ATABLE of the chief matters contained in the CONFESSION of FAITH, and LARGER CATECHISM. -Con. fignifies the Confeffion of Faith. The first figure denotes the chapter. The following figures denotes the paragraphs. Cat. fignifies the larger catechifm, and the figures. denote the numbers of the questions. A A CCEPTANCE. The perfons of believers are accep ted as righteous in the fight of 'God, only for the obedience and fatisfaction of Chrift, Con. II, 1. Cat. 70, Which is imputed to them by God, and received by faith, Con. 11, 1.Cat. 70,71,72.How their goodworks areaccepted in Chrift, Con.16.6. Acceptance in prayer, through Chrift&his mediation, Cat. 180. Accefs, No accefs into the prefence of God, without the mediator Jefus Chrift. Con. 12. Cat. 39,55,181. Who hath purchased for believers under the gofpel,a greater boldness of accefs to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, Con. 20. 1. Actions. God orders and governs all the actions of his creatures, by his most wife and holy providénce, according to his infallible foreknowledge, and immutable decree, Con. 5. 1.Cat. 18. See providence. Actual fins proceed from the original corruption of nature, Con. 6. 4. Cat. 25. See fin. Admonition of the church, Con. 30, 4. Adoption, The nature and privi- Amén,the meaning of it, Cat.196. Angels, God's decree concerning them, Con. 3. 3, 4. Cat. 13. How created,Cat. 16.Gods,providence towards them, Cat. 19. They are employed at his pleasure in the adminiftrations of his power, mercy,and justice, Ibid. Not to be worshipped, Con. 21. 2. Cat. 105. Antichrift, What, Con, 25. The pope is antichrift, Ibid.. Antiquity, no pretence for ufing The devices of men in the worfhip of God, Cat. 100. Anxiety about the things of this 6. life, finful, Cat. 105. 136, 142. The Apocrypha, not being of divine infpiration, is of no autho rity in the church, Con. 1, 3. Immodeft apparel, forbidden, Cat. 139. Afcenfion, of Christ Con.8.4. Cat, $3.Affembly, fee councils, Public affemblies for the worship of God not to be carelefly or wilfully neglected, Con, 21, 6. Affurance of grace and falvation, attainable in this life, Con. 18. 1,2, Cat. 80. Without extraordinary revelation, Con, 18, 3. Cat. 80.Upon what it is founded Con. 3, 8. 18. 2. Cat. 80. It is ftrengthnedbygoodworks, Con 16.2.Believersmay want it,Con. 18, 3. Cat. 80, 172. They may have it diminished and intermitted; and be deprived of comfort M my 2 and and the light of God's countenance, Con. 11. 57, 3, 18, 4. Cat. 81. But they are never utterly deftitute of that feed of God, and life of faith and love. &c.out of which affurance may, by the fpirit, be in due time revived; Con. 18.4 Cat. 81. And by which in the mean time they are fupported from utter defpair. Ibid. It is the duty of all to endeavour after affurance, Con. 18 3. And to pray for it, Cat, 1 194. The fruits of it,it inclines not to loofenefs, Con 18, 3. Athe fm,the denying or not having a God, at, 105. Attributes of God, Con. 2, 1, 2. Cat. 7,8,101. B BAPTISM, end of the world, Con. 28, I. Believers, fee faith, juftification, Acceptance, adoption, fanctification, union, communion, liberty, works, perfeverance, Affurance. Benefits which the members of the invifible church enjoy by Chrift, Cat. 65. The benefits of Chrift's mediation,Cat, 57, 58. The body of Chrift, how prefent in the facrament, Con. 29, 7. Cat. 170. The myftical body of Christ. True Belivers aremembers of Chrifts mystical body, Con, 29, I Cat. 168. Which is the whole number of the elect that have been,, are or fhall be united to Chrift as their head, Con, 25, 1. What that union is, Cat. 66.5ee Communion. The bodies of the elect after death C Vows of celebacy unlawful, Con. 22, 7. Cat 139. Cenfures of the church, what. Con. 30,2, 4. Their use, Con. 30. 3. Who are to be proceeded against by the cenfures of the Church, Con, 20. 4, 29, 8, 302. They are to be managed accoring to the nature of the crime and the demerit of the perfon, Con. 30. 4. Penitent finners are to be abfolved from cenfures, Con. 30. 2. Cenfuring, rath, harfh, and partial cenfuring, finful. Cat.145. Ceremonial law. See law. Charity towards our neighbour, wherein it confifts, Cat. 135, 141,144, 147. What contrary to it, at. 136. 142, 145, 148. Giving and lending freely according to our ability and the neceflities of others, is a duty Con. 26. 2. Cat. 141. Charms, unlawful, Cat. 113. Chastity, Cat 138. Children that die in infancy, how faved, Con10.13.The children of fuch as profefs the true religon, are members of the vifible Church, Con. 25, 2. Cat 62. and are to be baptized,Con: 28 4. Cat. 166. Chrift, who fo called. Cat. 42. Is the only Mediator between God and man, Con. 8, 1. Cat 36 Who being very God,of one 1 25. 5. There fhall always be a Circumcifion, one of the ordinan- The ten commandments are the 142. The ninth. Cat. 143.- mandments of God perfectly,' Cat. 149. The communion, see the Lord's fupper. Communion of faints, wherein it confifts,Con. 26. 1, 2. The enjoyment of it is one of the privilegesof the visible church, Cat. 63. In the Lord's Supper, communicants teftify their mutual love and fellowship each with other, Cat. 168. That (acrament being a bond & pledge of believers communion with Chrift, and with each other, as members of his myftical body, Con. 29, 1. the communion of faints doth not infringe a man's property in his goods and poffeffions. Con. 26. 