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and disquietude. He walked about the prison yard, while his looks and actions indicated that his bosom was tortured by the alternate operations of despair, hope, revenge, disappointment, and dread of future punishment. He often threw little pebbles at the window of the turnkey's lodge, where his accomplice was sitting, as an expressive signal that he should keep in mind their solemn engagement in iniquity not to betray each other. But though hand join in hand, yet sin shall not go unpunished." When Donald was informed that Kinghorn had abandoned him and Pollet to their fate, and had resolved at all events to preserve his own life, the irritation of his mind was dreadful; and he contemplated, with ungovernable fury, all his sanguine hopes dashed to the ground at once; and his ingenious devices to evade conviction, completely frustrated. He resembled a frantic fiend prepared to execute his vindictive rage on all whom he suspected hostile to him. He accused one of his fellow-prisoners of treachery, supposing he had advised Kinghorn to give evidence against him and the rest of his associates in the horrid transaction. He attacked him with the ferocity of a tyger, and, though a much stronger man than himself, yet he beat him severely. It may be asserted with truth, that in this stage of his existence, he resembled a wild bull in a net,' the stout hearted and far from righteousness."

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"To such an infuriated degree had the hostility of his prosecutors raised his mind, that in his state of frenzy, he indiscriminately accused every one, on whom his suspicion fell, of being accessary to his condemnation and appointed execution; which was determined by the Judge should take place in 14 days from this day, August 31st. His behaviour on his trial was extremely indecorous. During this solemn proceeding, an intrepid resolution to set human justice at defiance, and to brave the rigour of the law, were very conspicuous traits in his disgusting deportment.

"In some parts of his trial he affected an arch gaity, and discovered an acuteness of intellect, in his remarks to his council, that might have done honour to a virtuous cause in another place; but on such an awful occasion, it only filled every serious and reflecting mind with horror. While Kinghorn, his accomplice in injustice and outrage, was giving his evidence in Court, Donald's vindictive temper was strongly depicted in his countenance, and to which he occasionally gave vent without disguise. If we may be allowed to judge from appearances, he would probably have assassinated him, if he could have availed himself of a free opportunity of executing his alarming menaces.

"He continued to breathe bitter invectives for several days after his condemnation against the Magistrates, who

were steady in their purpose, to bring all the active perpetrators of the daring robbery, to condign punishment.

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"Till within eight or nine days previous to his suffering death, he evidently laboured under a wounded spirit, and an inexpressible remorse of conscience for his past crimes: while to the way of peace he was an utter stranger.' 'Wearisome nights were appointed to him.' When he laid down, he would say, when will the night be gone?' He was full of tossings to and fro until the dawning of the day,' He was a burden to himself. For the arrows of the Almighty were within him; the poison whereof drank up his spirit: the terrors of God did set themselves in array against him.'-Nor need it excite wonder "that he often spake in the anguish of his spirit, and complained in the bitterness of his soul. Hell, he said, could not be worse than the pains, terrors, and overwhelming grief, which his guilty conscience experienced. He requested once that a fellow-prisoner might be permitted to sit up in his cell all night to keep him company, and to alleviate in some measure his grief and his calamity, which appeared to be heavier (as Job expresses it) than the sand of the sea.' For, he observed, he could not close his eyes in sleep; and night was a terror and a dread to him. It was judged prudent to deny this request of his, and he was consequently left to his own solitary reflections. Indeed his fellow-prisoner was afraid to risk his personal safety when the proposal was made to him.

"He refused to eat victuals for several days; and when one inquired why he did so, he answered, such was the extreme compunction of his heart, that he could not swallow his necessary food. The frequent and heavy sighs and groans, uttered from a heart severely oppressed with guilt and dread of future judgment, were truly affecting to the minds of his visitors; the impressive looks of gloomy despair; mingled with a faint and expiring hope which he cast on this narrator on taking leave of him, while in a comfortless state of mind, will never be erased from his memory."

