tend the benefits of education to all de- spectable assemblage of Ladies and Gennominations of his subjects. Aberdeen, The system of the British and Foreign School Society has received the full approbation of the King, who has given directions for its adoption throughout his dominions. Four Schools are already established at Cape Henry, San-Souci, Port au Paix, and Gonaives. The school at Cape Henry was in excellent order, and being the first established, many of the scholars were already within 7 or 8 months so well instructed in the English language as to be able to speak it fluently. The schools are there called National with the strictest propriety, as the children of parents of all denominations are admitted without any exclusive principle. The two parts of Hayti are thus engaged in the most useful rivalry, that of communicating instruction to the people. It would not be surprising if through the energy and zeal displayed by this government in favour of universal instruction, that important design should be completed even before it is effected in this country, ADULT SCHOOLS. On the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 8, the City of London Society for the Instruction of Adults, held their Second Anniversary in the large Room at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, the Rt. Hon. the LORD MAYOR, the President, in the chair, on his right the LADY MAYORESS, attended by two of her Daughters, and LADY BELL; and on his left, Sir THOMAS BELL, and JOHN THORNTON, Esq. Treasurer of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Vice Presidents. Before the chair was taken, the room was filled in every part by a re tlemen. His Lordship opened the proceedings in a very impressive manner, after which, the Report being read, several truly eloquent and interesting speeches were addressed to the company, recommending co-operation and pecuDiary assistance, by Sir Thomas Bell, John Thornton, Esq. Dr. Isaac Buxton, Rev. J. Townsend, the Rev. F. A. Cox, the Rev. Mr. Warr, of Cheshunt, the Rev. Mr. Huggenson, of Lisburn in Ireland, Jos. Smith, Esq. of Manchester, S. B. Moens, Esq. Mr. F. Lloyd, Esq. Samuel West, Esq. S. J. Stuntevant, Esq. Mr. G. A. Coombes, and Mr. Teddy Connolly, a benevolent Irish gentleman. His Lordship closed the meeting by a effects from the instruction of the miseramost convincing statement of the good ble and profligate inhabitants of this great city. Hon, the Lord Mayor, President, the This Society is conducted by the Right Recorder, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and other Gentlemen, Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, three Secretaries, of different denomina24 Gentlemen, consisting equally of tions of Protestants, and a Committee of Members of the Church of England, and Protestant Dissenters. All orderly persons of both sexes unable to read, about sixteen years of age and this Society. The men and women are upwards are considered proper objects of taught and superintended in separate places, by persons of their own sex. The Schools are opened every Sunday, and exercises of the learners are restricted to one or more evenings in the week; the reading the Authorized Version of the holy Scriptures, and in elementary books The business of the Schools commence and as preparatory to the sacred volume. conclude by one of the superintendants reading a portion of the holy Scriptures. The number of Adults admitted into the Society's Schools is 1040, vix. 509 men, 531 women; the number left the School able to read the Bible 224, and the Scripture Lessons 179, together 403; viz. 182 men, and 221 women; now under instruction 391, viz. 212 men, 179 women, a great proportion of whom have nearly attained the object of this Society; many of them, as well as those who are stated to have left the School able to read, were unable to name a letter when they entered. Every person subscribing five shillings or upwards annually, or rendering service as a teacher, shall be a member of this Society, during the continuance of such subscription or service; and every person giving a benefaction of five guineas or upwards at one time, shall be a member for life. Every person subscribing one guinea or upwards annually, shall be considered a governor during the conti nuance of that subscription; and every person giving a benefaction of ten guineas or upwards at one time, shall be consi- JOHN WILCOX, 2 Gratuitous DESIGNATION of MISSIONARIES. On the evening of Tuesday the 23rd ulto. Messrs. Adam and Sutton were designated to the service of the East India Mission, at the Baptist Meeting House, Shortwood, Gloucestershire. We are sorry, it will not be in our power to give more than a very imperfect sketch of the proceedings on that interesting occasion. | upon the course of a Missionary, and the doctrines he intended to enforce in his future ministry. Mr. Adam followed in reply to the two second Queries. It was said of Charles Fox that "in the management of a party, he showed himself equal to the government of an Empire." We would say of Mr. Adam that in the simple proceedings of that evening, he evinced powers of mind, that under favourable circumstances would bid fair to place him in the first ranks of literary eminence, combined with a deep feeling of piety, that insures the devotedness of those powers to the best objects. With a rapid but commanding glance he touched upon the moral state of man, its debasement every where, its extreme degradation amid the heathen world; "he considered the perfect adaptation of the Gospel as a remedial system, and combining with their considerations a feeling of obligation to the Saviour, the urgent nature of his command, and the certainty of the ultimate triumph of his cause, he urged these as the