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Psalms, their meaning how perverted,
· observations on the, 266.

Rash and unguarded expressions, cen-
sured, 51, 107.

Redeemer's glory, remarks on, 27.
Religion, its nature, importance and rea-
sonableness, 198, 233.

Religious liberty, stated and defended,
52, 151.

Remonstrance with ministers on their
assumption of titles, 237.

Resurrection of Christ, its import shewn,

Rewards, will be diversified to the righ-
teous in heaven, 285.

Righteousness of Christians, in what re-
spects it must exceed that of the Pha-
risees, 76.

Robinson, Rev. Thomas, Memoirs of, 161.
Rom. ix. 1-5 illustrated, 302.

Sanctification, its twofold view explained,

its progressive nature de-

fended, 342.
Scriptures, their excellency shewn, 166.
Self, an idol to many ministers, 18.
Socinianism shewn to be subversive of
the gospel, 354, 364.

Sonnets, 160.

Strictures on modern preachers, 111.
Stock, Dr. his letter to Mr. J. Rowe, 274.
Substance of a speech in defence of home
Missions, 238.

Superville, Monsieur, some account of,

Taylor, Mr. Dan, Memoir of, 33, 129.
Time, the shortness of it improved, 13.

Unitarianism shewn to be untenable, 354.
Unpardonable sin, in what it does and
does not consist, 321.

Warburton, Bishop, how he satirised the
Church of England, 209.
Weekly communion, defended, 269.

Zeal, in the cause of Christ, recommend-
ed, 103.

Austin, Mr. A. 1, 65.
A. C. R. 176.
Allen, William, 181.
Adam, Mr. 351.

A Constant Reader, 369.
A Friend to Evangelical
Truth, 370.
Anecdote, 370.

B. 17.

Babington, T. Esq. 184.
Bergman, 128.

Bennett, Rev. Mr. 216.
Bedford, Duke of, 181.
Bickersteth, Rev. Mr. 186.
Butterworth, Joseph, Esq.

Bogue, Dr. 192, 214.
Booth, Mr. A. 5, 17.
Bromley, Capt. W. 320.
Buxton, T. F. 182.

Campbell, Rev. J. 249.
Carpenter, Dr. Lant, 274,

Caroline, 368.
Cissus, 96.
Cephas, 268, 288.
Clarke, Mr O. 383.
Chalmers, Dr. 189.
Clayton, Mr. J. 59.
Collyer, Dr. 114, 126.

Cowan, Rev. T. 335.

Cudworth, Mr. 2.

George, 111.
Grierson, Esq. 251.

Hawtrey, Rev. Mr. 183,
Hervey, 2.

Hall, Rev. R. 316, 347.
Hutchinson, John, 365.
Hill, Rev. R. 59. 183.
Howard, Mr. 326.
Hume, Mr. Joseph, 58.
Hughes, Rev. Joseph, 29.

James, John Angell, 17.
Jackson, Sir J. 58, 181.
Jenkins, Dr. Joseph, 257,
272, 286.
J. W. 293.

J. W-

-n. 288.

J. K. 51.

I. T. 301.

J. M. 144.
J. R. 145.

Kattegary Sultan, 186.
Kinghorn, Rev. Joseph,

Liverpool, 288.

Littlewood, Rev. T. 352.

Martin, Mr. John, 9.
M'Lean, Mr. A. 174.
Mackintosh, Sir James,

Cunningham, Rev. J. W. Mason, Dr. 183.


Marsh, Rev. W. 185.

Mary, 204.

[blocks in formation]

Pritchard, Rev. G. 285.

Robinson, R. 21.
Robinson, T. 161.
Rogers, Mr. 250.
Rowe, Rev. John, 274,

Ryland, Mr. John, 3.
Ryland, Dr. 351.

Sandeman, 2.
Saurin, Mr. 21.
Schawbe, Rev. Mr. 58, 59,
Simeon, Rev. C. 185.
Sutton, Mr. 351.
Smyth, C. B. Esq. 251.
Smith, Mr. John, 29.
Steadman, Dr. 250.

Sussex, Duke of, 28, 57,
60, 182.
Stock, Dr. 276.
Stevens, Mr. John, 333.
Sunday Reading, 10.
Stratton, Rev. Jos. 249.
Stephens, Mr. W. 9, 65.

Stephen, Mr. R. 59, 249.
Styles, Dr. 215, 216.
Syphax, 334.

T. B. L. 32, 160, 320.
Taylor, John Sydney,
Esq. 251.

Taylor, Rev. Dan, 33.
Townsend, Mr. J. 59, 181.
T. S. A. 96.

Mayor, Rt. Hon. Lord, Townley, Dr. 216.

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Abode of Wisdom, 124.

James's Pastoral charge, 17.

Attempt to prove the diversity of future Innes's Sketches of human na

rewards, 205.

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Burton's (Mrs.) Poetical Effusions, 56.

Carne's (R. H.) Elect children of God,
&c. 344.

Cockburn's Narrative of John Donald, 25.
Chalmers' Discourses on the Christian.
Revelation, 81, 116, 146.

Cowan's Reasons for quitting the Esta-
blishment, 335.

Cox's Female Scripture Biography, 117.
Curtis's Sermon on the New Year, 89.

Evans's Excursion to Windsor, 310.

Frere's Lines on the death of the Princess
Charlotte, 374.

Goakman's investigation of the London
Society, 54.

HampshireSunday-school Union Teacher's
Hymn book, 312.


Ivimey on the constitution
churches, 153.

Inglis's Letter on the case o

Outram on Sacrifices, translate

[merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]

Roe, on the evil of separating
Church of England, 209.

Superville's Sermons, translated

Taylor (Bishop) on Liberty of
ing, 343.

Taylor's Facts and Evidences
tism, 22, 119.

Upton's Collection of Hymns, 1

Watson's Defence of Methodist


Williams's Essays on Religious
52, 151.


J. Haddon, Printer, Tabernacle-Walk'

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