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20. st

A. B. on Maryland lands, No. 1. 81. No. 2. 91.
ADLUM, John, on the manufacture of wine from wild
grapes, 261.

ADOPTION, singular system of in France, 32.

AGRICOLA, dissertation on lime, by, 369.

AGRICULTURE, of modern Italy, 1. As influenced

by geographical circumstances, 2. Science of, 2,

9, 17, 33, 65. On the establishment of schools teach-

ing theoretically and practically, with letters from
Emanuel De Fellenberg and William C. Wood-
bridge on the subject, 25, 34. Of Louisiana, re-
marks on, 154. Of New England, by Thomas Gold,
161, 169. Remarks on, by the editor of the New
York Statesman, 322. Of Georgia, extract from
Mr. Bevan's report thereon, to the legislature, 338.
Arthur Young's experiments in, 361, 370, 386, 394.
Act for the promotion of, in Pennsylvania, 410.

-OF BARNWELL DISTRICT, S. C. addressed by

Mr. Patterson, 17.

-OF DORCHESTER COUNTY, Md. list of pre-

miums for the show in October, 1827, 227. Official
account of their show, and distribution of premi-
ums, 273.
Addressed by Dr. J. E. Muse, 281.
-OF HAMILTON COUNTY, Ohio, offer premiums
for crops of barley, 204.

-OF HARTFORD COUNTY, (Con.) extract from
the address to, by the Rev. C. A. Goodrich, on neat-
ness of farm houses, 315.


AND FAIRFAX COUNTIES, Va. addressed by

Thomas Marshall, Esq. 306.

-OF MARYLAND, list of premiums for the Show

of 1827, with remarks on, by the editor, 41. Meet-

ing of the Trustees at Col. Bosley's, June 7, 1827,

104. Address to the members of the Eastern Shore,

by N. Hammond, 106. List of premiums offered

by the society for the Eastern Shore, at the Show

of November, 1827, 187. List of judges for the

Western Shore, 240. Official account of the Cattle

Show and Fair at Baltimore, Oct. 24th and 25th,

257. List of officers for the ensuing year, 259.

Official account of the Cattle Show and Fair at

Easton, 323.

-OF MASSACHUSETTS, addressed by the hon.

John Lowell, their president, 265.

-OF PAWTUCKET, R. I. premiums to be award-
ed at their next Cattle Show, 228.

-OF PENNSYLVANIA, proceedings of, in rela-

tion to the plan of the Fellenberg school-list of

officers, 378.

-OF SALEM, N. J. premiums selected from their

list for October, 1827, 228.

-OF SOUTH CAROLINA, papers read at their

meeting 18th September, 1827, 233.

AGRICULTURAL Associations, benefits of, 283, 295.

Axioms, 308. Fete, in China, 188. Implements

used in Italy, 1. Improvement, importance of, 210.

Institute and system of education of the Rev. E. De

Fellenberg, brief sketch of, 50. Knowledge, read-

ing necessary to, 74. Meeting in Lancaster, Pa.

203. Penance, advantages of, 59. Query, 188.

Schools, proposition to establish one in Pennsyl-

vania, by Mr. Morris, 267, 378.


of Muskingum county, Ohio, elect J. S. Skinner an

honorary member. Officers for 1827, 168.

-Establishment in France, 264.

AGRICULTURISTS, biographical sketches of eminent,

ALFALFA, seed of, sent to the editor by Com. Jones,

for distribution, 392.

AMPHICON on civil engineering, 205. On the Aus-
trian system, 210.

ANIMAL KINGDOM, on the study of, with reference

to agriculture 186, 194, 202, 209, 226, 235, 242, 249,

266, 273.

ANIMALS, on the improvement of the breed of, 19.

General principles of rearing, managing and feed-

ing domestic, 33. On the study of the animal king-

dom with reference to agriculture-on the lan-

guage, nomenclature, description and classification

of external anatomy of, 186, 194, 202, 209, 226,

235, 242, 249, 266, 273.