motives that have induced his matured reflection to determine upon the choice of a Missionary Life. In replying to the third Question he The subject was introduced by Mr. said, the doctrines inculcated by the light Winterbotham in a short address, in of nature, or a consideration of the which, (after stating the object of the Works of God, might form an essential Meeting) he vindicated the adoption of part of the topics of his future discourses; the plan they were about to pursue in he should however most constantly bring solemnly setting apart the present Can-forward and inforce the evidences of the didates for the Ministerial and Missionary Christian revelation as the sole standard Office; insisting particularly upon the of religious sentiment and moral cha example of the church of Christ in res- racter. He should endeavour to illustrate pect to Paul and Barnabas-at the same the perfection of the divine nature, from time decidedly deprecating the idea of both of the sources, and insist upon the thereby conferring any gifts or aposto- unity and spirituality of the Deity as oplical powers-with the happiest effect he posed to the systems of Polytheism and endeavoured to interest his audience in Idolatry prevailing among the heathen; the grand object of the Mission- he dwelt he should likewise claim their reception particularly on the relative situation of of the doctrine of the Trinity, as however India and this Country-he pointed out incomprehensible it was to him, he bethe proceedings of Providence that had lieved it to be taught in the Scripplaced the whole Indian Continent more tures. These, with the moral government or less under the dominion of British of God, and responsibility of man, his influence, and by every feeling of patri- rebellion and liability to punishment, the otism, of benevolence, and of attachment depravity of his fallen nature (acknowto the religion of the gospel, he conjured ledged in their own ablutions and sacrihis hearers by their most strenuous exer- fices) the insufficiency of human means to tions to support a cause so deservedly conciliate the favour of God and to find dear to every heart that desired to pro-acceptance in his sight, would lead him mote the best interests of its country-to point the attention of his auditors to the welfare of the world, or the honour of the Saviour. He likewise particularly claimed their sympathies on behalf of those who had now offered themselves for the important cause of the Mission; he touched on the sacrifices a Missionary was called to make; the dangers to which he might be exposed, and the privations which he would have to endure. Mr. Sutton then proceeded, in reply to three several interrogations, to give an interesting account of the means that led to his conversion, his motives for entering the subject of the great atonement as the centre around which all these doctrines would arrange themselves, and by an interest in which alone the sinner could ever realize the salutary tendencies of the gospel. Dr. Ryland then offered the ordination prayer. In his address to the Missionaries, Mr. Dyer (of Reading,) directed their attention to the xvith of Acts 16 and 17 verses, which he stated to contain a just inti mation of their character, and of the tend the benefits of education to all de-spectable assemblage of Ladies and Gen. pominations of his subjects. last. St. Domingo. Port au Prince. We have the pleasure to inform our readers that Mr. Bosworth, who was sent by the British and Foreign School Society to Port au Prince, arrived there in July On his arrival he was introduced to the President Petion and received most favourably. The President gave orders for the immediate erection of a School house, and house for the Master, and at the same time declared his desire to extend the advantages of the British system of education throughout that part of the Island subject to his government, Aberdeen. The system of the British and Foreign School Society has received the full approbation of the King, who has given directions for its adoption throughout his dominions. Four Schools are already established at Cape Henry, San-Souci, Port au Paix, and Gonaives. The school at Cape Henry was in excellent order, and being the first established, many of the scholars were already within 7 or 8 months so well instructed in the English language as to be able to speak it fluently. The schools are there called National with the strictest propriety, as the children of parents of all denominations are admitted without any exclusive principle. The two parts of Hayti are thus engaged in the most useful rivalry, that of communicating instruction to the people. It would not be surprising if through the energy and zeal displayed by this government in favour of universal instruction, that important design should be completed even before it is effected in this country. ADULT SCHOOLS. On the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 8, the City of London Society for the Instruction of Adults, held their Second Anniversary in the large Room at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, the Rt. Hon. the LORD MAYOR, the President, in the chair, on his right the LADY MAYORESS, attended by two of her Daughters, and LADY BELL; and on his left, Sir THOMAS BELL, and JOHN THORNTON, Esq. Treasurer of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Vice Presidents. Before the chair was taken, the room was filled in every part by a re tlemen. His Lordship opened the proceedings in a very impressive manner, after which, the Report being read, several truly eloquent and interesting speeches were addressed to the company, recommending co-operation and pecuniary assistance, by Sir Thomas Bell, John Thornton, Esq. Dr. Isaac Buxton, Rev. J. Townsend, the