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or risking any of the tenets of, his creed, The principal articles of the church of England were, to fear God, love the king, and do good to your neighbour. Now, this institution effected the first, by patting the best guide to future happiness in the hands of children; it inculcated the second, by the common feelings of gratitude which belonged to their nature, for ungrateful indeed must they be if they forgot the duty they owed a sovereign who had so bountifully bestowed his patronage upon their work; and surely they could not be accused of inattention to the third article, when the sphere of their benevolence embraced the whole human race. So far from there being any existence of jealousy between the National Institution and the present, he hoped and thought that the former would give the £1,400 wanted by the latter, if application were made for such a grant, as a just tribute of acknowledgment to the parent society! The honourable baronet referred to the minutes of the committee of education in the house of commons, as evidence to shew, on the authority of several clergymen, that the progress of education among the poor had a decided operation in reducing the heavy burthen of the poor rates.

Mr. YEOLAND (of Malta) drew a melancholy picture of the state of education among the Maltese. In one part of the island, containing a population of 10,000,

not 1,900 were educated. He concluded by a motion of thanks to the Treasurer and Secretary.

Mr. JOHN PUGH, in seconding this motion, complimented the society on the principles by which they were actuated, and took occasion to praise the Bible Societies, with whom their system of education was closely blended. The object of the one was to put the book into the hands of the poor, and of the other to

teach them to read it.

every government on the face of the earth will be found happy, peaceable, and quiet, in proportion as its subjects are free, and possessed, at the same time, of a good system of general education, to hinder their freedom from degenerating into licentiousness: it would give me real pleasure to be present at your meeting on the 12th instant; but the various duties of a very laborious diocese, make it impossible for me to be absent at this season of the year. I am, Sir," &c. &c.

The Rev. J. CLAYTON moved thanks to the Ladies' Committee. The reverend gentleman took a strong and decided view of the advantages of the institution, and illustrated from holy writ the paramount importance of education. Ignorance was the parent of vice and crime; and when the jewish seer described the state of ly ing into which the community of his day had fallen, he also declared its cause; because, said he, "There is no knowledge in the land." Knowledge was, therefore, strength to the weak, and a puissant arm to the strong. He hoped, therefore, they would all unite in erecting a temple of knowledge over the tomb of bigotry.

Mr. ROBERT STEVEN Seconded the motion of thanks to the ladies, and drew an institution in Ireland, where 23 or 24,000 affecting picture of the progress of the children had been lately educated under its auspices. It was, if possible, still standing some partial and important opmore gratifying to find, that, notwithteresting country, in many instances, position, the catholic clergy of that incame forward as its strenuous supporters, and gave the use of their chapels for schools. As a proof of the influence of education and virtuous habits, he quoted the case of three orphan children, who, mother, who had only survived their fawhile weeping over the corpse of their ther a few days, declared their submission their confidence that he would provide and resignation to the will of God, and for them.

The Rev. J. TOWNSEND moved the

thanks of the meeting to the Auxiliary

Societies. The connexion between them

The Rev. Dr. SCHWABE said, that no thanks were due to him for his labours; the Treasurer (Mr. Allen) being, in reality, the person entitled to them, for his active and unceasing benevolence. The reverend doctor made an eloquent allusion to the interest which a distinguished and the Bible Associations was self-evidignitary of the church took in their pro-dent, and needed no argument. An exceedings, and when he named the Right Rev. the Bishop of Norwich, he felt per-pression of surprise had been made, that suaded the meeting would think with him, an institution like this had not appeared that he spoke of a character who united in earlier times, and soon after the inven the most exalted patriotism with the tion of printing: the reason was obvious, because then all teachers were priests, greatest liberality of principle. He concluded by reading the following letter, and all sovereigns tyrants, whose mutual which he had received from the Bishop of interest it was that the people should Norwich, as an apology for his Lordship's be slaves; to make them which, they inability to attend at the present meetwere kept in ignorance. ing:

The Rev. RoWLAND HILL thanked the illustrious chairman for his liberality of "SIR-Warmly attached to the great sentiment on that and every other occaobjects of your truly wise and general in-sion; and on that liberality he relied for stitution, because firmly convinced that pardon in differing a little from what his