Such was the state of this unhappy man, when Mr. Cockburn visited him, on the 3rd of September, eleven days before his death, and endeavoured to draw his attention to the way of salvation revealed in the gospel, particularly illustrating to him John iii. 14, 15. and 1 Tim. i. 15. He appeared then to be in the most shocking state of mind that can be well conceived, finding fault with every thing, especially his food; and when a bason of tea was taken to him for breakfast, he exclaimed " Blast it, I wish it was a

bason of arsenic!!" But here we must let Mr. Cockburn speak for himself. "I visited him every succeeding day, until Friday the 6th, without observing any perceptible change in him. On this occasion he was desirous of conversing about the plan of salvation. I told him that the grand end for which the Son of God was manifested, was to redeem the guilty from the punishment, power, and effects of sin; by himself bearing that wrath which was due to their transgressions, and thus displaying the righteous character of God in the salvation of the worthless and wretched: thus he died, under the divine malediction pronounced upon sinners, as it is written Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us,' for cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree." Gal. iii. 13. The work of redemption, I observed, was completely finished by Christ on the cross; for he said while he hung there, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. John xix. 30. But he was not left among the dead: he arose the third day according to the scriptures. God thus declaring his satisfaction in the work of his Son." It appears from the narrative before us that several persons who at this time got access to Donald, were very urgent with him about his salvation --prescribing rules and directions for him to follow in order to make his peace with God; but his answers and remarks sufficiently indicate how little such instructions were adapted to produce the desired effect. It was only the declaration of divine forgiveness flowing freely to guilty rebels through faith in the blood of the Lamb, that he found suited his case. And when that was set before him, he said, "If this be the gospel, it is just suited to my present circumstances!" The following extracts will shew what influence this simple statement of the truth had upon him; and we give it without comment.


Monday afternoon, Sept. 9, I found him greatly relieved in his mind. His countenance was an index of that happy state of mind, to which, a few days previous, he was an entire stranger. He then gave a very scriptural account of man's character by nature; and of the method God has provided for restoring him to his favour. It was a conviction of the love of God to sinners, that he assigned as the cause of producing such a change in his mind.

"I have,' says he, 'been a great sinner, have committed many wicked actions; and am now truly sorry for my conduct, and for having offended so good a God. I look upon my guilt as such, that were I to weep constantly, and live ever so devoutly, for the space of a

thousand years; yet all my tears and devotion for that length of time could not atone for one sin. I am a poor creature, shut up in this cell-what can I do to make my peace with God! My present peace of mind, and future prospects, do not arise from any thing I can possibly do. I now firmly believe that God sent his Son into the world, that on the cross he made atonement for sin, that he was raised again from the dead, and ascended up to the right hand of his Father, where he maketh intercession. God is now just in justifying such a sinner, and in receiving me to himself; for he that believeth shall be saved, and God cannot lie.' He frequently repeated-1 have no other hope. Glory to his name, the work was finished by Christ.'

"He acknowledged having received much edification from a scriptural exposition of the brazen serpent; to which the infected Israelites were commanded to look, and be healed; and the application of it by Christ, that of his being lifted up on the cross as a sacrifice for sin; that whosoever believeth might not perish, but have everlasting life."

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"We entered the cell for the last time

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to visit him, about an hour before he suffered. Joined with him in prayer and praise. He sung a hymn with great animation. He seemed anxious to give all present every satisfaction as to his confidence in God, and his happy state of mind. time,' says he, is now finished. I die in the faith of Christ. He is my hope.' And, with a degree of cheerfulness, he said, I am going to die to live for ever.' He then repeated 1 Tim. i. 15. "It is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, even the chief.'

"When the men came to take of his


irons, he arose from his bed, and went to meet them, saying, come my lads, I have been waiting for you.' When he was conducted from the jail to the scaf fold, he behaved with a degree of composure and becoming fortitude, which were admired by the spectators; and appeared to be wonderfully supported, and maintained his confidence to the last, On the scaffold, he addressed the populace in a short and impressive speech, warned them against the commission of such crimes, as had brought him to an untimely end, and informed them, that it was through the sufferings of Christ he had obtained mercy and the hope of everlasting life. ́

"The writer of this narrative and another friend, at his repeated and earnest request, accompanied him to the scaffold; one of whom prayed with him there; and when they had done, he turned his head towards his friends below, and was heard to say, 'the Lord be with you. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.' And he continued in fervent prayer, until the drop fell, and he was launched into eternity."


