not fixed in regard of officers or members, it is indifferent as to the point of ordination v. It is very requifite that no fingle congregation, that can conveniently affociate, do affume to itfelf all and fole power in ordination: 1. Because there is no example in fcripture, that any fingle congregation, which might conveniently affociate, did affume to itfelf all and fole power in ordination; neither is there any rule which may warrant such a practice. 2. Because there is in fcripture example of an ordination in a prefbytery over divers congregations; as in the church of Jerufalem, where were many congregations, these many congregations were under one prefbytery, and this presbytery did ordain. The preaching prefbyters orderly associated, either in cities or neighbouring villages, are those to whom the impofition of hands doth appertain, for those congregations within their bounds refpectively. Concerning the Doctrinal Part of Ordination of MINISTERS. 1. N O man ought to take upon him the office of a minifter of the word, without a lawful calling w. 2. Ordination is always to be continued in the church x. 3. Ordination is the folemn fetting apart of a person to fome public church-office y. 4. Every minifter of the word is to be ordained by impofition of hands and prayer, with fafting, by these preaching prefbyters to whom it doth belong, z. 5. The power of ordering the whole work of ordination is in the whole prefbytery, which when it is over more congregations than one, whether thofe congregations be fixed ven thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the prefbytery. v1 Tim. 4. 14. See in letter t. w See before in letter 1. ог Se or not fixed, in regard of officers or members, it is indiffe rent as to the point of ordination a. 6. It is agreeable to the word, and very expedient, that fuch as are to be ordained minifters, be defigned to fome particular church, or other minifterial charge b. 7. He that is to be ordained minister, must be duly qualified, both for life and minifterial abilities, according to the rules of the apostle c. 8. He is to be examined and approved of by thofe by whom he is to be ordained d, 9. No man is to be ordained a minifter for a particular congregation, if they of that congregation can fhew just cause of exception against him e. 10. Preaching prefbyters orderly affociated, either in cities or neighbouring villages, are thofe to whom the impofition of hands doth appertain, for thofe congregations within their bounds refpectively f 11. In extraordinary cales, fomething extraordinary may be done, until a fettled order may be had, yet keeping as near as poffibly may be to the rule g. 12. There is at this time (as we humbly conceive) an ex a See before in letter v. b See before in letter p. c See before in letter q. d See before in letter r. e See before in letter 1. f1 Tim. 4. 14. Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the prefbytery. g2 Chron.29.34. But the priests were too few, fo that they could not flay all the burnt-offerings; wherefore theirbrethrentheLevites did help them till the work was ended, and until the other priests had fanctified themselves; for the Levites were more upright in heart to fanctifie themselves, than the priefts. v. 35. And alfo the burntofferings were in abundance, with the fat of the peace-offerings, and the drink offerings for everyburnt offering. So the fervice of the houfe of the Lord was let in order. tra v. 36. AndHezekiah rejoiced,and all the people, that God had prepared the people: for the thing was done fuddenly. 2Chron.30.2. For the king had taken counsel,and his princes,and allthe congregation in Jerufalem, to keep the pallover in the fecond month. v. 3. For they could not keep it at that time, becaufe the priests had not fanctified themfelves fufficiently,neither had the people gathered themfelves together to erufalem. v. 4. And the thing pleafed the king, and all the congregation, v. 5. So they eltablifhed a decree, to make proclamation throughout all Ifrael from Beer-fheba even to Dan, that they fhould come to keep the pallover unto the Lord God of Ifrael, at Jerufalem: for they had not done it of a long time in fuch fort as it was written. traordinary occafion for a way of ordination for the present fupply of minifters. The Directory for the Ordination of minifters, T being manifeft by the word of God, that no man ought to take upon him the office of a minifter of the gospel, untill he be lawfully called and ordained thereunto; and that the work of ordination is to be performed with all due care, wifdom, gravity, and folemnity; we humbly tender thele directions, as requifite to be oblerved. First, He that is to be ordained, being either nominated by the people, or otherwife cómmended to the prefbytery for any place, muft addrefs himself to the prefbytery, and bring with him a teftimonial of his taking the covenant of the three kingdoms, of his diligence and proficiency in his studies; what degrees he hath taken in the univerfity, and what hath been the time of his abode there; and withal of his age, which is to be twenty four years; but especially of his life and converfation. 