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purposes. But the most remarkable circumstance in his will, is that which relates to the choice of his grave. This he wrote with his own hand, the day before his death, as a codicil, in which, in the most particular manner he described the place where he wished his body to be buried, and assigned his reasons for this extraordinary request. He prefaces his wish by stating, that persons in general have a strong attachment to the country which gave thein birth, and on their deathbed usually desire their remains to be conveyed to their native land how ever great the distance, to be interred; although it may appear sin gular, his desire is the very reverse of this, and he begs that his dying request may be complied with, I wish my body (says he) to be removed as soon as may be convenient to a country far distant! to a spot not near the haunts of men; but where the surrounding scenery may smile upon my remains. situated on the borders of the lake of St. Lampierre, in the canton of Berne, and three trees stand upon the particular spot," The centre tree he desires may be taken up and on his body being there depo sited, immediately to be replaced. "Let no monument or stone (says he) be placed on my grave." At the foot of this tree, his Lordship adds, he formerly passed many solitary hours, contemplating the mu


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tability of human affairs. As a compensation to the proprietors of the spot described he has left one thousand pounds. In another part of his will he desires his relations not to go into mourning for him. On the Monday after his decease a coroner's inquest was held on the body, and the verdict returned was wilful murder against some person or persons unknown. On the 17th the remains of this unfortunate nobleman were removed from Camelford-house, Park Lane, to St. Anne's, Soho, and there deposited in a vault till the request above mentioned can be complied with. On the coffin is the following inscription:

The Right Honourable .
Thomas Lord Camelford
died March 10th 1804
Aged 29,

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As Lord Camelford died unmarried, the title is become extinct. His Lordship early embraced a sea life, and was with Capt. Riquin the Guardian, when that ship was almost miraculously preserved amidst mountains of ice. He afterwards went with Capt. Vancouver round the world; and on his return had a quarrel with that gentleman. Though highly imprudent and excentric, owing to the extreme irritability of his temper, he yet possessed some estimable qualities, and was feelingly alive to the distresses of others, distributing as it is said not less than 4000/, a year in acts of benevolence.

Since his Lordship's death, the Rev. Mr. Cockburne who attended him in his last moments, has published a sort of apologetic narrative of his deceased friend, from which we think it will be acceptable to give one or two extracts.

"Though," says Mr. C. " he was too violent to those whom he ima gined to have wronged him, yet to his acquaintance he was mild and affable and courteous; a stern adversary, but the kindest and most generous of friends. Slow and cautious in determining upon any important step, and, while deliberating, most attentive to the advice of others, and easily brought over to their opinion; when, however, his resolutions were once taken, it was almost impossible to turn him from his purpose. That warmth of disposition which prompted him so unhappily to great impropricties, prompted him also to the most lively efforts of active benevolence. From the many prisons in the metropolis, from the various receptacles of human misery, he received unnumbered 'petitions, and no petition ever came in vain. He was often the dupe of the designing and crafty suppliant; but he was more often the reliever of real sorrow, and the soother of unmerited woe. Constantly would he make use of that influence which rank and fortune gave him with the government, to interfere in behalf of those malefactors whose crimes had subjected them to punishment, but in whose cases appeared circumstances of aleviation."

It appears that in early life, Lord Camelford had read sceptical books, for the purpose, as he has since professed, of puzzling the chaplams on board the ships in which he served. We wish Mr. Cockburne had suppressed this fact; but he makes some atonement for it in the following passage, which shews that the deceased nobleman was not without a proper sense of religion, at the awful moment when the levities of imagination gave way to the solemn convictions of the mind.

"In the worst moments of his pain, he cried out, that he sincerely hoped the agonies he then endured Bight expiate the sins he had comnitted. When more at ease, he desired that I would pray by him, and that he might join by saying Amen! This mode of prayer I several times repeated during the few days it pleased God to spare him; whenever the laudanum or the pain had not so far confused him as to render his assent equivocal, "I have dwelt, perhaps, to some readers, tediously on this subject, because I have heard it asserted by some who would fain shelter their own follies under the authorities of others, that Lord CamelLord, after the most serious reflection, disbelieved religion, and doubted a life hereafter. I wish, with all my soul, that the unthinking votaries of dissipation and infidelity could all have been present at the death-bed of this poor man; could have heard his expressions of con trition for past misconduct, and of reliance on the mercy of his Creator; could have heard his dying exhortation to one of his intimate friends, to live in future a life of peace and virtue; I think it would have made impressions on their minds, as it did on mine, not easily to be effaced,"

