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of each day sufficient for that day, 78.
spirits cured by Jesus, 82.

thoughts proceed from the heart, 115.
eye proceeds from the heart, 116.

prayer that disciples be kept from, 228.
See Devils, Spirits.

Example, Jesus an, 217.

Excess of Scribes and Pharisees, 202.
Exchange, no, for the soul, 123.

Executioner sent to behead John Baptist, 106.
Extortion prohibited, 35.

Scribes and Pharisees accused of, 202.
Eye to be plucked out, 72, 128.

the light of the body, 76, 153.
the mote and the beam in the, 78.

Eyes of the Jews closed, 92.

seeing Jesus' works, blessed, 146..

Face not to be disfigured in fasting, 76.

of the sky discerned by the Pharisees, 158.
God beheld by angels of children, 128.

Faith commended, 62, 80, 87, 99, 101, 116, 187.
want of, commented on, 77, 121, 126.
reproved, 95, 110.

in Jesus, of the man born blind, 139.

of Martha, 173.

many Jews at the raising of Lazarus, 174.
Peter, declaration of, 114, 123.
disciples, 226.

.the work of God, 112.

resulting in everlasting life, 112.

full flow of the Spirit, 133.
life, 174.

by reason of his works, 160.

is faith in God, 206.

power of, 126, 172, 192, 222.

enjoined, 180.

prayed for, by the Apostles, 172.

by Jesus for Peter, 220.

on earth at Christ's second coming, 180.
disregarded by Pharisees, 203.

See Belief.

Faithfulness in little and in much, 170.
Falling away upon persecution, 92.
False accusation. See Accusation.

prophets spoken well of, 70.

coming in sheep's clothing, 78.
predicted in last day, 208.

witness proceeds from the heart, 116.

witnesses against Jesus, 236.

Fame of Jesus spread abroad, 49, 60, 62, 82, 101.

reaches Herod, 105.

Famine in parable of prodigal son, 166.
Famines in the last days predicted, 11, 208.
Fan to purge his floor, in Jesus' hand, 35.
Fashion of Jesus' countenance altered, 124.

Fasting of Anna, 25.

of Jesus in the wilderness, 36.

John Baptist, misconstrued, 82.

disciples of John and of Pharisees, 64.

to be in secret, 76.

a devil which would only go out by, 126.
Father, the. See God the Father.

one only, 202.

and mother, as to honoring, 115.
of the prodigal son, 166.
Fathers reconciled to their children, 17.
turned against their sons, 105, 158.

to deliver up their children to death, 103.
Fatted calf killed for prodigal, 157.

Favor, Jesus increases in, 31.
Fear of Zacharias on seeing an angel, 17.
of shepherds at Bethlehem, 24.
women at the sepulcher, 252.
Herod of John Baptist, 106.
Gadarenes, 97.

disciples, on Jesus walking on water, 110.

at the transfiguration, 124.
Peter when walking on water, 110.
parents of man born blind, 141.
mercy to those who have, of God, 20.
not of mere destroyers of body, 105, 156.
Fearfulness reproved, 95.

Feast of the Passover. See Passover.
of tabernacles, Jesus goes to, 131.

the dedication, 160.

unleavened bread, 188.

the Jews, Jesus goes up to a, 51.
Galileans go to the, 49.

day, many believe on Jesus on the, 43.

made by Levi to Jesus, 64.

"Feed my lambs," etc., 260.

Feeding of five thousand miraculously, 108.
of four thousand, 119.

Feet of Jesus anointed, 87, 188.

Legion sitting at, 95.

Mary sitting at, 148.

held by women at resurrection, 254.
shown to disciples, 256.

of disciples washed by Jesus, 217.
Fetters broken by demoniacs, 95.
Fever, a nobleman's son cured of, 49.
Simon's wife's mother cured of, 60.
Few saved, whether, 161.

Field of blood, 242.

Fields, shepherds in the, 23.

white to harvest, 48.

corn, disciples pass through, 66.
Figs not gathered of thistles, 79.
Fig-tree, Nathanael under the, 40.
the barren, parable of, 91.
withered, 192.

parable of, in spring, 210.

Fine linen, body of Jesus wrapped in, 248.

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Fire, unfruitful trees cast into, 35, 79.

Jesus to baptize with, 35.

unquenchable, 128.

the chaff to be burnt in, 35.

hell, 72.

on the earth, Jesus come to bring, 158.

the wicked cast into a furnace of, 94.
demoniac cast into, 126.

all to be salted with, 128.

John and James desire to call down, 131.

of coals, 234, 260.

Firkins, 41.

First to be last, 127, 161, 184.

commandment, the, 198.

day of the week, 252.

Fish, the, with tribute money, 127.

a serpent not given for a, 78.

eaten by Jesus after resurrection, 260.
on the fire on the shore, 260.

