Religious and Literary Entelligence. BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL The Anniversary Meeting of the British and Foreign School Society, was held on Tuesday May 13th at Freemason's Hall. Before eleven o'clock in the morning, the Hall, which was fitted up with great neatness, for the accommodation of Ladies, was filled in every part by a respectable throng of persons of distinction; a considerable number of Ladies and Gentlemen of the Society of Friends were also present. Soon after 12 o'clock, His Grace the Duke of BEDFORD entered the Hall, and took the Chair amid great applause. His Grace was accompanied by the Marquis of Tavistock, Sir John Jackson, Bart. Sir James Mackintosh, M. P. Mr. Barclay, M. P. Mr. Brougham, M. P. His Excellency the French Ambassador, Lord Ossulston, Lord William Russel, The Sultan Katteghery, Baron Strandman, Dr. Hamel, Mr. Mellett, Secretary of the Elementary School Society at Paris, Mr. Moran, and a considerable number of Ministers from various parts of the country. When the Duke of BEDFORD took the Chair, he informed the meeting that His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, who took a deep interest in the well being of the Society, was every moment expected. His Grace begged leave to repeat the deep interest which he should ever take in its welfare. Clergy, in many instances, lent their aid to the diffusion of education, according to this system. The same intelligence was received from India, where the Missionaries co-operated in the undertaking. The most favourable accounts had also been received from the Continent of Europe. In France, according to the information conveyed by Mr. Moran (who first introduced the system into that country.) The most liberal support had been given by the King, the Duke de la Chartre, Count Laine, and several Prefects and other Functionaries. His Majesty had directed that the Catholic and Protestant boys should be educated in different Schools, to admit of their receiving religious instruction from their several pastors. In Russia and the North of Europe it received every support. In Rome no objections were started against its introduction, and Cardinal Gousalvi, on the part of the Pope, desired that books of the Society should be forwarded for perusal. In the Kingdom of Hayti it had also obtained a footing. In Spain, Africa, America, Sierra Leone, and other places similar success had marked its progress. WILLIAM ALLEN, Esq. the Treasurer, then read the financical statement of the accounts of the Society. The Treasurer took a retrospective view of the great difficulties the Society had to struggle with in past years, yet he could not help acknowledging the hand of God in its support, for in a moment when there apThe business of the day was then opened peared to be no immediate prospect of by reading the Report of the current help, and those few friends who joined year's proceedings. This Report was of with the late lamented Joseph Fox, had the most gratifying kind-the sum of exerted themselves to the utmost, they £10,000, which was required to clear received a sum of £500 from a benevolent off some old debts, and erect a proper individual. This worthy man whose School-house, had, with an additional name he might now mention, was Richard sum, been procured within the last year. Reynolds of Bristol, who, at different Mr. Owen of Lanark, had contributed times had contributed between 2 and £1000, to this vested subscription. It £3000 to the funds of this Institution. appeared from the Report, that the system And when he viewed the prosperous of this Society had been widely spread situation of the Society, which is this in every quarter of the world. In the day freed from the incumbrance of its Borough Free Schools alone 12,000 chil- debts, and the buildings erected with only dren had been educated, independently a further advance of £2,500, he could not of its being the centre from which in- help thinking that if ever the hand of structors were initiated into the system, providence was manifested in support of and sent to every part of the world. a benevolent Institution, it was evident -Jews' School, for the education of 400 in this. - boys, had also been established in Houndsditch. The Auxiliary Society, in Southwark had also done much in support of the system; and the parish of Newington had erected a School on the principle of Associations, which would be opened in a few days. The most satisfactory accounts were also received from Scotland and Ireland; in the latter country the Catholic A Sir JOHN JACKSON proposed the adoption of the Report, on which he pronounced the warmest panegyric. The Rev. J. TOWNSEND seconded the motion, and took a warm and energetic view of the state of education in this country. He said that he should be ungrateful indeed, if he were not an advocate for gratuitous education, having him self received it at Christ's Hospital. The Rev. Gentleman paid a just tribute to the early instruction he had received from an excellent mother, and very beautifully described the importance of education, to the present and future welfare