feeking to be quieted in Chrift, for the "End of the law is love, out of a good confcience, and faith unfeigned. 5 That feigned faith goeth to Chrift without reckoning with the law, and fo wants an errand; but unfeigned faith reckoneth with the law, and is forced to flee for refuge unto Christ, as the end of the law for righteoufnefs, fo often as it finds itself guilty for breaking of the law: "For the end of the law is faith unfeigned." 6 That the fruits of love may come forth in Act particular ly, it is neceflary that the heart be brought to the hatred of all fin and uncleannefs, and to a ftedfaft purpose to follow all holinefs univerfally: "For the end of the law is love, out of a pure heart. 7. That unfeigned faith is able to make the confcience good and the heart pure, and the man lovingly obedient to the law; for, when Chrift's blood is feen by faith to quiet juftice, then the confcience becometh quiet alfo, and will not fuffer the heart to entertain the love of fin, but fets the man on work to fear God for his mercy, and to obey all his commandments, out of love to God for his free gift of juftification, by grace beftowed on him: "For this is the end of the law indeed," whereby it obtaineth of a man more obedience than any other way. The fourth thing requifite to evidence true faith is, the keeping ftrait communion with Chrift, the fountain of all graces, and of all good works; holden forth, John xv. 5. I am the true vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him,the fame bringeth forth much fruits For without me'ye can do nothing.". Wherein Chrift, in a fimilitude from a Vine-tree, teach eth us, 1. That by nature we are wild barren briers, till we be changed by coming unto Chrift; and that Chrift is that noble Vine-tree, having all life and fap of grace in himself, and able to change the nature of every one that cometh to him, and to communicate fpirit and life to as many as fhall believe in him: "I am the Vine (faith he) and ye are the branches." 2. That J 2. That Christ loveth to have believers fo united unto him, as that they be not feparated at any time by unbelief: And that there may be a mutual inhabitation, of them in him, by. faith and love; and of him in them, by his word and Spirit: For he joineth thefe together, if ye abide in me, and I in you, as things infeparable. 3. That except a man be ingrafted in Chrift, and united to him by faith, he cannot do any the leaft good works of his own ftrength; yea, except in as far as a man doth draw Spirit and life from Chrift by faith, the work which he doth is naughty and null in the point of goodness, in God's eftimation; For without me (faith he) ye can do nothing. who are 4. That this mutual inhabitation is the fountain and infallible caufe of conftant continuing and abounding in welldoing: For he that abideth in me, and I in him (faith he) the fame beareth much fruit. Now, as our abiding in Chrift prefuppofeth three things, I. That we have heard the joyful found of the gofpel, making offer of Chrift to us, loft finners by the law; 2. That we have heartily embraced the gracious offer of Chrift; 3. That by receiving of him we are become the Sons of God, John i. 12. and are incorporated into his myftical body, that he may dwell in us as his temple, and we dwell in him, as in the rèfidence of righteoufnefs and life: fo our abiding. in Chrift importeth other three things. 1. An Employing of Chrift in all our addreffes to God, and in all our undertakings of whatfoever piece of fervice to him. 2. A contentedness with his fufficiency without going out from him to feek righteoufnefs, or life, or furniture in cafe, in our own or any of the creatures worthinefs. 3. A Fixednefs in our Believing in him, and a fixed nefs in our Employing and making ufe of him, and a fixednefs in our Contentment in him, and adhering to him, fo that no allurement, no temptation of Satan or the world, no terror nor trouble may be able to drive our fpirits from firm adherence to him, or from the conftant avowing of his truth, and obeying his commands, who hath loved us, and given himfelf for us; and in whom, not only our life is laid up, but alfo the fulness of the Godhead dwelleth bodily, by reason of the fubftantial and perfonal union of the divine and human nature in him. Hence Hence let every watchful believer, for ftrengthning himself in faith and obedience, reafon after this manner ; W HOSOEVER doth daily employ Christ Jefus, for cleanfing his confcience and affections from the guiltinefs and filthiness of fins against the law, and for enabling him to give obedience to the law in love, he hath the evidence of true faith in himfelf. But I (may every watchful believer fay) do daily employ Jefus Chrift, for cleanfing my confcience and affections from the guiltinefs and filthinefs of fins against the law, and for enabling of me to give obedience to the law in • love. Therefore I have the evidence of true faith in myfelf.' And hence alfo, let the fleepy and fluggish believer reason,' for his own up-ftirring, thus; "Whatsoever is neceffary for giving evidence of true faith, I ftudy to do it, except I would deceive my felf and perifh. But, to employ Chrift Jefus daily, for cleanfing of my confcience and affections from the guiltinefs and filthinefs of fins against the law, and for enabling me to give obe dience to the law in love, is neceffary for evidencing of true Faith in me. "Therefore, this I must study to do, except I would de ceive myself aud perish.' And, Laftly Seeing Chrift himself hath pointed this forth, as an undoubted evidence of a man elected of God unto life, and given to Jefus Chrift to be redeemed, if he come unto him that is, close covenant, and keep communion with him, as he teacheth us, John vi. 37. saying, All that the Father hath given me, fhall come to me; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife caft out; Let every perfon, who doth not in earneff make ufe of Chrift for remiffion of fin, and amendment of life, reafon hence, and from the whole premifes, after this manner, that his confcience may be awakned; • Whofoever is neither by the law, nor by the gospel, fo ⚫ convinced of fin, righteoufnefs and judgment, as to make him come to Chrift, and employ him daily for remiffion of fin, and amendment of life; he wanteth not only all ' evidence of faving faith, but alfo all appearance of his election, fo long as he remaineth in this condition. But I (may very impenitent perfon fay) am neither by the law nor gofpel fo convinced of fin, righteousness and judgment, as to make me come to Christ, and employ him daily for remiffion of fin, and amendment of life. "Therefore I want, not only all evidence of faving faith, but alfo all appearance of my election, so long as I remain in this condition.' FINI S. THE CONFESSION OF FAITH OF THE KIRK OF SCOTLAND; OR THE NATIONAL COVENANT. WITH A defignation of fuch acts of parliament äs are expedient for justifying the union after-mentioned. ! Josh. xxiv. 25. 80 Joshua made a covenant with the people that days and fet them a statute, and an ordinancein Shechem. 2 Kings xi 17. And Jehoiada made a covenant between the Lord, and the king, and the people that they should be the Lord's people between the King allo and the people. Ifa. xliv. 5, One fhall fay I am the Lords: and another shall call himfelf by the name of Jacob; And another shall fubfcribe with his hand unto the Lord, and furname himself by the name of Ifrael, |