Fisher's coat, Peter's, 260.

Fishers of men, Peter and Andrew to be, 58.
Fishes, miraculous draught of, 58, 260.
miraculously increased, 108, 119.

Fishing, 58, 260.

Five thousand miraculously fed, 108.

loaves miraculously increased, 108.

hundred brethren, Jesus appears to, 262.

Flax, smoking, not quenched, 68.

Flesh, the Word made, 15.

sons of God not born of, 15.

all, to see the salvation of God, 33.

that born of flesh is, 43.

profiteth nothing, 114.

judgment after the, 135.

weakness of the, 230.

of Jesus given for life of the world, 114.

of Jesus, eating of, necessary to life, 114.

Fold, Christ's, one, 142.

Folk, impotent, at Bethesda, 51.

sick, healed, 101.

Followers of Jesus, their duty, 123, 164.
"Fool," improper term for a brother, 72.
Foolish man, who built on sand, 79.
Foolishness proceeds from the heart, 116.
Fools, Pharisees called, 203.
Foot, the offending, to be cut off, 128.
Footstool of God, the earth, 74.

Forbearance enjoined, 74.

Foreknowledge of Jesus, 114.

Forgiveness of sins to a palsied man, 62.

woman, 87.

of trespasses enjoined, 76, 78, 148 172.
blasphemies, except against Holy Ghost, 88.
crucifiers of Jesus, 246.

Fornication only cause for divorce, 72, 180.

the Jews claim not to be born of, 137.
Fornications proceed from the heart, 116.
Forsaking all for Christ's sake, 184.

Forsaking of Jesus by his disciples foretold, 220.
Forswearing, commandment against, 74.

Forty days, Jesus fasts, 36.

appears after resurrection, 262.
Four thousand miraculously fed, 119.
Fowls of the air, God's care for, 76.

Fox, Herod called a, 161.

Foxes have holes, etc., 131.
Fragments directed to be saved, 108.

baskets of, gathered up, 108, 119.
referred to by Jesus, 121.
Frankincense presented by wise men, 27.
Freedom given by the Son, 137.
Friend of the bridegroom, 45.

borrowing bread at midnight, 148.


Friends of Jesus, not to be invited for recompense,
of mammon of unrighteousness, 169.
Jesus calls his disciples, 225.
Fruit, tree not producing, destroyed, 35.
shows the nature of tree, 79, 88.
Fulfillment of Scripture, 210, 228, 246, 258.

concerning Jesus' sufferings, 124, 185, 220.
Jesus proclaims, 56.

of law and prophets, Jesus came for, 72.
of John's prophecies concerning Jesus, 160.

of Jesus' sayings, 230, 236.

the times of the Gentiles, 210.

Psalm viii. 2, — 192.

xxii. 18, 244.

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foretells the birth of Jesus, 18.
Gadarenes, Jesus goes to country of, 95.

ask Jesus to depart, 96.

Galilean, Peter accused of being a, 234.
Galileans slain by Pilate, 159.

Galilee. See Nazareth.

Herod tetrarch of, 33.

entertains chief men of, 106.

Jesus returns to, 49.

walks in, 114.

passes through, 126, 131.

preaches in synagogues of, 60.

despised as coming from, 133.
fulfillment of prophecies concerning, 58.
multitudes from, follow Jesus, 62, 68.
Pharisees, etc., from, go to hear Jesus, 62.
Apostles sent to, after resurrection, 252, 254.
appearances of Jesus in, 260, 262.

Gall and vinegar given to Jesus, 244.
Garden of Gethsemane, 230.

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Garments spread in Jesus' way, 190.

laid aside to wash disciples' feet, 217.
of Jesus, lots cast for, 244.

See Clothes, Coats, Raiment.

Garner, the wheat to be gathered into, 35.
Gate, the strait, leading to life, 78, 161.

wide, leading to destruction, 78.

Gutes of hell not to prevail against the church, 123.
Generation of vipers, 33, 88, 203. -

Gennesaret, land of, Jesus goes to, 110.

Gentiles, Jesus a light to the, 25.

to trust in Jesus, 68.

seek after the things of this life, 77.
Apostles not to go to the, at first, 103.
persecution of disciples, testimony against the,

to tread down Jerusalem, 210.

Gethsemane, 230.

Ghost, Holy. See Holy Ghost.


Glad tidings to shepherds at Bethlehem, 23.
Glory of the Word, 15.

of the Lord shining round shepherds, 24.
Father, Jesus seeking, 132.

Son, 204, 226.

of the kingdoms of the world offered Jesus, 36.
of God, death of Lazarus for, 173.

caused by good works, 72, 224.

by Jesus, 228.

of Israel, Jesus the, 25.

Solomon not equal to that of a lily, 77.
shown forth by Jesus, 41.

alms not to be done for, 74.