ANTS, battle of the, by M. Hanhart, 264.
APPLES, large ones, 109, 229, 308. On retaining good
varieties of, 165. Notice of Adams', 210. Japa-
nese, description of, by D. and C. Landreth, 221.
Method of keeping for twelve months, 285. To
mark with the impression of a leaf, $40.

APRICOT, notice of a large one, from Mr. J. Lafitte,

ARRACACHA of South America, grows to perfection
in Florida, 40.

ASTRAPEA WALLICHI, notice of, by W. Prince, 316.

ATHERSTONE, J. on the cultivation of woad, 193.

AYRES, Dr. E. on the cultivation of Guinea grass, 73.


BORROWING AND LENDING, evils of, by A. P. 199.

BREAD, how to make without yeast, 71. Kind of pro-

per to be used by dyspeptic persons, 181. Expe-
riment with, 283.

BREWERIES, notice of the extensive ones at Albany,
quantity of barley and hops consumed therein, 45.

BRICKS, success of Mr. Bakewell's method of burning,

BRODNAXE, W. E. on raising blooded horses, 359.

BROOKE, Col. George M. on the climate and produc-

ductions of Florida, 40.

BROWN, Samuel, on the manufacture of coarse cotton

goods in the southern states, 249.

BUCKWHEAT, experiments in the culture of, 387.
BUEL, Judge J. on the cultivation of barley, 2. Com-

munication from, on pear trees, 252. On the cul-
tivation of lucern, $22. Communicates Arthur

By Transfer,

Young's experiments in agriculture, with remarks,
viz.-on wheat, 361; on barley, 370; on oats, 386;
on buckwheat, 387; on peas, turnips and carrots,
394; on potatoes, 409.

BURNING, directions to escape, 399.

BUTTER, general observations on the manufacturing

of, 285.

BYRON, Lord, list of his works, 64.

CABBAGES, culture of, injurious to the soil, 179. Large

one raised in Aldie, Va. 215-do. in Northampton

county, Va. 362.

CAMPO MARTO, farm of, in Italy, account of its ma-

nagement, 1.

CANALS, extracts from the report of the commission-

ers of the New York, 77. Remarks by "Anne
Arundel," on cutting one from Annapolis to Wash-
ington, 222. List of, in the United States, 286.
Progress of the Chesapeake and Delaware, 801.
Report of the president and directors of do. to
Gov. Kent, 381. Proposed one in Georgia, 325,
Estimated cost of the Chesapeake and Ohio, 413.
CANVASS, American, superiority of, 231, 242.
CARNATIONS, time for potting, 6.
CARPENTER, George W. observations and experi-
ments on opium, 211.

CARROTS, notice of a large one raised in Maryland,

16-do. in Pennsylvania, 177. Directions for cul-

tivating, 179. Experiments in the culture of, 394.

CARTS AND WAGONS, where best used, 284.
CARTER'S LETTERS from Europe, proposals for pub-
lishing, 96.

CASTOR OIL, American, the manufacture of, profita-

ble, 373.

CATTLE, manner of feeding in Piedmont-Colour of

in Tuscany, 1. Cheap fodder for, 105. Short-

horned not a native breed of Britain-excellent

food for, 179. Uses of salt to, when given freely,

179. Il effects of soiling, 193. Fodder for, 204.

Cure for wens, 204. Notice of a disease in, called

shoulder brake, 229. The importance of selecting

good breeds, 243. Account of the large ox, Colum-

bus, 312. Weight of some at Washington, Pa. 315.

Bulls of the Devon and short-horn wanted, 380.

Short-horned for sale by James Cox, 404.

CATTLE SHOW, Hartford, remarks on, by the editor
of the Connecticut Courant, 208. At Baltimore,
257. At Easton, Md, 323.
CATTERPILLARS, how to destroy, 117.
CAULIFLOWERS, directions for cutting, 197. How
to keep for any length of time, 286.

CELERY, large head of, 93.

CHEAT, remarks on, by a Farmer, 116-do. by A. P.


