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con. 17. 3. God is just and terrible in his judgments, con. 21. The last judgment, What, con. 33. I Appointed for angels and men, con. 8. 4. 33. 1. cat 88. The end of its appointment, is the manifeftation of God's mercy and justice, con. 33.2 Christ shall be the judge con 8 4.33 1. How he shall come to judge the world, cat. 56. Why he would have us certainly persuaded of it, con. 33.3. Why the time of it is concealed, con. 33 3. cat. 88. The judgment of the righteous, con. 90. The judgment of the wicked, con. 33. 2. cat. 89.

Judicial law. See law.. The justice of God, fully fatisfied by Christ's obedience and death, con. 8. 5. 11. 3. cat. 38. 71. It is manitested in the works of providence, con. 5. 1. In the justification of finners, con. 11 3. In the last judgment, con. 33 2

Justice in contracts and commerce between man and man, cat. 141,


Juflification, What, con. 11.1 cat. 70. All the elect, and they only, are juftified, con 3.6. Whom God did from all eternity decree to juftify, con. 11. 4. But they are not justified till the Holy Spirit doth in due time actually apply Christ unto them, ibid. How justification is of God's free grace, con. 11. 3. cat. 71. Faith is neceffarily required for justification, cat. 71. But it justifies a sinner only as it is an instrument, by which he receiveth Chrift and his righteousness, con. 11. 1. 2. cat. 73. The exact justice and rich grace of God, are both glorified in the juftification of finners, con. II. 3. juftification, the same under the Old Testament as under the New, con. 11.6. It is infeparably joined with sanctification, cat. 77. How they differ, ibid. Those that are


juslified, are perfecaly freed in this life from the revenging wrath of God, that they never fall into con. demnation, con 17 1. cat. 77. 79. But corruption remaining a them, con. 6 5 13. 2. cat. 78. They fall into many fins, con. 17. 3. cat. 78. Which God continues to forgive; upon their humbling themselves, confeffing their fins, begging pardon, and renewing their faith and repentance, con. 11 5.



EYS. The power of the keys, What, con. 30.2 Committed to church-officers, ibid The civil magistrate may not affume this power, con 23.3

King, Chrift the king of his church, con. 30. 1. How he executeth the office of a king, cat. 45. What meant by the coming of his kingdom, cat 191.

Knowledge. God's knowledge is infinite, infallible, and independent upon the creature, con. 2. 2. The knowledge which may be had of God and of our duty to him by the light of nature, com. 1. 1. 21. 1. cat. 1. The fcriptures are only fufficient to give that knowledge of God and of his will, which is necessary unto salvation, ibid.



ABOUR is to be moderately used, cat. 135.136.

Land Marks not be remov'd, cat. 142. Law. The ceremonial law, what, con. 19 3. It is abrogated now under the New Testament, con. 19. 3. 20. 1. How the covenant of grace was administred under the law, con. 7. 5.8.6 cat 34

The Judicial Law expired with the state of the Jews, con. 19. 4. And obliges no further than the general equity of it requires, ibid The Moral Law, What, cat. 93. Given to Adam with a power to fulfil it, con. 4:2. 19.1 cat. 92. The ten commandments the fum of it, con 19. 2. cat. 98 Tho' believers are not under it as a covenant, con. 19. 6. And are not able perfectly to keep it, cat 149. Yet it continues to be a perfect rule of righteousness, con. 19. 2. Binding ail, as well juftified perfons as others, con19.5. Chrift, in the gospel, hav ing not abolished, but much itrength ened the obligation to the obedience of it, ibid. And although no man since the fall can, by the moral law, attain to righteousness and life, con. 19. 6. cat 94. Which Chrift alone hath purchased for the elect by bis perfect obedience, con. 8.5. Yet it is of great use to all, con. 19. 6. cat 95. the use of it to the regenerate, con. 19 6 cat. 97. the use of it to the unregenerate, cat. 96. Not contrary to the grace of the gospel, but doth sweetly comply with it, con. 19 7. the Spirit of Christ subduing and enabling the will of man unto a free and cheerful obedience to the will of God, con. 19. 7. cat. 32. Unnecessary law suits to be avoid