Royal Highness had propounded. grieved his heart to differ an iota with such a personage, but he could not avoid it. His Royal Highness had said that this was no political meeting. Now, if it was not a political meeting, he (Mr. Hill) did not know what was one. On the contrary, he thought it was highly political; for what could be more politic, what could be wiser than to educate all people in the most liberal way, and without trenching on their principles of religion, except so far as grounding them in the fundamental precepts of the word of God? How badly politic would it not be to throw aside into ignorance and darkness one half of the population of the empire, because they sought the road of heaven their own way. It, however, fortunately happened, that some important personages in this country turned a deaf ear to such advocates for barbarism; among the number was the venerable and pious sovereign and his benevolent sons; they clearly foresaw the anarchy and confusion that would follow the system of exclusion; and by setting the example of adopting a different course, they barred the pass to the throne from all such rebels, and educated the people into loyalty. A worthy baronet (Sir J. Jackson) had said, that he was a staunch member of the church of England, though he supported these schools. "So am I," said Mr. Hill," and I do the same; I am a member of the established church, so far as they'll let me in; and when they won't allow me to go any farther within their porch, go elsewhere to one of my own." The Bible Societies were fairly said to go hand in hand with this; the members of one he often found members of the other, and he ventured to say that the royal family shewed their wisdom in coming forward to countenance this system, because it was calculated to unite all hands in support of the throne; for who, but madmen, with such a system of education open to them, would think of subverting the pillar of their strength. The time indeed was, when difference of religion made a man a political delinquent; but those dark clouds had passed away; the bright sun of intelligence now shone in all its splendour, and each man could bask under the shade of his own fig-tree, without envying his neighbour's thoughts or his position,

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His Royal Highness the Duke of SusSEX, in allusion to what had fallen from his worthy friend, Mr. Hill, had only to say, that when he disconnected the meeting from identity with politics, he was far from saying that there was no policy in their plan; so that his worthy friend had made out his point by overlooking one term which he had used, and substituting another which he had not used. His Royal Highness concluded by pronounc

an eloquent eulogium upon the ser

vices of the late Mr. Joseph Fox, whose memory, he trusted, would be ever dear to them, and whose services, he hoped, before he left the chair, would be recorded in the minutes of their proceedings as an example for future secretaries, to excite their emulation and disinterested services.

This proposition was acceded to with loud approbation, and the meeting separated, after making a handsome collection.


SEVERAL of the public prints have informed us, that the Hon. Charles Noel has been lately fined 401. for a certain violation of the laws, at which they have obscurely hinted. But as we have been favoured with the particulars from an authority on which we can fully rely, we hope Mr. N. will excuse our laying them before the public; and we are confident the noble earl (Romney) who was so active in the prosecution, will applaud us for suggesting the caution to other persons, equally unacquainted with the offence.

It seems the late Lord Barham, of Barham Court, has founded a Sundayschool in the village in which he resided, and had been himself in the habit of attending the evening worship carried on therein, with a view to the benefit of the parents of the children, and other inhabitants who may choose to attend. Since his lordship's death, the Hon. Mr. Noel having come to reside in the same mansion, and his health making it imprudent for him to venture out in the cold and damp winter evenings, he thought proper, as a temporary measure, to remove the service to his own house; and without suspecting that he was violating any ex, isting law, he permitted his neighbours and tenants to attend. But to avoid the danger of an error in our statement, we give the following literal extract from the information exhibited in court.

KENT to wit. To the constable of the lower half hundred of Twyford, &c.— "Whereas INFORMATION and CoмPLAINT have been made before us, his Majesty's justices of the peace of the said county, by the Rt. Hon. Charles, Earl of Romney, that the Hon. Charles Noel, of Barham Court, in the parish of Teston, &c. did on Sunday, the 7th day of January last past, knowingly permit and suffer a certain congregation or assembly for RELIGIOUS WORSHIP of PROTESTANTS, (at which there were present more than twenty persons, to wit, thirty, or thereabouts, besides the immediate family and servants of the said Charles Noel,) to meet in the said mansion-house and premises, occupied by the said C. N, as aforesaid, the said mansion and premises not having been duly certified and registered-according to the directions of

the statutes in such case made and pro- | knowingly do the least injury to any huvided," &c. &c. man being, but would rejoice in doing good to all, and more especially that good which ended not with the present life in a word, he was the gentleman and the christian! With such dispositions, such views, and such intentions, the degree of criminality attached to an error in his judgment, and the degree of pan

This document was signed by five magistrates of the above county, and the appearance fixed for the 1st of April, on which day the following witnesses were also summoned to attend, viz. the Rev. John Kennedy, vicar of Teston, Rev. R. Wood, curate of Nettlested, Nettlefold, parish clerk of Teston, D. Thomp-ishment it merited, might cheerfully be son, steward at Barham Court, Jas. Gardiner Jeffery, of Yelding, gent. and Jn. King, late servant to the said Rev. John Kennedy; but of whom only two were called in evidence.

