DOCT. and PRACT.-The dying ex-
perience of Dr. Owen-On the Na-
ture, the Properties, and the Effects of
Divine Teaching-The Nature, Im-
portance and Reasonableness of Reli-
gion-Calm remonstrance with Minis-
ters-Substance of a Speech on Home
Missions-Anecdote respecting Bun-
yan's Pilgrim Clerical arguments
nearly allied to persecution..225-241
REVIEW. Mr. Innes's Sketches of
Human Nature, 2nd edition-Watson's
Defence of the Wesleyan Methodists-
The Bible Class Book...
INTELL.-Progress of education in the
Highlands of Scotland - Hibernian
Society, Report concluded - Baptist
Irish Society-Baptist Mission to India
-Death of Dr. Fawcett....245-256
DOCT. and PRACT.-The cause, crime
and cure of evil-speaking, Sermon by
Dr. Jenkins-The doctrine of Christ,
the bread of eternal life-Additional
observations on the book of Psalms-
On marked separation and weekly
communion-Bilney's Letter to Bishop
Tonstal-Martial's Epigram translated
and paraphrased-Dr. Stock's Letter
to the Rev. John Rowe of Bristol
REVIEW.-Mr. M'Lean's Paraphrase
and Commentary on the Epistle to the
INTELL.-Baptist Mission to India,
report of its present state--British and
Foreign Bible Society-Ordination of
Mr. G. Pritchard at Keppel-street-
Chapel Opened at Brixton, Surry-
Obituary of Garnet Terry, Esq.-Lite-
rary Notice-POETRY.
DOCT. and PRACT.-Mr. M'Lean on
the unpardonable sin-Particulars of
the death of Mr. Howard the Philan-
thropist-On the supposed pre-exis-
tence of the human soul of Christ-
Letter from Mr. Watson on Methodist
REVIEW.-Mr. Cowan's Reasons for
quitting the Establishment -
Taylor's Liberty of Prophesying, new
edition-R. H. Carne's Discourse on
the family of God's Elect-Maxwell's
Plurality of Worlds.
INTELL.-Mr. Hall's Speech, at Lei-
cester, concluded-British and Foreign
School Society-Anniversary of the
London Society for the instruction of
Adults-Designation of Missionaries to
Serampore-General Baptists-Obitu-
ary of Mr. Littlewood of Rochdale
Buck-Mr. Allen's translation of Out-
ram on Sacrifices-Mr. Inglis's Letter
on the case of W. Mills, 5th edition-
Mr. Frere's Lines on the Death of the
Princess Charlotte-Mr. Scragg's Ques-
tions Resolved.....