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Hannibal marches into Etruria. Battle of the Trasimene lake and
death of Flaminius. Consternation at Rome. Policy of the
Dictator Fabius Maximus. Rashness of Minucius, who is rescued
by Fabius. Hannibal devastates Campania. Battle of Cannae
and death of Paullus. The courage and patriotism of the tribune
Scipio. Honourable reception of Varro.

I. March, B.C. 217. Hannibal leaves his winter
quarters. Portents and expiations at Rome.

1. ver (Valla): vero P: cf. 21,

58, 2.
itaque Wf.: P adpetebatque:

vulg. quum. Madv. 358, 1: cf.

19, 11; 10, 20, 9.

hibernis: these were in Gallia

Cis. near Placentia, whither he
probably returned from Liguria
21, 59, 10: Pol. 3, 87 states that
the Carthaginians were encamped
in the open air, not in hibernacu-
la built of wood, cf. L. 30, 3.

movit, et nequicquam (Valla):
P metuit et neque eo quiiam.

D. L. II.

Cf. 21, 58 and 59, 1: the

two reasons for setting out.

intol. frig. abl. abs. abl. of

cause- -21, 53, 2; cf. ib. 58, 1.

2. pro eo, ut...raperent instead

of their plundering'; for pro cf.

23, 28, f. pro ope ferenda: for
phrase cf. 30, 10, f. cum eo, ut
appareret; ib. 19, in. in eo, ut
obtineant; 25, 6, m. ab eo, ut
quaereretur; Caes. G. 5, 2 ab eo,
quin possent: but pro eo, ut tulit
(C. Verr. 3, 53, 54)='in propor-
tion to what'.


ipsi ex alieno agro raperent agerentque, suas terras sedem belli esse premique utriusque partis exeroituum hibernis videre, verterunt retro in Hannibalem ab Romanis odia; petitusque saepe principum in- 3 sidiis, ipsorum inter se fraude, eadem levitate, qua consenserant, consensum indicantium, servatus erat, et mutando nunc vestem, nunc tegumenta capitis, errore etiam sese ab insidiis munierat. Ceterum hic quoque ei timor causa fuit maturius movendi ex hibernis.


Per idem tempus Cn. Servilius consul Romae idibus Martiis magistratum iniit. Ibi quum de re 5

raperent agerentque: for more usual form cf. 3, 7: L. 24, 16 portari agique-the latter word alludes to the driving away of cattle, the others to inanimate and portable things. Livy's phrase in Gk. would be ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐκ τῆς ἀλλοτρίας γῆς φέρειν καὶ ἄγειν : cf. Virg. Α. 2, 374, with Scotch expression 'they reave and harry': for rapio=diripio cf. L. 40, 22 villas r.

hibernis, cf. 21, 56, 9: utriusque, &c. of the two armies (lit. of the armies of either partyi.e. Romans at Placentia and Cremona, and Carthaginians).

videre Alsch.: viderunt vulg.: uiderent P. The shortened perf. is archaic, as Weiss. remarks, and is therefore avoided by Cic. but is common in Liv. and other historians, cf. 45, 8; 49, 12: Liv. does not connect postquam with imperf. subj. in any certain instance, but either with indic. pres. 21, 13, 4; imperf. ib. 12, 4; or pluperf. infr. 48, 4.

verterunt &c. cf. 1, 53, 6.

3. insidiis: but Pol. 23, 13 asserts ὑπ ̓ οὐδενὸς ἐπεβουλεύθη.

ipsorum &c. 'he was preserved by their own mutual treachery, while they exhibited the same

inconstancy in confessing, as in forming, the conspiracy': for inter se cf. 21, 28, 11; ib. 39, 7 and 9; so Plin. Ep. 7, 20 ut invicem diligamus; cf. L. 29, 23 data ultro citroque fide. Nägelsb. 282.

vestem: cf. Pol. 3, 78 òuoiws dè καὶ τὰς ἐσθῆτας μετελάμβανε τὰς καθηκούσας ἀεὶ ταῖς περιθέταις.

tegumenta c. cf. Pol. 1. c. KаTεσκευάσατο περιθέτας τρίχας, ἁρ μοζούσας ταῖς κατὰ τὰς ὁλοσχερεῖς diapоpàs тŵv ikiŵν ÉжIπρEπelais, καὶ ταύταις ἐχρῆτο, συνεχῶς μεταTIOéμevos. Juv. 6, 120 represents Messalina with a wig (galerus) of golden hair, as Suet. Cal. 11 represents Caligula (capillamento, elsewhere he has galericulum).

errore 'confusion' or 'uncertainty' produced in others; or perhaps we should take it as cause rather than effect, as in 9, 5; 21, 63, 14. Nägelsb. 167. Cf. 9, 15, f.; 31, 33, m.; Virg. A. 6, 27. Pol. says that Hannibal's disguise prevented him from being recognised by his familiar friends. 4. hic timor, sup. 1; 21, 46, 7.

idibus M. Cf. 21, 63, 1. Liv. seems to refer to the Calendar as reformed by J. Caes., for at this time the Calendar was about two months in advance of the actual

publica rettulisset, redintegrata in C. Flaminium invidia est: duos se consules creasse, unum habere; quod enim illi iustum imperium, quod auspicium 6 esse? Magistratus id a domo, publicis privatisque penatibus, Latinis feriis actis, sacrificio in monte perfecto, votis rite in Capitolio nuncupatis, secum ferre; 7 nec privatum auspicia sequi, nec sine auspiciis profectum in externo ea solo nova atque integra con8 cipere posse. Augebant metum prodigia ex pluribus

year, and the 15th of March could scarcely agree with the opening sentence of this book. Cf. 21, 53, 6.