of man, The Marquis of TAVISTOCK proposed a motion of thanks to the Prince Regent, and their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Kent and Sussex, for their patronage of this Society. Mr. CHARLES BARCLAY, M. P. seconded this motion, and paid a just tribute to the merits of the Society. Wide as this system of education had been diffused, there were, he was sorry to say, 6000 children uneducated at present in the Borough of Southwark. The noble Chairman lamented the absence of the Duke of Sussex, which he apprehended was occasioned by indisposition. He then read a letter from the Duke of Kent, dated Brussels, May 5th. which contained the strongest expression of His Royal Highness's anxiety for the success of this Society. exertions in the Female department, from the important effects which education always has on the human mind, and very properly described those advantages in promoting the happiness of families, as servants, or the mothers of families. He expressed his regret that the Female department appeared to be deficient in the state of its funds, and relied on the assistance of the Ladies to support this important department of the Institution. The Rev. Dr. WAUGH in seconding the motion took an extensive view of the blessings of instruction. Like the God of nature, in an intellectual point of view, it said "let there light." Light is daily diffusing its beams in all directions, and while the Ladies are entitled to the warmest thanks of the meeting for their active exertions, he reminded them of the strong claim which is laid on them from the rank which they held in society. Here the Rev. Dr. engaged the attention of his audience by some lively and interesting sketches of the inferior station of women in various parts of the world where education has not extended itself, nor Christian principles become established. Major TORRENS proposed a vote of thanks to the Duke of Bedford, as President of the Society. He pronounced an eloquent panegyric upon his Grace, whom His Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX he described as the hereditary friend of proposed a vote of thanks to the Treaall that was noble, free, and liberal insurer, Secretary, and Committee. His England. He also described in forcible terms, the quantity of female talent which this country produced, and strongly urged the advancement of the Female School. His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex entered the room amidst the applauses of the meeting. Royal Highness paid a just tribute to the The Rev. JOHN PATTERSON gave a most encouraging account of the general disposition of the people in many parts of the Continent to read the Scriptures and mentioned the case of a number of boys at Gottenburgh, who, of their own accord had formed a Juvenile Bible Society, which amounted to 400, and that some of the boys, who had no money at command, subscribed a penny per THOMAS FAWELL BUXTON, Esq. very week, to be taken from their dinner eloquently seconded the motion. In alluallowance. He mentioned the universal sion to the Treasurer, who had stated his instruction of the people in many parts willingness to resige his office into other of Sweden, which he had visited, and hands, Mr. B. remarked that when the the custom of that country in refusing Society was in extreme difficulties when marriage to persons until they were able year after year the Treasurer was called to read. He paid a just tribute to the upon for further advances, when every Emperor Alexander, who among the thing was difficult and discouraging, the various objects of his expanded benevo-worthy Treasurer said nothing about relence was engaged in promoting Schools on the improved system. The noble Chairman acknowledged the thanks of the meeting, declaring that such were the transcendant advantages of this Institution, that he dared not have withheld his support and exertion in its favour. signing his office. Now, when the Society is in prosperity and in flourishing cir cumstances, the Treasurer modestly conceals bimself behind the Noble Chairman, and is willing to yield up an office, no longer calling for such anxious cares, into other hands. He need not say that such a resignation could never be thought of by the members of this Institution or his GEORGE PHILLIPS, Esq. in proposing a vote of thanks to the Ladies of the Com-services ever forgot. mittee strenuously urged still greater The Rev. Dr. SCHWABE acknowledged the thanks of the Meeting, both for the Treasurer and himself. Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH moved the thanks of the meeting to those benevolent individuals, who, by their exertions had raised the sum of £11, 024, 13s. 1d. for liquidating the debts and the erection of new buildings. In the most eloquent manner this Gentleman discanted on the benefits of education. He stated that by documents laid before the House of Commons, it appeared that the punishment of criminals cost this country £150,000 annually. This large sum is expended in inflicting misery and pain on our fellow creatures. He did not say that any blame was attached to the Government of this country for this expenditure. He declared his conviction that the punishment of Criminals was benevolent in its effects on Society, and that the laws were administered in the most admirable spirit of mercy by our judges. But a small part of this sum, if laid out in the instruction of children, would do more to prevent this infliction of pain and unhappiness, than all the punishment arising from the execution of the laws, and it would have the immense advantages of rendering persons, who, by ignorance are growing up to be the pests of Society, valuable and useful members of the community. The Rev. Dr. MASON Secretary to the American Bible Society, rejoiced in the spirit of British benevolence, and in the individuality of the objects of different Institutions. He considered it his greatest happiness to be present at the Meetings held in London at this season of Christian exertion. While he respected his native Country and its Government, he was proud that British blood flowed through his veins. He was happy to say the same spirit was widely diffused in America, and education was making rapid progress on that Continent. The Rev. Mr. HILLYARD paid a tribute of respect to the Noble Chairman, and the Marquis of Tavistock, for the exertions made in the neighbourhood of Bedford, not only for the relief of their temporal necessities, but in supporting Schools, and dispensing to them the bread of life. The Rev. ROWLAND HILL highly approved of the plan of this Institution, and remarked that since their establishment the Sunday Schools in Southwark were increased from 2 to 8000. And he was happy to see the instruction of the children on week days, united with the benefits of religious instruction at their respective places of worship on Sundays. He rejoiced in what is doing by another institution among the children of the establishment, but he could not agree to the exclusion of those who dissent from it. Including the Catholics, half of the population may be considered as dissen ters. Should this large mass of our fel low subjects be doomed to ignorance be eause of the religion of their parents? Were such a dreadful event to take place in a generation or two, we might expect a large proportion of them to become barbarians. R. H. Marten, Esq. Rev. Jacob Snelgar, and the Rev. E. J. Jones addressed the meeting, and His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex concluded, by moving the thanks of the Meeting to the Noble Duke in the Chair. LONDON SOCIETY For Promoting Christianity among the Jews. We have already had occasion to advert to this Society, which was founded in the year 1809, upon the broad principle of admitting various denominations into a share in its direction; but as some prac tical difficulties in the management were found to arise from this union, in 1815 (if we mistake not) the dissenters withdrew, and left the concern wholly in the conduct of members of the Establishment, in consequence of which, the Bps of St. Davids and of Gloucester were invited to become its joint patrons, and the following account will shew that they have cheerfully acceded. Whether the projectors of this society were too sanguine, or whether they have been duped by false friends or pretended converts, is not for us to say, but they have certainly met with unusual disappointments and discouragements, which we think it necessary to mention, because the fact is alluded to, more or less, by almost all the speakers of this anniversary, which was introduced by two sermons by the Rev. Basil Woodd and Lewis Way. After the latter, the Society adjourned to the public Meeting at Freemasons' Hall, Friday, May, 10, at 12 o'clock. Sir THOMAS BARING, Bart. M. P. President of the Society, in the Chair. The business of the Meeting was introduced by the Chairman, who, with a modest diffidence, stated the grand object of the Society to be to promote the salvation of the Jews, by directing their at tention to the Lamb of God, and to the fountain of redemption opened in his blood upon Mount Calvary. The Jews, he remarked, had a claim upon the Christians, from their faithful preservation of the Old Testament Scriptures, and we had every reason to believe that they will be restored to the favour of God and the bosom of the Church. With respect to the Society, it has undoubtedly been embarrassed, but by the zeal of its friends and economy in its affairs, its prospects had become far more encouraging. Rev. Mr. HAWTREY (one of the Secre found among the subscribers to the Bible Society. But the great field for useful ness appeared to be in Russia and in Poland. In the latter only were reckoned 400,000 of that nation, and in the whole dominions of the Emperor Alexander, not less than 2 millions. This had led the Committee to turn their attention to those countries, whither it is proposed to send Missionaries, and if some of these could be sent to Jerusalem at the feast of the Passover, the gospel might be conveyed to Jews of as many different nations as on the day of Pentecost. A college was also intended to be established in the British metropolis for the preparation