The CONTENTS of the Sum of Saving Knowledge. HEAD I. Our woful condition by nature. 4 II. The remedy provided in Christ Jesus. The Use of Saving Knowledge. 1. For convincing of fin by the law. 2. Of righteousness by the law. 3. Of judgment by the law. For convincing of fin, righteousness and judgment by the Gospel. Of righteousness to be had only by faith in Chrift. 1 Warrants and motives to believe. 1. God's hearty invitation. 2. His earnest request to be reconciled. 3. His command, charging all to believe. 4. Much affurance of life given to believers, &c. Evidences of true Faith. ? 1. Conviction of the believer's obligation to keep the moral law. 2. That the believer practise the rules of godliness and righ teousness. 3. That obedience to the law run in the right channel of faith in Chrift. 4. The keeping of strait communion with Christ, the fountain of all grace and good works. For strengthning the believer in faith and obedience, by these evidences. THE The sum of faving knowledge may be taken up in these four heads 1. The woful condition wherein all men are by nature, through breaking of the covenant of works. 2. The remedy provided for the elect in Jesus Christ by the covenant of grace. 3. The means appointed to make them Partakers of this covenant. 4. The bleffings which are effectually conveyed unto the elect by these means. Which four heads are set down each of them in some few propositions. HEAD Ι. Our woful condition by nature, through breaking the covenant of works, Hof. xiii. 9. O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyfelf. THE Almighty and eternal God, the Father, the Sori,and the holy Ghoft, three diftinct persons the one and the same undivided Godhead, equally infinite in all perfections did, before time, most wifely decree, for his own glory, whatsoever cometh to pass in time; and doth most holily and infallibly execute all his decrees, without being partaker of the fin of any creature. い II. This God in fix days made all things of nothing very good in their own kind: In special, he made all the angels, The CONTENTS of the Sum of Sa ? ving Knowledge. HEAD I. Our woful condition by nature. II. The remedy provided in Christ Jesus. III. The means provided in the covenant of grace. The Use of Saving Knowledge. 1. For convincing of fin by the law. 2. Of righteousness by the law. 3. Of judgment by the law. For convincing of fin, righteousness and judgment by the Gospel. Of righteousness to be had only by faith in Christ. Warrants and motives to believe. 1. God's hearty invitation. 2. His earnest request to be reconciled. 3. His command, charging all to believe. 4. Much affurance of life given to believers, &c. 1 Evidences of true Faith. 1. Conviction of the believer's obligation to keep the moral law. 2. That the believer practise the rules of godliness and righ teousness. 3. That obedience to the law run in the right channel of faith in Chrift. 4. The keeping of strait communion with Christ, the fountain of all grace and good works. Fer strengthning the believer in faith and obedience, by these evidences. THE THE SUM of SAVING KNOWLEDGE &c. The sum of faving knowledge may be taken up in these four heads 1. The woful condition wherein all men are by nature, through breaking of the covenant of works. 2. The remedy provided for the elect in Jesus Christ by the covenant of grace. 3. The means appointed to make them Partakers of this co covenant. 4. The bleffings which are effectually conveyed unto the elect by these means. Which four heads are set down each of them in some few propositions. HEAD I. Our woful condition by nature, through breaking the covenant of works, Hof. xiii. 9. O Ifrael, thou hast destroyed thyfelf. T HE Almighty and eternal God, the Father, the Sorn,and the holy Ghoft, three diftinct persons in the one and the same undivided Godhead, equally infinite in all perfections did, before time, most wifely decree, for his own glory, whatsoever cometh to pass in time; and doth most holily and infallibly execute all his decrees, without being partaker of the fin of any creature. II. This God in fix days made all things of nothing very good in their own kind: In special, he made all the angels, Angels holy; and he made our first parents Adam and Eve, the root of mankind, both upright and able to keep the Law written in their heart. Which law they were naturally bound to obey under pain of death; But God was not bound to reward their service, till he entred into a covenant or Contract with them, and their posterity in them, to give them eternal life upon Condition of perfect perfonal Obedience; withal threatning death in cafe they should fail. This is the Covenant of Works. III. Both Angels and Men were subject to the change of their own Free will, as Experience proved (God having reserved to himself the incommunicable property of being Naturally unchangeable :) For many angels of their own Accord fell by Sin from their first Eftate, and became devils. Our first parents being inticed by Satan, one of these devils speaking in a Serpent, did break the Covenant of works, in eating the forbidden fruit; whereby they, and their pofterity being in their Loins, as branches in the Root, and comprehended in the fame covenant with them, became not only liable to eternal death but also lost all ability to please God yea, did become by Nature Enemies to God, and to all Spiritual good, and inclined only to Evil continually. This is our original fin, the bitter root of all our actual Tranfgreffions, in Thought, Word, and Deed. HEAD II. \ The Remedy provided in Jefus Chrift for the Elect by the Covenant of Grace, Hof. xiii. 9. O Ifrael, thou hast destroyed thy self, but in me is thine help. ALBE LBEIT man, having brought himself into this woful Condition, be neither able to help himself, nor willing to be helped by God out of it, but rather inclined to ly still unsensible of it, till he perish: yet God, for the glory of his rich Grace, hath revealed in his word a way to save sinners, to wit, by faith in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, by vertue of, and according to, the tenor of the Covenant of redemption, made and agreed upon between God the Father and |