J. F. THE CALM REMONSTRANCE! it shall be given you; to seek and perience something of the kind. In ye shall find," and has also pro-reviewing Mr. Cox's Female Scripmised his Holy Spirit. If, with ture Biography (p. 177-180.) he all these advantages, warnings and used the freedom of reminding that exhortations, thou fallest short of gentleman, that he had carried his heaven, how dreadful will be thy politeness towards the "Ladies of fall! and how inexcusable will be Great Britain," farther than the thy state! Be in earnest, be im word of God warranted him; and, partial, and as Grotius when dying, as he still thinks was but right, he advised his friend, "be serious," appealed to apostolic testimony on in the use of all appointed means, the subject. The consequence and thou hast every thing to hope. has been, among other nameless "The righteous shall never be things, no inconsiderable portion moved;" but shall have "hope in of spleen and invective from "the his death." 66 Say ye to the righ- Ladies of Great Britain." But teous, it shall be well with him." this is not all, nor is it the worst. The righteous shall shine as the Towards the close of the article, sun, in the kingdom of their Father, he threw out a few remarks upon for ever and ever. the subject of clerical titles, which Hinckley. it seems have given monstrous offence; and if the history of past ages had not shewn him, that a steady adherence to the despised "Am I therefore become your cause of truth, and an intrepidity enemy, because I tell you the in opposing every corruption of it, truth?"-Was the serious expos- had invariably entailed a load of tulation of the apostle Paul, with obloquy on its friends, he might the churches of Galatia. Gal. iv. have been taken by surprise. Mr. 16. They had evinced a predi- Cox, himself, it is reported, is not lection for certain things totally pleased-and his brethren in the inconsistent with the humiliating ministry are quite indignant! The doctrine of the cross-a doctrine editor has touched them it seems very offensive to flesh and blood, upon a tender point-and he does ch. v. 11. and vi. 12. But Paul, not doubt that both in his characwho gloried in nothing else, boldly ter and property, as far as is in and fearlessly opposed them in their power, he shall be made to these things; and so little ceremony feel the effects of their displeasure! did he use in censuring their con- Yet the mens conscia recti supports duct, that he calls them fools, and him--and in language which it intells them they were bewitched! variably dictates, he boldly asks, Gal. iii. 1. The plain inference"What just cause of offence has which we deduce from this piece of he given them?" ancient history is, that Christians may depart so far from the spirit of their profession as to stand in need of the most pointed remonstrances, and even to be very angry" Every one that exalteth himself with those that have faithfulness enough to oppose them. It is no unusual thing to see traces of the same froward and perverse temper among professors in our day, and the Editor of this Magazine fancies that it has fallen to his lot (mutatis mulandis) to ex When the Son of God was upon earth, he repeatedly delivered the following maxim as one of the standing laws of his kingdom: shall be abased--and he that hum- one of another, and who account that man their enemy that tells them the truth? He once more asks "WHEREIN HAS HE JUSTLY OFFENDED THEM." SUBSTANCE OF A SPEECH, &c. WE have many of us attended meetings for the formation, or furthering the objects, of Societies connected with the British and Foreign Bible Society. Some of us are warmly attached to that noble Institution, and have contributed, in various ways, to aid its cause according to our ability. We have seen it rising amidst the tempest of war, and it appeared to us as the "bow in the cloud," the emblem of retiring storms and the pledge of future repose. Our hearts' wish is that it may hold on its resplendent course, scattering its sacred treasure in every land, till "the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." honour that cometh from God only?" John v. 44. Now let any candid and impartial mind look at the case as it stands. Here is a class of men who profess themselves the disciples of the meek and lowly Jesus-the followers of the fishermen of Galilee-men whose time and talents are consecrated to the service of the sanctuary-and who profess not to be conformed to the course of this world-but transformed by the renewing of their minds-examples to their brethren in humility, selfdenial, and every Christian virtue. And yet these very men are not barely solicitous about these pompous titles and distinctions, which are expressly condemned in the word of God, (Matt. xxiii. 7-10.) but the writer that remonstrates with them upon the glaring inconsistency of their conduct with their avowed principles is charged with malignity and other opprobrious epithets and if it be in their power to accomplish it, his journal shall be silenced! They may probably enough obtain the gratifica- The importance of the business tion of their wishes. But in the for which you are assembled is mean time, the editor would gladly such as to demand our best exerrest his appeal, not with the clergy, tions; half measures, tame rebut with his lay brethren, "Where- solves, tardy and vacillating en-, in has he offended them?" If it be deavours, are not less weak than the duty of every real disciple of sinful. To introduce the gospel, Christ to abase himself in this to raise up and build decayed inworld, that God may be glorified terests throughout a district of in him-and if it be only those considerable extent is no trivial who do so, that shall be exalted concern; so far as it depends on in the world to come-if to love human aid, it requires much wisthe praise of men rather than the dom to direct, much energy to praise of God, make it impossible carry the good work into execufor us to be Christ's real disciples tion, and considerable funds to (John xii. 42, 43.) nay, if Jesus him- defray the expenses that must neself is to be credited when he af- cessarily be incurred in a work of firms, that the very practice of re-pure benevolence. On the ground ceiving honour one of another of the first requisition for the work is altogether irreconcilable with undertaken by this Society it be genuine faith, John v. 44.