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limited; they ought to be extended
through the world, and there was the
greatest encouragement to enlarge their
operations. Mr. Pinkerton had informed❘
him, that 13 or 14 Jews, at Hamburg,
had instituted a prayer meeting, with a
view to supplicate the Divine assistance
in their enquiries. Many Jews in Russia
and in Poland had subscribed to the Bible
Societies, not only for the Old Testament
but for the New, in their own language,
particularly the Caraites. A number of
boys, at Gottenburg, had, of their own
accord, formed a Juvenile Bible Society,
which now amounted to 400, and the
Secretary was a Jew, converted under
the ministry of Dr. Steinkopff: and some
of the boys who had no money at com-
mand, subscribed a penny weekly, to be
substracted from their dinners, to meet
the difficulty.
He, therefore, hoped
there would be no delay in sending Mis-
sionaries among the foreign Jews.

The Sultan Kattegerry spoke very feelingly of the light which the Divine blessing on the Scriptures had shed on his mind, and desired the Jews might participate in the same blessing.

Two Jews from Poland and Germany explained their happiness since they came acquainted with Christianity.

cent of Mahomet sinks before the rising beams of Christianity; a Mahometan aged 40 had learned to read, purposely that he might read the Scriptures. The first Bible sold in Africa was to an Hottentot. An African said of the Scriptures, “These are the weapoms that will conquer Africa

they have conquered me." The Report stated the formation of various Bible Societies at home and abroad, particularly in Russia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, &c. and even among the Catholics, thousands of whom now read the Bible: also in the East and West Indies, America, and Africa, where a Hottentot, of 50 years of age, learned to read that he might read the Bible. The Report concluded with giving thanks to God for a disposition to encourage the distribution of the Scriptures, and imploring the Divine blessing on its exertions. The distribution of Bibles and Testaments collectively, amount to one million and three quarters, including 25 languages.

After the Report was read, apologies for unavoidable absence were received from the Bishop of Durham, Lord Exmouth, and Mr. Vansittart.

W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. congratube-lated the Society on the favourable Report just read, and on the animating intelligence it contained. "My Lord, (said Mr. W.) you have even awakened Siberia itself to life and action." Mr. W. moved the acceptance and printing of the Report, which was seconded by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Salisbury.

WM. CUNNINGHAM, Esq. very eloquently descanted on the Scripture promises relative to the Jews; but through a cold we heard him very indistinctly.

The Rev. Mr. Bickersteth, the Rev. B. Woodd, and the Rev. Lewis Way, severally addressed the meeting. The latter said, three things appeared to be requisite for the future conversion of the Jews, which he ventured to prognosticate would soon be obtained,-a Missionary for the Jews in Poland,-another for Palestine, and a Hebrew college for the instruction of Missionaries to the Jews.



THE Anniversary of this invaluable Institution, was held at the Freemasons' Hall, on Wednesday, May 17th. the Right Hon. Lord Teignmouth, President, in the chair.

A number of eloquent addresses were then delivered, but we are unavoidably compelled by want of room, to postpone the insertion of them till next month, when we hope to do more ample justice to this meeting, than is at present in our power. We cannot, however, dismiss the subject this month without mentioning a singular circumstance which has since come to our ears, and on the truth of which we think we can rely. It is that the late Meeting of the Bible Society was attended by a Gentleman of the order of the Jesuits. This person found his way to the very platform on which the speakers and members of the Committee are always accommodated, and actually took his place among them, with what views or whether