Rev. F. A. Cox, the Rev. Mr. Warr, of Cheshunt, the Rev. Mr. Huggenson, of Lisburn in Ireland, Jos. Smith, Esq. of Manchester, S. B. Moens, Esq. Mr. F. Lloyd, Esq. Samuel West, Esq. S. J. Stuntevant, Esq. Mr. G. A. Coombes, and Mr. Teddy Connolly, a benevolent Irish gentleman. His Lordship closed the meeting by a most convincing statement of the good effects from the instruction of the miserable and profligate inhabitants of this great city. This Society is conducted by the Right Recorder, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and other Hon, the Lord Mayor, President, the Gentlemen, Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, three Secretaries, of different denomina 24 Gentlemen, consisting equally of tions of Protestants, and a Committee of Members of the Church of England, and Protestant Dissenters. All orderly persons of both sexes unable to read, about sixteen years of age and this Society. The men and women are upwards are considered proper objects of taught and superintended in separate places, by persons of their own sex. The Schools are opened every Sunday, and exercises of the learners are restricted to one or more evenings in the week; the reading the Authorized Version of the holy Scriptures, and in elementary books as preparatory to the sacred volume. The business of the Schools commence and conclude by one of the superintendants reading a portion of the holy Scriptures. The number of Adults admitted into the Society's Schools is 1040, vix. 509 men, able to read the Bible 224, and the Scrip531 women; the number left the School ture Lessons 179, together 403; viz. 182 men, and 221 women; now under instruc tion 391, viz. 212 men, 179 women, a great proportion of whom have nearly attained the object of this Society; many of them, as well as those who are stated to have left the School able to read, were unable to name a letter when they enter ed. Every person subscribing five shillings or upwards annually, or rendering service as a teacher, shall be a member of this Society, during the continuance of such subscription or service; and every person giving a benefaction of five guineas or upwards at one time, shall be a mem ber for life. Every person subscribing one guinea or upwards annually, shall be considered a governor during the conti nuance of that subscription; and every person giving a benefaction of ten guineas or upwards at one time, shall be consi- JOHN WILCOX, 2 Gratuitous DESIGNATION of MISSIONARIES. On the evening of Tuesday the 23rd ulto. Messrs. Adam and Sutton were designated to the service of the East India Mission, at the Baptist Meeting House, Shortwood, Gloucestershire. We are sorry, it will not be in our power to give more than a very imperfect sketch of the proceedings on that interesting occasion, upon the course of a Missionary, and the doctrines he intended to enforce in his future ministry. Mr. Adam followed in reply to the two second Queries. It was said of Charles Fox that " in the management of a party, he showed himself equal to the government of an Empire." We would say of Mr. Adam that in the simple proceedings of that evening, he evinced powers of mind, that under favourable circumstances would bid fair to place him in the first ranks of literary eminence, combined with a deep feeling of piety, that insures the devoteduess of those powers to the best objects. With a rapid but commanding glance he touched upon the moral state of man, its debasement every where, its extreme degradation amid the heathen world; he considered the perfect adaptation of the Gospel as a remedial system, and combining with their considerations a feeling of obligation to the Saviour, the urgent nature of his command, and the certainty of the ultimate triumph of his cause, he urged these as the motives that have induced his matured reflection to determine upon the choice of a Missionary Life. In replying to the third Question he said, the doctrines inculcated by the light of nature, or a consideration of the Works of God, might form an essential part of the topics of his future discourses; he should however most constantly bring Christian revelation as the sole standard of religious sentiment and moral cha racter. He should endeavour to illustrate the perfection of the divine nature, from both of the sources, and insist upon the unity and spirituality of the Deity as opposed to the systems of Polytheism and Idolatry prevailing among the heathen; he should likewise claim their reception of the doctrine of the Trinity, as however incomprehensible it was to him, he believed it to be taught in the Scriptures. These, with the moral government of God, and responsibility of man, his rebellion and liability to punishment, the depravity of his fallen nature (acknowledged in their own ablutions and sacrifices) the insufficiency of human means to conciliate the favour of God and to find The subject was introduced by Mr. Winterbotham in a short address, in which, (after stating the object of the Meeting) he vindicated the adoption of the plan they were about to pursue in solemnly setting apart the present Can-forward and inforce the evidences of the didates for the Ministerial and Missionary Office; insisting particularly upon the example of the church of Christ in respect to Paul and Barnabas-at the same time decidedly deprecating the idea of thereby conferring any gifts or apostolical powers-with the happiest effect he endeavoured to interest his audience in the grand object of the Mission-he dwelt particularly on the relative situation of India and this Country-he pointed out the proceedings of Providence that had placed the whole Indian Continent more or less under the dominion of British influence, and by every feeling of patriotism, of