of such Missionaries, for the cultivation of Hebrew literature, and for the translation of the book of Common Prayer. taries) then read the REPORT, which stated the honourable patronage it had recently received from the prelates above mentioned; that an episcopal chapel had been erected, and is supported to preach the Gospel to the Jews, besides lectures adapted to their instruction in other chapels and churches in the Establishment; that Schools also had been founded for the education of their children of both sexes, in which there are at present above 70 under instruction. The Report then stated the progress which had been made in printing the New Testament to the end of St. Paul's epistles (except that to the Hebrews), the readiness with which it had been received and circulated among the Jews, both at home and abroad, so far as to the end of Acts; that various tracts, both practical and controversial, had been disseminated among the sons of Israel with good effect; that a monthly publication, called "the Jewish Expositor," was carried on to promote the same benevolent design; that a correspondence had been opened on this subject in vari-pendence on the divine blessing for sucous parts abroad; and that at home a society had been formed for visiting and relieving distressed Jews at their own habitations, which last promised results peculiarly gratifying. The Report then proceeds to state, that towards supporting the funds of the Society, various Auxiliary Societies had been formed, not only in Britain, but in Calcutta and America-that in this work of benevolence the ladies had been particularly active; that Mrs. Hannah Adams, author of a late History of the Jews, had (in particular) founded a Ladies Auxiliary Society in Boston, New England, and that another lady (whose name could not be mentioned) had lately given £500, in addition to £200 before, making the whole produce of the last year £6,589. But the expenditure had been proportionally large; and left in the hands of the treasurers but a very trifling balance. It had been expected that the chapel lately occupied by the Society in Spitalfields might have been opened in the establishment, but as the rector of that parish strenuonsly opposed this, it would be necessary to dispose of it in some other way. Some painful circumstances had also occurred in the conduct of persons from whom much better things were hoped, and those it had been necessary to dismiss from the Society; but on the other hand they had not been without encouraging success. A Polish Jew of considerable learning had embraced the gospel; and a wealthy Jew of Malta, who had been sometime since converted by reading one of the Society's Hebrew Tracts, had exerted himself in the conversion of his brethren. At home 3 Jews and 39 of their children had been baptized, and not less than 50 Jews had been It might be said that these were extensive plans and called for extensive funds; but on this point there was no ground for despair, as other societies had found that the only way to accomplish great things was to aim at them, with an humble de cess. The Report closed with reciting the 80th Psalm. The Report being ended, the Bishop of GLOUCESTER moved the acceptance and printing of it; on which occasion he remarked, that this cause was chiefly sup ported by the same individuals that were engaged in the other great benevolent institutions, which had met on the preceding week, and that though it had not to boast triumphs so conspicuous as some of them, it was no less worthy of support. But Christianity had always been exposed to trials, and in the present case they might be expected from the prejudices of the Jews, from the opposition of the world, and from false friends—it was through these that it advanced to victory, as in the instances of our Lord himself; and whenever the conversion of Israel should take place, it would be no less than a resurrection, or in St. Paul's words, "life from the dead." THOMAS BABINGTON, Esq. M. P. who seconded the preceding motion, was fearful lest any thing he might say should lessen the effect of their excellent report, or of the remarks of the right rev. pre late, to several of which he briefly and respectfully adverted. He added, that the Jews abroad had not been inattentive to the wars and commotions which had lately afflicted Europe; that their thoughts had been directed to the advent of the Messiah, and the benevolent exertions of Christians, especially in the distribution of the Scriptures, had favourably impressed them, and led them to enquire into the character of our Saviour: this was particularly the case, he observed, in Poland and in Russia. W. WILBERFORCE, Esq. M. P. moved the thanks of the meeting to the right rev. prelates, who had favoured the Society with their patronage, in which, as a sincere member of the Church of England, he expressed much satisfaction, for he thought that Church very properly came forward as the friend of the distressed Jews; and he derived confidence from their zealous efforts, that a divine blessing would attend their labours. Some friends of the Society might