Religious and Literary Entelligence.



A numerous and respectable Meeting of this valuable Institution took place at Freemason's Hall, on Thursday Dec. 12th. His Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX having taken the Chair, expressed much regret that though the meeting was numerous, the unfavourable state of the weather prevented so full an attendance as was usual. He also regretted the absence of the Noble Duke who generally presided upon such occasions (the Duke of Bedford,) as well as that of his Noble Brother (the Duke of Kent,) who was now abroad. It should be his endeavour to discharge, to the best of his abilities, the duties of that office, which had consequently devolved upon him.Before be sat down, he felt it necessary to state, that the Secretary, being a foreigner, was unwilling to read the Report of the Committee himself, under an apprehension that he might not be understood, he had therefore requested that Mr. Forster might be permitted to read the Report in his place.

Mr. FORSTER then read the Report, which gave a very flattering account of the progress of the Institution, both at home and abroad.

country, of what colour, or of what religion; they considered all mankind as their brothers, and were ready to extend to them the great and solid advantages which education was calculated to diffuse. There was another point in which he thought this Society was also unrivalled-the facility with which its benefits were extended. That facility was such, that any individual might fairly calculate upon being able to do more good by a small subscription to their funds, than by disposing of it to those of any other Institution. The Committee had paid such attention to regulate and promote its object, that a poor man might now educate his child for the trifling expence of one penny per week. If they looked into any of those writers who treated of the nature of man, they would find it laid down as a principle, that every one was useful to society in proportion as he was taught to respect himself. From that principle it was clear that while they extended their benevolence over a great portion of the world, they were making the best provision within the reach of human sagacity for the diffusion of uni❤ versal happiness. The effect of education must be to elevate the mind of man, to raise his ideas of himself, to make him a Mr. W. WILLIAMS then rose and said, better moral character, and by that that he offered himself thus early to the means to diffuse the greatest benefits attention of the Meeting, for the purpose through society. On those two points of moving a Resolution connected with the great advantage of the system apthe Report they had just heard.-He felt peared to him to rest. But there was it his duty upon this occasion to call their another good effect of the Institution that attention for a few moments to the general should not be omitted. He alluded to the advantages of the Institution they were effect which it had a tendency to produce assembled to promote. Its great utility in the breasts of the Members themselves, was now universally admitted; the days by calling into activity these virtuous diswere happily gone by when it would be positions which led them to assist the poor, necessary to expatiate at length on its not merely with their money, but with benefits, and to meet the objections that instruction and advice-which had a tenwere once supposed to apply to its objects dency to take from them those party feeland consequences. Still, however, he ings that were but too apt to intrude into should call their attention to one or two the mind, and to communicate sentiments points. If it was granted to be right to of unmixed benevolence and charity. extend the blessings of general educa- They found from the Report, which was tion to the poor, humanity called upon just read, that schools were now estathem to do so. The object of that blishing on the same plan in almost every Society was the universal education of quarter of the globe. They must feel mankind, and in the prosecution of that particularly gratified at learning that this object they had availed themselves of was the case with much injured Africa. every system that could tend to promote This country, in common with the rest of it. Without entering into any discussion the world, had inflicted evils upon that or dispute with other Societies of the people, which would not easily be rekind, he might say with justice and with-lieved; but if it was possible to make out offence, that their's was the only system that could be universally acted upon. There was nothing exclusive in their principles, they embraced human nature generally, without regard to nature or climate or condition; no matter of what

them a recompense for past injuries, the best means of reparation were already attempted, in the effort to extend to them the advantages of education. He hoped they would soon see the consequences of their system so far advanced in that part