We have been the more copious in detailing the particulars of this melancholy affair, and in dwelling upon the character of the young nobleman thus untimely snatched from the world, to shew the sad effect of intemperance and passion, of scepticism and sensuality. It affords another story in the anaals of that national disgrace duel

ling; a crime which to all moral intents and purposes, is no other than murder, let the circumstances with which it is attended be of what complexion soever they may. (BY ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT.) Died, at Little Holland-house, in consequence of a pistol shot received in a duel, the Right Hon. Lord Camelford: a young nobleman of undoubted bravery, large fortune and nobly allied, yet possessing such an unhappy irritability of temper, that he was continually alarming his best friends, and interrupting the ease and comforts of social in


tercourse. While in the navy, he distinguished himself by bold attempts and restless temper. He would be the munificent friend and perhaps the next hour the implacable enemy of the same person. His false notion of honour made him tremblingly alive to every supposed slight or trifling inattention. With him you were never secure. better judgment was often convinc ed of the impropriety of his conduct, but the persevering obstinacy of pride made him too consistent in his folly, too daring in his attempts. Retributive justice soon overtook him: he who taketh the sword (wantonly and cruelly) shall perish by the sword. A few foolish words about a worthless character, spoken, or supposed to be spoken, separate choice friends; and though Lord C, was convinced that he was the aggressor; that Capt. Best had never uttered the words he was said to have spoken, yet hurried on by his refinements of false honour he resolved to make no apology, and to reject all reconciliation. His life became the forfeit of his folly: And now a lucid ray breaks in upon him. He openly acknowledges his folly, and most freely forgives his friend. Though agonizing under the wound, which had lacerated the spine and produced a palsy in the lower extremities, he settles his worldly affairs; prays most fervently, receives the Holy Communion, and writes a letter in his own hand to his Majesty, requesting that if Capt. Best should be convicted by a jury, that his Majesty would extend his Royal mercy to him, as Lord C,


was the sole aggressor, and perSevered in rejecting all reconciliasion. Few duellists have made such a christian end. It must be consolatory to his friends and honourable to him elf, that he was spared at the last a few hours, and those hours were well employed, in acts of piety and charity. It is only to be lamented that the whole life was not thus spent and that a person of his rank and fortune should have been prematurely cut off with so little sincere regret, for in all probability had he lived, the peace of society would have continued to be disturbed, and many a better man than he might have fallen by his violence.

16. In his 75th year, the Rev. Samuel Lysons, A. M. 49 years rector of Rodmarton, and Cherrington, in the County of Gloucester. He was eminently distinguished for his knowledge of topography and English antiquities.

19. At his house in Great George Street, Westminster, the Right Hon. Richard Pepper Arden, Baron Alvanley, of Alvanley, in the county of Chester, and Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. He was taken suddenly ill on the Friday preceding, in the House of Lords, complaining of a pain of his stomach, went home, and was immediately put to bed, from whence he never rose more.


Lordship was the son of a gentle man of fortune in Yorkshire, in which county he received the early part of his education. His elder brother, who is still living, inherited the bulk of the family estates in Cheshire and Yorkshire; where he possesses two fine seats. The subject of the present sketch, being a younger son, it was determined to give him an education, and a profession that would enable him to create a fortune for himself. He was accordingly entered of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was particularly distinguished by the pleasantry of his manners; and it is said the True Blue Club, of that society,was accustomed to consider him as its chief ornament and first support.

From the University, where he took the degree of A. M. he removed

to the Middle Temple, and in due course of time was called to the bar.

Like most young men, however, his progress at first was not very considerable, and what little prac ce he obtained was confined to the Court of Chancery.

About this time he married Miss Bootle, the daughter of Richard Wilbraham Bootie, Esq. M. P. a gentleman who possessed considerable estates in the county of Chester, where part of his own family. possessions were situated. This connexion, with an early friendship, contracted at the University between him and Mr. Pitt, brought Mr. Arden forward into public life; and so early as 1783 he obtained a silk gown, and the same year was made Solicitor General. His next rise was to the still more considerable station of Attorney General; and in the year 1788, he was nominated Master of the Rolls, by the immediate interference of Mr. Pitt, and as it has been said, against the wish of the late Lord Chancellor Thurlow. Notwithstanding this opposition to his appointment, it is certain that no one ever more faithfully discharged the high and important functions of Master of the Rolls, than the subject of this memoir; his character always stood unimpeached, and his integrity was never questioned by the numerous suitors in his court.

Having mentioned his Lordship only as a lawyer, it may be proper here to notice him in his senatoriak capacity. His first entrance into Parliament, was as a burgess for Hastings; but he afterwards sat as a representative for the city of Bath, and always acquitted himself in the most respectable manner, as a legislator, carefully avoiding those personal altercations, those rancorous retorts, and that severity of ex pression which the partizans of both sides the house too often display.

