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DOCT. and PRACT.-Mr. M'Lean on

the unpardonable sin-Particulars of

the death of Mr. Howard the Philan-

thropist-On the supposed pre-exis-

tence of the human soul of Christ-
Letter from Mr. Watson on Methodist

REVIEW.-Mr. Cowan's Reasons for


quitting the Establishment -

Taylor's Liberty of Prophesying, new

edition-R. H. Carne's Discourse on
the family of God's Elect-Maxwell's

Plurality of Worlds.

INTELL.-Mr. Hall's Speech, at Lei-
cester, concluded-British and Foreign
School Society-Anniversary of the
London Society for the instruction of
Adults-Designation of Missionaries to
Serampore-General Baptists-Obitu-
ary of Mr. Littlewood of Rochdale


Buck-Mr. Allen's translation of Out-
ram on Sacrifices-Mr. Inglis's Letter
on the case of W. Mills, 5th edition-
Mr. Frere's Lines on the Death of the
Princess Charlotte-Mr. Scragg's Ques-
tions Resolved.....

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