have been too sanguine in their expectations, but changes like that to which they looked were only to be expected by degrees. After the long gloom of night, it was gradually that the streaks of light illumined our hemisphere, and after the tedious reign of winter, it was by slow advances that the buds of spring appeared, and vegetation advanced to the maturity of summer. It was a folly to complain of difficulties and disappointments; what great design was ever carried forward without them? What! were travellers to expect no weariness, or soldiers no warfare? The idea was in itself ridiculous. The Right Hon. Lord GAMBIER did not expect to be called upon to speak when he entered the room, but had great pleasure in seconding the motion, and at the same time in declaring, that " his heart's desire and prayer for Israel was, that they might be saved." The Bishop of GLOUCESTER, on the behalf of himself, and the Bishop of St. Davids, felt an honour conferred on them in the appointment. Rev. W. MARSH, of Colchester, congratulated the Society, the Church, and the world, on the formation of an institution in behalf of a people who have been so eminently a blessing to the world: "to whom pertained the adoption and the glory, the covenants, and the giving of the law, the service of God and the promises: whose are the fathers, and of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came." And knowing, as we do, that they shall eventually be converted, we ought, after the example of our great apostle, to use "all means, if by any means we might save some." Notwithstanding some may have deserted the standard of the Cross, others adhere to it, and shall the cause fail because there are some apostates? Was the fall of Judas, or even of Peter, fatal to the Christian cause? "In an age of benevolence like this, (said Mr. M.) shall the interesting nation of the Jews be overlooked, related as we are to their fathers? We are the descendants of Japheth as they are of Shem; God has persuaded Japheth to dwell in the tents of Shem, we have been made partakers of the blessings designed for them; and now Shem has no tent to dwell in, shall not the descendents of Japheth invite him to sojourn with them? A shoot from Israel's vine has been planted in our land, and we have drank the pure blood of the grape therefrom, and shall not we cherish the vine of Israel?" Mr. M. conVOL. III. cluded with moving, that the circumstances which have lately occurred in the affairs of the Society, however trying, afford no real ground of discouragement. Rev. C. SIMEON, of Cambridge seconded this motion in the most emphatic manner. He remarked that the progress of religion had always been attended with difficulties and opposition, and that those circumstances had been used by Providence to try the faith of good men, and to draw them from idolizing their favourite object, and to look above to him, who is alone able to give them success. ROBERT GRANT, jun. Esq. noticed various objections to the design of the Society, as if they were attempting to anticipate the plans of Providence, or pursue a visionary object. It was a plain command, he observed, to preach the Gospel to all nations; and if to all nations, why not to the Jews? The consolations of prophecy are intended for times of darkness and discouragement: stars were not made to enlighten the day, but the night. Possibly, the event desired may be retarded to another and another generation; yet their labours may not be in vain: for a seed-time must always precede the harvest. Mr. G. then adverted to the treatment of the Jews, in a beautiful allusion to the vision of Elijah. The tempest, the earthquake, and the fire, had visited them; but the Lord was not in these; but now, the small still voice of the Gospel is addressed to them, we may hope it will not be in vain. Rev. J. W. CUNNINGHAM, of Harrow, observed, that all the addresses which had been delivered, implied a doubt in the public mind, as to their ultimate success: but suppose, soon after the first propaga tion of the Gospel, a council had been held to consider the difficulties and discouragement which then presented themselves, what would have been the reasoning of objectors? were not their discouragements far more than ours? But they only animated them in the contest. It was with them as with Cato-the unsuccessful cause delighted him, as it called forth all his energies. He moved, that the Society has great cause for gratitude in the success of their exertions. Rev. Mr. PATTERSON, from Russia, remarked on our former treatment of the Jews: we had prayed for them, and reproached them with the hardness of their hearts; but had taken no pains to convince them of their errors. He remarked the general movement among Christians in many parts of Europe, in favour of the Jews; and that the Emperor Alexander had been particularly interested in their favour, from their fidelity to him in the time of the French invasion. Here Mr. P. read and commented upon the new decree of the Emperor of Russia in favour of the Jews. The exertions of the Society, he thought, had heen hitherto far too 2 B |