Christ to come in, 123, 212.

at the transfiguration, 124.

ascribed to God, 24, 52, 62, 82, 178, 187.
Gluttonous, Jesus accused of being, 85.
Gnashing of teeth, 80, 94, 161, 211.
Gnat strained at and camel swallowed, 203.
Goats and sheep, parable of, 212.

God, identity of Jesus with, 15, 160, 222.
the sons of, 15.

children of, peacemakers, 70.
revealed by the Son, 15, 226.
no man hath seen, 15, 112.
John Baptist sent from, 15.
his holiness, 20.

mercy, 20.
power, 33, 160.
strength, 20.
truth, 45, 137.
goodness, 74, 182.
greatness, 160.
throne, heaven, 74.
footstool, earth, 74.

salvation, all to see, 33.

house not a house of merchandise, 41.

ample gift of the Spirit to Jesus, 45.

kingdom. See Kingdom of God.

knowledge of our needs, 76, 157.

forgiveness of those who forgive, 76.

care for the birds, etc., 76.
work, faith, 112.

bread, 112.

commandments disregarded for tradition,
testimony to Jesus, 135.



Gift to altar, reconciliation to precede, 72.
goods being a, excuse for not supporting par-
[ents, 115.

on the altar, as to swearing by, 203.

Gifts by the wise men to Jesus, 27.

good, by a father to his children, 78.
cast into the treasury, 204.
adorning the temple, 208.
Girdle of John Baptist, 33.
Give, direction to, 72, 78.
Glad tidings to Zacharias, 17.

See Son.

word comes to John Baptist, 33.

man lives by, 36.

they that hear, blessed, 152.

warns the wise men, 29.

alone to be served and worshiped, 38.

can forgive sins, 62.

sent his Son to save the world, 43.

is a Spirit, 48.

pure in heart will see, 70.


and mammon not served together, 76, 170.

gives good gifts to those who ask, 78.


God hears those that worship and obey him, 141.
equality of Jesus with, complained of, 52.
that Jesus of, denied, 141.
Jesus came out from, 226.

at the right hand of, 262.

the Father, and the Son, 15.

his love to the Son, 43, 52.

true worship and worshipers, 48.
self-existence, 52.
testimony to Jesus, 52.

will, doers of, to enter heaven, 79.
knowledge of the Son, 85.

Spirit speaking in Apostles, 103.
face beheld by angels of children, 128.
punishment of those who forgive not,
house with many mansions, 222.
worketh with the Son, 52.

sent the Son, 52.


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salvation, for loss of life for sake of, 123.
to be a witness to all nations, 210.
See Preaching, Teaching.
Governor to come out of Bethlehem, 27.

Jesus sought to be delivered to the, 198.
See Pilate.

Governors, Apostles to be accused before, 103.
Grace of God upon Jesus, 31.

Grain of mustard-seed, parable of, 93, 150.
Grapes not of thorns or a bramble-bush, 79.
Grass, God's care for, 76.

the multitude sit on, 108.

Grave of Lazarus, 174.

See Sepulcher.

Graveclothes of Lazarus, 174.

See Linen.

Graves, all in the, to hear Christ's voice, 52.
unseen, hypocrites likened to, 155.
opened at the crucifixion, 248.
Greatest, dispute who should be, 127, 217.
Greek, Jesus' accusation written in, 244.
See Syrophenician.

Greeks seek to see Jesus, 204.
Grief of Jesus at hardness of hearts, 66.
See Sorrow.

Gross, the people's heart, 92.
Guest-chamber for keeping passover, 215.
Guides, blind, 203.

Guile, Nathanael without, 40.

Hairs of the head numbered, 105, 156.
Hall of judgment, Jesus led to, 236.
Halt, the, at Bethesda, 51.


better to be, in heaven, than whole in hell, 128.
See Miracles.

Hand of the Lord with John Baptist, 22.
withered, restored, 66,

the offending, to be cut off, 72, 128.
Handmaid of the Lord, Mary, 18.
Hands laid on the sick. See Miracles.

unwashen, eating with, condemned, 115.
Jesus shows his, after resurrection, 258.
Hard saying, disciples complain of a, 114.
Hardness. See Heart.

Harlots enter heaven before Pharisees, etc., 196.
Harmless as doves, Jesus' disciples to be, 103.
Harvest, the fields white to, 48.

typifying end of the world, 94.
plenteous, but laborers few, 101, 144.

Hatred of enemies forbidden, 74.

of all men to Jesus' disciples, 103.

the world to Jesus, 131.

to Jesus' disciples, 225.

Head not to be sworn by, 74.

of John Baptist given to Herodias' daughter,

Healing. See Miracles.

on the Sabbath day, as to, 66, 161.

