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Try, by laying their hands on him, which is to be accom panied with a fhort prayer or bleffing, to this effect;

Thankfully acknowledging the great mercy of God, in: fending Jefus Chrift for the redemption of his people; and for his afcenfion to the right-hand of God the Father, and thence pouring out his fpirit, and giving gifts to men a pofties, evangelifts, prophets, paltors and teachers, for the < gathering and building up of his church; and for fitting and inclining this man to this great work *; To intreat him to fit him with his holy 1pirit, to give him (who in his name we thus fet apart to this holy fervice) to fulfil the work of his ministry in all things, that he may both fave himself, and his people committed to his charge.'

9. This or the like form of prayer and bleffing being ended, let the minifter who preached, briefly exhort him to confider of the greatnefs of his office and work, the danger of negli gence both to himfelf & his people, the bleffing which will ac company his faithfulness in this life, and hat to come; and withal exhort the people to carry themfelves to him, as to their minifter in the Lord, according to their folemn promise made before; and fo by prayer commending both him and his flock to the Grace of God, after finging of a pfalm, let the affembly be difmiffed with a bleffing.

10. Ifa minifter be defigned to a congregation, who hath been formerly ordained prefbyter according to the form of ordination which hath been in the church of England,which we hold for fubftance to be valid, and not to be difclaimed by any who have received it; then, there being a cautious proceeding in matters of examination, let him be admitted without any new ordination.

II. And in cafe any perfor, already ordained minifter in Scotland, or in any other reformed church, be defigned to a nother congregation in England, he is to bring from that church to the prefbytery here, within which that congrega.. tion is, a fufficient teftimonial of his ordination, of his life and converfation while he lived with them, and of the caufes of his remov; and to undergo fuck a trial of his fitnefs and fufficiency,and to have the fame courfe held with him in other particulars, as is fet down in the rule immedi, ately going before, touching examination and admiffion.

*Here let them impofe hands on his Head.

12. That

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12. That records be carefully kept in the feveral prefbyteries, of the names of the perfons ordained, with their teftimonials, the time and place of their ordination,of the prefbyters who did impofe hands upon them, and of the charge to which they are appointed.

13. That no money or gift of what kind foever shall be received from the person to be ordained, or from any on his behalf, for ordination, or ought elfe belonging to it, by any of the prefbytery, or any appertaining to any of them, upon what pretence foever.

Thus far of ordinary rules and courfe of ordination in the ordinary way; that which concerns the extraordinary way, requifite to be now practifed, followeth.

1. In thefe prefent exigences, while we cannot have any prefbyteries formed up to their whole power and work, and that many minifters are to be ordained for the service of the armies and navy, and to many congregations where there is no minilter at all; and where (by reafon of the public troubles) the people cannot either themselves enquire, and find out one who may be a faithful minifter for them, or have any with fafety fent unto them, for such a folemn trial as was before mentioned in the ordinary rules; efpecially when there can be no prefbytery near unto them, to whom they may add refs themfelves, or which may come or fend to them a fit man to be ordained in that congregation,and for that people: And yet notwithstanding, it is requifite that minifters be ordained for them, by fome, who,being fet apart themselves for the work of the miniftry, have power to join in the fetting apart others who are found. fit and worthy. In thofe cafes, until by God's bleffing, the aforefaid difficulties may be in fome good meafures removed, let fome godly minifters in or about the city of London be defigned by publie authority, who being affociated, may ordain minifters for the city and the vicinity, keeping as near to the ordinary rules forementioned, as poffibly they may: And let this affociation be for no other intent or purpose, but only for the work of ordination.

2. Let the like affociation be made by the fame authority in great towns, and,the neighbouring parishes in the feveral counties, which are at prefent quiet, and undisturbed, do to the like for the parts adjacent.

3 Let fuch as are chofen, or appointed for the fervice of the armies or navy, be ordained, as aforefaid, by the affoicated ministers of London, or fome others in the country.

4 Let them do the like, when any man fhall duly and lawfully be recommended tothem for the miniftry of any congregation,who cannot enjoy liberty to have a trial of his parts and abilities, and defire the help of fuch minifters fo affociated, for the better, furnishing of them with fuch a perfon as by them shall be judged fit for the fervice of that church and people.





Approved by the


Church of SCOTLAND,


PIETY and UNIFORMITY in fecret and pri vate WORSHIP, and mutual EDIFICATION.


An Act of the general Affembly, Anno, 1647, for obferving the fame.


Printed by JAMES KNOX,


Affembly at EDINBURGH, Aug. 24. 1647. Seff. 10. ACT for obferving the Directions of the General Affembly, for fecret and private Worfhip, and mutual Edification, and cenfuring fuch as neglect Family-worship.


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HE general affembly, after mature deliberation, doth approve the following rules and directions, for cherishing piety, and preventing division and schifm; and doth appoint minifters and ruling elders, in cach congregation, to take fpecial care that thefe directions be obferved and followed; as likewife, that prefbyteries and provincial fynods enquire and make trial, whether the faid directions be duly obferved in their bounds; and to reprove or cenfure (according to the quali

ty of the offence) fuch as shall be found to be reproveable or cenfurable therein. And, to the end that these directions may not be rendered ineffectual and unprofitable among fome, through the ufual neglect of the very fubftance of the duty of family-worship; the affembly doth further require and appoint ministers and ruling elders to make diligent fearch and enquiry, in the congregations committed to their charge refpectively, whether there be among them any family or families, which ufe to neglect this neceflary duty; and, if any fuch family be found, the head of the family is to be firft admonished privately to amend this fault; and, in cafe of his continuing therein, he is to be gravely and fadly reproved by the feffion: after which reproof, if he be found ftill to neglect famiJy-worship, let him be, for his obftinacy in fuch an offence, fufpended and debarred from the Lord's Supper, as being juftly efteemed unworthy to communicate therein, till he amend.


DIRECTIONS of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY, concerning Secret and Private Worship, and mutual Edification; for cherishing Piety, for maintaining Unity, and avoiding Schifm and Divifion.


ESIDES the public worship in congregations, mercifully established in this land, in great purity; it is expedient and neceffary, that fecret worship of cach person alone, and private worship of families, be preffed and fet up: that, with national reformation, the pro feffion and power of godlinefs, both perfonal and domeftic, be advanced.

I. And first, for fecret worship, it is most neceffary, that every one apart, and by themfelves, be given to prayer, and meditation, the unfpeakable benefit whereof is best known to them who are most exercised therein; this being the mean whereby, in a fpecial way, communion with God is entertained, and right preparation for all other duties obtained: and therefore it becometh not only paftors, within their feveral charges, to prefs perfons of all forts to perform this duty, morning and evening, and at other occafions; but also it is incumbent to the head of every family to have a care that both themselves, and all within their charge, be daily diligent herein.

II. The ordinary duties comprehended under the exercise of piety, which should be in families, when they are conveened to that effect, are thefe; firft, prayer and praifes performed, with a special reference, as well to the public con dition of the kirk of God, and this kingdom, as to the prefent cafe of the family, and every member thereof. Next, Reading of the fcriptures, with catechising in a plain way,


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