CHEESE, Parmesan, method of making, 1. American,
too much made, 120. To preserve from mites,
CHEESMAN, George H. queries by, on rolling land,


CHERRIES, very fine raised by J. Willis, 104. Re-
marks on eight varieties of, by W. Prince, 260-
do. on ten varieties by do. 363.
CHESNUTS, flour made from, in Tuscany, 1. Compa-
rative weight of American and French, by M. F.
Wheeler, 272.
CHRYSANTHEMUM, Chinese, description of the seve-
ral varieties of, by William Prince, 252.

CIDER, on the manufacture and fining of, by B. B.

Cooper, 387. Methods of making good, 229, 237,

CLARKE, George J. F. Esq. memoir by, on the culti-
vation of the Spanish segar tobacco, 337.

CLAY, on burning, information wanted, by a subscri

ber, 251.

CLIMATE, amelioration of, 9.

CLOVER, treatment of the second crop, 179.

-SEED, time and method of saving, getting out

and cleaning, by Robert Sinclair,-do. by "Expe-

rience," 396.

COCHINEÁL., on the culture of, (with cuts,) 188.

COCKROACHES, how to destroy, 13, 119, 143.

COKE, Thomas William, Esq. of Norfolk, (Eng.) biogra-

phical sketch of, 185.

COMPOSTS, their application and cost, 201.

CONGRESSIONAL ITEMS, of general interest, S03,
311, 312.

CONSUMPTION, good effects of riding in, 327. Liver-
wort, a remedy for, 382.
COOPER, B. B. on raising fruit trees, and the manu-
facture of cider, 387. His experience in the use
of different kinds of manures, 411.

-Joseph, his directions for making wine from
cherries, currants, &c. 109.
CORN, on the selection of, for seed, by Calvin Jones,
12. Preservation of, 124. Proper directions for
stalking, 179. Sown broadcast on fallow, its fari-
naceous product and value as long fodder; sown
broadcast on rye stubble and sward, its product and
value, by J. H Powel, 207. Tall growth of, in
Ohio, 315. Large crop, 316. Remarks on the
height of, by Agricultor, 331.

-GUINEA, its cultivation, great product, and va-
lue as food for cattle, 193. Queries respecting, by
R. Dunbar, 410.

-LAWS, British, effect of, on the agricultural
productions of the United States, 52.

COTTON, estimates of the imports and consumption of

in Great Britain, in seven years, 5. Quality of the

Maryland, 7. On the qualities of the nankin, cul-

tivated in North Carolina, 81. Consumption of, in

France, Switzerland, and the United States, 116.

Report on the causes which contribute to the pro-

duction of fine Sea Island, by Whitemarsh B. Sea-

brook, 129, 137, 145. Improper for wounds, 208.

On the employment of in the manufacture of bag-
ging, cordage, and coarse fabricks, 219, 225, 235,
241, 249, 260, 274, 290, 298, 307, 314, 324, 330, 346,
353, 395, 410. Quantity of cloth made on the farm
of Dr. J. E. Muse, 242. Value of goods annually
manufactured in Great Britain, 220. Trade at
Havre, in 1826 and 7, 231. Exports of, from Pe-
tersburg, Va. for twelve months, 242. Thread of,
preferable to flax, for shoes, 247. Account of the
"spinster" used in Tennessee and Alabama, 249.
On the growth of Sea Island, in Virginia, by J.
Mercer, 260. African mode of dying a rich and
lasting blue, 299. Remarks on the manufacture of,
in North Carolina, 307. History of the trade and
manufacture of, in Great Britain, 313. Printing in
the United States, 327. Mr. Fisher's report to the
legislature of North Carolina on the establishment
of manufactures, &c. 346, 353. Present state and
future prospects of the market in England, &c. 411.

COWS, observations on by T. Pickering, 13. Winter

food for, 27, 315. Extraordinary one, belonging

to J. H. Powel, Esq. 100. Further particulars

concerning it, 105. Extraordinary one owned by

Dr. Elmer, in New Jersey, 176. Good ones want-

ed, 232.

COX, James, offers short-horned cattle for sale, 404.