ed, cat. 141, 142. Liberty. Christian liberty, what, con 20.. Wherein it is enlarged under the gospel, ibid. the end of Christian liberty con. 20.3. Li berty to fin inconsistent with it, ib. It is not intended to destroy eccleGastical or civil powers, but to sup port and preferve them, con 200 4.. Neither are men thereby allowed to publish opinions, or maintain practices. that are contrary to the light of nature, or to the known principles of Chriftianity, or fach as are destructive of the peace and order of the church, ibid.

Liberty of confcience, what it is, and what repugnant to it, con 20 2. Making men the lords of our faith

and confcience, unlawful, con. 20. 2, cat. 105. Life. Eternal life purchased by Christ's perfect obedience to the law, con 8 5. the tree of life was a pledge of the covenant of works, cat 20 the life of any not to be taken away, except in case of public justice, lawful war, or, neceffary defence, cat: 136 Light of nature, What may be known of God and of our duty to him by It it, con. 1. 1. 21. f. cat: 2. is not sufficient to make us wife unto falvation, con. 1 1.10. 4. 21. 1. cat. 2.60. It is of the law of nature that a due portion of time be set apart in the worship of God, con. 21. 7.

Wanton Looks, finful, cat. 139. Lord's prayer. See prayer. Lord's fupper. The institution, nature and ends of it, con. 29, 1, cat. 167. Chrift not offered up to his Father, nor any real facrifice for fin made in it, con 29. 2 the mais abominably injurious to Christ's one only sacrifice, ibid. the outward elements in this facrament are not to be adored, con. 29 4. they still remain truly bread and wine, con. 29.5 the doctrine of transubstantiation is repugnant not only to the scripture; but even to common sense, and has been and is the caufe of gross idolatries, con. 29. 6. How Christ hath appointed bread and wine to be given and received in the sacrament, con, 29. 3. cat. 169 It is only to be administered by a minister of the word lawfully ordained, con. 27. 4. cat. 126. it is not to be received by any one alone, con. 29. 4. It is to be received in both kinds, ibid. What relation the elements in this facrament have to Chrift crucified, con. 295 How Chrift is present there, con. 29. 7. cat, 170. How believ




vers feed on him therein, abid.
What preparation is required for
receiving it, cat. 171. Doubting
may confit with an interest in
Chrift, con. cat. 81.
and therefore should not hinder
from partaking of the Lord's fup-
per, cat. 172. But the ignorant and
scandalous are not to be admited,
con. 29. 8. cat. 173 What duties:
required in the time of receiving,
cat. 174. What duties after receiv
ing, cat 175. Frequent attendance
on it, a duty, cat. 175.177. The
agreement and difference between
the Lord's supper and baptifm,
cat. 176. 177.
Lots, cat. 112, 113.

Love. Election is of God's free love,
con. 3, 5. cat 13. Which is un-
changeable, con. 17. 2. cat. 79.
and therefore true believers can
neither totally nor finally fall away
from the state of grace, ibid. The
sense of God's love is attainable
in this life, cat. 83. See affu-
rance. Love to God is a duty,
cat. 104. Which the light of na-
ture sheweth, con. 21. 1. To love
the Lord our God with all our
heart, &c. is the fum of our duty
to him, cat. 102. Love to God is
neceffary to the right performance
of the duty of prayer, con. 21 3.
eat. 185. Love to God and the bre-
thren is necessary to right commu-
nicating, cat. 168, 171, 174 True
believers are never utterly destitute
of the love of Chrift and the bre-
thren, con. 18.4. Wherein love
towards our neighbour confifls, cat.
135, 141, 144, 147. What con-
trary to it, cat 136, 142, 145,
148. It is the sum of our duty to

man, cat. 122.
Lying finful, cats 145.


to accept the office of a magiftrate,
con. 23. 2. The duty of the civil
magißrate, com. 23 2 cat. 129.
con. 20.4 Read the fcriptures let-


cat 127.