2. Which being confidered by the prefbytery, they are tọ proceed to enquire touching the grace of God in him, and whether he be of fuch holinefs of life as is requifite in a minifter of the gofpel; and to examine him touching his learning and fufficiency, and touching the evidences of his calling to the holy miniftry, and in particular his fair and direct calling to that place, The Rules for Examination are thefe; 1. That the party examined be dealt withal in a brotherly quay, with mildness of fpirit, and with special respect to the gravity, modefty, and quality of every one. 2. He fhall be examined touching his skill in the original tongues, and his trial to be made by reading the Hebrew and Greek teftaments, and rendering fame portion of them into Latin; and, if he be defective in them, enquiry fhall be made more frictly after his other learning, and whether he hath skill in Logick and Philosophy. 3. What author's in divinity he hath read,and is best acquainted with: and trial shall be made in his knowledge of the grounds of Religion religion, and of his ability to defend the orthodox doctrine, contained in them, against all unfound and erroneous opinions, efpecially thefe of the prefent age; of his skill in the fenfe and meaning of fuch places of fcripture as fhall be propofed unto him, in cafes of confcience and in the chronology of the fcripture, and the ecclefiaftical history. 4. If he hath not before preached in public with approbation of fuch as are able to judge, he fhall, at a competent time affigned him, expound before the prefbytery fuch a place of fcripture as fhall be given him. 5. He fhall alfo, within a competent time, frame a difcourfe in Latin, upon fuch a common-place or controverfy in Divinity. • as fhall be affigned to him, and exhibite to the prefbytery fuch Thefes as express the fum thereof, and maintain a dispute upon them. 6. He fhall preach before the people, the presbytery, or fame of the minifters of the word appointed by them, being prefent.. 7. The proportion of his gifts in relation to the place unte which he is called fhall be confidered. 8. Befide the trial of his gifts in preaching, he shall underga an examination in the premiffes two feveral days, and more if the prefbytery fhall judge it necessary. 9. And as for him that hath formerly been ordained a minifter, and is to be removed to another charge, he ball bring a teftimonial of his ordination, and of his abilities and converfation, whereupon his fitness for that place fhall be tried by his preaching there, and (if it shall be judged neceffary) by a further examination of him. In all which he being approved, he is to be fent to the church where he is to ferve, there to preach three feveral days, and to converfe with the people, that they may have trial of his gifts for their edification, and may have time and occafion to enquire into, and the better to know, his life and converfation. 4. In the last of these three days, appointed for the trial of his gifts in preaching, there fhall be fent from the presbytery to the congregation, a public intimation in writing, which fhall be publicly read before the people, and after af fixed to the church door, to fignify that fuch a day, a competent number of the members of that congregation, nominated by themselves, fhall appear before the presbytery, to give their confent and approbation to fuch a man to be their minifter; L14 minifter; or otherwife to put in, with all Chriftian difere tion and meeknefs, what exceptions they have against him; And if, upon the day appointed, there be no juft exception against him, but the people give their content, then the presbytery fhall proceed to ordination. 5. Upon the day appointed for ordination, which is to be performed in that church where he that is to be ordained is to ferve,a folemn faft fhall be kept by the congregation, that they may the more earnestly join in prayer for a blessing upon the ordinance of Chrift, and the labours of his fervant for their good. The prefbytery; fhall come to the place, or at least three or four minifters of the word fhall be fent thither from the prefbytery; of which one, appointed by the prefbytery, fhall preach to the people, concerning the office and duty of minifters of Chrift, and how the people ought to receive them for their work's fake. 6. After the fermon,the minifter who hath preached, fhall, in the face of the congregation, demand of him who is now to be ordained concerning his faith in Chrift Jefus, and his perfwafion of the truth of the reformed religion, according to the Scripture; his fincere intentions and ends in defiring to er ter into this calling; his diligence in praying, reading, meditation, preaching, miniftring the facraments, difcipline, and doing all minifterial duties towards his charge; his zeal and faithfulness in maintaining the truth of the gofpel, and unity of the church, against error and fchifm; his care that himfelfand his family may be unblameable, and examples to the flock; his willingness and humility, in meekness of fpirit, to fubmit unto the admonitions of his brethren, and difcipline of the church; and his refolution to continue in his duty against all trouble and perfecution, 7.In all which having declared himself,profeffed his willingnefs, and promifed his endeavours, by the help of God; the minifter likewife fhall demand of the people,concerningtheir willingness to receive and acknowledge him as the minifter of Chrift; and to obey,and fubmit unto him, as having, rule over them in the Lord; and to maintain, encourage and affift him in all the parts of his office. 8. Which being mutually promifed by the people, the prefbytery, or the minifters fent from them for ordination, fhall folemnly fet him apart to the office and work of the mini Lay, |