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evil of which we have frequently complained and supplies what has hitherto been a desideratum.

lessons from the epistles to the Corinthians, he has fallen into some inaccuracies which of course will be The Lessons are selected with due corrected in the next edition. The discrimination; and the titles are in first epistle, is always mentioned general appropriate; beginning with "Corinthians" without the numeral; The Creation the first Sabbath-the and those lessons which have been fall of man-the death of Abel selected from the second epistle are Noah's Ark-the Deluge the Rain-uniformly said to be taken from the bow-the confusion of tongues-the first! The volume consists of 550 call of Abraham, &c. &c. The in- pages, and at the head of each lesson comparable history of Joseph and his is prefixed a text of scripture. Upon brethren occupies twelve lessons; the the whole, we think the publication history of the Israelties, beginning certainly deserves the attention of with the birth of Moses, and termi- teachers in general: and at a period nating with their settlement in the like the present, when unexampled promised land, makes nearly fifty. efforts are making to distribute the The book of Proverbs upwards of Scriptures universally abroad-awork, twenty. It is with propriety that the such as the one before us, so well compiler has been sparing in his use adapted for utility, cannot fail, we of the Prophetic writings, and also think, of public patronage, and in of the Apostolic epistles. But he process of time, of being very genehas very judiciously harmonized the rally used. life of Christ. In selecting a few

Religious and Literary Intelligence.

To the Editor of the New Evangelical


It is now some months since I addressed you on the importance of universal education, and 1 am induced to request your favourable reception of a few lines again, in consequence of the great satisfaction I have experienced in reading the sixth Report of the Society for Gaelic Schools, and which I trust will be acceptable to your readers.

The Gaelic Society, is not opposed to the respectable Society long since established in Edinburgh, for promoting Christian knowledge in the Highlands, and Islands, but is different in its object, and its operations are principally directed to plans which have had little or no benefit from the laudable operation of that Society. Much commendation is undoubtedly due to the Society for promoting Christian knowledge in the Highlands, &c. butit appears from experience, and from facts, that by teaching the English language alene, they have made far less progress than would have been made by teaching the Gaelic, The instruction thus given conveyed no ideas the people only read what they did not understand, and felt no interest in that kind of education which conveyed no new ideas.

In the year 1811, a respectable associ ation was formed, for the purpose of in vestigating the actual state of the Highlands and Islands, in regard to instruction, and to provide the means of teaching them in the Gaelic their native tongue. These inquiries demonstrated the necessity of immediate exertion in their behalf, and the Society determined to adopt a plan, which had the sanction of expe rience in Wales, viz. the employment of Itinerant Teachers, in what are called ambulatory Schools. The result has fully answered the expectation of the Society, The people old and young, most eagerly assemble together to learn, and a desire is excited thereby to learn even the English language. At a small expense and by means of teachers who remain only a few months in one place, instruction is afforded to 3557 persons, of all ages from 5 to 117, for even at this advanced age, one person appeared as a learner, and actually made some proficiency, when it pleased God to arrest his progress, by dimness of sight, and soon after to remove him from this world,

The Report states, the visitor of the School at Glencalvie found "A house crowded with 60 Scholars of all ages, from the Glencalvie veteran Ivirach, now in his 117th year to, literally speaking, the infant in the cradle; for the mother of the infant his one of the Scholars, and such was here desire to learn, that she

brought the child and cradle to school. | This man Iverach now attending the school, in the parish wherein he was born, enlisted in the year 1715, and as it appears actually attempted to learn to read, one hundred years afterwards in 1815. The teacher says, he acquired the knowledge of letters, nay had got the length of reading syllables or short words, when he was arrested in his progress by an infirmity incident to far younger men. His sight failed considerably, otherwise he would have learned to read."

The fundamental principle of this Society is to teach the people to read the scripture alone without note or comment, and the plan meets the approbation of all the people, a large proportion of whom are Catholics. This is another proof among many, of the superior advantage of giving instruction, on a plan which includes the children of all denominations. How forcibly does it reprove the practice of exclusive measures, and how plainly does it evince the awful responsibility of those, who have kept the poor in ignorance of the Holy Scriptures under whatever pretext.

The consequence has been the same as it will always be, when the power of reading the scripture is afforded to the poor. In proof of which I shall trouble your readers with some short extracts from this valuable Report.

"In two populous townships, says the Rev. Dr. Ross, at the distance of 12 miles from the parish church, and in some measure detached from the world; when one year ago, except in the house of the principal tenant, a single Bible was not to be found, now there is not a house in which a portion of the word of God is not read, and his worship performed twice every day. The thing is scarcely credible but the hand of God is in your labours." "After an examination at Glencalvie, an old man thanked God in the most expressive terms, for what he had spared him to see. I remember, said he, when there were only three Bibles in all Strathcarron, Glencalvie, and Strathcullanach, an extent of Strath measuring fully twenty miles in length, if taken in a straight line, and only three men in the vast population it then contained, who could read the word of God, and now every child can read it, every house contains one or more bibles, and those who cannot read themselves, have daily opportunity of hearing it from some inmate of the family."

