inevitably have subjected the perpetrators to the gallows, and of which crimes Mr. Goakman cannot possibly know the certainty, though he has laid his allegations in the most absolute and unqualified manner. It is happy for him that the parties whom he thus wantonly libels, are not in the country to defend them Rom. x. 14. 1 Tim. i. 4. but our author is for discarding wholly "the belief of the truth" and "the confession of it with the mouth," on both of which so much stress was laid in primitive times, that no man was acknowledged to be a Christian without them; (Matt.x. 32,33. Rom. x. 9, 10.) and he is for resolving the whole grounds of their right to church-selves; for had that been the case, membership into their giving credible 'tis very certain, he would not be evidence, by their external conduct, long at large! Our sorrow and grief of having been born again. p 23. and have been excited at finding so little 38. And though he had at first apparent fruit resulting from the stated" obedience to Christ's com- labours of "the Society for promotmands," as included in the "essen- ing Christianity among the Jews," tials of Christianity," he soon finds after an expenditure, according to it expedient to contend that positive Mr. Goakman, of £70,000. If we precepts may be dispensed with, where can believe him, almost every convert moral purity and personal holiness which has been made during the last can be found to supply their place. seven years, has turned out either a p. 25. How excessively inconsistent hypocrite, or a knave, or both; and is this way of talking about the sub- the public has from time to time been ject! it is as if Christ had enacted gulled with the most false and spurilaws for the regulation of the conduct ous representations of the Society's of his disciples, and at the same time success. "Where much is confidentallowed them the privilege of dis-ly affirmed," said the late Dr. Johnpensing with them at their pleasure, and yet all the while acknowledging one another as Christian brethren. How insulting to the legislative authority of THE KING OF KINGS! We have read this pamphlet under the mingled sensations of surprise, sorrow, indignation and disgust. Surprise, that any man could be found hardy enough to prefix his name to such a libellous production as the one now before us. Hitherto it has been the boast of Englishmen, that in their favoured country, and under their glorious constitution, every subject is presumed innocent until he has been proved guilty by a jury of his peers. But here we have individuals boldly charged with crimes of the most atrocious nature, some of which, if brought home, must son, "the probability is, that some- have sustained from them we know of the Institution. How is it possible, then, to restrain our disgust, when we recollect that the writer of this pamphlet had been for years "Printer to the Institution," with a Salary, if we are correctly informed, of £350 per annum; that while he was in the actual receipt of this liberal stipend, he was mute respecting any abuses in the management of its affairs; and that it is only since his connection with that Society has terminated that his mind has become filled with indignation at its proceedings. Mr. Goakman, who is a Hebrew printer, should have placed as a motto in the title page of his pamphlet, the wellknown words " Quorum pars magna fui!" And though a certain degree of mystery must be admitted to attach to the enquiry how the London Society contrived to expend £70,000. of the public money in the space of seven years,' it is a question which, after all, we shrewdly suspect that no one man is so competent to answer as Mr. Goakman himself!!! 6 scriptural duties; that ignorance, and implicit faith, and an inquisition, are evangelical privileges and divine blessings; vain we trust, will be all attempts to persuade Protestants with the bible in their hands to unite with the church of Rome. The present is a plain and judicious discourse, in which the principal errors of that corrupt communion are clearly stated, and briefly shewn to be inconsistent with the principles of reason, and contrary to the dictates of scripture. It forms an excellent little manual, worthy to be in the hands of every protestant. Having no doubt that the first impression will be soon exhausted, we will take the liberty of recommending a new edition in a small and cheap form for more extensive circulation among plain Christians, whose information and advantages the author appears particularly to have had in view. We have only room for one extract which we shall make from the head of errors in discipline. "Our Lord Jesus came into the world, armed with power to kill and to make The Errors of the Church of Rome. alive. But he never employed this power A Sermon preached at the Nether to frighten or compel men to submit Chapel, Sheffield, April 17, 1816. at to him. He appealed to his works a Meeting of the Associated Churches as evidences, which should convince of the West-riding of Yorkshire; friend or brother. His Apostles, also, men; and reasoned with them as a and Published at their Request. could kill or make alive; yet they comBY JAMES BENNETT. Rotherham. mended themselves to every man's conCrookes; Hamilton, Williams and science in the sight of God, and said, Son; London. Pp. 40. 