-what comes me not, in this place, to account are we to make of the pro-assert or doubt any thing; and on fessions of those men who shew the second point as I look around themselves so demonstrably under on those statedly engaged in the the influence of the pride of life; work of the ministry, on the Sun who are expressly seeking honour day School Teachers and occa toil, retracing its steps, and aban doning its objects when they were on the soundest calculation within sional labourers in the vineyard of Christ, I may be allowed to say that nothing is deficient here; such a body of energy, well direct-reach; and this, because, the geneed energy, I will venture to say, rality of those concerned have would lose nothing by comparison looked on with indifference; while with any Institution of the like not a few have proclaimed its kind ancient or modern; it is measures precipitate; as though, then on the third particular, as when the glory of God is concernappears from the Report, that the ed, and the salvation of immortal energies of this excellent Associ-souls at stake, men should or could ation must creep slowly, plans the noblest in their aims must be cramped-abridged-abandoned, for want of pecuniary means; for it is ordained that the very gospel, which, instructs its subjects to cast off the yoke of Mammon, which, pronounces the love of money as the most productive source of spiritual degradation and ruin, cannot be propagated without money. But on this point I dare not despond. True it is that the times are unfavourable to the projection of schemes of unmixed good. We have just emerged from a war, unexampled in the magnitude of its operations, the sacrifices it demanded, and the evils it has superinduced; and which has left the finances of the country in a state of exhaustion, and the commercial and agricultural interests depressed beyond measure: yet under these circumstances of universal and accumulated distress, like the great general of antiquity, "hope" is left us, and something more; there are in the churches men of property and public spirit; these will come for-ditional glory when seen in men ward and redeem the credit of the Society, and afford a new impulse to its benevolent exertions. proceed with the same timid caution which might be very prudent and justifiable in a party combined for the purpose of pleasure; or as though it were much more meritorious to fall greatly short in boldness of design and rapid execution than to exceed in the smallest design: or as if, the cause of God within the sphere of this Association was not of equal importance with that which more immediately concerns Missionary objects. That the last supposition is not merely conjectural may be inferred from the statement of the funds of this Society according to the Treasurer's Report, and the amount of the collection of the same churches in behalf of Missions to the Heathen. A momentary inspection will flash conviction on the mind as to the comparative estimate in which they are held: and one might from the fact almost conclude, that the gospel possessed some unknown charm when addressed to the savage of the wilderness;-that the trophies of redeeming grace exhibited an ad of another colour,-and that the praises of divine love were more melodious when uttered by men of a strange language. Deeply doI deplore the wretched case of the multitudes who are wrapt in the shades of moral darkness, within the undisturbed empire of spiritual desolation and death; and gladly would I make any sacrifice if I might be instrumental in shedding one ray of gospel light on their miserable and benighted condition. But I conceive there is some wis- | most prompt and decisive me dom in the adage that "charity sures to promote the influence of should begin at home;" and if pure and undefiled religion in their there be any propriety in com- immediate vicinity: and let but paring its operations to a circle a little of that public spirit which framed on the glassy surface of a has burst forth in Ladies and Jake, this Association to us is the Juvenile Societies, in contribu centre of that circle and here the tions from mechanics and domeseffects of its undiminished power tics, but appear in behalf of this should be felt and seen. Or if we Institution, and in a few months may consider this Association, the present cause of embarrasswith regard to us, as a point, from ment arising from the state of its whence those rays of love proceed funds would be removed; the which are intended to reach the wheels of the machine would move utmost verge of habitable exis- freely and without noise; village tence, surely it is reasonable to after village would be occupied by conclude, that if these radii shed your Itinerants, and one might a bright and cheering light on dis- hope to see the whole of the distant regions of the earth, here trict embraced in the plan of this they should shine, and burn with Association, presenting the lovely effulgent glory and inextinguish- image of a well cultivated field able ardor. Indeed were it not “which the Lord hath blessed."