much regular conversation; but his spirit remained in the same Christian frame; suffering, but patient; sensitive, but resigned; lowly and abased in his own eyes, and with a deeply solemn feeling at the prospect of death, yet calmly reposing in the mercies of his God and the merits of his Saviour, and with a peaceful hope of eternal glory. In this frame of soul his mortal life ebbed away, and his spirit returned to God who gave it. He was interred at Camberwell; but his parishioners have, by spontaneous subscriptions, erected a monument in his own church to his memory. The biographer, in summing up his brother's character, dwells much upon his remarkable simplicity of spirit, his heavenly-mindedness, and his constant practical recognition of the doctrine of the Divine Providence ordering all things for wise and holy and merciful purposes. He notices, also, his zealous attachment to the Church of England; and his anxious solicitude to prevent the incursions of Dissent among his flock. Some of the remarks on this subject are rather strongly expressed-as where he speaks of "our Apostolical Church" as "the [THE] accredited depository of the Christian faith;" which, if literally construed, would unchurch all other churches. But, as already prefaced, we pass by some incidental topics of discus sion which the volume might furnish, and confine ourselves to the immediate narrative before us. Among Mr. Lloyd's papers, found after his decease, was a letter to his successor, whoever he might be, in his living; at the close of which he says: "And now, dear sir, I solemnly transfer my charge to yourself, with the fervent desire that you may, as a wise master-builder, erect a goodly edifice on the foundation already laid. May Almighty God hear the prayers of a dying man for you, that you may prove a far greater blessing to this parish than he has been; and when it shall be your turn to resign up your trust, may you then enjoy the same good hope, through grace, which supports Your's truly, the heart of, T. LLOYD." p. 281. There was also found among his papers a diary of the early part of his academical life, of which his brother remarks, that "It comprehends a rich fund of experimental religion, recording those mysterious transactions between God and his soul, and internal conflicts, to which all Christians are, more or less, subject in this state of probation. Whilst he felt, and fear, of joys and sorrows, he generally like the Psalmist, the alternations of hope enjoyed a sweet, serene happiness of mind, and occasionally such a realizing prospect of his heavenly inheritance, 'as even to keep him awake during the silent watches of the night;'--and upon another occasion, he observes, I never found such pleasure and liberty as this morning; never such a desire after Christ, and to be saved from sin; I felt as if the weight be saved from sin; of body was removed in duty,―aërialiminaterial; and my whole soul was ab sorbed, as it were, in prayer, and went out in it. O my God, sanctify the joy of this morning to me.'" p. 278. Thus we close the volume, the writer of which, we are sure, will not be displeased, that in pursuing the steps of his deceased relative we have almost forgotten himself. We, however, cordially thank him for the pleasure and instruction he has afforded us by his narrative; and earnestly pray, what most he wishes, that the perusal of it may be abundantly blessed to his readers, for their spiritual edification and the glory of God. LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL INTELLIGENCE, &c. LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. On the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Nature and Causes of Doubt on Religious Questions. 5s. The Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit. By the Rev. J. P. Smith, D.D. The Time of the Millennium. By the Rev. F. Nclan. Triglott New Testament, Greek, Latin, and English, interlinear. 4s 6d. The Divine Humanity. By J. A. Heraud. "Grace and Love beyond Gifts.' the Rev. W. Bridge. By "The Christian's Privilege." By the Rev. E. Mannering. Is. 6d. 5s. Dr. Dibdin's Sunday Library (Vol. II.) The Poems of Bishop Ken. The Poor Laws an Interference with the Divine Laws. By the Rev. J. Stevens. The Cottager's own Book. 2s. 6d. Family Library" (Venetian History). "Cabinet Library" (Retrospect for 1830). 5s. 5s. "Cabinet Cyclopædia ' (Maritime and Inland Discovery). 6s. "The Select Library " (Polynesian Researches. Vol. I.) 6s. On Prayer and Religious Tests in the Anniversary Discourse before the Royal Bible Society. By Sexagenarius. MISCELLANEOUS A pamphlet has been published by "A Yorkshire Incumbent," complaining of some alleged hardships to which nongraduate clergymen are subject, particularly that they have been recently refused admission as curates into certain dioceses; no excellence of character, or high professional competency, being allowed to countervail the defect of their not being graduates. We must say, that, if this be the fact, it is a severe and unjust infliction. It is properly left to a bishop's conscientious discretion to ordain whom he thinks best qualified; and if he make it his rule to ordain no candidates but those from the universities, he may justly urge that there are more than a sufficient number of this character, and that there are many strong reasons why they should be preferred ;though even here there are striking exceptions, a university education not being of necessity a guarantee for high qualifications in literature or theology, much less for piety, and devotedness to the pastoral office. But when the candidate is actually ordained, it is an unfair stretch of power to exclude him, by an arbitrary ex-post INTELLIGENCE. facto local regulation, from any office for which his talent and character qualify him. The practice is also most anomalous; for the man who is rejected as a curate to-day may present himself for institution tomorrow, and the bishop must induct him to the higher post, after his refusal to admit him to the lower. Some of the great ornaments of our Church have been ordained as literates; and we have heard some of our most aged and experienced bishops affirm, that clergymen of this description were among the most exemplary and useful parish priests in their dioceses. But whatever may be the rule as to ordination; when the candidate, after strict examination, has received the episcopal sanction and been ordained, there is great harshness in partial diocesan prohibitions forbidding him to exercise his ministry, without reference either to his character or