The Report, which every year encreases in extent, was read by the Chair-known to them, we do not undertake to man, assisted by the Rev. Daniel Wilson. say. He was, however, recognized by It took a review of the state of the Society, a person who resides in Lancashire, as a which our readers will rejoice to hear is member of the College of Jesuits, at extremely flourishing, and of its rapid Stoneyhurst, in that county, and to whom extension through the world. The spirit he is well known. We have ourselves of peace had poured on the world a rich seen and conversed with the person who abundance of moral and intellectual bles- communicated this information. At any sings. Christian knowledge is now con- other time than the present, we should fined to no country: the African and the not have thought a circumstance of this Asiatic the Hottentot and the Hindoo, kind worth mentioning; but when we are enabled to trace the mind of God in perceive how much the Bible Society has the pages of Scripture, and rejoice in become the subject of alarm at Rome, and there contemplating a sublimer revelation hear the fulminations of the Vatican roarthan in sun, moon, and stars. The cres-ing against it month after mouth, we can

not help shrewdly suspecting that this Jesuit gained admittance as a spy upon the conduct of the Society, and that in all human probability its late proceedings are by this time well known at Rome, and the subject of deep deliberation with the Pope and his conclave! If our conjecture be well founded, it behoves the Society to look to themselves, for assuredly there is mischief in the wind.


in order that the church, scattered over the whole world, might be of one lip, and of the same speech. Truly, when we perceive in a vernacular tongue very fre quent changes, variations, and alterations, proceeding from the immoderate licentiousness of biblical versions, that immutability must be destroyed; nay, the divine testimonies, and even the faith itself, must be shaken, especially as from the signification of one syllable the truth of a dogma may sometimes be ascertained.

4. Wherefore, by this means, heretics have been accustomed to bring forward their corrupt and most destructive mainsidiously obtrude each their own errors, chinations; in order that they might dressed up in the more holy garb of the

Addressed to the Archbishop of Mechlin, (a city in the Netherlands, 10 miles from Brussells) on the third of Sep-divine word, by publishing the Bible in tember, 1816.


To our Venerable Brother Stanislaus, Archbishop of Mechlin.

VENERABLE BROTHER, Health and Apostolic Benediction.

1. We are worn down with poignant and bitter grief at hearing of the pernicious design, not very long ago entered upon, by which the most holy books of the Bible are every where dispersed in the several vernacular tongues, and published, contrary to the most wholesome rules of the church, with new translations, and these craftily perverted into bad meanings. For we have perceived, from one of those versions which has been brought to us, that it tends to destroy the sanctity of purer doctrine; so that the faithful may easily drink deadly poison, from those fountains whence they ought to draw the waters of salutary wisdom.

2. But we were still more deeply grieved, when we read certain letters signed with the name of you, our brother; wherein you authorized and exhorted the people committed to your care, to procure for themselves modern versions of the Bible, or willingly to accept them when offered, and carefully and attentively to peruse them! Nothing certainly could more aggravate our grief than to behold you, who were placed to point out the ways of righteousness, become a stone of stumbling. For you ought carefully to have kept in view, what our predecessors have always prescribed; namely, "That if the holy Bible in the vulgar tongue were permitted every where, without discrimination, more injury than benefit would thence arise."

3. Further, the Roman church receiving only the Vulgate edition, by the well known decree of the council of Trent, rejects the versions in other languages, and allows only those which are published with notes, properly selected from the writings of the fathers and Catholic doctors; lest so great a treasure should be subject to the corruptions of novelties, and

the vulgar tongues, (though concerning the wonderful variety and discrepancy of these they mutually accuse and cavil at each other). "For heresies arise only," saith St. Augustine," when the excellent Scriptures are not well understood; and what in them is ill understood, is nevertheless rashly and boldly asserted."

5. But if we lament that men, the most renowned for piety and wisdom, have often failed in interpreting Scripture; what may not be feared, if the Scriptures, translated into every vulgar tongue, are allowed to be freely read by the ignorant common people, who usually judge not from any preference, but from a sort of temerity? "Is it so," exclaims St. Augustine properly, you, untinctured by any poetical skill, do not venture to open Terence without a master; yet you rush without a guide upon the Holy Books, and dare to give an opinion upon them without the assistance of an instructor ???


