376 Religious and Literary Entelligence. DEMISE OF HER ROYAL HIGH-mont, and the Cabinet ministers were Although we are perfectly aware that none of our readers at the present moment need to be told of the heart-rending occurrences which we are about to relate; there nevertheless appears a propriety in placing them upon record in the columns of our Journal, were it only for the use of succeeding generations, and of readers yet unborn. "One generation passeth away" saith the preacher, "and another cometh, but the earth abideth continually," Eccles. i. 4. In a few months, or years at most, the scenes of lamentation and woe with which we are now so familiarised, can be known only by report; and the record of events that may be considered superfluous to us who are spectators to them, may arrest attention at a distant period; infuse into the thoughtless mind the fear of God; and inculcate correct sentiments of human frailty and the vanity of all sublunary enjoyments. The following is the account to which we refer, as published by authority. LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. Thursday, November 6, 1817. Whitehall, Nov. 6, 1817. Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte Augusta, Daughter of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and Consort of His Serene Highness the Prince Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg, was delivered of a still born Male Child, at Nine O'Clock last night, and about halfpast Twelve, Her Royal Highness was seized with great difficulty of breathing, restlessness, and exhaustion, which alarming symptoms encreased till half-past two this morning, when Her Royal Highness expired, to the inexpressible grief of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, of her illustrious Consort the Prince Leopold, and of all the Royal Family. Before we proceed to offer any reflections on this truly awful dispensation of divine Providence, it may be proper to record a few other particulars respecting it, which we collect from the public prints. Her Royal Highness began to be affected with the pains of labour early on Tuesday morning, when Sir R. Croft, who was engaged as Accoucheur, dispatched an express to town, requesting the immediate attendance of Doctors also summoned to attend, as is usual in all cases where the issue is in the direct line of succession to the throne. Her indisposition continued, it seems throughTuesday night, though very slow in its out the whole of the day, and also of progress. On Wednesday morning at 8 o'Clock, the Privy Councillors assemwith the medical Gentlemen in attenbled at Claremont had a consultation dance--when, in consequence of the protracted state of the illness of the Prin cess, for their information and satisfaction, the following official Report or Bulletin was issued : "Claremont, Wednesday Morning, Eight o' Clock. "The labour of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte is going on very slowly but we hope favourably. (Signed) "M. BAILLIE. "R. CROFT. "J. SIMS." These hopes, however, have been sadly disappointed by the following Official Report, issued between nine and ten on Wednesday night :: "CLAREMONT, NOVEMBER 5, 1817. "Quarter past Nine in the Evening. "At Nine o'Clock, this Evening, her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte was safely delivered of a still-born Male Child, and her Royal Highness is going on favourably." "M. BAILLIE. The Princess did not survive this me lancholy event many hours: at half-past two o'clock she sunk beneath her sufferings, and resigned her breath. The Members of the Privy Council then withdrew from the sad scene, and Lord Sidmouth, on his arrival in town, dispatched a note communicating the deplorable catastrophe to the Lord Mayor, of which the following is a copy :-- "Whitehall, November 6, a. m. "My Lord, "It is with the deepest sorrow that I Baillie and Sims, who hastened to Clare-inform your Lordship that her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte expired | vented itself in a manner that suggested alarm for his safety; a sorrow "reiusing to be comforted." But here we leave his Royal Highness for the present to attend the bustle of external circumstances; but not without the satisfaction this morning at Half-past Two o'clock. As respects the first fatal event, it must add not a little to the pain inflicted, when it is known that the little innocent was a male-that it was a fine and wellformed child-and that it had lived within a few hours of its introduction to the world. Notwithstanding these circumstances, however, the amiable Princess cheerfully acquiesced in the event, as being the will of God; and the Prince's heart was so much interested in her welfare, that he exclaimed in a rap- of stating, that alarm on his account has subsided, and will we trust give way to that balm which alone can heal a wound ed heart. It is almost unnecessary to say that exPresses were immediately sent in all directions. That to the Prince Regent found him just arrived at Carlton-house about