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the mammon of unrighteousness,". Luke xvi. 9. and "being rich towards God," ch. xii. 21. Paul says, that those who do good, and are rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate, are laying up in store for themselves, a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. 1 Tim. vi. 18. 19. There are many different religions in the world, and many distinct denominations of the Christian religion; but the apostle James assures us, that "pure religion, and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world,” Jam. i. 27. "To do good and to communicate," says Paul, “forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased," Heb. xiii. 16.

professor of religion, that what the scriptures chicfly intend by good works, are the works of mercy, and the exercise of liberality to the poor and afflicted. Much has also been said to distinguish a living from a dead faith, by the exercises of the mind; but it is very manifest that the apostle James distinguishes a true from a dead faith, by the good works of mercy to the naked, or hungry brother or sister, and considers every pretension to faith without this as nugatory and vain. James ii. 14-17. Multitudes profess great love to God, and judge of it by their pathetic feelings and the warmth of their devotion; but the apostle John says, "Whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" 1 John iii. 17. The apostle writing to the Hebrews, mentions some very high attainments, such as being enlightened, tasting of the heavenly gift, partaking of the Holy Spirit, tasting of the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come; yet, after all, he supposes that such may fall away, and therefore he mentions their work of faith and labour of love to the name of Christ, in ministering to the saints, 1. There is a blessedness in as a more solid evidence of their obeying the commandments of christianity, than all those splen- God from a proper principle; for, did attainments, Heb. vi. 4, 9, 10. it will always be found to hold true, These things abundantly evince that " Wisdom's ways are ways how important this duty of con- of pleasantness, and all her paths sidering the poor is, in the christian are peace." The man who is poslife. No pretensions to faith, sessed of true benevolence and love, or high attainments in Chris- humanity, must always be gratifitian experience are, by the inspired in relieving objects of distress. ed writers, sustained as genuine without it.

We come now, in the last place, to consider the happiness connected with the performance of this duty. The person who considereth the poor is declared to be. blessed; even as the apostle, quoting the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," Acts xx. 35. The truth of this will appear, if we consider, that,

There is a noble pleasure in it, which the sordid mind of the avaricious and selfish is a stranger to, because the hearts of such are not

Our Lord, in the days of his public ministry, forcibly inculeated this important duty of liberali-formed for that enjoyment. But ty in almsgiving to the poor. He terms it laying up for ourselves, treasures in heaven." Matt. vi. 20. Making to ourselves friends of


he who is not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the word, that man is blessed in his deed," Jam. i. 25,

2. When this duty is done

cheerfully, and from pure motives, the just. Luke xiv. 14. A cup of it is attended with the approbation cold water given to a disciple, beof a man's conscience, which can- cause they belong to Christ, shall not fail to be a source of happiness not go without its reward in that to him. Even the great apostle day. God is not unrighteous to of the Gentiles, was not above the forget such works, Heb. vi. 10. consideration of the testimony of And Christ hath faithfully prohis own mind; “Our rejoicing," mised to recompense them when said he, "is this; the testimony he comes again in his glory to gaof our conscience, that in simpli- ther his saints, and put them in city and godly sincerity, we have possession of the kingdom that is had our conversation (or behavi-prepared for them. Matt. xxv. our) in the world." 2 Cor. i. 12. | 34-37.

See also Gal. vi. 2—4.

3. It is a solid proof of the sin



HAVING, in my former letters, endeavoured to draw the at tention of your readers to the vast importance of Education, and stated the great advantages of the British System of instruction, which I feel the fullest confidence in, as providing the means of education for the poor, on a plan the most expeditious and economical, ever presented to mankind; Í would now beg permission to glance at the rapid success of the National Institution for educating the poor. Although I never can be brought to approve of that part of its plan, which excludes the children of such parents as disap

cerity of our faith and love. 2 Cor. To the Editor of the New Evangelical viii. 8. It is expressly termed"the work of faith and labour of love," as being the genuine fruits of both, 1 Thess. i. 3, 4. It is not by shutting up our bowels of compassion from the needy, or merely loving in word and tongue, but by abounding in the substantial fruits of mercy, that we come to know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before God, 1 John iii. 17-20. This furnishes a more decisive evidence of our having the Spirit of Christ, than any transient frames and feelings, Heb. vi. 9, 10. And whatever increases the evidences of our having passed from death unto life, must proportionably increase our happiness. It is only in the way of abounding in the work and la-prove of the church catechism, or bour of love, that any Christian can attain to the full assurance of hope. Heb. vi. 11.