Heart, Mary keeps events in her, 24, 31.
hardness of, grief of Jesus for, 66.
Jesus upbraids disciples for, 258.
will be with treasure, 76, 157.
good treasure of the, 79.

mouth speaks out of the, 88.

of earth, Jesus to be three nights in, 153.
the word received into an honest, 92.
defilement proceeding from, 116.
forgiveness to be from the, 130.
Heathen, vain repetitions in prayers of, 76.
the implacable brother to be as a, 128.
Heaven, kingdom of. See Kingdom.

voice from. See Voice.

shall be seen opened, 40.

no man has ascended up to, 43.
Jesus came from, 43, 112.


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sign from, demanded, 152.

bread from, 112, 114.

joy in, at sinner's repentance, 166.

Heavenly host in fields at Bethlehem, 24.
things, believing in, 43.

Heavens opened at Jesus' baptism, 36.
See Clouds.

Heavy-laden invited by Jesus, 85.

Hebrew, accusation of Jews written in, 244.
Hell fire, those in danger of, 72.

sacrifice of members to escape, 72, 128.
Capernaum to be cast down to, 85.

he that can cast into, to be feared, 105,


gates of, not to prevail against the church, 123.
Hen, Jesus' care like that of a, 161, 203.

Herd. See Swine.

Hem. See Garment.

Herod, king of Judæa, 17.

and the wise men, 27.

slays children of Bethlehem, 29.
death of, 29.

the tetrarch, of Galilee, 33.

imprisons John Baptist, 105.
marries Herodias, 105.
Chuza, steward of, 87.
entertains his officers, 106.
executes John Baptist, 106.
hears of Jesus, 105.

warned against, 119.
Jesus taken before, 238.

reconciled to Pilate, 238.

Herodians consulted as to destroying Jesus, 66.
go to Jesus as spies, 198.

Herodias quarrels with John Baptist, 106.

daughter of, dances before Herod, 106.
asks for John Baptist's head, 106.
High-priest. See Abiathar, Caiaphas, Priest.
High-priests. See Priests.
Highest, Jesus, Son of the, 18.

John Baptist, prophet of the, 22.
Hill country of Judæa, Mary goes to, 18.

John Baptist's birth reported through, 22.
a city set on a, not hid, 70.

Hire, the laborer worthy of his, 103, 144.
Hireling does not protect the sheep, 142.
Holy One of God, Jesus called, 60.

things not given to dogs, 78.

Holy Ghost in John Baptist, 17.
in Zacharias, 22.

Jesus, 36.

upon Mary, 18.

Simeon, 24.

Mary with child of, 23.

descends on Jesus at baptism, 36.
blasphemy against, 88.

Holy Ghost given to those who ask, 148.
to teach disciples all things, 224.
the Comforter, promised, 225.
called down on Apostles, 258.
speaking in David, 200.
in Jesus' disciples, 103.
baptism with, by Jesus, 36.
foretold, 262.
in name of, 258.

See Spirit.

Honey, food of John Baptist, 33.

Honeycomb eaten by Jesus after resurrection, 256.
Honor to be given to the Son, 52.

not to prophet in his own country, 101.

to parents, 115.

of the Son by the Father, 138.

Hook used to catch fish, 127.
"Hosanna to the Son of David," 192.
Hospitality, true, 163.

House of God, not of merchandise, 41.
zeal of, 43.

the place of prayer, 192.

of Simon, etc., Jesus goes to, 58.

Israel, lost sheep of, 103, 116.

the Father, with many mansions, 222.

Jesus teaches in a, 62, 93.

built on rock, and sand, 79.

divided against itself, 87.

restored demoniac sent back to his, 97.
Household, foes in the, 105.

Householder, an instructed scribe like a, 94.
Houses of widows devoured, 202.
Housetop, a man let down through, 62.

the gospel to be preached on the, 105.
those on, at desolation of Jerusalem, 210.
Humility necessary to attain heaven, 127.
enjoined, 161, 185, 217.
commended, 180.

Hundred sheep, parable of, 128, 166.
Hunger of Jesus after fasting, 36.

on the road to Jerusalem, 192.
after righteousness, 70.

Husband, woman of Samaria sent for her, 46.
Husbandman of true vine, the Father, 224.
Husbandmen and the vineyard, parable of, 196.
Husks desired by the prodigal, 166.

Hypocrisy warned against, 155.

See Pharisees.

Hypocrite, ruler of synagogue denounced as, 151.
Hypocrites, almsgiving by, 74.

Pharisees denounced as, 115, 121, 155, 203.

Identity of Father, Son, and disciples, 228.
Idle words, men to account for, 88.

Idumea, multitudes from, follow Jesus, 68.
Impediment of speech cured, 116.
Importunity will often succeed, 148.

Impossible with God, nothing is, 18, 182.

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