CROPS, rotation of, 17. Essay on, by W. C. Nicholas,

49, 57. Do. by Sir H. Davy, 65. Prospect of, in

Virginia, 83, 396. North Carolina, 100, 179, 252,

220. Maryland, 100, 149, 179, 404. In Alabama,

107. In New York, 133. In Pennsylvania, 139,

149, 179. In Georgia, 164. Inquiries as to the

advantage of a certain rotation of, by a young Far-

mer, 220.

CREAM, method of preserving, 210.

CUCUMBERS, on pickling with whiskey instead of vi-

negar, 94. Large one, 117.

CULTURE, origin and principles of, as derived from

the study of vegetables, 9. Influence of, on vege-

tables and fruits, 10.

CUTS, box for transplanting plants, 38. Mail stage for

a rail road, 126. Rail road carriages, on Mr. Mill's

plan, 142. Illustrative of the culture of cochineal,

189. Transplanting instruments and orange box,

212. Of the great ox Columbus, 312. Solution of

a question, by V. 351. Shewing the mode of culti-

vating potatoes, 363. Machine for measuring the

depth of ploughing, 384.

EDITORIAL REMARKS, on the selection of horses for

EBRIETY, maxims of, 288.

breeding, 14. On the Baltimore and Ohio rail

road, 23. On systematic farming, 36. On weaving

in families, 40. On the cattle show for 1827, 41.

On the town of Salem, and its vicinity, 56. On

the good effects resulting from Agricultural Fairs,

80. On the Boston Medical Intelligencer, 93. On

the season and the crops, 120. On the culture of

silk, 128. On wool, 132. On American silk, 136.

Occasioned by a toast given by the sheriff of Suf-

folk, Mass. 144. On domestic manufactures-on

the necessity of preserving pedigrees of celebrated

horses, 192. On diet, 206. On the approaching

fair, 208, 247. On the employment of cotton for

cotton bagging, &c. 219. Suggesting the propri-

ety of ladies attending the fair-on the fair to

be held for the benefit of the Orphaline Charity

School, 223. Acknowledging the receipt of fruits

and wines, 232. On the advantages of encourag-

ing the breed of horses in Maryland, 248. On

the cattle show of 1827-on the utility of pub-

lishing the accounts of races, and the pedigrees

of valuable horses, 264. On the Dorchester coun-

ty cattle show, 272. On the bad effects of simi-

larity in the names of horses, 278. On Colonel

Long's letter to the rail road company, 280. In

reply to "A Subscriber," on the use of ardent spi-

rits among labourers, 288. On the erection of

monuments, 303. On farming in New England

on economy in fodder, 321. On Fessenden's Far-

mer's Almanac, 328. On the establishment of an

agricultural society in Ohio, &c. 352. Noticing the

Southern Agriculturist--on the proper time for sow-

ing oats, 363. On rail roads, 367. On the native

black mulberry, 380. On distribution of seeds, 392.

On the proposed rail road from the Chesapeake to

the Delaware, 400. On the use of Mules, 407.

ELLIOT, Capt. J. D. sends carrier pigeons and hogs to

the editor, 32.

ENGINEERING, civil, remarks on, by Amphicon, 205.

ENGLAND, national debt, rise of, 32.

EQUESTRIAN performances, an account of some re-

markable, 94.

FAMILY PHYSICIAN, American, by Dr. Ewell, notices

of, 302.

FAMILY RECORD, plan of, 7.
FARMERS, observations on the different classes of, in
limited circumstances, &c. 89, 97.
FARMING, systematic, 36. In New England, 321.
FARM HOUSES, on neatness and order in, by the Rev.
C. A. Goodrich, 315.

FAUNTLEROY, M. G. wishes a partner in a manufac-

tory of cotton-approves of Sinclair & Moore's self-

sharpening plough, 383.

FECUNDITY, extraordinary, of a sow, 308.

FELLENBERG, Rev. Emanuel de, sketch of his Agri-

cultural Institute, and system of education, 50.

Description of his school, at Hofwyl, by John Mur-

ray, Esq. 164.