— for facts, those stubborn things, it Of this I am sure, that the time is would be next to impossible to be- approaching when thoughts of hav lieve, that Christian philanthropy ing engaged in services like these should be remiss here: souls are will have no inconsiderable inas precious in our neighbourhood fluence on the heart;-in the as in the isles of the Pacific Ocean; period of awful suspence, when and one might have reposed in the we shall seem to linger between persuasion, that the same disposi- two worlds, when the pulse of tion, which induced the Christian life will feebly flutter, the throb to contribute to promote religion of delight shall be felt at the rein places thus remote from his ob- trospect;-and if any regret shall servation, where even the sun of arise when we leave our bodies to civilization does not shine, would the dust and commend our souls not suffer him to permit the same to heaven, it will be, that we were cause to sink unaided at his own not more concerned and active in door, where every thing is carried furthering the cause of that gospel on under his own eye, and where in the world, which we have found the gospel, humanly speaking, has to be the power of God to our own not the same obstacles to impede salvation. its progress and render doubtful its success. Much might be said on each of the topics which have been briefly stated, I will hope however not so imperfectly as to be liable to misconstruction. My object has been (I repeat) not to prejudice any mind in the smallest degree against Bible and Missionary Societies, but to lead the churches to what appears to me to have a very peculiar and interesting claim upon them—the adoption of the ANECDOTE. SOME time ago, a young man who had been trained up for the work of the ministry in one of the dissenting academies in Scotland, was deputed by the Society that had taken him by the hand, to visit the Highlands of Scotland as a Missionary, with which he cheerfully complied. He had gotten a decent stock of both Latin, Greek and Hebrew, and thought himself by no means deficient in Syste-| matic Theology. The Highlands of Scotland are now well known to have been among the most desolate and barren parts of the creation in point of moral cultivation. CLERICAL ARGUMENTS. Mr. Editor, ing just transpired, and witnessed by my- A poor lad, about 13 years of age, the son of parents who had formerly been in better circumstances, was lately selling Religious Tracts, in Bishopsgate-church yard; and the mother of the lad having from a clerical gentleman in the neighrecently received some acts of kindness bourhood, the latter was desirous of preventingthe lad from circulating these naumother of the poor lad was sent for, and seous and destructive publications. The told, what a deal of mischief she was doing by letting her son sell these poisonous things-they contained false doctrineunderstand what they preached, nor what and were made up by men who did not they wrote; he advised her to send her children to the parish school, and was promised that her son should have a she would engage never to send them to presentation for that purpose, provided these conventicle schools any more, nor attend herself the preaching of these Mehe said.) As an apology, she pleaded the thodist thusists (the poor woman thought poverty of her family-that her husband was out of work-that by selling tracts her children often earned a shilling or their chief support-and hoped the genfifteen pence per day each, which was Thither, however, our young Tyro hastened as an Ambassador of Jesus Christ. On his arrival among these illiterate and uncultivated clans (as he imagined) one day walking along the road, he observed before him, a young woman carrying a heavy burden on her head. He determined to join her for the sake of a little profitable conversation; and, making up to her, the following dialogue ensued. Preacher: "Good morrow, young woman! You ́seem, like Pilgrim, to be heavy laden." Female: "Yes Sir, rather so." Pr." But Pilgrim got rid of his burden." Fem." Yes, Sir, Pilgrim did get rid of his burden, its true; and I have got rid of my burden, also, of the same kind: but in a way much more readily than Pilgrim did: for you remem-tleman would pardon her asking, what ber that after Pilgrim got through the gate, he had prodigious difficulties to struggle with, and many obstacles to overcome, before he could reach the foot of the cross, in order to lay down his burden; but I avoided all this toil and labour, by going directly, in the first instance, to the foot of the cross, and leaving my burden there." This pointed retort had all the effect upon the young minister which could have been produced by an electrical shock. He was struck with the force of the observation, and retreated, humbled and self-abased. "" Well," said he, "I came here to teach these savages the things which belong to their eternal peace; and I have learned more of these things in five minutes conversation with an illiterate girl than in whole years of study within the walls of a college!" VOL. III. harm there was in selling tracts, when dirty songs were permitted to be sold unand as to never again going to a Methodist der the gateway close by the church-yard; Meeting, as she hoped she had got good to her soul by going there, she could not might discover a little obstinacy, and the make such a promise: and as the woman reverend gentleman grew a little warm, she turned upon her heel, and walked off before the storm burst upon her. But the affair did not end here. She procured her son a fresh supply of Tracts, and being told by her friends that there was no harm in selling them, he was again sent to the same place. By and bye, a Constable, employed by some invisible agent, came and took the poor lad up; and by the Vagrant Act, it is supposed, he was committed for a month's imprisonment. In this confinement the poor lad, having no vermin, caught the jail fever; and when friends or money, was almost devoured by the time came for his liberation, on his going to his Parents, all being confined in one room, the whole family caught the first, the man, the woman, and four chilcontagion; and at the time I visited them dren, were all extremely ill and lying on one bed, apparently brought to the point of death under the influence of this dangerous and destructive fever. 21 |