92 Religious and Literary Entelligence. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE in his power to employ them, the object SOCIETY. THE Committee for conducting the affairs of this invaluable Institution has recently published some highly interesting Extracts from their Correspondence, since issuing their last Report, and we embrace the earliest opportunity of laying before our readers so much of it as comports with our restricted means. We begin with an excellent Letter from Prince Galitzin, President of the Russian Bible Society, to Lord Teignmouth, President of the British and Foreign Bible Society, St. Petersburgh, October 18, 1816. MY LORD. The constant and sincere participation which unites the British and Foreign and Russian Bible Societies, causes me to feel a most particular pleasure in fulfilling the request of the Members of our Committee, by communicating to your Lordship some circumstances regarding the cause of the Bible Society in Russia. I esteem it therefore my first duty to notice the new grant of 20007. made by your Society, for the purpose of providing stereotype plates for the Lettish and Esthonian Bibles; as also the fount of Turkish types for the use of the Scottish Missionaries in Astrachan, in order to enable them to print, on our account, an edition of the New Testament in the Tartar language. Our Committee feel, in all its extent, the high worth of that Christian charity which actuates the Members of the London Committee, inducing them to furnish with the words of eternal life the inhabitants of regions so remote, and to them entirely strange; but upon whom, regarding them as their brethren, they wish to shower down the same blessings, which they endeavour in the most abundant measure to impart to their own countrymen. This holy impulse is evidently the fruit produced by the power of the same word which the Bible Society seeks to propagate every where, The Committee of the Russian Bible Society accept of this new aid from an Institution, animated by the same spirit with our own, with feelings of the most lively gratitude, and feel themselves inflamed thereby to repay your generosity by their labours in the same work, for the benefit of our fellow men, who stand in need of that volume which contains the words of salvation to mankind. By such mutual co-operation, when each, according to his ability and opportunities, promotes the common cause, when one offers the means, and the other, from his peculiar situation, has it of the Bible Society is attained in the most advantageous manner. May we not in this instance apply the words of the apostle Paul: "Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all." It is truly pleasing to observe, how rapidly a most earnest desire to read the words of eternal life spreads in our country: Copies of Bibles and Testaments in different languages are demanded by thousands; and, notwithstanding our utmost exertions to prepare many different editions, the Committee are unable to comply with the greatest part of these demands, not only in the Slavonian, but even in the German, Finnish, Esthonian, Lettish, and On the one various other languages. hand, it pains the Members of the Committee, to be unable to provide, with this spiritual nourishment, every one who is hungering for the bread of life; and therefore they hasten, as much as possible, to multiply copies of that book which contains it; but on the other hand, they rejoice in seeing that their labour is not in vain in the Lord, and that, by assistance from on high, they are enabled to excite and to satisfy this hunger at the same time; and this spurs them on to still greater exertions. The expenses of the Society, in publishing different editions of the Holy Scriptures, increase exceedingly. Our monthly expenses, at present, far exceed the whole expenses of our first year. As the object of the Society becomes more extensively known, the number of our Branch Societies increase. To this, the journey of Mr. Pinkerton has greatly contributed, The formation of the Bible Societies in the Southern Provinces, opens for us a door for providing not only our countrymen, but even the Greeks in Turkey, especially in the Lesser Asia, (Anatolia,) with New Testaments. Already the most active measures are taken for this purpose. An Address to them in the Modern Greek language has been printed here, and sent to these places; in which our Grecian brethren are informed of the object and success of the Bible Society, and are invited to read the Holy Scriptures. Many copies of the New Testament have also been forwarded to them. Depots have been formed, and are forming, in different places in the South, particularly in Theodosia, for supplying their wants; and thousands of Greek Testa ments are destined for them. The stereotype plates for the Modern Greek, which our Committee have newly obtained from London, will aid us greatly in