enaries who were sent to reside in the interior of Africa; and to others who have touched at the Cape in their way to the East. He has lately taken a journey of 10 weeks into the interior; in the course of which he travelled 1100 miles, and preached the word of life to thousands of colonists, Hottentots, and slaves. Mr. Bakkar labours at STELLENBOSCH, and Messrs. Seidenfaden and Wimmer at CALEDON, 120 miles E. of Cape Town, where they have a church of 67 adults, and many candidates for baptism, At HIGH KRALL, about 300 miles from the Cape, in the same direction, Mr. Pacalt gives us a favourable account of the state of his mission. About 300 persons are attached to the settlement, but cannot attend constantly, on account of their scattered situation and various employments. About 22 converted natives, among whom was a man nearly 100 years of age, have been baptized, and others appear to be seriously concerned about religion. A school is supported, in which many receive daily instruction. BETHELSDORP, about 600 miles east of Cape Town. From this interesting station we have information that the work of conversion among the Hottentots is still going forward. A concern about religion has been manifested also among the Boors, who unite with the Hottentots in acts of devotion. "Our school," says Mr. Read, "flourishes. We only want Bibles, we could soon dispose of 2 or 300." This want was no sooner made known to the British and Foreign Bible Society, than it was amply supplied. A Journal just received states that 143 persons have been baptized, (one aged 70) and 100 children. At THEOPOLIS, in Albany; the people have greatly improved in their habits of industry, and have sown about 50 sacks of corn the last year. The school goes on pretty well; and 70 more persons were baptized during the last year. as a Missionary. Tzatoo earnestly desired his son, now a preacher in the Caffre language, and Mr. Williams, (an English Missionary,) to settle with him; but it was necessary first to visit Geika, the principal chief. He received them affectionately, assured them that the whole country was before them, and that they might settle where they pleased. GRACE HILL. Mr. Read, who visited this new station on his way to Lattakoo, among some of the wildest and most uncivilized of the human race, where Mr. Smit has for some time laboured, says'On my arrival here I was much pleased with the appearance of things, so that instead of Thornberg, we agreed to call it Grace Hill. About three months ago God was pleased to pour out his Spirit on the people here, first among the Oorlams, and the poor Bushmen; seven of whom, including a captain, have been baptized." A church of Christ is now formed in this once desolate spot, and the moral wilderness begins to blossom as the rose. As Mr. Read found that the intended settlement at Makoon's Krall could not be immediately commenced, he proposed that the brethren, Corner and Goeyman, who were intended for that place, should proceed to Rhinoster Fountain, situated about three days' journey in the way to Griqua Town: 300 Bushmen are said to inhabit that spot. Read resolved to accompany them, and with his people assist them in building a house. We take a plough with us,' says Mr. Read. Let it be remembered, that in Africa the Bible and the Plough go together. Mr. HEPHZIBAH, Formerly Rhinoster Fountain. A letter from Mr. Read informs us he arrived here, Sept. 21st, and judg ing it to be a fit spot for a missionary station, began to make some preparations for a settlement. For a time none of the Bushmen came near them; but at length the captain (Slinger) and others arrived, and heartily welcomed the Missionaries. A piece of land was purchased, and some agricultural tools procured from Grace Hill. After the people had heard the word daily, morning and evening, for some time, the mind of the captain seem ed before all the people-" Now I believe there is a God. We must pray to him that he may teach us more. I never had CAFERARIA. It was stated in the last year's Report, that many of the Caffres had repeatedly expressed a strong desire that Missionaries from Bethelsdorp might visit them, and settle in their country. The war between the colony and them having ceased, our brethren, with the per-ed to be deeply impressed. He exclaimmission of Government, commenced this great undertaking in April 1816. After a difficult journey they crossed the Great Fish River, and were soon joined by a number of Caffres, who had been prepared for their coming by the exhortations of Makanna, an extraordinary man, who had resumed the character of a Reformer. They were introduced to a chief named Kobus Congo, and afterwards to Makanna himself, who received them gladly. They then visited Tzatoo, father of the young chief who had formerly reided at Bethelsdorp, where he was converted, and who now accompanied them such a heart before. All the Bushmen must come to hear this great word. I must have a house built, and all my children must be taught." Mr. Read, in the course of his journey, entered a hut, where he found a Bootsuanna woman, who told him that she should never forget that evening which he and Mr. Campbell spent there: for it was by the preaching of the word on that evening that she was brought to the knowledge of the Gospel, ever since which, he was informed, that she has manifested the spirit of true religion. It is also believed, that her husband is a converted man. The parents and friends of both reside at Lattakoo, to which place they are gone with Mr. Read; and as they can speak the Dutch as well as the Bootsuanna language, it is hoped that they may be very useful in the first introduction of the Gospel into that city. GRIQUA TOWN.