The improvement in morals is also manifest. The Rev. Alexander Stewart of Dingwall writes: "The instructions inculcated upon the children have through that medium, been transmitted to the parents, the parental interest and pleasure they felt in their children's improvement drew their serious attention to the sacred scriptures, which the young ones read or

committed to memory. Thus the walls of the cottage were illuminated, by the taper which was lighted in the school, Prayer has been introduced to families, whereno form of devotion existed before: swearers, liars, and drunkards, have ap peared to stand in a-ve of their own children, knowing how they had been taught at school, to abhor these vices as sins, which provoke the wrath of God, or drown the soul in perdition,"

"Formerly not having any subject of a substantial or serious nature to engage their attention arising from their inability to peruse the oracles of truth, they spent the sabbath in frivolous and idle conversation; but now they not only continue the public reading of the scriptures in the school house, on that day, but also read them every day in their families. I have found parents listening, while their chil. dren read the scripture with great at


How precious are the moments which are passing away? Every hour is carrying some individuals into an eternal state, who had they been instructed in the Holy Scripture, would have been better members of Society, and under the divine bles sing on these Scriptures, might have been prepared to stand before the Judge of all. How many crimes must have been prevent. ed, only by the moral effect of teaching to read the oracles of God, and in so far as our neighbours have been permitted to grow up in ignorance, their crimes are a much imputable to the public, as to themselves. I am sometimes inclined to think there is as much lost by theft, as would pay for the education of all the poor. It is said that the part of the New Peniten tiary at Milbank which is allotted to women, is full, and that of necessity female convicts, must yet be transported. Shall we continue to build places of im prisonment at an enormous expense, or shall we not rather endeavour to prevent the evil by instruction? Surely a small part of the sum so expended, might be made to go for the moralising of youth, and I have no doubt it will prove a bles sing to Society.

Reading the scriptures appears to be the best foundation which can be laid for human improvement, and I trust the day is not far distant, when every per son will exert his utmost endeavours to promote it. I remain Sir,

Your obedient servant, 0.

[Concluded from page 218,]

With respect to the progress which har already been made in fufilling the pur poses for which this Society was formed, it may be observed, that its advances


rich unto all that call on him," the father repeated the passage two or three times, and falling on his knees, blessed God that he saw there what he never saw before; that God is no respecter of persons, and that people of other persuasions may be saved as well as Roman Catholics. Here we see, in this delightful instance, a Roman Catholic peasant in a lonely cottage learning the truths of salvation from the Bible of his child, and seeing, notwithstanding the bigotry and mistatements of his priest, that the blood of the Lamb was shed for men of every clime, nation, tongue, and people. When we hear another poor man telling his priest that he had one child in the school, but that if he had twenty he would send them all; and when he is told by the priest that he should be put out of the church, answers undauntedly, "Another church will take me in." Yes; this Society would have taken him

in extensions of operations, and its success by its means and instruments, have proved in the highest degree pleasing and satisfactory. But the gradually increasing operations of the Society have greatly exceeded its progressive means of support; its designs having been truly laudable and excellent, its means and instruments well adapted to execute them, and the sphere of its labours admirably calculated to gratify British benevolence, and to reward Christian zeal. Under all these circumstances, it is a matter of surprise and regret that the income of this Institution, arising from Annual Subscriptions, does not amount to £500; whilst its Annual Expenditure is upwards of £4000!! The deficiency has, in part, been supplied by Donations and Collections, and also by assistance received from Auxiliary Societies; but the arrears at length amount to a sum (£1605) which must have become burdensome to the Treasurer, embarrassing to the Com-in, and the arms of Jesus would have mittee, and prejudicial to the interest of the Society.

That a work so truly important, that objects so highly benevolent, and that efforts so eminently successful, will be impeded or paralyzed for want of pecuniary support, the Committee cannot be relieve. For the appeal to Christian principles, feelings, and generosity, is made, in the present instance, to the religious public in Great Britain; whose noble liberality supports efforts of compassion and mercy, amongst the ignorant and the miserable in the most distant parts of the world. And this liberality will surely not be withheld from the Hibernian Society, whose labours are directed to remove the afflicting spectacle of ignorance, superstition, immorality, and mental degradation, which the lower classes of the community in Ireland exhibit; to place "brethren according to the flesh," our fellow subjects, on the same high ground of moral and national advantage on which we stand, and thus to promote their best interest, their highest happiness, and their eternal salvation.