this work. The light of the Gospel, which, in former times, flowed from Greece into Russia, now begins to reflect its life-giving rays from our parts back again on those from which we originally received it. Glory be to God, the lover of the human race, who deigns not only to make sinful men partakers of his salvation, but even increases their felicity, by enabling them mutually to communicate to one another the means of knowing and enjoying the same. Beside this, there are other prospects, which unexpectedly open on us, and which lead to the obtaining of the same object. It is known, that in the Lesser Asia, and other places in the Turkish Empire, many Greeks and Armenians have gradually lost the knowledge of their vernacular tongues, and now understand only the Turkish, while in their writing they use only the Greek or Armenian characters. The Rev. Mr. Pinkerton, in his journey in the South, has found some of the books of the holy Scriptures in manuscript, in the Turkish language, written with Greek characters. These manuscripts, which have been sent hither, may enable us to commence something for these neglected people. He also encourages a hope, that it may be possible to obtain manuscripts of the Scriptures in the Turkish, written in the Armenian characters. In the mean time, an Armenian Archimandrite, named Seraphim, who has travelled much in the west of Asia, and who has acquired a knowledge of the Turkish dialect spoken by his countrymen in those parts, has expressed his willingness, in conjunction with another Armenian residing in St. Petersburgh, to render the New Testament into this dialect, with Armenian characters. They have already begun their work. Divine Providence seems likewise to be opening the way for completing the translation of the whole Bible in the Tartar dialect. Mr. Pinkerton has discovered, near Baktchisaray, in the Crimea, by the Karaim Jews, a manuscript containing the whole Old Testament, in a kind of Tartar idiom, written with Hebrew characters. This precious manuscript being arrived here, a volume of it was sent to the Scotch Missionaries in Astrachan, who, after having examined it, informed us, that, although the dialect in which it is written, is far from being the same which is spoken by our Nogay, Kasan, and Crimea Tartars, it will, notwithstand ing, be of great use to them in the translation they have undertaken of the Old Testament in the same Tartar dialect in which the New Testament already exists, Copies of the Persian New Testament are received by the Persians with the greatest eagerness, many hundreds of which have already been conveyed into Persia. The edition of the Gospel by Matthew in the Calmuck language, is nearly exhausted. The Burials, or the Bratski, who live in Siberia, whose language is the same as the Calmuck or the Mongolian, with some difference in their written characters, expect and desire to have an edition" of the books of the true word of God," as they express themselves, printed for them, and have collected, for this purpose, among them. selves, about 12,000 rubles. Copies are also required by our Asiatic neighbours in the Arabic language. What an extensive field presents itself for the exertions of the Russian Bible Society, only in regard to these different people! But how shall I describe to your Lordship the pressing want of the Holy Scriptures among the inhabitants of this Empire, who are properly of Russian origin, and who speak the Russian language? The present demands extend to tens of thousands. The Moscow Committee inform us, that they could distribute alone 100,000 Russian Bibles, if they had them. Entire governments, whole dioceses, and circles of Bible Societies, raise their voices to our Committee, and intreat us to satisfy the spiritual hunger of millions of our countrymen; a hunger, which the distribution of the lively oracles of the living God has excited. The Russian clergy every where show the most unbounded zeal in promoting the cause of the Society. The peasants, by their free-will offerings, proportioned to their means, manifest also their readiness to support the cause. The German colonists in Russia, as well Protestants as Catholics, desire also to be put in possession of the pearl of great price. In one word, it is impossible not to see that the work of the Bible Society is supported from on High, and that it is not the work of man, but of Him, who himself foretold to his disciples, that "the gospel of the kingdom should be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations." Thanks be to Him for fulfilling, in such a glorious manner, in our days, what He has thus foretold! What a comfort, to be instruments, however weak, in accomplishing such great events, connected with the happiness of the human race! The members of the Russian Bible Society, treading in the steps of the British and Foreign Bible Society, reckon it their greatest honour