four o'Clock, having returned from a visit to Lord Hertford, immediately on Highness's delicate situation. The Prince receiving intelligence of her Royal was about proceeding immediately to Claremont, when his royal brother the Duke of York and Lord Bathurst prehad just received. The effect was such vented him by the fatal intelligence they as to create the alarm of Apoplexy, and we are informed it was found necessary for his Royal Highness to submit to cupping and repeated bleeding to ward off the danger. But, alas! there is nothing safe on earth! We now hasten to the closing scene. The Princess had borne her sufferings with a patience and submission, that had attracted the admiration not only of her Royal Spouse, but of all who had the opportunity to witness it. Nature had been, however, much exhausted; and it was judged necessary it should be recruited by rest and sleep, to which she The Queen, whose advanced age, as seemed happily inclined. The Ministers is natural to suppose, must draw along of State returned to town-the Prince with it the infirmities of nature, had, by was persuaded to seek repose in an adthe advice of her Physicians, proceeded joining apartment--and the Drs. Baillie to Bath, the preceding week, for the and Sims also retired, leaving only Sir purpose of availing herself of the benefit Richard Croft and the Nurse, Mrs. Grif- of the waters. An express was consefiths, in immediate attendance. Soon quently dispatched to inform her Majesty after midnight, in the act of administerof the calamity that had befallen the ing some gruel, the latter perceived family; and the messenger found her and symptoms of alarm. Her Royal High- the Princess Elizabeth at dinner. The ness complained of difficulty in swallow-dispatch was addressed to General Taying, pain in her stomach, and a chilly tremor, the usual forerunners of convulsions. Drs. Baillie and Sims were im mediately recalled; and Prince Leopold himself resumed, by her bed-side, his "Post of observation, "Darker every hour." About one o'Clock came on the fatal spasms. The Prince endeavoured as much as possible to conceal his anxiety and grief: but her Royal Highness, it is said, fixed her eyes upon him, and scarcely ever moved them; frequently extending her hand to meet the embrace of his. She continued sensible, it appears, to the last and within a short time of her departure said to the medical attendants, "Is there any danger?" Their reply was to request her to compose herself to rest; and she soon after "breathed a gentle sigh, and expired." It would be in vain to attempt to describe the scene which now took place. The Prince himself, it is said, sunk at first into a sort of stupor bordering on insensibility; which hesitates to believe the scene passing before its eyes, and tries to persuade us it is a dream. Awoke however by his reflections, his grief VOL. III. lor, who came out to read it, and called out Lady Ilchester to communicate the fatal news in the tenderest manner. On Lady I.'s return, her Majesty changed colour, and said, 66 I know some fatal event has happened." On hearing the particulars, the queen "covered her face, gave a convulsive sob," and with the Princess Elizabeth immediately retired. Shortly after this intelligence, her Majesty and the Duke of Clarence, leaving handsome donations to the principal charities at Bath, returned to Windsor. The Duke of Clarence was at a grand civic feast given in honour of the royal visit to Bath. On reading the express his Royal Highness immediately withdrew in silence; and when the purport of it was communicated to the company by Marquis Camden, the whole company. followed the example. Thus has this amiable and beloved Princess been snatched away, under circumstances the most interesting and afflictive, in the twenty-second year of her age. Only one short month ago, the nation fondly anticipated a long and illustrious line of princes, from the union of the houses of Brunswick and Saxe 3 C Coburg: but these hopes are now blasted, and in this sad visitation we receive a lesson that ought to make a deep and lasting impression upon our minds of the short-sightedness of man, and the vanity and weakness of all earthly grandeur. An occurrence, however, so deeply tragical in its own nature, and in which the vital interests of the empire are so intimately involved, it surely is our wisdom to consider well in all its bearings, and seek to make a suitable improvement of it. Insensible indeed to every thing that is amiable in human hature, must that heart be, which could withhold its sympathy from any female who perishes in the hour of travail. In every case, even that of an obscure stranger, our feelings are wrung by emotions, little short of agony, for the mother who expires under such circumstances. But in the present instance, the victim was so young, so virtuous, so elevated in rank and accomplishments, so many high interests centered in her, so much individual and national happiness destroyed, and at the first birth too-and her infant perishing with