6. Wherefore, our antecessor Innocent III. in his celebrated epistle to the faithful of the Church of Metz, most wisely commanded these things: "The hidden mysteries of the faith are not every where to be laid open to all people; since they cannot every where be understood by all men, but by those only who can comprehend them with a faithful mind.". On which account (the Apostle says, 1 Cor. iii. 2.) to you who are the more ignorant, as it were babes in Christ, I gave milk to drink, not food; for strong meat belongeth to the elder. As he himself said to others: We speak wisdom among the perfect; but among you I determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. For so great is the depth of the Divine Scriptures, that not only the simple and illiterate, but even the prudent and learned, are incompetent fully to discover their meaning. On which account the Scripture affirms: Because many who have diligently searched have failed. Whence it was rightly ordained of old, in the

divine law, (Exod. xix. 12.) that the beast which shall touch the mountain should be stoned; lest truly any simple and unlearned person should presume to reach after the height of Sacred Scripture, or even proclaim it to others: for it is written, Mind not high things. Therefore the Apostle commands; not to be more wise than is becoming, but to be wise soberly."

part of that letter in which these things are related: and thus not only have you excited the strongest suspicion of your judgment on this subject, but also, by not fully quoting both the context of the holy Synod, and that of our aforesaid predecessor, you have given an occasion to others to err, in an affair of so great importance.

10. For what else, venerable brother, can these mutilations mean, but that either you thought not rightly concerning the most holy Traditions of the Church, or that these passages were expunged by you for the purpose of favouring the machinations of innovators? which certainly tend to deceive the faith of the readers, and to make even the common people themselves read with an unsuspicious mind those versions which, as we showed above, must to them be much more injurious than profitable.

7. Yet not only the letter of Innocent III. just quoted, but also the Bulls of Pius IV. Clement VIII. and Benedict XIV. are very well known; in which they fore-warned us, lest, if the Scripture was unreservedly laid open to all, it would perhaps be despised and disregarded, or being improperly understood by persons of low capacities, it would lead them into error. But you, our brother, may know plainly what is the opinion of the Church, concerning the reading and interpretation of the Scrip- 11. Moreover, if this would by no ture, from the famous Bull Unigenitus means be lawful for any Catholic person, by another of our predecessors, Clement what shall we say of a holy Prelate of XI; wherein are expressly refuted those the Church, whom pastoral dignity has opinions which assert, "That it is useful constituted the guardian of the faith and and necessary at all times, in all places, doctrine committed to him; and who is and for all descriptions of persons, to strictly bound by the force and obligation know the mysteries of the Scripture, the of the oath he has taken, both strenareading of which was intended to be forously and diligently to remove from the all,--That it is pernicious to keep it back from Christian people,-Yea, that the mouth of Christ was closed against the faithful, when the New Testament was taken out of their hands."

people dangers of erring, and to observe and maintain the laws and regulations of the Church.

12. You see therefore, venerable brother, what ought to be our mode of act8. But what caused even still greater ing toward you, if we were disposed to grief, is this; that you have gone so far enforce the severity of the Canon laws! as, when transcribing the decree of the " For," said St. Thomas of Canterbury, Council of Trent, concerning the Canon "he who does not come forward to of Scripture, that you omit those things remove what ought to be corrected, respecting Traditions, which are sanc-gives his sanction to error; nor is he free tioned by the same context. For, when from suspicion of a secret confederacy, these holy fathers openly declare, That who evidently neglects to oppose misthe Word of God is contained not merely chief." in the written books, but also in the most indubitable Traditions of the Church, in things pertaining to faith, as well as to morals; which, as proceeding either from the mouth of Christ, or dictated by the Holy Spirit, and preserved by continued succession in the Catholic Church, this most holy Synod receives and venerates with equally pious affection and reve

rence :

9. You, venerable brother, have not feared entirely to garble this passage, with the same artifice with which we observe you have quoted the letter of Pius VI. our predecessor, to Martini, Archbishop of Florence! For, when that most wise Pontiff, for this very reason commends a version of the Holy Scriptures, made by that prelate, "because he had abundantly enriched it by expositions drawn from Tradition, accurately and religiously observing the rules prescribed by the sacred congregation of the Index, and by the Roman Pontiffs" You have suppressed the