and happiness to labour for the spiritual good of their neighbours; and, far from being disheartened by all the difficulties arising from increased engagements and accumulated expenses, feel more, and more encouraged, inasmuch as the increase of labour and expense prove the reality of their success. The communications from the British and Foreign Bible Society are peculiarly encouraging to us. Indeed, such mutual communications, concerning our undertakings and success, proving, that the same spirit enlivens both Societies, that similiar impulses are leading us to the same useful end, must animate us on both sides to farther labour, that so the name of our Saviour, who gave us his word, and appointed us to distribute it among our brethren of all different languages and dialects, may be glorified. While the Russian Bible Society exists, it will never cease to communicate with a Society from which it received its first impulse; and we hope also that you will continue to favour us with your communications, which are always so animating, and which tend so much to promote the common cause. As for me, it is very flattering to be the interpreter of the feelings of our Committee, and to have an opportunity to express the esteem with which I have the honour to be, THE Swedish Bible Society having experienced renewed tokens of that good-will and persevering beneficence with which the British and Foreign Bible Society embraces all Institutions established for dispersing the Holy Scriptures, hereby expresses the sincerest gratitude, for its kindness, as well as for the 3001. given this year to the Swedish Bible Society, and the 2001. to that in Westeras, whereby we have been enabled to dispose of a great number of Bibles among those poor people, with whom the country is replete. The Society has with great satifaction beheld the friends of Holy Writ daily increase. Those who heretofore were in want of this Divine Book, are now enabled to make daily use of it. Many who formerly neither acknowledged the real value of this blessed volume, nor experienced its sanctifying influence, have been enlightened by the Spirit of God, and look upon the Holy Scriptures with a more pious regard. The spirit of levity and mockery that prevailed, as to the doctrines of revelation, has considerably given way to a more serious and devout attention to their important contents. The Most High, having begun a good work, will also wisely and graiously bring the same to its consumma n. Assuring the British Bible Society, and every one of its members, of our unalterable attachment, esteem, and gra titude, we wish them grace, peace, and blessing from above. (Signed) M. ROSENBLAD, President of the Swedish Bible Society. JOH. JAC. HEDREN, Sec. From His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Denmark, to the Right Hon. Lord Teignmouth. COPENHAGEN, Oct. 25, 1816. I feel great satisfaction in requesting the British and Foreign Bible Society to accept my particular thanks for its bandsome present of some editions of the Holy Scriptures, published under its auspices. It will remind me of the attention shown by that most meritorious Society to those endeavours, which, altho limited to a narrow sphere of operation, conduce to the same great and beneficent purpose. Nor do I feel less pleasure in availing myself of this opportunity to express my high regard for the Society, and the good-wishes I shall never fail to entertain for the successful progress of an Institution, on which I pray the blessings of Divine Providence may ever rest. From the Rev. Professor Leander Van Ess. Marburg, August 29, 1816. I AM Solicited by multitudes who hunger and thirst after the word of God. I could easily dispose of above 30,000 copies of my New Testament among Catholics, and of several thousands of Luther's Bible, among Protestants, par ticularly those with a large print. have no more Bibles of Luther's version left; all the store in hand consists of a few hundred New Testaments; and I am truly concerned for the people who crowd around my house for Bibles, as well as for those who overwhelm me with written applications. My heart is almost broken at being obliged to send them away empty. May your noble Society not slacken in its generous efforts, but continue to do good, and to work while it is yet day, before the night sets in. May your Society continually hear the voice of multitudes offering up thanks for the peace and consolation which they have found in the Word of God; let it attend to the supplications of thousands still hungering after the heavenly manna; and may the God of mercy, who never leaves unrewarded those, who dispense only a cup of cold water to the thirsty, incline your hearts to relieve these spiritual necessities! From a Catholic Gentleman in Swabia. THANKS to your Committee, the seed of the word of God is now sown; many, many a good soil has kindly received it. God will