Mr. Thompson having proved the occupancy of the house by Mr. Noel, then delivered a letter to the chairman of the sitting, which being read, was expressiveof regret, that under mistaken views he had violated the law, and submitting to the decision of the bench to what degree of penalty his error had made him liable. Rev. Mr. Kennedy being sworn, was interrogated by Lord Romney, whether more than twenty persons were present, beside Mr. N.'s domestics, and whether there were any besides parishioners of Teston, answered both questions in the affirmative.

submitted to the decision of the bench.

After some farther conversation, the witnesses were ordered to withdraw, but in a few minutes recalled, and informed that the bench had convicted Mr. Noel in the full penalty of FORTY POUNDS, for two offences, on Dec. 31, 1815, and Jan. 7, 1816.

Mr. Thompson, the steward, immediately paid the penalty, and, at the same time enquired whether one moiety of the penalty did not belong to the poor of Testou parish; to which the chairman answered, that when the expences of the prosecution were paid, of what remained one-half went to the informer (Lord Romney we presume) and the other to the poor!

The reader has the whole case now before him, on which we shall offer only a Here Lord Romney said, that he thought few brief remarks. 1. That the proseit necessary to observe, that, as complai- cution is grounded on the last Toleration nant and informer, he took the whole Act, and on a clause which seems at the matter upon himself, and added, that he time to have attracted but little notice, as had learned with surprise and astonish-referring only to the registry of Dissectment, that Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Wood, two clergymen of the church of England, should countenance by their presence the illegal proceedings of Barham Court. In reply to this, Mr. Kennedy begged leave to impress upon the minds of his lordship and the bench, that for reasons assigned in the letter read by the chairman, he was equally unconscious that the assembly at Barham Court was illegal, and referred to what had been the practice at the school in the time of Lord Barham.

ing chapels, but which, it appears, applies equally to members of the establishment, not on consecrated ground. 2.. That the assembly thus made criminal was not a political, a commercial, or a conviviał meeting; nor was the assembly for a ball, but for religious worship, (as the information states) and that on a sabbath-day. 3. The worship is expressly stated to be Protestant, not Roman Catholic, which (as far as we can learn) requires no licence, but simply to enter the name of Mr. Kennedy added, that he could as- the officiating priest. 4. That it was not sert from Mr. Noel's authority, that no a meeting of Protestant Dissenters, tho' one could more venerate our laws, or was some might possibly be present, they are more desirous to pay all due respect to not named, nor are they involved in the magistrates; that his error had been un- accusation: but Mr. Noel, a member of intentional, and arose from misconcep- | the church of England, his parish priest, tion; and respecting his public senti- the parish clerk, and the curate of a ments he need not intrude farther upon neighbouring parish, are particularly their time. But as Mr. N. was not pre- | named. Now herein seems a difficulty : sent (being called to attend the death-bed dissenters may licence a house, or a field, of a beloved sister in a distant county,) or a barn, for public worship; but a membe requested the indulgence of the bench ber of the church of England cannot conto offer a few words upon his private cha- scientiously do this, as it ranks him withracter, to which, in his absence, he could out the pale of the establishment : he is speak more freely. He had known him therefore under disabilities unknown to from infancy to manhood, and hesitated either Catholic or Protestant dissentients. not to say, that a person of more solid 5. The Act gives magistrates a discretionpractical christianity-of more amiable ary power to mitigate the pounds of the manners, of more humane benevolence- penalty to shillings; and it is known that or greater generosity of mind, or with a in many cases, as swearing, sabbathgreater degree of the milk of human kind-breaking, drunkenness, short weights and ness, he had never known; and was per- measures, and some other faults mentionsuaded he might affirm, he would noted in the late Police Report, magistrates


often shew themselves very tender hearted; but praying and preaching are, it seems, crimes of such enormity, that they admit of no palliation, no mercy! Lastly, in respect to Lord Romney, and to prevent any mistake which might arise from a trifling similiarity of name, we remark, that it was not this noble Earl, but Lord Radnor, who, two or three years since, fined Kent, the Methodist, for saying his prayers in public, without a licence; tho' the Court of King's Bench had afterwards the temerity to reverse the judgment and return the penalty.-Par nobile fratrum! Philanthropic Gazette, Jan. 1.


