ADLUM, John, profits of his vineyard in 1826, 152. AGRICULTOR, essay by, on forcing large manufacto- ries into existence by law, 59. AGRICULTURE, on the utility of making experiments in, 200. As influenced by physical circumstances, 393.
-of New England, and improvements suggested
for the Southern States, &c., by Thomas Gold, 113.
-Philadelphia Society for promoting. Resolution
in favor of Francis Rotch, 20.
AGRICULTURAL Association in Lancaster county,
Penn. Premiums awarded for products of Indian
corn, 308.
-Distress. Report of the Committee appointed
at a meeting held at Eatonton, Geo., to enquire
into the causes of, &c. &c., 34. Remarks on, by the
Editor, 39. Further remarks, by A. M., with a
plan for alleviating it, 45.
-Meeting in Philadelphia county, Penn., on the
present price of produce, &c. Resolutions passed
thereat, 401.
--and Manufacturing productions. Letter from
the Secretary of the Treasury to Congress, on the
subject of, 378.
-Schools. Remarks by Professor Eaton, against
their establishment, 17. In France, 369.
-Habits and economy in the South, 163.
-HAMILTON COUNTY, Ohio, proceedings of a
quarterly meeting. Extract from an address to, by
J. C. Short, Esq., 201.
--MARYLAND, meeting of the Trustees at Thos.
Oliver's, Esq., 29th May, 1828, 96. Meeting at
James Swann's, Esq. List of premiums for the
show of 1828, 120. Constitution of, in 1811, 122.
Meeting of the Trustees at Brookland Wood, 18th
of Sept. Several distinguished foreigners elected
honorary members, 223. Official account of their
annual cattle show, Oct. 16, 1829, 249. List of
officers, 250. Meeting of the Trustees at Mr. Geo.
Howard's, Oct. 11, 1828, 256. Do. at "Hayfield,"
Oct. 30, 263.
-MASSACHUSETTS, offer a premium of $100
for the best butter, 137. Sketch its rise and pro-
gress, extracted from an old letter to the Editor of
the American Farmer, 290. Official report of the
Committee on Agricultura' experiments, 362.
-MOSCOW, in Russia notice of, 315.
-MUSKINGUM COUNTY, Ohio. Extracts from
the proceedings of their annual meeting, October
1st, 1828, 354.
-SOUTH CAROLINA, premiums awarded by, in
Feb. 1827, 11. Copy of a circular addressed to the
different societies in the State, by Whitemarsh B.
Seabrook, 44. Addressed by do., 6th Dec. 1827,
89. Letter to, from Mr. Jefferson, on the Olive
Tree, 172. Addressed by Elias Horry, Esq., 226, 233,
242. Anniversary meeting, 19th Aug. 1828. Pro-
ceedings, and list of officers and committees, 307.
ALLEN, W. Elderton, on the cultivation of the
ANGORA GOAT, inquiries respecting, by W. Haile―
notice of, from Loudon, 83.
ANIMALS, how to procure, of either sex, 122. Gene-
rations of, 123. On salivation of domestic, 266.
On raising and improving the breed of domestic,
243. On the changes which take place in the do-
mestic of Europe, when transported to America,
CACTUS, varieties of the, 134.
BACON, mode of curing, 380.
BANCROFT, Doct. Edward N., on the Arracacha of CALVES, remedy for the scouring of, 387.
South America, &c., 123, 133.
BANKING system of North Carolina, remarks on, by Calvin Jones, 273.
BARNEY, John, notices sales of cattle and sheep in
the Philadelphia market. Offers Bakewell sheep and Devon cattle for sale, 251. BARNITZ, C. A., notice of his fine cattle of the Dur- ham short-horn breed, 20.
BARNWELL, Edward, on the cultivation of sugar,
BARRELL, G. G. Esq., U. S. Consul at Malaga, com- municates information and prospectus respecting the fecula of the sweet potatoe, 323.
BEAN, account of a thrifty one, 388.
BEES, notice of a new mode for the care and rearage
o, &c., by Francis Kelsey, of Lockport, N. Y.,
258. New method of taking the honey, without
destroying them, 404. On the management of, 109.
To prevent the destruction of, by the bee-miller,
148. To destroy the bee-miller, 194. On the
management of, as pursued by Mr. E. Williams, in Massachusetts, 381. To remove bee-moths, 388. BEE FLOWERS, proper kinds to cultivate, 12. BEE HIVE, description of an improved one, of which model is sent to the Editor, 29. Description and
ise of Dyer's retrocoupling, (with engravings,)
BEACH TREES, proof against the electric fluid, 295.