give it increase. A growth in divine knowledge, and an increase in faith and love to Jesus Christ, are already visible in many thousand souls. May it continue to prosper, and bring forth the fruit of the kingdom of God, both here on earth, and beyond the grave, where hope will be exchanged for a brighter and eternal contemplation of the glory of God! A desire after the heavenly hook of the New Testament shows itself among all classes, and is continually increasing. A great number of the Clergy in this Diocese are actively engaged in promoting a more universal knowledge of it. The moral effects, likely to be produced, are incalculable. A venerable old man of seventy-two, Chaplain in R-, had no sooner heard that I had sent some copies of the New Testament to the Dean of the Chapter, than he ordered his horses to be put too, and drove immediately to the Dean, fearing all the copies might be disposed of, and begged to let him have two dozen, saying to him: "I am on the brink of the grave, what legacy more precious could I leave to my near relations than the invaluable word of our blessed Redeemer." I have been enabled to distribute, in the course of this year, 9,436 copies the Testament. ANECDOTES. of LITERARY NOTICES. The Rev. FRANCIS AUGUSTUS COX, A. M. proposes to deliver a Series of Lectures at his place of worship, Mare Street, Hackney, on the last Tuesday in every Month, on ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, with a particular view to a copious and distinct illustration of the inteference of PROVIDENCE in the affairs of the church, throughout the successive cen turies of the Christian era. The first of these Lectures will be delivered on Tuesday Evening, March 25th, at halfpast Six o'clock. Subject, The Doctrine of a Providence stated: the second Lecture in April will respect the manifestations of Providence to the Primitive church. The above Lectures are intended chiefly to communicate information to Young People, and to direct their inquiries. MR. ALLEN's Translation of DR. OUTRAM's valuable Dissertations on Sacrifices, is expected to appear about the end of this month, or early in April. A new and greatly enlarged edition by the Author, of the Rev. RowLAND HILL'S Celebrated Village Dialogues, is in the 24 Numbers. No. 1. will appear on the press, and will be completed in about first of April, with a portrait of the Author. Price 6d. The Rev. SIR ADAM GORDON has in the press a Course of Lectures on the Church Catechism, for every Sunday in the year. his Curate, on the subject of the Bible The Rev. MR. BICHENO has in the Press, An Examination of the Prophecies, with a view to ascertain the probable issue of the recent restoration of the Old Dynasty; of the revival of Popery; and of the present mental ferment in Europe: as likewise how far Great Britain is likely to share in the calamities by which Providence will accomplish the final overthrow of the kingdom of the Roman Monarchy. Rev. Mr. BARKER of Towcester is publishing a Sermon addressed to Young Persons, entitled Youth admonished of many sources of danger, destructive to religious feeling. Mr. W. BECK has published, dedicated to the Lord Mayor, a new Edition of Dr. PRICE'S Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, and the Principles of Government. A New Weekly Paper, entitled "The Philanthropic Gazette," has lately appeared, of which Nine Numbers are now published. It is particularly adapted for the use of Religious Families and Schools, by the omission of every thing indelicate or improper for the perusal of young persons, 96. Poetry. Heav'n chastens whom it loves. Perhaps the dead Are taken from our arms, that we chastiz'd, A wounded spirit, unsupportable May never know; that we who mourn their loss May not for ever mourn. He sees, perhaps, That far off in the heavens we may see, Its pinnacles of gold.-Weep then, but say FAITH. How sweet by Faith to trace the way, By which I'm led from day to day, . While in this wilderness I rove, In search of brighter worlds above. CISSUS. Thus in the valley and the shade, Faith lights the path I'm call'd to tread, Dear Lord, my feeble faith increase, LIFE HOW SHORT! How short the space assign'd to man, His age is but a little span, And like a winter's day: And time is swiftly on the wing, And shortly will the summons bring," To call the soul away. Are we possess'd of blooming health, Of earthly toys or glitt'ring wealth, While here we dwell beneath? Whene'er the messenger shall call, Alas! the stately tree must fall, To sleep the sleep of death. Then let us leave the things of earth, For those which are of greater worth, And serve t' enrich the mind; Press on to win the heavenly prize, Which now we have before our eyes, And cast the world behind! E.D. T. S. A. THE STREAM OF TIME. And what are these so little specks, How fair yon hill, how green yon vale! Is strength-thou flow'st, and where are they? W. V. |