-School, plan of one, for Pennsylvania, 378.

FIELD SEEDS, inquiries as to the time and manner of

sowing, 308.

FIGS, directions for drying, wanted, 53.

FISH PONDS, management of, in France, 255.
FITZHUGH, William H. queries on the manufacture
of wool, and the employment of slaves, 260.
FLANNEL, observations on the use of, as an article of
clothing, by Dr. Barlow, 6. On the manufacture
of, in the United States, 87.
FLAX, how to dress so as to look like silk, 181. In-
quiries respecting, by J. T. Kilby, 396.
FLORICULTURE, florists' flowers used in, 11.
FLORIDA, climate, productions, &c of, 40. Answer
to inquiries relative to middle, propounded by a
gentleman in Switzerland, &c. &c. by D. B. Ma-
comb, Esq. 217.

FODDER, cheap, 106.

FOOD, Animal, remarks on the texture of and the dif-
ferent methods of cooking, 93.

FORSYTH, William, his composition for the cure of
diseases, defects, and injuries in all kinds of fruit
and forest trees, 75.

FOWL, how to fatten, 199.

FRUIT TREES, variety of, for sale in British nurse-

ries, 10. On trimming, by Joseph Kersey, 29. On

the management of various kinds, by John Willis,

44. To cure the blight on, 61. Injured by the

pea-bug, 101.

GARDENING, directions for 44. Remarks in favour
of ornamental, extracted from Mr. Carter's address
to the New York Horticultural society, 268.
GARDEN SEED, remarks on saving, by An Old Gar-
dener, 149. Do. by D. L. Jr. 180.

GARNETT, James M. proposes to publish the husban-

dry and horticulture of the middle, northern and

eastern states, 367.

GEESE, extraordinary longevity of a pair in the state
of New York, 16.

GLUE, French method of making, from bones, 355.

GOLD, Thomas, on the agriculture of New England,

161. On deep ploughing, 169. On grasses, 377.

On agricultural societies, 394.

GOLDSBOROUGH, R. H. on the Hessian fly and rare
ripe wheat, 99.
GOOSEBERRIES, very large ones from the garden of
Isaac McKim, Esq. 136.

GORWOOD, his rules for choosing a race horse by ex-
GOSYPIUM, on the manufacture of cotton, &c. by slave
ternal appearances, 382.

labour, 410.

GOURDS, large, 109.

GRAFTING, observations on, in answer to a "Young
Backwood's Farmer," by P. 39. The peach on the
rose, by A. Landrum, 53.

GRAIN, on the preservation of, from mice, 152. Pro-
per time for cutting all kinds of, 179. On the pro-
priety of substituting weight for measure in the
selling of, by Justitia, 187.

GRAPES, description of the "Scuppernong," 29. Ex-

cellent quality of the "Alexander"-varieties cul-
tivated in Italy, 30. General remarks on the Co-
rinthian, or Zante currant, by S. W. Pomeroy, 37.
Experiments with the "Bland," 39 Query res
pecting the kinds best for making wine, 53. Co-
rinthian, or Zante currant, further remarks on, 83.
On the "Roanoke" or "Scuppernong," and the
wine made therefrom, by James G. Hall, 139. On
the proper selection of, for vineyards, by William
Prince, 221. Remarks on the native, by D. & C.
Landreth, 221. Notices of some fine ones, by W.
Prince, 276, 284. Notice of the Isabella, and the
wine made therefrom, by W. Prince, 294. Further
remarks on the "Isabella," by "A Constant Rea-
der," 309. Do. do. by W. Prince, 325. On the
Scuppernong, by Orion, 348. Great addition of, to
William Prince's garden from the Luxembourg,
356. Names and qualities of the best French, by
D. N. Norton, 380. On the Scuppernong as a na-
tive, by William Prince-different kinds cultivated
in Tennessee, 397.

GRASSES, on the different kinds of, 4, 11, 20, 27, 35,

42, 58, 67, 78, 82, 90, 98, 105, 115, 131, 147.

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