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of all is, that, in order to affect others, we must be affected ourselves; for which end, we must be deeply touched with the fubject we treat of, be fully-convinced of it, and be fenfible of its whole truth and importance. We muft likewife form a ftrong representation to ourselves of the things we would make ufe of, to move the paffions of the auditors, and describe them in a warm and lively manner; and this we shall do, if we are careful to ftudy nature, and to take her always for our guide. For whence comes it that we fee ignorant perfons exprefs themselves with fo much eloquence, in the firft fallies of their grief or anger, except 'tis because those fenfations are not studied or fictitious, but drawn from truth and nature itself?

u AnAthenian having intreated Demofthenes to plead for him against a citizen, from whom he pretended to have received a great affront; and as he was giving a relation of this pretended ill ufage with a cold and fedate tone of voice, without paffion or warmth: Not a word of this is true, fays Demofthenes; you have not been ill treated, as you fay you were. How ! replies the other, raifing his voice, and feeming in a great paffion : Have I not been ill treated, have not I been injured? Upon hearing this tone of voice, Demofthenes perceived the truth, and undertook the caufe. " Cicero relates fomething like this of an orator named Callidius, against whom he pleaded: What! fays he, if it were true that a defign was formed against your life, as you pretend, would you speak of an attempt of this kind with fuch a languid careless air, which, fo far from moving the paffions of your auditors, is fit only

t Quid enim aliud eft caufæ, ut lugentes utique in recenti dolore difertiffime quædam exclamare videantur, & ira nonnunquam indoctis quoque eloquentiam faciat, quam quod illis ineft vis mentis, & veritas ipfa morum? Ibid.

u Plut, in Vit. Demofth. w Hocipfum pofuit pro argumento, quod tam folute egiffet,

tam leniter, tam ofcitanter. Tu ifthuc, M. Callidi, nifi fingeres, fic ageres ?.... Ubi dolor? ubi ardor animi, qui etiam ex infantium ingeniis elicere voces & querelas folet? Nulla perturbatio animi, nulla corporis. ... Itaque tantum abfuit ut inflammares noftros animos: fomnum ifto loco vix tenebamus. Brut. n. 277, 278.


to lull them afleep? Is that the language of grief and indignation, which put lively and animated complaints into the mouths even of children? Thefe two examples fhew that we must be moved ourselves, if we would move others, and feel the fame emotions in our own breasts, with which we would infpire others: * Si vis me flere, dolendum eft primum ipfi tibi.

y The peroration is the proper place for the paffions. It is there the orator difplays all that is powerful, tender, and moving in eloquence, according to the importance and nature of affairs, in order to complete his conqueft over the hearts of the auditors, and to extort their confent.

Sometimes he does not stay till the conclufion, to raife the paffions in this manner; but places them after every narrative, when the caufe comprehends several of them; or after every part of the narrative, when it is too long; or, laftly, after the proof of every fact, and it is that we call amplification. The invectives against Verres fu.nifh a great many examples of this kind.

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The orator likewife moves the paffions in the other parts of the oration, but more concifely, and with much greater caution and referve: Omnes hos affectus-alia quoque partes recipiunt, fed breviores. And this is what Antony obferved with fuch fuccefs in his fine oration for Norbanus: Ut tu illa omnia odio, invidia, mifericordia mifcuifli! fays Sulpicius, after he had run through and pointed out the whole feries, and all the feveral parts of the oration.


"I wonder at thofe, fays Quintilian, who pretend "that the paffions are not to be raised in narration. If "they mean only by this, that we are not to dwell "long upon them, as is practifed in the peroration, "they are in the right; for there we must avoid pro

x Horat.

y Quint. 1, 6. c. 1.

z Deguftanda hæc (miferatio) prooemio, non confumenda, Quint.

1. 4. c. I.

a Ibid.

b Cic lib. de Orat. n. 203.
c Quint. 1. 4. c. 2.


lixity. But I do not fee the reafon why endeavours "fhould not be used to affect the judges while the "orator is informing them of the ftate of the case, "fince, if we have then been able to infpire them "with fentiments of anger or compaffion, they will "be much better difpofed to receive and relish the "proofs. Cicero ufed this method in defcribing the "punishment of a Roman citizen, and in relating, "in another place, the cruelty of Verres to Philoda"mus" Quid? Philodami cafum nonne per totam expofitionem incendit invidia? (words that fhew the whole narration is moving and pathetic)" Indeed, << f to wait to the end of the oration, in order to "draw compaffion for things which he had related "with dry eyes, is a little too late." A relation of grave and moving fubjects would be very imperfect, if it were not lively and paffionate.