of the world, as to contradict the vulgar prejudice which had long existed to the disadvantage of Africa; and to prove, that though the Almighty had given them a different skin, he did not visit them with understandings incapable of improvement. One objection had been stated against the system pursued by the Society. It had been stated, that though they provided for the education of the poor, their plan had no tendency to give the young mind a religious bias. This, however, was a mistake. In the desire to render the system universal, they had felt it advisable to banish all disputed and controverted points of religion. They had humbly imitated the wisdom of Providence, by leaving it to every man's conscience to determine for him upon such subjects. They did not feel that the adoption of their mode of worship was exclusively necessary to salvation; and, therefore, they did not embarrass their system with restrictions that might, and must have operated, to prevent the universality of its adoption. But did they neglect religion? No; on the contrary, every lesson which they used was extracted from the Holy Scriptures. They led the children every Sabbath to places of public worship; and, above all things, they recommended the adoption of Sunday Schools; because, after having already taught them to believe in the Divine Being, and in the certainty of future rewards and punishments, they might there be instructed with advantage in the different modes of worship to which their parents were attached.-It only remained for a generous British public to enable them to carry the system into more complete effect. This was the subject of the present meeting. Several sums had been already subscribed for the erection of a new building, to extend the benefits of education still farther, but they had not yet amounted to the sum that was necessary. If that was not collected before Christmas, the subscribers would be at liberty to withdraw their donations, but when he saw so many present, especially of the fairer part of his country people, he could entertain no fear that the attempt would be permitted to fail for the want of a few hundreds. He concluded with moving, that the Report which was read, should be received and adopted.

Mr. JOHN SMITH expressed peculiar pleasure in seconding the motion. The Report, he thought, would be of great use in promoting the objects they had in view, and ought to be circulated as widely as possible. There was no one in that room, and he believed he might say but few in the country, who were disposed to differ with the Society upon the principles they were labouring to diffuse. Circumstances had called him to France in the course of the summer, where he saw many poor persons educated upon their

system. There were some things introduced to which he certainly felt an objection; but, upon the whole, it was calculated to diffuse the benefits of instruction, and as such, was entitled to praise. The invested fund which they were now called upon to assist, required an addition of fourteen hundred pounds, which must be collected before Christmas. He thought that if those persons who were present would go round among their friends in the intermediate time, there could be no doubt of their ultimate success. For his own part, he should do so, and if the other individuals of the meeting, particularly the Ladies, would take the trouble to follow his example, the purpose would unquestionably be accomplished.

The Resolution was then put and carried unanimously.

The Sultan KATTE-GERRY KRIM→ GHERRY, from Mount Caucasus, after informing the Meeting that he was but five weeks in this country, expressed great satisfaction at learning the great efforts that were made in England for the instructing the children of the poor. He was greatly pleased with the British system of education, and pledged himself to do all in his power to introduce it into his own country, as he conceived that the greatest blessing which could be conferred on the poor was to teach them to read the Scriptures. He then moved the thanks of the Meeting to their Roya! Highnesses the Prince Regent, and the Dukes of Kent and Sussex.

The Rev. J. HUGHES seconded the Resolution. He alluded to a misrepresentation that had appeared in a late publication, in which he was stated to have said that the British Bible Society and the Foreign School Society were one and the same. Perhaps the misconception was owing to a want of clearness upon his part, as he was very little in the habit of addressing such large assemblies, but what he intended to have said was, that they were Institutions which contributed respectively in a large degree to the pros perity and happiness of the country. With respect to the general subject of education, it was so well illustrated already as to require no additional observations. The day, he argued, was gone by, when any doubt could be entertained of the prudence of imbuing the minds of children with education-for, though intelligence might render them more capable of doing mischief, it increased their motives to do good. It was astonishing to reflect, that such a system of general education should never have occurred to the philanthropists of former ages; that it should have been reserved to the 19th century to commence so great a work; and that Britain, separated as it were from other nations, should rise up with unequalled liberality, amidst the ravages