3. Communion which the elect have with Chrift. Con. 26. r. in this Life. Cat. 69, 83 Immediately afterdeath,Cat. 86 At the relurrection and day of judgment, Cat. 87.90. It is a confequence of their union with him. Con. 26. 1. It doth not make them Partakers of his Godhead, nor equal with him, Con, 26, 3. It is confirmed in the Lord's fupper, Cat. 168. Unchaft company not to be kept, Cat. 139. Nor corrupt communications to be used or liftned to, Ibid. Condition, perfect, perfonal, and perpetual obedience, the condition of the covenant of works, Con. 7. 2. 19. 1. Cat. 20. God requiresfaithas the condition to intereftfinners inthemediator of the covenant of grace, Cat. 32. Confeffion of fin alwaysto bemade in private to God, Con. 15, 6 And is to bejoined with prayer, Cat 178. When to be made to Men, Con. 15. 6. Upon confeffion, the offending brother is to be received in love, Ibid. Confcience, fee liberty of confcience. peace of confcience, a fruit of the fence of God's love, Con, 18. 1. 3.Cat. 83.Believers may fall into fins which wound the confcience, Con, 17,3,18 18,4 The wicked are punished with horror ofconfcience, Cat.28.83. Contentment. fubmiffion to God is our duty, at, 104. Difcontent at his difpenfations, is finful, Cat. 05. A full contentment with ourcondition, is our duty, Cat. 147. Difcontentment with our own eltate, a fin, Cat. 148. Controverfies. It belongs to Synods and councils minifterially to determine controverfies of faith, and cafes of contcience, Con. 31. 3. The spirit speaking in the fcriptures, is the_fupreme judge of all controverfies in religion, Con. 1. 10. The origi nal text of the fcriptures is that to which the church is finally to appeal. Con. 1, 8. Our converfation ought to be in holinefs and righteousness, anfwerable to an holy profeffion, Cat. 112, 167. Corruption of nature,What,Con. 6, 2, 4. Cat. 25, A confequence of the fall of man, bid. Actual fin a fruit of it, Con. 6, 4. Cat. 25. How it is propagated, Con. 6, 3. Cat. 26. It doth remain duringthis lifein theregenerate, and all its motions are truly fin, Con, 6, 5, 13, 2. Cat. 78. But it ispardoned & mortified through Christ, Con. 6. 5. Covenant. No enjoying of God, but by way of covenant, Con. 7. *. Covenant of works. what, and with whom made, Con. 4, 2. 7, 2, 19, 1. Cat. 20, 22. Perfect, perfonal and perpetual obedience the condition of it,Con. 7, 2. 19, 1, Cat. 20. It is called a law and a command,Con. 4, 2. And a law given as a covenant Con. 19, 1. And a covenantof life, of which the tree of life was a pledge, Cat. 20 Covenant of Grace, What, Con, 7, 3. Cat. 30, 32. It was made How it may be escaped, Con. 7. 3. Cat, 153. Curling, finful, Cat. 113. D ANCING.Lafcivious dancing that they may be juftified and Dorbidden, Cat. 139. faved, Con, 7, 3. Cat. 71. Faith 4 Cat. Cat. 183. Death,being the wages-offin, Con, 9, 6. Cat. 28, 84. It is appoin ted for all men. Cat. 84. How it is an advantage to the righteous, Cat. 85. The Itate of be. lievers immediately after death, Con.32,1. Cat. 86. Of the wick ed, Ibid. being required as the condition Dead, not to be prayed for, Con,21. to intereffthem in Chrift.Cat.32. Who is the mediator of this covenant, Cón, 8, 1.Cat. 36 Why it is called a Teftament,Con. 7. 4.Itwasindifferentlyadminiftred in the time of the law, and in time of the gospel, Con. 7. 5. Cat. 33. How it was adminiftred under the law, Con. 7, 5. Cat. 34.How under the gofpel, Con. 7.6. Cat. 35. Councils or fynods ought to be, Con. 314 1. They may be called by the civil Magiftrate, Con. 23,3,31,2. When minifters may meet without the call of the civil Magiftrate, Con. 31, 2. Whatpower councils have,Con, 31, 3. What fubmiflion due to their decrees, Ibid. Not infallible, fince the Apostles times, Con. 31.4. But their determi nations are to be tried by the Scriptures,on. I. 10 How far they may meddle in civil affairs, Con 31. 5. 1. Cat. 15. Of man, Con. 4, 5, The curfe and wrath of God, Man liable to it, both by original and actual fin, Cón,6. 6. Cat,27, The death of Christ, Con. 8, 4. Cat. 49. In it he faw no corruption, Con. 8. 4. Cat. 52. The divine nature having fuftained the human from linking under the power of death, Cat, 38. By his obedience and death, he made a proper, real and full fatisfaction to the juftice of the Father, Con. 11, 3. Cat, 71. Through the vertue of his death and refurrection, believers are fanctified,Con, 13, 1. Believers have fellowship with Chrift in his death, Con. 26. 1. And from his death and refur rection they draw ftrength for the mortifying of fin,and quickning of grace, Cat. 167. The Lord's fupper is a memorial of his death, Con. 29,1. Cat. 168. And is that facrament, worthy communicants meditate affecti onately on his death and fufferings, at. 174. And receive & feed upon all the benefits of his death, Con. 29,7. The decalogue fee commandments The decrees of God, The nature, end, extent and properties of them, Con. 3. I. 2. Cat. 12. The decree of predeftination. Con. 2, 3, 4. Of election and reprobation.Con.3.5.6,7.Cat. 13, How God executeth his decrees, Cat.14. How the doctrine of deM m 4 crees; |