8vo. 1816.I speak as unto wise men: judge ye what I say. So long as Popery retains any part of its usurped dominion over mankind, it behoves the friends of genuine Christianity to bear testimony against its corruptions. If this testimony be more suitable at one period than another, it must certainly be so at the present, when the antichristian power has regained extensive territories which it had once given up for lost, has reorganized its Jesuitical Janizaries of proselytism and persecution, and has begun to react in some places the horrors and atrocities of past ages: while in our own country no small ingenuity and sophistry are exerted to conceal the deformities of this odious system, and to make the demon of darkness appear like an angel of light.. But till it can be shewn, that to pray without understanding, to obey without reason, and to believe against sense, are Not that we have dominion over your faith; but are helpers of your joy.' "But the church of Rome, having formed an alliance with the state, has employed its sword, which she calls St. Peter's sword, to cut off men's ears, regardless of Christ's reproof to Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: all the sword.' They pretend that Christ they that take the sword shall perish by has empowered them to compel men to come in to the gospel-feast: though common sense would convince every man, that the compulsion which our Lord intended to inculcate in that parable, is such as is employed with friends invited to a feast: that is earnest invitations and entreaties, which they could not refuse. For who would ever have thought of beating men, much less of threatening to kill them, if they would not come and sup with us? Might they not as well have forced those who were at first invited; but, as they were allowed to stay away if they deter mined, so the persons found in the high ways and hedges were only to be compelled by kind entreaties. But the church of Rome having become a harlot to the state, has employed the power of the world to execute her decrees, and has burned men, for conscience sake, with all the horrors of her infernal Inquisition. Infernal! The tribunal of the Inquisition is ten thousand times worse than hell. For in the abodes of the damned, punishment is inflicted by almighty justice, according to the sentence of wisdom and equity; but in the court of the Inquisition, which the church of Rome has established to punish those whom she terms heretics, all equity is renounced, and the most iniquitous modes of torture We cannot conclude our review without adding, that for a clear method, simple and perspicuous style, correct taste and scriptural sentiment, we feel pleasure in recommending this sermon to the imitation of younger preachers; and we hope especially, that those who are receiving the author's academical instructions to prepare them for the Christian ministry, will give evidence in their future ministrations that they have profited by so good an example. are employed, to make men confess them-Poetical Effusions, on Subjects Religi selves guilty, in order to obtain a plausible pretext for burning them alive. Thus Rome has shed more blood than would float the largest ship of war in the British navy, and has added so many martyrs for truth, that the floor of this building would not contain the catalogue. 66 This, I should not think it right to mention, did not that church still justify her bloody deeds; for many of her murders were committed in an age, in which all denominations seemed to think it lawful to burn their neighbour for the love of their Maker. Calvin and Socinus sanctioned persecution, by words or deeds; but they who now condemn the conduct of their forefathers, should not bear the reproach of their sins. The church of Rome, however, has never renounced the doctrine of persecution. A truly catholic-Popery would be a solecism. The claim of right to rule the consciences of men, is interwoven into the very nature of this false religion, and the late events in France and Spain, have shewn that Popery is unchanged; as all who have closely studied its genius, must pronounce it unchangeable. Spain, delivered up to its priests and monks, again ous, Moral, and Rural. BY MARGARET BURTON, of Darlington. London, Printed for the Author, and sold by Gale and Fenner. F. C. 8vo. pp. 150. 5s. boards. 1816. Ir may be in the recollection of some of our readers, that, in our first volume, p. 351. we presented them with some specimens of this Lady's poetry, with which she very politely favoured us, at the solicitation of a mutual friend. It struck us at the time that the productions of her muse were of no ordinary cast, and that opinion, appeared to be sanctioned by better judges (on this subject) than ourselves. We have now the pleasure of announcing the publication of a volume by the same fair authoress, which we beg leave to recommend to the particular attention of our readers in general, and especially of our younger poetical friends, who, unless we much mistake the matter, may derive no inconsiderable pleasure and profit from them. The “ Elegy on a ter" and the affecting Tale of neighbouring scene, written in Win"William and Maria," would reflect no discredit on the pen of Southey or Wordsworth. And if it be true, as we have been informed that