On Friday, Sept. 6, 1816, a new Baptist meeting house was opened at Oldham, Lancashire, under favourable circumstances. Service begun at ten o'clock, A. M. Mr. Littlewood, of Rochdale, read a portion of scripture and prayed. Mr. Stephens, of Manchester, preached from Eph.iv.5. "One baptism." After the sermon, fourteen persons, who had been previously examined by Mr. Hargreaves, of Ogden, were baptized in a reservoir, near the town, in the presence of from eight to ten thousand spectators. At halfpast two o'clock, P.M. Dr. Steadman, of Bradford, preached on the nature and

BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL order of a gospel church, from the first


Extract of a Letter from Mr. GUL-
LIVER, dated Cape Henry (Hayti)
Nov. 26, 1816.

solemnity. A deep impression seemed to ously attended, and conducted with great be made on all present. The brethren comforted, by the rational hope of future were edified, strengthened, and greatly success among a people so little acquainted with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many individuals found it to be to them a good day. The Lord seemed to be there of a

chapter of Revelations. After the sermon, the newly baptized persons formed themselves into a church, and sat down at the Lord's-table with many members from neighbouring churches, and Mr. HarHis Majesty has sent me some young evening, Mr. Fisher preached from 1 Cor. greaves presided. At half-past six in the men for monitors, whom I am at present, 23. All the services were very numer training. A school is building for me at the Cape which will contain from 300 to 400 scholars, at the opening of which his Majesty will be present, and indeed so well pleased is he with the military movements, &c. in the school, and finding the system, in every respect, so well adapted for this country, and for changing the language, that no exertions will be spared to secure its success. I have every reason to be pleased with my pupils as to their attention and ability; the ardent desire they have to learn the English language, and every thing else that may be beneficial to them, gives me great encouragement. Last Sunday I commenced a Sunday-school, when the scholars were present in order to hear the scriptures read, this appears to be the particular desire of his Majesty.

A Lord's-day evening lecture has lately been established by several of the pastors of Baptist churches in London, at No. 56. Bartholomew Close.

The room is large and commodious, and has hitherto been well attended.


Just published. Serious Warnings addressed to various Classes of Persons. By J. THORNTON. 1 vol. 12mo,

A SUNDAY SCHOOL DIALOGUE, in verse, intended to shew the utility and importance of Sunday Schools. Price 4d.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR BABES; or Answers in Verse to Scriptural Questions; adapted to the ideas of Children, and designed for Sunday Schools and Private Tuition. By R.NEWSTEAD, a Missionary to Ceylon. Price 4d.




On Thursday, November 28, 1816, the first annual meeting of the Society in Glasgow, auxiliary to the Baptist Mission and Translations in India, was held in the Trades hall, Glassford-street. The chair was taken at one o'clock, by William Cunningham, Esq. who was supported by the Rev. Dr. Balfour, and the Rev. Dr. M'Gill, Professor of Divinity in that University. The report of the proceed. ings of the society for the past year, was read by Mr. Buchan, the secretary, and Mr. Deakin, the treasurer, gave a statement of the sums received and remitted to

the parent institution. After which, the meeting was addressed by the Reverend Doctors Burns and Mitchel, the Reverend Messrs. Carment, of Duke-street Gaelic Chapel, Barclay, of Kilwinning, Ewing, of Nile-street meeting-house, and Anderson, of Edinburgh.

Though we do not profess to give a report of any of the speeches, we cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of adverting to what was stated with much feeling by the chairman, after he had received the thanks of the meeting. In what has been said by different speakers of the

merits of the gentlemen who conduct the mission in India, I most heartily concur. Those who have spoken on that subject, however, know their character only from report; but I can speak from personal knowledge-from intimate acquaintance with the missionaries themselves. While in India, eighteen years ago, I often met with Mr. Carey in a small house, where he communicated religious instruction to a few poor natives. Little did I think then that a work so small in its beginning, should, in a few years, excite such interest in the Christian world, or that I should have the honour of presiding in a meeting like this in the city of Glasgow.' He gave the most decisive testimony to the ability and zeal of the missionaries, and expected that from their labours, the most

blessed effects would result to the immense population of India.

One of the most gratifying spectacles exhibited by this meeting, was the merging of all party differences in the one great cause of the gospel; the speakers were of different denominations of Christians, yet they all united in recommending the cause of one denomination, not in the article from which it takes its distinctive name, but merely as promoting the truth in which they were all agreed. This is as it should be; and we cordially concur in the wish of one of the speakers, who said he hoped soon to see other denominations of Christians receive similar countenance and support from those who could not follow them in all their peculiarities.






Jan. 16, Th. Broadmead, The advantages of being established in Tab. Minister.

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United Meeting of Prayer, for the Success of the Gospel, at home and abroad; to be held in Bristol, for the Year 1817.

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From the rising of the sun even to the going down of the same, my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering; for my name shall be great among the heathen saith the Lord of hosts. Mal. i. 11.

To begin at Seven o'Clock in the Evening.

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