her that infant too, a son-and all the fond hopes of herself, of her husband, of her father, of her family, and of a whole nation at once blasted-and at the very moment when they seemed accomplished-all these form in the aggregate such a complicated scene of woe as is almost too much for the firmest nerve to sustain. In this accumulated series of affliction, all public and private griefs are lost-one scene of desolation overwhelms all, from the palace to the meanest cottage. The first effect produced by the event we are now bewailing, was stupifying. It had scarcely entered into the contemplation of any human being. The idea was so remote, so improbable, that notwithstanding the feeble tenure by which our existence is held, it seems never to have occupied the mind for a moment. It surprised us, too, amidst preparations for rejoicing. It exploded with a terrible crash amongst us, while we were waiting in humble expectation of happy tidings. Mankind are not very prone to look at the dark side of any subject: and the nation at large had built such fond hopes upon the protracted existence of the Princess, that the possibility of its being suddenly cut short did not once present itself. Besides it is unnatural to associate ideas of youth and blooming health, with those of disease and death; and the human mind naturally recoils at the thought, that happiness, as complete as perhaps falls to the lot of mere humanity, should lie at the mercy of every adverse blast, and be liable every hour to be transformed into the most poignant distress or misery. An event of this kind, consequently, always inspires ter ror as well as grief. It places before our appalled imagination the frailty of life, and the uncertainty of our dearest connections. How mortifying to human ambition is the reflection, that what was only a few hours ago possessed of youth, health, beauty, and the highest rank;. what was so recently alive to all the endearing charities of our nature; now lies insensible to every thing that is passing here below, deaf to the loudest invocations, and indifferent to the poignant grief occasioned by her death. At such a sight, how baseless do all our fondest visions of felicity appear. It is this association of ideas that has attached so awful a lesson, and imparted so harrowing an effect to the death of the Princess Charlotte. Her rank alone, identified as it was with royalty and the throne, could not have produced such a deep impression. Even the hopes of her future government, bright and cheering as they were, would not alone have been sufficient to mix up so much consternation with such general sorrow. Neither could her loveliness, nor her private worth, nor her exemplary conduct in the high station in which she moved, have excited this profound interest. All classes of the community, indeed, had accustomed themselves to look forward to the period of her reign, as one that should realize the wishes, which the best and worthiest men in the country entertain on the subject of public con. cerns. Every circumstance, too, as connected with the Princess, as far as her life was concerned, seemed to promise their fulfilment. She was one of the last persons whose demise any one could have contemplated, She always presented herself to the imagination, as abounding. with health and gaiety, and as one whose path was strewed with flowers, reared by public affection. Whoever has seen her in public, must have remarked with what a zest she appeared to enjoy life, and with what a warmth of feeling she seemed to partake of its innocent pleasures. In her glance, in her smile, in the movement of her lovely head, in that of her hand or body, there was a graceful display of animated life; and numbers can well recollect, the pleasing impression which she made on her first appearance after her marriage. visibly felt that she was universally beloved, because she was conscious that she deserved it. She was therefore desirous at every instant to return the regard which she inspired; but in doing that, there was no display of haughty condescension; it was the effusion of a tender heart, unstudied, spontaneous, and warm. She was obviously happy at the marks she received of general attachment, and solicitous to communicate back again that happiness. Ah! who that then saw her, thus lovely, thus na She tural, thus blessed with the choicest gifts that Providence can bestow, the idol of the country, and exquisitely happy in her recent marriage, could have anticipated the melancholy and awful scene we are now recording. The last sad office of respect and friendship to the manes of the illustrious Princess; and her progeny, was performed on Wednesday, Nov. 19th. when they were interred in the family vault at Windsor; and no awful ceremony of this kind, on the demise of any of our rulers, or of any branches of their illustrious families, has, we believe, been marked by a greater, possibly not so general and unequivocal a testimony of unfeigned sorrow and regret. The parochial churches in the metropolis, and