qualifications. We have heard it objected that literates are not always gentlemen; that they are sometimes not scholars; that they are apt to be low-churchmen; and that they are frequently addicted to Methodism, having perhaps entered the Church from religious motives after they came to years of discretion, instead of being educated for it in a decorous and seemly manner: all which, and similar, objections may be carefully weighed as they happen to apply in each given case, respect being had to the nature of the cure and the character of the party: but to lay down an arbitrary rule that no literate shall be licensed in a given diocese, while the next is open to him; while the law and the practice allow him to be a rector where he is rejected as a curate; and while nothing forbids his rising to the highest dignities, is, we must say, with the " Yorkshire Incumbent," a proceeding not to be defended. There ought to be one law for the church as much as for the army. If it were the general regulation that no man should be an officer who was not six feet high, no individual could complain; though the question might still be open, whether the prohibition was well-advised, as is the parallel question whether, if our bishops agreed to take the best-qualified candidates, only with a preference, other things being equal, to the universities-it might not improve the state of the church, and oblige the universities by the competition to insist upon a higher standard of piety, and of literary and theological attainment, in the candidates for a testimonial: but be this as it may, and we are far from undervaluing the innumerable advantages of a college training, it is clear that no colonel would be allowed to insist upon the sixfeet regulation in his own particular regiment, while the general practice of the army was different. This point was particularly insisted upon in the House of Lords, in the case of the celebrated eightyseven questions; and a similar feeling, we are convinced, would be displayed in reference to any partial diocesan regulation, relative to any particular class of clergymen. No injustice is done to a clergyman who is ordained under known restrictions, as in the case of ordination for the colonies; but to be ordained without any specified restriction as to eligibility to office, and then to find local partial restrictions imposed by irresponsible authority, is, we think, a severe and unmerited hardship. So at least it strikes us on reading this pamphlet, and unless there are reasons on the other side, much stronger than any that have occurred to our minds. A warm and most prolific controversy is in progress at Oxford, in reference to a most extraordinary and exceptionable sermon, preached before the university, by Mr. Bulteel. Some of the replies seem to us to diminish as much from the grace of the Gospel, as Mr. Bulteel's from its practical duties. But we forbear going into the controversy at present, as we may possibly take it up at some length in a future Number. We have often urged the sinfulness and folly of supporting the Roman-Catholic college at Maynooth from the public purse, and more especially since the removal of Catholic disabilities, when it ought to have been placed on precisely the same footing as the Dissenting academies of Homerton or Hoxton, or any other private seminary. We grieve, therefore, to find, from the Irish estimates for the year, that the parliamentary grant is to be continued; and continued, moreover, without diminution, while the grants to the Protestant charities are rapidly diminishing. In the Charter Schools the retrenchment of grant for 1831 is 1600.; Society for discountenancing Vice, retrenchment 40007.; and CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 351. the House of Industry, 31017.: whereas the grant for Maynooth is 89297., comprising such offensive items as "senior professor of theology" 1421. ; "two other ditto" 244.; 66 one of sacred Scripture" 1221., &c. &c. How long will either our boasted political economy, or our Protestant sense of duty, allow estimates like these to be voted year by year from the public purse? Why has not the respected Member for the university of Oxford divided the House on this serious question? Among the parliamentary returns there is one of the number of oaths taken in the customs and excise during the year 1830. The total amount is no less than 300,208. The custom-house can demand oaths of no fewer than ninety-four descriptions. These solemn appeals to God are legally required to attest" blubber and train oil;" "tide-waiter's day-pay bill;" the "exportion of foreign beef and pork ;” "the return of old printing types;"" passengers, that their sketches are for amusement, and not profit;" "colliers delivering the quantity of coals cocketed ;"" the removal of cinders coastwise," and more than fourscore other items. How long will our Government, our Legislature, or those who inourn over the abominations of the land, permit this national curse and disgrace to continue? Dr. In another parliamentary, document, on the mineralogical survey of Scotland, by Dr. M'Culloch, occurs an incidental illustration of the awful familiarity with which the violation of the Lord's-day is practised, avowed, and passed over unheeded. M'Culloch being paid by the day for his services, with two shillings a mile for his travelling expenses, brings in a bill for 7978 miles, performed in 180 consecutive days. It was officially suggested to the Lords of the Treasury, by the Edinburgh board, to whom their lordships had referred the matter, that this would give an average of nearly forty-five miles per day, or, " as he could not be occupied in his survey on Sundays," of nearly fifty-two; which was an extraordinary speed for a man carefully surveying the country, geologizing, mineralogizing, &c. In his reply, Dr. McCulloch states, with great simplicity, that "he seldom had an hour's rest, or a single Sunday for months." Their lordships were satisfied, and paid the sum demanded! We think they might with great propriety have mulcted for the Sundays; or, at least, have given the traveller an intimation that the British Government did not require this flagrant breach of God's laws, for which there was not the slightest plea of necessity. We, however, refer to the case only as an incidental illustration of the current and avowed desecration of the Christian Sabbath by too many of our scientific men and scientific institutions; among which we regret to mention the Sunday conversations of the Zoological, the Geological, and several 2 B |