benevolence, and of attachment to the religion of the gospel, he conjured his hearers by their most strenuous exertions to support a cause so deservedly dear to every heart that desired to pro-acceptance in his sight, would lead him mote the best interests of its country the welfare of the world, or the honour of the Saviour. He likewise particularly claimed their sympathies on behalf of those who had now offered themselves for the important cause of the Mission; he touched on the sacrifices a Missionary was called to make; the dangers to which he might be exposed, and the privations which he would have to endure. Mr. Sutton then proceeded, in reply to three several interrogations, to give an interesting account of the means that led to his conversion, his motives for entering to point the attention of his auditors to the subject of the great atonement as the centre around which all these doctrines would arrange themselves, and by an interest in which alone the sinner could ever realize the salutary tendencies of the gospel. Dr. Ryland then offered the ordination prayer. In his address to the Missionaries, Mr. Dyer (of Reading,) directed their attention to the xvith of Acts 16 and 17 verses, which he stated to contain a just inti mation of their character, and of the errand on which they were going. He noticed the variety of claims the Divine Being possessed upon their services as men, as Christians, and as Ministers; he reminded them that Providence had in a great measure pointed out the sphere of their exertion, they had entered upon their present labours with the sufferings of the churches to which they had belonged, and of that Society with which they were now connected. Under his second head, the preacher stated his text to be declarative of something that already existed-a plan that had already been effected-and he urged this view of the subject, as, to them of great importance. He reminded them likewise, that neither was it their task to insure success-while that must be left to the influences of a higher power, it would be their business to shew forth the way of salvation. In a declaration of that gospel, he reminded them of the very different situation in which they would be placed in a heathen land, and the consequent variety of those means, by which they were to seek its inculcation. For the attainment of this end they would improve every opportunity of mixing with the natives, and would make the great truths of the gospel, and more especially the doctrine of the atonement, the distinguishing topics of their familiar conversation; they would also effectually promote the cause, by their attention to the language of the people, amongst whom they might be situated, and their consequent ability to aid in the translations of the Scriptures; they would also powerfully recommend the religion they taught, by exhibiting in their own conduct a shining proof of its salutary influence on the human character; and here he warned them to keep up a constant intercourse with that Being whom they professed to serve, to avoid every thing that might clash with the prosecution of their important work; in the choice of relatives, in the pursuit of any studies that might be irrelative to the cause, they were to oppose every feeling of restlessness, every allurement of pleasure or of ambition. DIED, At Rochdale, in Lancashire, or the evening of Lord's day, September 28th the Rev. Thomas Little wood, who had been for more than thirty years pastor of the Baptist church in that place. The circumstances attending his dissolution furnish an additional proof of the uncertainty of human life, and the precarious tenure on which mortals hold the thread of their existence. On the day of his death, he was in possession of his ordinary state of health, and preached twice to the people of his charge. In the even ing, according to his usual custom, he read the scriptures to his own family, and commended them to God by fervent prayer, not forgetting the interests of Zion, for which he was remarked to plead at the throne of grace with more than his wonted earnestness. On rising from prayer and resuming his seat, he put his hand to his forehead and complained of indisposition, and in twenty minutes he was a breathless corpse! having, as is supposed, burst a blood vessel. He was constitutionally of an athletic form and inclined to corpu lency, though a person of abstemious habits. He then passed on to remind them of Mr. Littlewood, asis well known in the the encouraging prospect held out in the northern counties of England, had during Scriptures, of the unchangeableness of the greater part, if not the whole term of the purposes of God, their accordance his settlement at Rochdale, conducted a with his own character, the infinite value | very extensive boarding school, the numof the sacrifice of Christ, and combining ber of his pupils generally averaging sixty; these with a view of the different and far an important station, for which he was more favourable circumstances than those eminently qualified, and which he filled of their predecessors, with which they with great credit to himself, and much to entered on the propagation of a gospel, the satisfaction of his friends. The suc whose power had already been proved cess that crowned his labours in this de to be fully available for the accomplish- partment, enabled him without burthening ment of all its purposes, with the recol- the church, to provide for the support of lection of the vast blessedness imparted a very numerous offspring, having had by to every mind they might be instrumental two wives twenty two children, twelve in converting, and the moral certainty of whom survive to feel the loss of his pa that the effects of that belief would spread 'ternal care. |