-Occurrences of an unpleasnat nature disturbed the peace and threatened the safety of this station, at the beginning of the last year; but the arrival of Corn Kok, in Sept. last, appears to have produced good effects. He has greatly promoted the spirit for agriculture, so that more corn has been sown than ever before. He has also brought with him several lively Christians from Bethesda; and many young people have lately been turned from darkness to light, of whom 40 were thought to be fit subjects for baptism. BETHESDA, about 600 miles north of the Cape. By a letter received from Mr. Sass, it appears that his labours have been so much blessed, that he has baptized 60 adult persons, and many others are convinced of their sinful state. LATTAKOO.-It may be proper here to observe, that some of the brethren who were designated to commence a mission at Lattakoo, having proceeded on their way as far as Griqua Town, continued there for some time, waiting for the expected arrival of Mr. Read, who intended to accompany them. But being impatient to make a beginning, and having received information from Lattakoo favourable to their wishes, determined themselves to make the attempt. The attempt, however, failed, and they returned. BETHANY, in Namaqualand.-From the Journal of Mr. Schmelen, for the year 1815, which was long detained, we learn that he has baptized 65 adults, beside 40 children. He says, "There is a sincere desire among the Namaquas to be instructed in the way of salvation." PEACE MOUNTAIN, formerly Africaner's Krall.-Mr. Ebner has enjoyed the high gratification of baptizing Africaner, the man who was once the terror of the whole country, and the unhappy instrument of dispersing the settlement at Warm Bath; but now the lion appears to be transformed into a lamb, and he warmly espouses that faith which he once oppos ed and persecuted. Mr. Bartlett and Mr. Marquard are gone to labour in the Namaqua country. Mr. B. coming to a krall of Namaquas, was forcibly detained; the people would not suffer him to depart till he had instructed them in the way of salvation; some of them, it is said laid themselves down in the road before him, to prevent his departure. The Report finally takes a brief notice of the Society's Missionaries in Canada, at Malta, and in the West Indies-the growth of missionary zeal in the Nether lands and in the United States-that there are 20 missionary students under the care of Dr. Bogue, at Gosport, and states that the Society is meditating new missions to Madagascar and Siberia. Mr. HANKEY then gave a brief statement of the Society's funds, by which it appeared that the expenditure of the past year amounted to nearly £19,000, which had been more than equalled by the receipts. Dr. BOGUE of Gosport then moved the adoption of the Report, and in a speech of some length, took a review of the present state of the Mission, and closed his address by remarking the activity of the Society in having sent out 17 fresh Missionaries in the course of the last year, and the great diligence of all their Missionaries in their respective sphere of labour. As to other societies, they were to be regarded, not in the light of rivals, but as allies: the only wish he had for their Society was, that it might excel all others in labours and success; and as we now seemed to be fast approaching the age of the millennium, he hoped that the ecclesiastical history which should then be read, would in great part be filled by the successful exertions of this Society, Robert Stephen, Esq. Mr. Bennet Rotherham, Dr. Mason of New York, and several others also addressed the Meeting. NEW EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, AND Theological Review. JULY, 1817. OBEDIENCE TO CHRIST, THE SUREST TEST OF OUR DISCIPLESHIP. want charity, without which he is nothing, 1 Cor. xiii. 1, 2. He supposes there may be a knowledge that puffeth up, without the cha A man's vanity and sense of novelty may be gratified with religious as well as other speculations. Persons of this disposition may also have some degree of conviction of the truth of the gospel, like many who are said to believe on Christ when they saw his miracles, to whom he would not commit himself, John ii. 23, 24. and who were ch. viii. 30, 33.-Simon Magus is also said to believe, Acts viii. 13. and the stony ground hearers to believe for a while, Luke viii. 13. They did not call the truth in question while it cost them nothing. IT is a very important enquiry which our Lord proposes to all his professed disciples, in Luke vi. 46. "Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?"rity that edifieth, 1 Cor. viii. 1—3. or which I command. The persons who are thus addressed cannot be avowed Heathens, Infidels, or Deists, but professors of Christ's name. They must be such as acknowledge him to be the Messiah, the Son of God and Saviour of the world; for they are represented as calling him "LORD, LORD." They must consequently have heard of him, and have obtained some know-insensible of their bondage to sin, ledge of the gospel testimony concerning Jesus, which declares that "He is Lord of all," Acts x. 36. that "God hath made him both Lord and Christ." Acts ii. 36. For no man can confess with his mouth and call Jesus Lord without having heard of him, 1 Cor. xiii. 3. But the scripture frequently speaks of a kind of knowledge, which may enable men to make an unexceptionable profession of the faith in words, and even to teach others, which yet has no proper effect either on the heart or life. Jesus speaks of servants who know their Lord's will, yet prepare not themselves to do it, Luke xii. 47. The apostle supposess, that a man may understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and speak with the tongues of men and angels, and yet VOL. III. Further: Such persons may likewise have some transient joy in the gospel, like those mentioned by the prophet, Ezek. xxxiii. 31, 32. "And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not." 2 C |