The paffage relating to Gavius's punishment, in the laft invective against Verres, would alone be fufficient to juftify the rules we have now laid down. h After Cicero had prepared for the fact by a kind of exordium, which is very vehement, and related the manner of, and the reason why Gavius was carried to Meffina before Verres, he comes to the description of the punishment. He infifts at first upon these two circumftances, viz. whipping a Roman citizen in the middle of the Forum at Meffina, and fixing him on a crofs. These circumftances are not related coldly, or without paffion, but after a very lively and moving manner: Cædebatur virgis in medio foro Meffana civis Romanus, Judices, cum interea nullus gemitus, nulla vox alia illius miferi inter dolorem crepitumque plagarum audiebatur, nifi hæc: Civis Romanus fum. Hac fe commemoratione civitatis amnia verbera depulfurum, crucia

d Verr. 7. n. 171.

e Verr. 3. n. 76.

f Serum eft advocare his rebus affectum, quas fecurus narraveris.

g N. 157. 171.
h N. 157, 158.

i N. 159.
k N, 160, 161,


tumque à corpore dejecturum arbitrabatur. Is non modo hoc non perfecit, ut virgarum vim deprecaretur: fed, cum imploraret fæpius, ufurparetque nomen civitatis, crux, crux, inquam, infelici & ærumnofo, qui nunquam iftam poteftatem viderat, comparabatur.

This narrative, which is very pathetic in itself, is followed by the amplification, 'in which Cicero, with his ufual eloquence, difplays all the indignity of this ill ufage of Gavius: Onomen dulce libertatis! O jus eximium noftræ civitatis! &c.

He relates one of the laft circumftances of the execution, and reproaches Verres with having induftrioufly made choice, for putting a Roman citizen to death, of a place, from whence the unhappy wretch might, as he was dying, fee Italy from the top of the gallows Ut ille, qui fe civem Romanum diceret, ex cruce Italiam cernere, ac domum fuam profpicere poffet. This thought which is very moving, though expreffed in two lines, is immediately after enlarged and explained: Italiæ confpectus ad eam rem ab ifto electus eft. ut ille in dolore cruciatuque moriens, perangufto freto di vifa fervitutis ac libertatis jura cognofceret; Italia autem alumnum fuum extremo fummoque fupplicio affectum videret.

The amplification follows of course, and it reprefents that circumftance in the moft glaring light poffible: Facinus eft vinciri civem Romanum, &c.

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In fine, Cicero concludes all this paffage with a figure equally bold and pathetic; and by a laft reflection, which affects all the citizens, and feems to be a kind of epilogue, by faying that, if he should speak in a defart, the hardest rocks would be moved with the relation of fo unworthy a treatment. How much more reason then have the fenators and judges to be affected, who, by their conditions and ftations, are the protectors of the laws, and defenders of the Roman

1 N. 161. 167.

m N. 168.

n N. 169.

• N. 170, 171.


liberty? Si in aliqua defe tiffima folitudine ad faxa & fcopulos hæc conqueri & deplorare vellem, tamen omnia muta atque inanima tanta & tam indigna rerum atrocitate commoverentur, &c.

This is a perfect model of the manner how a nar ration may be vehement, either in the relation itself, or by the reflections which follow it.

PA kind of chance furnished Craffus inftantaneously with a very lively and vehement turn of eloquence. Cicero has preferved it in his fecond book de Oratore. Whilft Craffus was pleading againft Brutus, the funeral of a Roman lady, who was related to the latter, came into the forum, where it is known that orators used to harangue. Upon this, he discontinued his oration, and says to Brutus: "What news "would you have this lady carry to your father? "What would you have her fay to those famous "Romans, whofe images are carried with this fune"ral; to your ancestors, to that Brutus who deli"vered the people from kingly government? What "fhall fhe tell them you are employed in? Upon "what celebrated action, what virtue, on what "kind of glory, fhall fhe tell them you value your"felf?" And after he had made a long catalogue of all his faults: "Can you still, says he, after all this, "bear the light of the fun? fhew yourself in the "city?

city appear before your fellow-citizens? Ought not the very fight of this corpfe, and thefe images, "which feem to reproach you with all your extrava"gancies, to fill you with fear and horror ?"

p Quas tragoedias egit idem Craffus) cum cafu in eadem caufa cum funere efferretur anus Junia! Proh, Dii immortales, quæ fuit illa, quanta vis? quam inexpectata ? quam repentina ? cum, conje&tis oculis, geftu omni imminenti, fumma gravitate & celeritate verborum: Brute, quid fedes? Quid illam anum patri nunciare vis tuo? quid illis omnibus, quorum imagines duci

vides? quid majoribus tuis? quid

Bruto, qui hunc populum dominatu regio liberavit ? quid te facere? cui rei, cui gloriæ, cui virtuti ftudere ?Patrimonione augendo, &c. Tu lucem afpicere audes? tu hos intueri ? Tu in foro, tu in urbe, tu in civium effe confpectu tu illam mortuam, tu imagines ipfas non perhorrefcis ? 2 de Orat. n. 225, 226.


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