many of the chapels also, exhibited the signs of public grief, by covering pulpits, desks, and galleries, with the sable emblems of mourning. Beside the shops being shut up with a strictness equal to the observation of the Sabbath, the coffee-house keepers and victualers united in the public expression of feeling. The far greater part of the ordinary business of the town was suspended. Private houses had their window-shutters closed in the same way as if the master, or a near family relation, had been lost. The day proving very fine, for the season of the year, vast numbers were walking out after the morning service; a circumstance which, instead of lessening, added to the appearance of national gloom. All that custom ordains as the signs of external sorrow was to be seen every where, in the public streets, in the parks, and not only there, but in the more retired and obscure parts of the metropolis. Unconfined to those to whom a change of dress is either no consideration, or a trifling one, the same sentiment operated with equal effect upon thousands whose condition approaches closely to difficulty and poverty. Among those inferior classes, there were few who had by them a scrap of black, or who could find the means of procuring it, who did not eagerly put on the visible demonstrations of their unaffected sorrow. The bells of all the churches tolled at intervals during the whole day. The charity children in several parishes bore the signs of mourning; such as the substitution of black collars or cuffs, for those of other and gayer colours: some had sable bindjngs sewed round their caps and their badges. Many of the female children wore black ribands. The courts of law, the public offices, the Royal Exchange, &c. were closed. Orders were sent to all the dock yards to prohibit the usual transaction of business. British vessels, and those of all other nations, hoisted their colours only half-mast high. In the different sea-ports, minute-guns were directed to be fired at night. Nor were these testimonies of respect to the memory of departed virtue, confined to the metropolis-We rejoice to learn from the public prints, that they pervaded every part of the empire. The country at large participated in the general gloom, and has shewn by its acute grief on this melancholy occasion that it is capable of the highest and most disinterested affection for the family of its rulers; but it is not for the trappings of royalty that they have this veneration; this tribute is reserved for virtue, and may our fellow subjects ever make this distinction. It is well known that the Princess, exclusive of her private virtues, was sincerely attached to the constitutional liberties of the country. She understood, revered, and loved the excellent system of laws and government, under which the country has acquired such a large share of practical happiness. Her father had caused to be impressed upon her young and tender mind the greatest veneration for those principles which he himself so long professed, and the opinions which she thus early embraced, her maturer judgment fully approved, so that they "grew with her growth and strengthened with her strength," nor could any earthly consideration have induced her to renounce them. To a benevolent and feeling heart, she united great firmness of character. The impressions she received at an early age, became stronger and more rooted as she advanced in years; like the incision that is made in a young tree, which, in proportion as the tree grows becomes broader and deeper. In closing this imperfect tribute to the illustrious dead, we wish to urge the great moral lesson that is conveyed in her sudden and premature loss. No event could contain a more striking instance of the vanity of human hopes, the instability of worldly grandeur, and the frailty of human ties. But the memory of her virtues, public and private, will survive; and after the lapse of ages, the name of the Princess will be pronounced with love and respect; and her conduct be adduced as a bright example to her own sex, and particularly to such of them as shall move in her elevated station. We shall have many opportunities hereafter of adverting to this affecting subject, when we come to review the sermons which have been preached and published on the occasion of it.