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Of what does the First Part of the Catechism



The First Part of the Catechism treats of the Ten Commandments.


Recite the Introduction.


I am the Lord, thy God.


Recite the First Commandment.


Thou shalt have no other gods before me.


What is meant by this?


We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.

(The Sunday following the Second Part may be said, and so forth. Occasionally the Catechism text without the explanation may be said. Pupils of the primary and intermediate departments may use their Catechism. It will be well for the superintendent to recite the Catechism with the pupils, and closely to notice the pronunciation and emphasis.)

5. The superintendent shall now tell the story for the day, using the biblical picture. In making his practical application of the story he shall refer to the Bible verses, Catechism, and Hymn as given in the lesson for the day.

6. Each teacher shall now take charge of his class. The story as told by the superintendent shall be read aloud by the class, each child having a copy of the Lesson Helps at hand. In the primary department the teacher may read the lesson himself, provided his pupils are not yet able to do so. After the reading of the lesson he shall review the lesson

of the previous Sunday, using the questions for review as given at the close of each lesson. The Bible verses, Catechism references, and Hymn shall be recited by each child in turn.

7. Teachers and classes shall again assemble and sing a Hymn.

8. Prayer:

O Lord God, Heavenly Father, Who by the blessed light of Thy divine Word hast led us to the knowledge of Thy Son: We most heartily beseech Thee so to replenish us with the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may ever walk in the light of Thy truth, and rejoicing with sure confidence in Christ our Savior, may in the end be brought unto everlasting salvation; through the same, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.

Additional Prayers

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, Whose mercies are new unto us every morning, and Who, though we have in no wise deserved Thy goodness, dost abundantly provide for all our wants of body and soul: Give us, we pray Thee, Thy Holp Spirit, that we may heartily acknowledge Thy merciful goodness toward us, give thanks for all Thy benefits, and serve Thee in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.

For the First Part of the Catechism:

Almighty, Eternal, and Righteous God, we render Thee most hearty thanks, that Thou hast revealed to us Thy holy will, and in Thy law hast shown us what to do and leave undone, and we beseech Thee, of Thy Fatherly goodness and mercy, for Christ's sake forgive us all our sins and wherever we have violated Thy law. Send us Thy Holy Spirit from on high, and so strengthen and guide us, that we may serve Thee in a truly obedient spirit in this life and attain the eternal perfection in the life to come; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who liveth and

reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

For the Second Part of the Catechism:

Almighty and Eternal God, Thou hast taught us in true faith to know and to acknowledge Thee, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one eternal God, gracious and merciful, Who hast created, redeemed, and sanctified us according to Thy wonderful and infinite love and grace: We supplicate Thee, ever to keep us steadfast in such faith. Grant us grace, that we may ever laud, praise, magnify, and glorify Thy holy Name; Who livest and reignest from everlasting to everlasting. Amen.

For the Third Part of the Catechism:

Lord God, Heavenly Father, Thou hast taught us through Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, that we should ever call upon Thee in all confidence and trust as dear children call upon their dear father: We beseech Thee graciously to hear and accept our prayer_and supplication, so that we may evermore praise Thee, and magnify Thy holy Name; through the same, Thy dear Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

For the Fourth Part of the Catechism:

Help us, dear Father, that we may ever remember our blessed baptism, find therein a source of comfort, and strength in times of temptation and trial, live a Christian life according to it, wholly consecrate ourselves, body and soul, to Thee, be and remain Thine own to all eternity, for Christ's sake, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

For the Fifth Part of the Catechism:

Lord God, our Heavenly Father, we bless Thee and laud Thy mercy, that through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, Thou hast given us the blessed Sacrament of

Holy Communion, in which He really and truly, in, with, and under the bread and wine, nourisheth us with His body and blood for the remission of sins. We beseech Thee, grant us grace, so that when the time comes we, too, may worthily approach Thy Sacrament and receive Thy blessed gift, and also conduct our lives in accordance with it, and finally enter into the eternal rest through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

For the Sick:

O Lord, look down from heaven, behold, visit, and relieve Thy servants, for whom we offer our supplications; look upon them with the eyes of Thy mercy; give them comfort and sure confidence in Thee; defend them from the danger of the enemy, and keep them in perpetual peace and safety; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Missions:

Almighty and Eternal God, Who dost will that no man should perish, but all be brought to the knowledge of truth, Who hast sent Thy dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, into the world to seek and save what is lost: We supplicate Thy Fatherly mercy, grant us and all true believers Thy Holy Spirit and grace, that Thy Word may dwell in our midst in ever increasing measure, and the sound thereof go out through all the earth, so that Thy Gospel may be preached to all nations and many souls be saved to the praise of Thy holy Name, and all peoples thank Thee, and all kings worship thee, and all heathen serve Thee in the beauty of holiness, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen

For Teachers:

Lord God, our Heavenly Father, we. too. are called to serve Thee by leading the lambs of Thy flock to the

green pastures and the living waters of Thy holy Word, and thus help in bringing them to Thee. We render Thee hearty thanks for this blessed privilege, of which on account of our sins and shortcomings we are unworthy. Have mercy upon us in our weakness and sins, and graciously strengthen and prosper us in the fulfillment of our duties. Endow us with Thy Holy Spirit that we might rightly understand Thy Word and Will and properly teach and live it. O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, fill us with holy and consecrated zeal that we may bend every effort to serve Thee by serving the little ones of Thy flock. May Thy special blessing rest upon our congregation and its schools, its pastor and teachers, and all its interests and efforts, and make of it a tower of strength, to the glory and honor of Thy Name. O Lord, hear our humble petition; Who liveth and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

For Teachers' Meetings:

Almighty and Gracious God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, most humbly do we beseech Thee, look down upon us Thy servants, called to serve Thee as teachers in the Sunday school. Grant us grace and wisdom most diligently to do the work assigned to us. Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit, without Whom we can do nothing pleasing in Thy sight. Let the love of Christ so constrain us, that we do what we can to instruct, enlighten, guide, and prosper the souls entrusted to our care. Vouchsafe unto them a more sure knowledge and hope of the faith once delivered to the saints. Grant that they may receive the Word with humility and love, gladly hear and learn it, and earnestly strive after a godly life. May they grow and develop into faithful members of Thy Kingdom and useful members of human society at large, deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the

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