4. The Lord frequently repays in kind, the works of mercy and liberality to the indigent. "There is that scattereth and yet increaseth-the liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself," Prov. xi. 24, 25. "He that giveth to the poor shall not want," ch. xxviii. 29. See also 2 Cor. ix. 6-11.

their not worshipping God in the established church, from the benefits of education; yet I must and will rejoice in perceiving a great number of children, daily taught to read and write, and supposing them the children of churchmen, I even rejoice in their religious instruction. However sectarian the principle of exclusion may be, on which that respectable Society acts, it must be admitted that they are rendering a most important benefit to Society, in rescuing so great a number of children from ignorance, and its dangerous conse

5. And to crown the whole, He who performs the works of mercy and liberality from christian principles, will undoubtedly be re-quences. compensed at the resurrection of

From the Reports of the Society

arduous task of enquiring into the state of the kingdom at large, with regard to education, which, when accomplished, will prove that we, as Englishmen, are verily guilty as to our brethren, in hav

it appears that 190,000 children | army and navy, and in the Isles are reaping the benefits of the of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey. Madras system, in schools patron- In Ireland, also, a few schools ized by, or which have voluntarily have been formed, but it is eviadopted that mode of instruction. dent that in so far as they are The schools in London receive Church of England Schools exabout 5000; and the number of clusively, they cannot answer in schools in immediate connection that country, or in other parts of with the Society are represented at the world where there are various upwards of 360. different religions. For universal We are informed that several of adoption, it must be evident, that the schools have been built for the British and Foreign plan, 1000 children, which is greatly to which requires only the reading of be regretted, as these large schools the Scriptures, is the only method are never filled, and the expense which can be accepted universally. of the building is greatly enhanced. The report of the Society contains I am led to this remark from the the pleasing information, that Naaccount of the National School tional Schools are formed in the in Westminster, which appears, Cape of Good Hope, Nova Scofrom the reports, to have cost no | tia, Ceylon, Gibraltar, &c. And less than 46361. a sum which it may afford great pleasure to might have built nine schools, for every philanthropist, that the Na350 children each, and were tional Society has engaged in the they judiciously placed, might embrace a great proportion of the poor children in the neighbourhood. Both societies have erred in this point of view. Joseph Lancaster, when he proposed his plan, recommended large schools ing so long withheld the greatest on the principle of making one blessing which man can possibly master teach 1000 children, and | bestow on his neighbour. reducing the expense of teaching If we look back to the first thereby to 3s. or 3s. 6d. per head. humble efforts of Joseph LancasBut, sir, this project has never | ter in a small room, scarcely afbeen realized, nor has so great a fording accommodation for one number of children ever been hundred children, and barely shelbrought into one school. The tered from the weather; if we Westminster National School is consider with what difficulty he considered as full with 350 boys | raised the means, as his school inand 320 girls, so that any addi- creased, to add a miserably built tional children who apply must shed from time to time, till it was wait for admission; and if the sufficiently enlarged to receive interest of the money sunk in | about 700 boys and 200 girls, unbuilding, was paid, in addition to der a cover scarcely sufficient, at the other expences of the school, this time, to keep out the weather: the average charge would be about That the youth training under his 10s. per head. This great ex- care, were frequently so short of pence is chiefly to be regretted provisions, as only to know the because it can only be by acting taste of meat occasionally, when on the strictest economy that edu- a handsome subscription or donacation among the poor can ever be tion was received: That the pauniversal. tronage of our beloved sovereign National Schools have been was afforded at a moment when, successfully established in the | otherwise, his plan, as well as him

self, must have sunk for ever: | scriptures alone, would tend to Moreover, when it is duly con- produce indifference as to religion, sidered, that under difficulties of Socinianism, and even infidelity. every kind, the cause has been | In the National Schools, the visisupported till it engaged the at- tor will be delighted with this tention of men of every rank and part of the children's instruction, station, in church and state: That and that which was condemned in it has produced what, in all human the British system, is become their probability, never otherwise would own most prominent and interesthave been produced, the NA-ing feature. TIONAL SOCIETY: How are we struck with admiration of the wisdom and goodness of God, in directing all these occurrences for the extension of knowledge. We may well enquire, "What hath God wrought?"