In the press, Sermons by the Rer. John Martin, more than 40 years pastor of the Baptist Church now meeting in Keppel Street. Taken in Short Hand by Mr. T. Palmer. With a fine Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo.

and ruins of so many Empires, to be a blessing and a model to the universal world. With regard to the motion itself, the duty which taught him to bonour the King, instructed him at the same time to respect the King's sons. This tribute he willingly joined to pay to his Royal High-The work is published by Subscription, ness the Prince Regent, and his Royal and the price will be advanced to nonBrothers, the Dukes of Kent and Sussex, subscribers on its publication. who were so often seen in that Chair promoting the happiness of mankind. That Institution owed them much of its external support; but they were met not to offer compliments, but to express the genuine feelings of their hearts, and while they acknowledged these Royal Personages to be instruments of great benefit and importance to the cause, they must feel that the hand which moved those instruments was divine.

The Rev. F. A. Cox, A.M. has nearly completed at press, his work on Female Scripture Biography; with an Essay, shewing what Christianity has done fer Women. Also, a second edition, with considerable alterations, of his Life of Melancthon.

A new edition of the late Rev. C. Buck's Sermons is nearly ready.

Just published, in one volume, royal 4to, price £2. 12s. 6d. boards, Scripture

This Resolution being put, it was Genealogy from Adam to Christ, exhibitcarried unanimously.

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ing, in a Series of Thirty-Six Engraved Tables, a Distinct View of the Nation, Tribe, Family, Lineal Descent, and Posterity of every Person mentioned in the Bible, so far as they can be traced from

Sacred and Profane History; to which Authority of Usher and Blair; together are annexed Chronological Dates, on the with a Copious Introduction, an Histo rical Description of each Plate, and a Complete Index.

Just published, Gethsemane, or Thoughts on the Sufferings of Christ, by the Author of the Refuge. The second edition, embellished with a beautiful Design, by Burney. Foolscap 8vo. price 5s.

The YOUNG PLANTATION, consisting of, Poems, Religious, Moral, and Entertaining, for Juvenile Minds, in 3 parts, price 6d. each.

Part 1. Confined to words of one syllable.
2. Not exceeding two syllables.
3. Extending to four syllables.

It is painful to state another death in the African (Church) Mission. Mr. Jost, who had but recently arrived in Africa, and had just commenced his work, as a schoolmaster, was attacked by the fever on the 19th of June, and after a short illness expired. He was greatly supported and comforted by his views of Christ, as a precious Saviour. Who," The Third Part of the Supplement to says Mr. Horton, his fellow-labourer, the Encylopædia Britannica is just pub"would have supposed that he, the lished, containing, besides the usual arstrongest of us all, should have been ticles and engravings, a Dissertation, excalled away the first of us all." Mis-hibiting a general view of the Progress of sionaries who offer their services, should do it in the spirit of St. Paul; "I count not my life dear unto myself, that may finish my course with joy;" and they have Christ's repeated promise for their encouragement: "Whosoever will lose his life for my sake, shall find it."


Nov. 26th, died, at the advanced age of 79, the Rev. Dan Taylor, many years minister of a congregation of General Baptists, in Church Lane, Commercial Road.

LITERARY NOTICES. Speedily will be published, An Inquiry into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors on the Physical and Moral Faculties of Man, and on the Happiness of Society.

Mathematical and Physical Science since
the revival of Letters in Europe, by
Professor Playfair, on the same plan as
the Discourse in the First Part on the

Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and
Political Philosophy, by Dugald Stewart.

An elegant Translation of Pascal's Provincial Letters, containing an Exthe Jesuits, has just appeared, preceded posure of the Reasoning and Morals of by a Brief View of the History of the Jesuits. Speaking of these Letters in the original, Voltaire says, "Moliere's best Comedies do not excel them in wit, nor the compositions of Bossuet in sublimity.

Mr. Coleridge has just published his long promised Lay Sermon, addressed to the Higher Classes of Society, entitled The Statesman's Manuel, or the Bible the best Guide to Political Skill & Foresight.

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