Mrs. Burton is the mother of a numerous off groans under the infamous burden of the Inquisition. France has but yesterday displayed the horrors of the dark ages. A nation that boasts of its refinement and gallantry, bas shewn itself Popish again, by violating the modesty of the defenceless sex, and whipping to death naked women in her streets. The plunder, and banishment, and murder of Protestants, spring, that in her younger days her teach us that the harlot still loves to get situation in life afforded her very few drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus. Who would not advantages of mental cultivation, and exclaim with the dying Patriarch, in that she is now actively employed in struments of cruelty are in their habita- the education of young people for tions; O, my soul, come not thou into ministering towards the support of their secret; unto their assembly, mine her own family, we presume it cannot honour, be not thou united, for in their be too much to say, that this little anger they slew a man, and in their self- volume comes recommended by powwill they digged down a wall: cursed beerful claims upon the public attention. their anger for it was fierce, and their wrath for it was cruel?" " Religious and Literary Entelligence. BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL [Concluded from page 30.] belonging to such institutions (each of them good) I shall leave to others to decide. I cannot, however, refrain from The Duke of SUSSEX then rose amid the expression of my opinion, which is, great applause, and returned thanks in that that plan which is the most comprethe following speech:-" It would be hensive in its sphere of action, and most presumptuous in me to rise in order to general in the facility of admission for return thanks for the compliment paid the benefits of its system, is likely to the Illustrious Personage who stands first carry with it the warmest impressions. in your motion-that Personage now acts Now why do I make this observation, in the name and on the behalf of his Ladies and Gentlemen, or endeavour to Majesty, and therefore I deem it a mark impress it upon you? because the univerof respect to the august Head of the sality of your excellent plans call upon State, to notice, that in the support my me to do so. We come here not to proRoyal Relative gives this Society, he mote one particular system on its own petreads in the steps of his Sovereign and culiar merits, or to support it to the excluFather-he follows the example so adsion of another. We are here not to exmirably set for him, and in so following clude the churchman, the sectarian, or it, gives a sincere had unequivocal proof the dissenter-not to look into the qualiof the sincerity with which he engages in fications of this man's or that man's belief, your inestimable cause.-As to the combut to embrace all in our circle of operapliment paid to my dear and Illustrious tion. Each may have its separate inteRelative, the Duke of Kent, whose rest and influence, but we ask ALL to enabsence no man has more reason to regret ter our establishment, and we are therethan myself, I feel the flattering tribute for entitled to a combination of advodeeply-his absence presses strongly on cates. In calling, however, for such geme, because I know the feeling of his neral support, it is obvious that we, in our heart in your good cause-and because I progress, advance the interest of each know that when you all recollect his class of thinkers-in the progress of the transcendent and pre-eminent talents for whole, each must have its share of profit; entering upon the elucidation of so great it was, therefore, but a matter of justice a design as that which composes the superthat the institution which communicated structure of this Society, you will be the to all the greatest accumulated benefit, more strongly sensible from that recollec-should receive the largest contribution tion, and his absence now, of the weakness and inadequacy of my powers in the feeble attempt to which my inclination prompts me, of advocating the cause of the British and Foreign School Society. In returning thanks, therefore, for my Royal Relatives, I venture to make some suggestions arising out of what I have heard this day. True indeed, after the clear and able speech of an honourable and intimate friend of mine (Mr. Williams), I can have little to say on the general merits of this Institution, and I am not insensible to the good and wholesome admonition, that when an argument has been once handsomely handled, the less that is afterwards said upon it the better, lest its effect should become weakened, or somebody be led to say that all was not right where so much was to be said or repeated.