The same reasoning in favour of the distribution of the scriptures alone, will apply to the instruction of children in the scriptures alone, and no other plan can be devised, which will include the children of every denomination, The mechanism of the two so- without offering violence to their cieties, varies considerably. In conscientious principles. To those reading by the Madras plan, a who still press the necessity of very distinct articulation is ac- religious instruction in a catechetquired, and the unpleasant tone ical form, we would recommend so frequent even in respectable the perusal of Freame's Scripture schools, is altogether avoided. It Lessons, (the lessons used by the is therefore but justice to Dr. British and Foreign School SoBell to acknowledge the excellen-ciety) and let them venture, if су of his method in regard to read-they dare, to affirm that catechisms ing. In writing and arithmetic of human devising are essentially the British and Foreign Society better. I believe, sir, on this have the advantage, which will subject, many out of the church evidently appear to the attentive have never taken due pains to asobserver. Indeed it can scarcely certain, how nearly their objections be expected that children can are allied to those which are made write so well on slates held in to the use of the scriptures withtheir left-hand, and standing, as on out note or comment. In short, desks fitted for the purpose. And whatever be the form in which as to reading on the British plan, such objections are brought forit will be found, that children read ward, it appears to me that man quite as correctly, if not so dis- is venturing to set up his own wistinctly, and in less time. dom in opposition to the wisdom of God.

It will afford matter of curious speculation to the enquiring mind, to observe how excellently the children exhibit their progress in reading the scriptures at the National Schools; and compare the exhibition of their improvement in reading and reciting portions of that sacred book, which is "able to make them wise unto salvation," with the high-flown declamation of those reverend gentle

I remain, sir,
Your most obedient servant,



"Optimum est aliena frui insaniâ.”
CONTINUED alterations appear
A coun-

men who, in their zeal to oppose on the face of nature. Joseph Lancaster, affirmed, that teracting or preventive principle, to teach children to read the in a passive resistance to alteration,

is equally conspicuous: and these, alteration in the sufferer; and, observations, connectedly considered, imply

In the First place, The necessity of an existing power to produce any change whatever: and,

likewise, that nothing can exercise a greater degree of power than itself possesses, the superiority which produced the change must be attributed, of course, to the power of another subject, and altogether distinct from, and foreign to, that in which the change had

Secondly, That the productive power in every alteration must have been proportionably superior to any previous power of resist-been produced. ance in the altered subject; for, independent of such an existing difference, it would have still continued in its first condition.

Partial effects, indeed, may be produced by inferior powers: poisons limited to a certain degree, may incommode, although animation prove victorious; yet, as far as any alteration, however minute, has taken place in the struggle, the resisting power must have been less than that by which it has been overcome; for one subject can never prevail against another but on the ground of superiority.

A little attention to these principles, will naturally lead us to the following simple and decisive conclusions; viz.

That the various and successive differences exhibited in the appearances of nature, and in which every species of decay and destruction are evidently included, cannot be rationally imputed to any active power whatever in the subjects of alteration; but are necessarily the the fruits of a foreign agency.

Again: That the power so exerted must have been superior, in degree, to that of any resistance in Simple as these principles must the subject which has been thereneeds appear, the resolution of in- by overcome; and from which it numerable problems, and the es- naturally follows-That concern. tablishment of important theories, ing the species of alteration which are wholly dependant on them; takes place on the destruction of and, instead of being slighted for any being, that being itself could the artless perspicuity of their evi- never have been its efficient cause; dences, additional weight should and which, therefore, must be asrather be attached to their infer-cribed to another agent, distinct ences, for Simplicity is the test of in its existence, and superior in Truth. power to the subject so altered or

From these very plain and self-destroyed. evident propositions, then, we To apply these simple remarks learn, that to effect any alteration as concisely as may be to the subin our nature, the degree of power ject of Suicide; it will readily be required in the agent must be, ne- admitted, cessarily, superior to that upon which the present situation of the sufferer depends: and that the subsisting relation between the subject of action and the subject of resistance, is naturally of an external or foreign nature; or that, in the nature of things, one individual cannot be the subject of both at the same time; for, admitting, as before, an indispensable exertion of a superior power in the agent, to have produced any

In the First place, That the abandoned wretch, who has laid violent hands on himself, or, in other words, has deprived his body of its animal existence, by having destroyed the functions, or powers, upon which its animation depended, must necessarily have exerted an adequate degree of power for that purpose.

Secondly, That such a sufficiency of power must needs have been superior to that which the subject

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