Though not a frequent, lie was ever considered a correct and intelligent speaker and his observations never failed being attended to with general respect. After his advancement to the peerage, however, he was more in the habit of giving his opinion on bills which came before the House, and his sentiments

sentiments always evinced matured consideration and legal judgment.

In May 1802 he was created Baron Alvanley, of Alvanley in the county of Chester, and on the removal of Lord Eldon to the court of Chancery, he was appointed Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas As a judge he will long be remembered in that court with reverence for his impartial conduct, and with esteem for the suavity of his man


In private life the character of Lord Alvanley was peculiarly amia ble; he was a good father, a good husband, and a sincere friend. His deportiment was always affable and condescending even to the lowest suitors; and his disposition was open and generous. As a companion he was delightful, and though he never overstepped the strictest limits of decorum, no one enjoyed, or told a joke with better glee. But his highest praise was that of being a Christian in principle and practice. He was regular in his attendance at Church, and his last moments manifested that his faith did not consist in mere profession, or the flight of fancy, but that it was a settled habit of his soul and the result of rational and well matured conviction and enquiry. Being informed that his dissolution would be within a few hours; he settled his temporal concerns; convened his family, even his servants around his bed, gave them his solemn charge to adhere stedfastly to their religion, joined devoutly in the last solemn offices of worship, and uttering Amen with earnestness to the commendatory prayer expired. Mark the perfect. man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace.

His Lordship has left an amiable widow and five children to lament his loss, and to console themselves under it with the remembrance of his public and private virtues.

The same day at his house in St. James's Square, in the 64th year of his age, his Grace the Duke of Roxburgh, Groom of the Stole to the King, and Lord Lieutenant of the county of Roxburgh.

He was born in April, 1740, and

succeeded to the title upon de death of his father, August 20, 1755. When a young man his Grace was as remarkable for his personal figure as for his mental accomplishments; while on his travels a Princess allied to the house of Brunswick, became enamoured with him, and their union was agreed upon, but conformably to court etiquette, it became necessary that his Grace should solicit the royal ap probation; this however, was not only refused, but a requisition was made to him to desist from his pretensions, which being complied with on the part of the Duke, he was told that he might expect any favour in compensation, that a subject could receive. In consequence his Grace, who was at that time a Knight of the Thistle, received in addition, the Order of the Garter; two honourable badges of distinction which no other peer, except of the blood royal, had ever enjoyed, and to these was added the groomship of the stole, worth 5000l. per annum. The remarkable disappointment in his first attachment, induced his Grace to remain single the remainder of his life.

By the death of the Duke of Roxburgh, the Dukedom becomes, extinct, and he is succeeded in the Earldoms of Roxburgh and Kelso, Viscount Broxmouth, Baron Kerr, &c. &c. by Lord Ballenden.

At Fairford, Gloucestershire, after a few hours illness, the Rev. Jás. Edwards, B, D. vicar of that parish, and rector of Askelworth, in the same county,

Fairford is in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Gloucester; and Askelworth in that of the Bishop of Bristol.

At his house in Mark Lane, of an inflammation of the bowels, Dr. Relph, senior physician of Guy's Hospital. To the skill and judg ment of an experienced physician, he added the engaging manners of the gentleman, and the benevolence of the christian. His loss will long be felt by his numerous friends who benefited by his professional advice, and by the poor who were relieved by his liberality.



We can never be too careful to preserve the purity, and keep up the dignity of our Church's forms, such as our Articles, Liturgy. Creeds, and Catechism. And Foul play here in wresting the words, and perverting the meaning, is corrupting the sincere milk, and poisoning the fountains.




(Continued from Page 133.)

LIP SKELTON was of a tall stature and majestic appearance; his countenance agreeable and placid, displaying evident marks of a mind replete with humanity. His strong athletic frame enabled him in his youth to excel in the manly exercises. But it was, he considered, the chief business of his life to perform the sacred duties of the ministry with conscientious care, wherein he was hardly exceeded by any Clergyman of any age. Sincere, strenuous, vehement in his admonitions, he was truly sensible of the importance of the glorious end he had in view, the happiness of his fellow creatures. He told them of a heaven and a hell, where the virtuous shall be rewarded, and the wicked punished; exciting them, by the most powerful arguments, to seek the felicity of the one, and avoid the misery of the other. He declared open war against vice and impiety in every station. To instruct the ignorant, rouze the indolent, rebuke the obstinate, rectify the misguided, and "turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the just," was the great object of his labours.

His abilities were equal to his zeal. The natural powers bestowed on him by Providence he improved by an attentive application to almost every species of literature, but chiefly by a careful perusal of the holy ScripVol. VI. Churchm. Mag. April, 1804.

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