Captain Pakenham, R. N. rose, and thus addressed the Meeting. Every Christian bosom must beat with delight at hearing the success which has attended the labours of the Society in Ireland. When he heard that during the last year the increase in the number of children in the Society's Schools had been 8000, he contemplated with rapture the barren gloomy vale of superstition enlightened by the refreshit gbeams of the adorable Sun of Righteousness; and he trusted the Meeting would allow him to comment on a few passages in the delightful report they had just heard read. In one part it was said that while a child was reading his scripture task at home before his father, who was a Catholic, when he came to these words, "The Lord is

embraced him. When we hear of another father telling his priest, who threatened to punish him severely if he sent his child to school," that he thought it better that he should bear the punishment than that his children should want education," who could help admiring the father become, as it were, a martyr for his children? Surely the light of heaven must have beaned upon his conscience! In the recovery of Ireland from her gloom and errors, might we not say, "The people who dwelt in darkness have seen a great light?" and might we not also see the fulfilment of that pleasing prophecy, "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose?" When we hear of an old man, even at the advanced period of 97 years of age, taking a journey of 50 miles to beg a large-print Testament, confessing he had been in the dark all his days, but now he thought he saw a little light from the New Testament, we were strongly reminded of that miracle on the blind man, who when he was cured by Jesus, thought he at first saw men like trees walking; but afterwards he saw things correctly, and in their true light. So when divine truth breaks at first on the gloom of the mind we see things only in part as thro' a glass, darkly. It was by the Bible, and that only, that men should be made wise unto salvation. In the hand of God this weapon became truly mighty for pulling down sin and superstition. In the Havannah, a negro might, if he had money, buy his freedom, and if he had more money he might buy the privilege of ranking as a white man; and if after so doing any one should call him a black man, even though he was as black as the ace of spades, the negro could sue him in a court of justice and

obtain damages. The Bible not only calls men the children of God, but makes them such. It transforms them by conforming them to the image of God's eternal Son. He was glad the Society was opposed, because this hostility would teach them lessons of prudence. He was glad they were in debt, for it would stimulate their friends to relieve them. He would only add, it was unnecessary for him to say more than merely ask the Society to consider the heart-felt pleasure of seeing a father, once a dark and ignorant creature, now kneeling at the throne of grace, and teaching his little ones to lisp the praises of Him who loved them, and who himself is the "God of Love.' He concluded by moving that the report now read be approved.

pointing such parents as could read to assist him. He held public examinations, and when a child was found to read well he was in the habit of praising the pa rents for their pains, but when the contrary was the case he reprimanded them with the same fidelity: and thus by persevering, he had in a few years the plea sure of seeing every one in the parish able to read, both old and young. The funds of the Hibernian Society were low, and he was astonished at this when he considered that the cause was the cause of God, and should therefore open all purses and all hearts. In Gottenburgh a school had been established by the Prince there, and the children following the example of some schools in England had subscribed a penny a week to the Bible Society. Some of them, however, being so poor as not to have even this, went to the person who provided their victuals and begged him to give them so much less dinner as would amount to a penny a week, that they might give this to the Society. Oh that this example might be followed! and that, denying themselves the luxuries of life, Christians would join heart and hand in supporting the great work of the Lord, Surely it would not fare worse with them or their families, that they had given something to the Lord.

Rev. J. PATERSON, of St. Petersburg, seconded the motion. He was no speechifier, but a plain narrator of facts, and as some facts had been put into his hand he begged to read them. [Here the reverend gentleman entered into an account of some facts respecting the schools, and among other things added, that passing one day through a field, the writer of the account he held in kis hand was asked by two men, "What news?" He answered, "Good news! glad tidings for perishing sinners, in the gospel of our salvation!" The men taking off their hats answered, C. S. DUDLEY, Esq. after stating the "Blessed be God! this is good news to receipts of the Society and their expen all people!"] The meeting would ex-diture, which he considered of much im pect as he came from the continent, that he should give them some news from thence. He would therefore observe, that though they had heard much of opposition being made by the Catholics in Ireland to the work of Education and the circulation of the Scriptures, he could bless God that this was not the case in the north of Europe. It was the glory of the Greek Church that she had never been a persecuting church, for, although she had many errors, still she never prevented men from worshipping God according to the unbiassed dictates of their own conscience. In Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, education was as common as in this country, few being found who could not read, and few who had not an earnest desire for Scripture truths. In one of the German provinces of Russia, a worthy dean, who was in the custom of giving books as rewards of diligence, was applied to by a poor woman for a Testa-tablished, formed a striking contrast to ment, for a child of hers between 4 and 5 years old. The Dean, being astonished, asked her if the child could read, to which she answered he could; and the child being examined, read so admirably that he immediately obtained the Testament. Another clergyman was nominated to a parish consisting of 13,000 souls, but few of whom when he came there could read; and he immediately commenced a school and acted as schoolmaster himself, at the same time ap