BEET, large one, 101.
BENTON, W. H. sends specimens of silk from Mis-
sissippi, to the Editor, 37.
BIBLIOGRAPHIE Francaise, &c., by Ch. De Behr,
proposal to publish, 175.
BIRDS, preventive against their taking seeds out of the ground, 20. Insectivirous, should not be destroyed, 61. Changes in the color of different kinds, 111. Curious structure of the eye in, 214.
BIRNIE,, reports his experiments with various seeds sent him by the editor, 37. On the kinds of thorn best for hedges, with estimates of the cost, &c.,
BLOOD HOUNDS, remarkable instance of the saga- city of one, in England, 64.
BOA CONSTRICTOR, notice of, 206.
BOLIVAR, an improved short-horned Bull, description
and pedigree of, 94.
BOLIVAR, General, description of his person, man- ner, &c. 295.
BOLLING, Linæus, on the cultivation of the vine, with explanations of technical terms, 387. BONAPARTE, Joseph, sketch of his rural pursuits and Republican habits, 74.
BOTANY, a short treatise on, 181.
BREAD, made from the potatoe, 27, 28. BREEDING, remarks on the in-and-in system, pro and
con., from late English journals, 99. Do. by a Farmer in Massachusetts, 291.
BROCOLI, Cape, directions for the cultivation of, 60.
BUCHANAN, W. B., on the management of the Silk-
Worm, 35.
BUEL, J., on the improvement of pastures, 2. On the
fire-blight in fruit trees, 331. On the use of gyp-
sum in agriculture, 345. On pear and plum trees,
CANALS, rates of tolls on, in England, 30. Notice of
the Rideau, in Canada, 237. Arrivals on the New
York, at Albany, 238. Stocks, value of, in Eng-
land, 101. Table of the length of those finished,
or in progress in the United States, up to August,
1828, with remarks, by W. D., 252. Annual re-
port of the President and Managers of the Union
Canal Company of Pennsylvania, Nov. 18th, 1828,
301. Business on the Miami. Amount of toll re-
ceived on the New York, 317. Report of the Ca-
nal Commissioners of Pennsylvania, to the Legis-
lature, 325, 332. Account of the Delaware and
Hudson, 340. Extract from the annual report of
the New York Canal Commissioners to the Assen-
bly, 381.
Ninth general report of the President and
Directors, 172. Progress, and probable advanta-
ges of, 309.
-CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO, officers of the com-
pany for 1828, 135. Account of the ceremony of
breaking ground on the 4th of July. Address of
the President of the United States, 141. Progress
of, 238.
CANDLES, improvement in, 372.
CANCER, remarkable cure of, 136. CAPITOL at Washington, description of, 374. CARRIAGE WHEEL, patented in England, account of,
CARROLL, Charles, of Carrolton, celebration of his
CARRIAGE WHEELS, improvement in, 366, 393.
91st birth-day, 222.
CATERPILLARS, new mode of killing, by shooting, CATTLE, improvement in the breed of, 29. Descrip- tion of the large ox Columbus, with a cut, 32. Edi- torial remarks on Col. Powel's short-horn stock, 55. Large ox slaughtered at Pittsburg, 58. Improved Durham short-horns, their dairy and feeding pro- perties, certificates, &c., in favor of, 58. Descrip- tion and pedigree of the improved short-horned bull Bolivar, 94. Interesting experiments in the feeding of, on Swedish turnips and mangel-wurt- zel, 111. How to procure, of either sex, 163.
Notices of large calves, in New York, 193. Weight
of, at the Washington county, Penn. show, 275.
Winter food for cows, 299. Notice of a large ox
raised by Gov. Lincoln, 315. On the benefits of
shifting to better pastures. Premiums for large,
raised by John L. Boylston, 339. Further remarks
on shifting, by James Cunningham, 355.
Sales of,
at the Brighton, Eng., market. On feeding, 363.
Cure for the hoven in, 369. Cure for the horn-ail,
APPLE TREE, history of, as a native of Pennsylva- BUFFALO HUNT in Arkansas, 271. BUTTER, premium of $100 offered by the Massachu- CHARACTER, on the formation of, 327. CEDAR TREE, prevents the effects of lightning, 271.
nia, &c., by Samuel Preston, 124.
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