13. But we, for the love we bear you, insist only upon that thing, from which, since it must be enjoined upon you by divine authority, we cannot refrain ; namely, that you would take away the scandal, which by this mode of acting you have occasioned. Hence we most earnestly exhort you, our brother, and beseech you by the bowels of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you will strive to repair, by a due and speedy amendment, all those things which you have improperly taught or done concerning the new versions of the Bible,

We cannot,

14. And I wish, venerable brother, emulating the example of illustrious men, which procured for them such honour, that you would consider how you might reprobate these your deeds by a solemn and formal retractation! however, avoid exciting you, and by virtue of holy obedience, we even command you to do at least what is necessary for preserving the purity of doctrine, and the integrity of the faith; namely,

that in a fresh letter addressed to the evidences of Christianity-to which inpeople, containing the whole contents deed we have had frequent occasion to both of the decree of the Council of call the attention of the readers of our Trent, and of the letter of Pius VI. on | Magazine. These publications have this subject, you should sincerely and deservedly conferred upon him a large plainly teach, “ That the Christian truth portion of well-earned celebrity. But and doctrine, as well dogmatical as mo- to the reflecting mind of Dr. C. it was ral, are contained not in the Scriptures not likely to escape attention that, imonly, but also in the Traditions of the portant as the external evidences of the Catholic Church; and that it belongs to truth of the gospel manifestly are, there the Church herself alone to interpret each is a source of evidence still more important attending it, and that evidence exists in itself-it arises out of its own nature

of them.

15. Moreover, you should declare; that you did not intend to recommend those versions of the sacred books in the vulgar tongues, which were not exactly conformable to the rules prescribed by the Canons and Apostolic Institutions: lastly, you should make known and likewise declare, that, in advising and recommending the perusal of these divine Scriptures, you had not respect to all the faithful indiscriminately, but only to ecclesiastical persons, or at most to those Laymen, who in the judgment of their pastors, were sufficiently instructed.

Filled with this hope, we permanently impart to you, venerable brother, and the flock committed to your care, the Apostolic Benediction.

Given at Rome, at St. Mary the Greater, on the third day of September, 1816; the seventeenth year of our Pontificate.



and is therefore properly denominated internal. Now, the words which the preacher chose on this occasion, as the ground of his discourse, led him immediately into the consideration of this source of evidence, and his Sermon, may, without hesitation, be pronounced the finest illustration of it, that is known to any of his hearers, while the impression which was produced by it upon them, can be adequately conceived of only by those that witnessed it. But another consideration which evinces the propriety 16. If you shall truly perform all these and suitableness of this particular text things, as we trust in the Lord you will, to the occasion is, that it laid a foundaand which we promise ourselves most cer- tion for the preacher to justify the containly from your prudent and tractable duct of the Society in sending plain, undisposition, you will afford great conso- learned men, as Missionaries into distant lation to our mind, and also to the Church | lands, to convey the knowledge of salva universal. tion among nations sitting in darkness and the region of the shadow of death and thus strengthening the hands of the friends of the Mission, in the good work in which they are engaged. Allowing Dr. Chalmers his own interpretation of the prophesying mentioned in the text, namely, the simple teaching of the doctrine of Christ, we need not take time to show what a field the passage presented to him of useful illustration, and of purposes expressly consonant to the objects of the meeting. Considering the gospel as the record or testimony which God hath given of his Son, the preacher remarked that it contained in itself indisputable evidence of the source from whence it issued. It includes in itself all that is necessary to inform the judgment, to renew the mind, and to save the sout. Its discoveries and doctrines and precepts commend themselves to the conscience of every man, as in the sight of God; and they need no miracles or signs from heaven to attest their truth. Human learning is not necessary to qualify men for teaching it. The mechanic while engaged about his daily occupation may communicate the knowledge of the Saviour to sinners around him, and through the blessing of God whose record it is, may make them wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. For the sake of . our friends at a distance, we should certainly have attempted to furnish an outline of this admirable discourse; but Dr. Chalmers has been importuned to print it, and in so pressing a manner, that

LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. THE Anniversary of this Society commenced on Wednesday May 14th. with public worship at Surry Chapel, when Dr. Chalmers of Glasgow delivered a discourse from 1 Cor. xiv. 23-25. "If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad? But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all he is judged of all; and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest: and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth." Although this text may, at first sight, appear to have been rather strangely selected by the preacher, on this particular occasion, yet when we come to take a nearer survey of it, we shall find a peculiar appropriateness in it on two accounts. Dr. Chalmers is well known to have written some treatises of Uncommon excellence on the external

she has manifested the spirit of true religion. It is also believed, that her husband is a converted man. The parents and friends of both reside at Lattakoo, to which place they are gone with Mr. Read; and as they can speak the Dutch as well as the Bootsuanna language, it is hoped that they may be very useful in the first introduction of the Gospel into that city.

at Malta, and in the West Indies-the growth of missionary zeal in the Netherlands and in the United States-that there are 20 missionary students under the care of Dr. Bogue, at Gosport, and states that the Society is meditating new missions to Madagascar and Siberia.

Mr. HANKEY then gave a brief statement of the Society's funds, by which appeared that the expenditure of the past year amounted to nearly £19,000, which had been more than equalled by the receipts.

Dr. BOGUE of Gosport then moved the adoption of the Report, and in a speech of some length, took a review of the pre

GRIQUA TOWN.-Occurrences of an unpleasnat nature disturbed the peace and threatened the safety of this station, at the beginning of the last year; but the arrival of Corn Kok, in Sept. last, appears to have produced good effects. He has greatly promoted the spirit for agri-sent state of the Mission, and closed his culture, so that more corn has been sown than ever before. He has also brought with him several lively Christians from Bethesda; and many young people have lately been turned from darkness to light, of whom 40 were thought to be fit subjects for baptism.

BETHESDA, about 600 miles north of the Cape.- By a letter received from Mr. Sass, it appears that his labours have been so much blessed, that he has baptized 60 adult persons, and many others are convinced of their sinful state.

LATTAKOO.-It may be proper here to observe, that some of the brethren who were designated to commence a mission at Lattakoo, having proceeded on their way as far as Griqua Town, continued there for some time, waiting for the expected arrival of Mr. Read, who intended to accompany them. But being impatient to make a beginning, and having received information from Lattakoo favourable to their wishes, determined themselves to make the attempt. The attempt, however, failed, and they returned.

BETHANY, in Namaqualand.—From the Journal of Mr. Schmelen, for the year 1815, which was long detained, we learn that he has baptized 65 adults, beside 40 children. He says, 66 There is a sincere desire among the Namaquas to be instructed in the way of salvation."

PEACE MOUNTAIN, formerly Africaner's Krall.-Mr. Ebner has enjoyed the high gratification of baptizing Africaner, the man who was once the terror of the whole country, and the unhappy instrument of dispersing the settlement at Warm Bath; but now the lion appears to be transformed into a lamb, and he warmly espouses that faith which he once oppos

ed and persecuted. Mr. Bartlett and Mr. Marquard are gone to labour in the Namaqua country. Mr. B. coming to a krall of Namaquas, was forcibly detained; the people would not suffer him to depart till he had instructed them in the way of salvation; some of them, it is said laid themselves down in the road before him, to prevent his departure.

The Report finally takes a brief notice of the Society's Missionaries in Canada,

address by remarking the activity of the Society in having sent out 17 fresh Missionaries in the course of the last year, and the great diligence of all their Missionaries in their respective sphere of labour. As to other societies, they were to be regarded, not in the light of rivals, but as allies: the only wish he had for their Society was, that it might excel all others in labours and success; and as we now seemed to be fast approaching the age of the millennium, he hoped that the ecclesiastical history which should then be read, would in great part be filled by the successful exertions of this Society.

Robert Stephen, Esq. Mr. Bennet of Rotherham, Dr. Mason of New York, and several others also addressed the Meeting.

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