-I cannot, however, refrain from stating, what indeed you all know, that various opinions prevail upon the merits of one institution or another connected with the business of education. The common question, indeed, is not whether all are good, but which of them is best and most people are inclined to express their determination to support the best. The particular quantum of merit VOL. II. He par from the aggregate mass of society. One I one, tribution among mankind of the system you have set afloat. Only £1,400 were wanted. The plan of an honourable gentleman near me, (Mr. Smith) is a good for which we must all feel indebted to him, and while you engage yourselves in adopting and giving effect to it, recollect the extensive benefits you diffuse. Great as the general benefits of this society are in the promotion of its objects, yet you will do still more at this moment of distress, by setting afloat the building in question. By such means you will at once give employment to a number of poor and industrious men. When you reflect on this, it will be surely an additional inducement to you to enable the work to be completed. By so exerting yourselves you will promote two great offices of charity. I am gratified, and so are you, I feel confident, at seeing so many distinguished foreigners present at this meeting. One eminent personage, who has come from Mount Caucasus, though he has told you of his being only five weeks in this country, has yet shewp you not only the deep interest which he feels in your prosperity, but also his full knowledge of the plan of your system. I am satisfied you have been gratified at his speech, and pleased at the interest which the speaker evinced for the cause you have at heart. Doubtless such a meeting was novel to this distinguished stranger-nor was his candid and genuine tribute of praise less novel to them. It was novel to him, because in no other country but this could those of the highest and lowest ranks in Society intermix with zeal and familiarity in the promotion of one object. Such an association arose from the free constitution of this country: the highest and lowest are proud of it, because they alike feel the state of things it developes to be the proudest bulwark of the constitution under which they live. We have no contest here for religion or politics; our only contest is how to do the most extensive portion of good to the community. Our revered sovereign warmly patronised this plan, and his sons had only to travel in the course laid down by their revered parent: to that full extent I mean to go, and am proud that in so doing you conceive me entitled to your thanks. Rev. Mr. SCHAWBE was desired by his Excellency Baron Juste, the Saxon Ambassador, to express his high opinion of the merits of this society, and his regret that he could not personally express himself in the manner he could wish upon its merits. His Excellency had come from a country where education prevailed for several hundreds of years, and where the Reformation had first made its appearance; he had also given the fullest assurance that he would communicate to his sovereign the details of the British plan of education, which he had no doubt would be recommended by authority on the continent. The reverend gentleman, after alluding in flattering terms to the presence of distinguished foreigners, concluded by moving thanks to the Duke of Bedford and other supporters of the institution. Mr. JOSEPH HUME, in seconding this motion, pronounced a just and well-merited tribute to the Duke of Bedford, as one (nay, the principal) of those distinguished persons who had been the early patrons of Joseph Lancaster in the estab lishment of his system. It was a trite and a common maxim, that a friend in need was a friend indeed; and such had the Duke of Bedford proved himself, in conjunction with Messrs. Allen, Forster, Jackson, and others, throughout the developement of this plan. The honourable gentleman, in an argumentative speech, reviewed the merits of the British and Foreign School Society, which had spread the blessings of education all over the world. When a difference of opinion prevailed on the subject of education, and when some very eminent and good men advocated the cause of the National Schools and others of a different system, he would be exceedingly sorry to make a severe reflection upon those who took a contrary view of the subject from himself. It would be harsh to make a severe reflection under such circumstances, particularly when they considered that it was the proud privilege of an Englishman to express his opinion as he pleased; but so far was he from harbouring such a reflection against those who advocated a different system of education from that which he supported, that he looked upon them as fellow-labourers in the same work as himself, and, indeed, as having sprung from the same stock their object was good and laudable, they had seized the hint given them by the founders of the original plan, and pursued it in their own manner. In thus candidly acknowledging the pure motives of the National Society, he was yet ready to confess his preference for that plan which was the most comprehensive in its system, and cheapest in its means; such, undoubtedly, was the British and Foreign System. It embraced a combination of the advantages which all public charities contained. It gave to youth the instruction which kept them in the proper path in their maturer years. Mark what had been the effect of their system in Ireland, where propriety and temperance succeeded ignorance and violence in different parts of the population, among whom education was diffused. Sir JOHN JACKSON, as one of the VicePresidents, returned thanks for the favour done to them on this occasion. He was a sincere member of the church of England, and he would be sorry if any one could suppose that, in supporting this institution, he was departing from, |