portance, said he had heard it observed "that solid pudding was better than empty praise," but though they had often praised their chairman, who was their treasurer, he was afraid by their heavy debt to him they had cut off a good many slices of his pudding. He, however, would now move that the thanks of the Society be given him for his valuable services, and that he be requested to continue them. He was persuaded that he would do so; but hoped they would think of some way of re-paying him. This might be done by giving less to the lawyers, for one or two lawyers fees in a year would pay for two children; or by the ladies sacrificing some part of their superfluities of dress or ornament. Had the Society only the means, they could take in double, nay treble, the number of children. Those counties of Ireland in which schools had been es

the others, in their loyalty and peaceful habits. Had Ireland been situated where Otaheite is, she would long ere now have been civilized; but somehow or other, because she was so near, therefore she had been overlooked. He had often thought that Missionaries in passing the the shores of Ireland to go to a foreign clime, must have sometimes heaved a sigh and cried, "There is a field where four Millions of souls are yet in darkness, and in the shadow of death." ***But bles

ded be God, Ireland was no longer to be neglected. He was glad to find the auxiliary branches increasing.

T. PELLATT, Esq. seconded a motion of thanks to the treasurer.

On thanks being unanimously voted to the Chairman, he said, he was deeply sensible of their kindness, and should be happy to be always their willing servant in the Lord. Bible Societies were good; but if the friends of Religion wished those Societies to prosper, they should promote this which opened the way, for Bibles were useless to those who could

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R. H. MARTEN, Esq. moved the thanks of the Meeting to those Ministers and Congregations who had contributed to the funds of the Society, respectfully requesting the continuance of their aid.

-the same means must be employed to enlighten the mind and renew the heart, in the one case as in the other, and the same Divine power was necessary to render those means effectual. He was glad to see the Meeting so numerously attended, and hoped that the Society would meet with adequate support.

The vote of thanks to the Chairmati was moved by the Rev. SAM. HILLYARD, of Bedford, and seconded by Mr. SAM. WEST (one of the Society of Friends). The latter assured the Meeting that the interest of the Institution lay near his heart, and that it would give him great pleasure to see more of his own denomination engaged in the support of it. However humble his services might be, as a member of the Committee, he protested that he would rather be a labourer on the road to be of public utility, than roll in his carriage an unmoved spectator of the miseries of his fellow creatures.

The Chairman having returned thanks, the Meeting broke up.


This Society held its third Anniversary, on the morning of Friday, June 27th at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street. J. BUTTERWORTH, Esq. M. P, in the chair.

that a spirit of enquiry had gone forth among the lower classes of the Irish, many of whom were exceedingly desirous of knowing the Scriptures for themselves.

ROB. STEVEN, Esq. in seconding the He stated, that he was happy to ac motion, observed, that it was not an unu- quaint the meeting that considerable exsual thing to renew an oath of allegiance. ertions were now making in Ireland to He would therefore again declare his alle- teach the natives the knowledge of the giance to Ireland, and would hold himself Scriptures in their own tongue. That at the disposal of the Society, to aid it this Society had excited exertions in other with his best ability in begging for its sup-quarters totally unconnected with it, and port. He called upon England, in the most solemn manner, to remember that all the political evils in Ireland were chargeable to her, because she had neglected to do her duty to that unhappy country. The Rev. Js. STRATTON, Minister of York-street Chapel, Dublin, moved the following resolution:-" That this Meeting, deeply impressed with a sense of the magnitude and importance of the objects of this Society, and of the inadequacy of its funds, in their present state, for the attainment of those objects, do most earnestly intreat the friends and supporters of the Institution, to use their utmost influence in the circle of their respective connexions, to obtain annual Subscriptions, Donations, and Contributions, and also to form Auxiliary Societies, that by their combined and continued exertions, the Society may be enabled to persevere in the pursuit of its benevolent designs, till all Ireland shall be covered with Schools, and the Scriptures be circulated through the whole mass of the population."


He trusted that by the exertions of this and other Societies, that a change would ere long be effected in the moral character of that people. That they would be delivered from that miserable condition of darkness, superstition, and ignorance in which they had long been held. they were a hospitable, generous, noble people, and when made fully acquainted with the truths of the Bible, would add dignity and strength to the British empire. He lamented that so little had been done for the education of the poor in Ireland, and that what had been done in times past by the chartered schools in that country, had only reflected disgrace upon the parties concerned.

The Chairman then related some affecting facts with regard to the want of education among the lower classes in Ireland. He then stated the objects of The Rev. JOHN CAMPBELL, (the African the Meeting, and called upon the SecreTraveller,) seconded the motion, observ-tary for the Report, which was read, ing, that human nature was the same in every country whether savage or civilized VOL. III.

We find by it that the Society has in all thirty-one schools, containing about

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