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Seceffion Church, that no candid or liberal man would hesitate to bear with a brother, whatever his views might be about that."So fay the advocates for change. But let any man who reads these pages gravely confider, how much can be adduced from the Holy Scriptures in condemnation of the indulgence asked: Let him confider how much can be faid in favour of all the power allowed to the magiftrate by the principles of the Seceffion Church: Let him recollect the eminent advantages the Church of Christ would enjoy by the co-operation of the Christian magiftrate in behalf of the true religion according to the powers affigned him in the word of God, and then fay, if it be the trifling, infignificant article, many would fuppofe. For a Church voluntarily to diveft herfelf of thofe aids from the ordinance of magiftracy, which God hath affigned her in his word, and which his Providence hath given her an opportunity of afferting and confeffing, is indeed a very high demand for any to make, and a still more serious conceffion for her to grant. In this point of view, the ftand which my Brethren and I have been compelled, by the refolute proceedings of the ruling faction in the Synod to make, in mainten ance of our principles, is neither the unreasonable nor unjustifiable, and unprecedented feparation, which those who compelled us to it would fuppofe. It is a most serious matter to surrender any part of truth we became bound at ordination to maintain and defend; to acquiefce in measures that affect the conftitution of the Seceffion Church in a moft material point; to be acceffory to the divefting her of that protection and help, which God in his wifdom and goodness hath affigned his Church; and how could these confequences have been avoided, had we gone along with the Syrod in her measures?

But fince the vote of Synod in September 17991

retaining the preamble has led to a separation, and fome confiderably active in preffing measures now find their people have deferted their ministry, their next endeavour is to affure them that "after all there is no difference!" The Synod are the very fame they ever were, and so are we, add they, if we had not left them.That there are worthy minifters in connection with the Synod who are far from approving of the measures of the ruling faction, and who are the fame in principle with our Confeffion,

c. and are endeavouring to perfevere in maintaining their integrity in this refpect is readily granted. Thefe may fay there is no change with them individually, although by their practice they virtually ftrengthen the hands of those who have changed, and must in certain cafes, particularly at Licences and Ordinations, accede to the change or stay away. But let the Synod records bear witnefs. Let the many petitions and remonftrances from Seffions and Congregations bear witness. Let the fpeeches and behaviour of members witnefs. Nay let these Letters which fo pointedly expofe and condemn the very scheme which the Synod were for adopting witnefs: and then let every impartial mind judge of the candour, truth, and confiftency, of attempting to perfuade any plain private Christian that there is no difference. But to put the matter fairly to the proof. If the Affociate Synod be the fame ever the was, then there is no need of a preamble to the Formula. Difmifs the preamble, and give an unlimited approbation of the whole doctrine contained in the Weftminster Confeffion of Faith. Let all who have been licenced and ordained by the preamble, declare their unlimited affent to the Formula without it, and upon all declaring their forrow for what is past, and fecurity for the future, I for one will be among. the first to haften to repair the breach. Let the

member of Synod who refufes this be ashamed to affert any longer there is no difference.

After all, the charge of bloody and of perfecuting principles is ftill revived! allow the Chriftian Magiitrate according to thefe Letters the prerogative of punishing or of fuppreffing grofs herefy, blafphemy and idolatry, and how, fay they, can you avoid the charge of compulfion in the matters of religion? And hence fome men, in the indulgence at once of their bad humour, as well as of their most refined and masterly wit, have defigned my brethren and me the "Prefbytery of compulsory meafures!" But it will be a most eafy matter, for the friends of the doctrine taught in thefe pages, to difpute the palm for generofity, humanity and gentleness of behaviour toward their opponents, even with the warmest declaimers against perfecution; with the most celebrated fons of modern moderation and charity. Witness the rigour with which the difcipline. of the Church of Chrift was employed against all who oppofed their late proceedings, by these very men of feeling, whose blood runs chill at the thoughts of perfecution! Witness the efforts they made, to destroy our comfort, and turn us out of our Churches, by the ridiculous farce of preaching our Churches vacant, when we could no longer follow them in their meafures!! Bleffed be God, however, a moft mortifying disappointment has fruftrated all thefe violent proceedings. But had we been more at their mercy, what would have become of us? Become of us! From fuch zealous oppofers of all perfecution, we could not poffibly have caufe to dread any harm!

Nor does the charge fuppofed in this objection attach to any man or fociety of men who hold the doctrine of Revelation upon this head; but falls upon Him who hath invested his ordinance of magiftracy with these powers. And the argument is the very


fame, whether these were vested in the magiftrate, under the old, or under the new difpenfation. As to the truth of the charge against the Author of these Letters, no man, who knew him or his character, will reproach him as a man of blood: and with regard to the bloody tendency of the doctrine he hath taught against authoritative toleration, let his writings speak for themfelves.

"It requires no fmall fhare of ignorance, impu dence, and fraud to infinuate that the many thousands of Proteftant advocates for the magiftrate's power to restrain grofs herefy, blafphemy or idolatry, plead for the FORCING of men to faith and holiness when they fo harmoniously plead for the contrary. None ought to be forced into the faith and profeffion of the true religion as hath been repeatedly declared, but all proper methods taken to render their compliance judicious and voluntary." "It is very improper to iffue forth any law doubtful or obfcure or which most of the subjects are not likely to be got peaceably to comply with. This ought efpecially to be attended to in the framing and impofing laws and conftitutions relative to religion, which ought to be a refonable and voluntary fervice." "Even in punishing manifeft crimes, efpecially in matters of religion, all proper mildnefs ought to be exercised, never proceeding to extremities where there is any hope of Reformation, or where, as in the cafe of herefy or blafphemy, confeffion and repentance can make any kind of reftitution," &c. &c. Magiftrates ought never to attempt FORCING men to believe with their hearts even the most fundamental truths of religion, or to practise any religious duty, that being no mean appointed by God for convincing them of + Page 12. * Page 13, 14.

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the truth, or inducing them to a cordial performance of religious duties, 2 Cor. x. 4, 5. But it would be highly abfurd hence to infer, that magi Atrates may not reftrain men from robbing Nations or Churches of thefe divine truths which God hath graciously intrufted to them and which are inexpreffibly profitable to them,-or to refrain them from propagating grofs herefies, blafphemies, idolatries which undermine and exclude the true religion, provoke God or deftroy Nations, and are the fruitful feeds of contention, confufion and every evil work. No magiftrate can compel me to love my neighbour as myfelf, or can juftly compel me to divide mine inheritance with him: but he may lawfully punish me for calumniating or robbing him. It is therefore extremely uncandid in the advocates for magistratical tolerations of heresy, blafphemy, and idolatry, always to attempt blending or placing on an equal level, true and falfe religion, mere neglect of fome pofitive duties of religion, and fhocking infults upon, and oppofition to the duties of religion,-leffer and fecret mistakes in religion, and the most damnable herefies, blafphemies and idolatries openly and obftinately profeffed and practifed, as if thefe were equally the objects of toleration restraint and punishment,--or to confound a mere forbearance to punish with an authoritative licence openly to profefs and practise what is criminal respecting religion. The true religion ought never to need a toleration. It ought always to have an establishment, whereas a falfe one ought never to be established, magiftrates having no power against the truth but for the truth. There are many mere neglects or leffer mistakes in religion against which it would not be proper for magiftrates to enact civil laws, in their prefent ftate of imperfection," &c.

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