5. de re p. &c. Cf. 11, 1; 21, 6, 3.


invidia=ira, 'odium'. Cf. L. 3, 43 inv. Decemviralis. (invidentia = active, invidia act. and pass.) Cf. 21, 63, 6: for position of est after part. cf. 21, 57, 14.

duos...creasse: for the frequent ellipse of the verbum sentiendi or declarandi to be supplied from foregoing cf. 19, 8; 21, 35, 8; Madv. 403.

quod...esse (emend. Lips.: P esset); for the rhetorical interrogation with infin. cf. 34,9; 40, 2; 50, 5; 21, 30, 9. Madv. 405.

iustum imp. Flaminius had left the city without first obtaining the Lex curiata de imperio (after election in the Com. Centuriata), without which the consul could not command in the field. Cf. 5, 52, 16 Comitia curiata, quae rem militarem continent; comitia centuriata, quibus consules tribunosque militares creatis ; Cic. Leg. Agr. contra Rullum 12. From 9, 38, f. it appears that the consul himself proposed the law, though we find an exception in 5, 46, f., where this law confers

the imperium on Camillus, when at Ardea. Cf. 26, 2, in., where the senate refuse to recognise Marcius as propraetor, because he had not duly received the imperium. Cf. Ihne 'Early Rome', p. 114. For a good comment on the text cf. 10, 8, 9: on iustum cf. 21, 3, 4: illi=Flaminio.

6. Magistratus (acc.)=' magistrates only' op. privatum infr. 7: id auspicium; cf. 21, 40, 3; ib. 63, 7 and 9-10. Flaminius was declared vitio creatus; he should therefore have resigned his appointment, cf. infr. 33, 12. For the five species of auspicia cf. Dict. Ant. p. 175.

publicis the entire Roman family, like individual families, had its Penates, worshipped in probably two chapels on the Velia, under the form of two youths with lances. The oldest temple is identified with the vestibule of SS. Cosma e Damiano; the later =Sacellum Larum, Tac. A. 12, 24; L. 45, 16. For publicis, &c. cf. 25, 18, m.

Cf. 21, 63, 8. subj. of verb

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Latinis &c. 7. auspicia sequi. Cf. 21, 63, 5.

ea (auspicia) concipere='to formulate', 'announce in a prescribed formula' (conceptis verbis): for the solemnity cf. 1, 18,

simul locis nuntiata: in Sicilia militibus aliquot spicula, in Sardinia autem in muro circumeunti vigilias equiti scipionem, quem manu tenuerat, arsisse, et litora crebris ignibus fulsisse, et scuta duo sanguine 9 sudasse, et milites quosdam ictos fulminibus, et solis orbem minui visum, et Praeneste ardentes lapides

7—9. The verb is thus used with iusiurandum (ib. 32,8), dies, ferias, templum, &c. Cf. 5, 17, 2; Sil. 13, 745 bella Latinis concepit. 8. militibus sc. Romanis. Cf. 21, 49, 6: for dat. gen. (common in Liv.) cf. 1, 39, 1 puero caput arsisse ferunt; Tac. A. 15, 7 has gen. pila militum arsere. Rob. 1152. For the portent cf. Liv. 33, 26, f.: Sil. It. 8, 628: such electrical flames on the heads of spears (St Helmo's fire) were usually considered good omens, cf. 43, 13, 6.

autem late MSS.: audes P: one MS. has sudes, hence J. Gron. conj. Sulcis (Sulci being a town in S. W. of Sardinia, mod. S. Antioco).

circumeunti, &c. as he went his rounds', the mil. term was fraxare=¿podeúelv tàs pvλakás: the duty was generally performed by two equites in each of the four watches, though at times by the superior officers, centurions, tribunes, generals. Cf. 32, 26, f.; Sall. J. 45.

scipionem a staff'=sceptrum (Juv. 10, 43) conn. with σkýπтоua: for the proper name (cf. our 'Reed') see Munro Lucr. 3, 1034. It is uncertain whether the knight used it as a support or a sign of office, like our baton.

tenuerat: Stroth conj. tenuerit, cf. infr. 11; but Liv. often uses indic. for subj. in or. obl. cf. 21, 20, 8; 4, 41, in. tenuerat:

Madv. 369, 2.

9. sanguine: though this is reading of best MSS. we find sanguinem in other MSS. as well as in Val. Max. 1, 6, 5 who repeats (with this difference) scuta...sudasse: so manare, rorare, stillare, pluere &c. take either acc. or abl. Cf. 21, 62, 5; 27, 4, 14 signa sanguine sudasse.

minui a partial eclipse; but it does not deficio in astronomical sense.

Praeneste (mod. Palestrina, a corruption of Praenestina [civitas], a town in Latium; cf. 12, 2: for its origin cf. Virg. 7, 678. It rejected the Latin League in favour of Rome-L. 2, 19: for their defeats by Cincinnatus cf. L. 6, 26, 29: for their services to Rome in this war, cf. L. 23, 19, 20. Horace was fond of this place, cf. O. 3, 4, 23; Ep. 1, 2, 1. It had a famous temple of Fortune Ov. F. 6, 61. The people had a peculiar dialect, cf. Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 8; Quint. Inst. 1, 5, 56. Servius derives the name from πpîvos, as the ilex abounded there; Festus from praesto; Corss. 2, 216 regards the termination as a superlative. It was the great fortress of the Colonna family during the middle ages. For locative cf. Caere 21, 62, 8.

lapides single meteoric stones, to be distinguished from a shower of stones, which had to be ex

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