-For the present, however, we take our leave, by presenting the reader with an extract from the one just published by Dr. J. P. Smith, unquestionably the best that we have yet either heard or read on the mournful occasion. A more detailed account of it must be reserved for our ensuing number. "All these considerations, combined' with esteem and love for her personal excellencies, bear upon the illustrious name of the much beloved and deeply la mented Princess CHARLOTTE, the Heiress | Dissenters, she declared, in the most corof Britain. She was not more honoured dial and generous manner, that she felt for the lustre of her ancestry, nor more the respect and would shew the bonourelevated by being the presumptive ex-able treatment, which her august Grandpectant of the noblest crown on earth, father, and his two predecessors of the than she was personally the object of house of Brunswick, had uniformly detender affection when living, and of the monstrated. So far as our little informamost painful regret now that she is num- tion has extended, she and her affectiobered with the dead. nate husband were not only a model of love and order and rational occupation in domestic life, but they manifested a serious reverence for sacred things, and paid honour to the public worship of God and the exercises of devotion and piety. The Princess was born, Jan. 7th, 1796, married, May 2nd, 1816, and died, Nov. 6th, 1817. "In body and in mind she was lively, prompt, and vigorous. Her temper was condescending, sweet, and generous: her conversation and manners were, to a remarkable degree, affable and kind. She manifested true wisdom and greatness of "Such was this lamented Princess. soul, in relinquishing the pageantry of Such was her rare and lovely character. courts, and the pomp of ostentatious We now know the value of this jewel by grandeur, and in choosing to spend her its irretrievable loss. How dear ought time, till she should be called to her ex- we to hold her memory! How piercing, pected high station, in the shades of a how agonizing, to her Consort, her facalm, simple and well-employed retire-mily, and her country, that unlooked for ment. She possesed strong sense, a fine and awful stroke, which has made such understanding, and acute penetration. a breach!-In the estimation of our natiHer mind had the ability to deduce just onal interests, the loss is irreparable. But conclusions, in cases which would have as it respects herself, our best, our only been far from obvious to superficial per- consolation lies in the delightful hope that -sons: and she equally possessed the firm-God, by his grace through the Redeemer, ness and integrity which enabled her to had given to her a sanctified heart, the act upon her convictions. Her memory pardon of her sins, and a meetness for was furnished with rich stores of know-his heavenly presence; and that he was ledge; and she was in the habit of calling pleased, in signal love, to take her, thus them forth to excellent applications. early, out of a world of sins and temptaHer acquirements, the fruits of studious tions, difficulties and woes, to the bosom toil and severe application, were such as of eternal rest, the joys of perfect holiwould have raised her from the lowest ness and full redemption." situation to be the model of her sex, and the admiration of all. It is probable that never, since man was formed upon the earth, was the expectant of a crown so exquisitely educated for the best discharge of its exalted duties, or improved more excellently such eminent advantages. She did not permit her talents to rust in idleness, or to decay by neglect; nor did she degrade them to frivolous or worthless purposes: but she was in a course of activity employing and improving her abilities and acquirements, by being associated in important studies with her illustrious Consort, by increasing her qualifications to direct the education of her expected offspring, and by laying up valuable treasures of historical and constitutional wisdom, for the future service of her country. Her attachment was declared to those principles of equitable freedom which are the basis of public happiness, and the glory of the British constitution. But the greatest dignity in the character of this estimable Princess lay in her not being ashamed to avow her reverential regard to the Christian religion. With its sacred principles, I have been informed that she had an accurate acquaintance, and that she avowed her serious approbatiou of them. She could discriminate, and she reverenced, the sentiments and characters of the most pious among the clergy of the Church of EngJand. With regard to the Protestant HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. We are always happy to report pragress in the moral state of Ireland-that long and shamefully neglected country. In our numbers for July and August, we gave a short account of the last Annual Report of the Hibernian Society, and of the proceedings which took place at the General Meeting in May. The Committee have lately presented us with some additional intelligence subsequently received from the Schoolmasters, Inspectors, and other agents of the Society in Ireland, from which we are gratified at finding every thing (except the funds of the Institution) in a very prosperous state. The number of Schools established by the Society for the purposes of general education, and circulating the Holy Scriptures, was 347, and of pupils 27,776. We subjoin a few particulars for the satisfaction of our readers. From Mr. B-, the Society's principal Agent in Ireland. Mr. B states several instances of the most violent hostility to the Society's Schools, on the part of some of the Catholic Priests; the effects of which were severely felt, by the withdrawing |