The fins of the magiftrate,
cat 130.145. He may wage war
upon juft and neceffary occafions,
con. 23. 2. His power in church-
affairs stated, con. 23.3. The du-
ty of the people towards their ma-
giftrates, con. 23. 4.
Their fins against them, cat. 128.
Ecclefiaftical persons not exempted
from obedience to the civil magif-
trate con. 23.4 The pope hath
no power or jurisdiction over ma-
giftrates, or their people, ibid.
the magistrate is not to be opposed
in the lawful exercise of his pow.
er, upoo pretence of christian li-
berty, con, 20. 4. Infidelity or
difference in religion doth not
make void the magistrate's juft and
legal authority, con. 23. 4.
Man, how created, con. 4. 2. cat. 17.
His state before the fall, con. 4.2.
cat 17, 20. His fall, and the ef-
fects of it, con., 6 cat, 21, 22, 23,
25, 26, 27, 28, 29. His state by
the covenant of grace, con 73
4.5.6 cat 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
35 Man's chief end, cat. I.
Man stealing, discharged, cat 142.
Marriage, the end of it, con. 24. 2.
cat. 20. Between more than one
man and one woman at a time, un-
lawful, con. 24 1 cat. 139. Law-
ful, for all forts of people who are
capable to give their confent, con.
24. 3. And who are without the
degrees of confanguity or affini-
ty forbidden in the fcriptures, con.
14. 4. But marriages within those
degrees can never be made lawful,
ibid. Proteslants should not marey
with infidels, Papifts or other ido-
laters, con 24. 3. Nor fuch as are

MAGISTRATES, appointed by gudly, with those that are notori

end, ibid. Lawiul for chriftians

ously wicked, ibid. A contract of


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marriage may be disolved for a.
dultery or fornication committed
after the contract, con. 24. 5. The
bond of marriage can only be dif-
folved for adultery after marriage,
and fuch wilful desertion as cannot
be remedied. com. 24. 5, 6 Undue
delay of marriage, prohibiting of
lawful, and difpenfing with unlaw-
ful marriages, are finful, cat. 139.
Vows of perpetual single life are
finful spares in which no christian
may intangle himself, con, 22.7
cat. 129. Those who have not the
gift of continency ought to marry,
cat. 138. The duties of married
perfons, cat. 139, 141.

The Mass abominably injurious to
Christ's one only sacrifice, con. 29.


Means. God in his ordinary provi-
dence maketh use of means; yet is
free to work without, above and a-
gainst them at his pleasure, con 5.

3. The outward and ordinary
means of falvation under the law,
con. 7. 5. cat. 34. Under the gof-
pel, con. 7. 6. cat. 35, 154. The
diligent ute of them is required in
order to escape the wrath of God,
153. How they are made ef.
fectual, con. 25. 3. cat. 155, 161,
182 Trusting in means fintul, cat.
105. Unlawful means not to be uf-
ed, ibid.


False measures unlawful, cat. 142.
Meat to be moderately used, cat.
Mediator. See Chrift.

The mercy of God, con. 2. 1. cat. 7.
It is manifested in his works of pro-
vidence, con. 5. 1. It is of God's
free love and mercy that the elect
are delivered from fin and mifery,
and brought to an estate of salva-
tion by the second covenant, cat.
30. God is merciful to penitent fin-
ners in Chrift, con. 15. 2. cat. 76.
For whose sake mercy is to be pray-

ed for, cat. 180. Works of mercy
are to be done, even on the Lord's
day, con. 21. 8. cat. 117.
Merit. No merit-in good works, for
pardon of fin or eternal life; and
why, con. 16. 5. Nor can we merit
the outward blessings of this life,
cat. 193. But we are to trust in the
merits of Christ, cat. 174. Whe
appearing in the merit of his obe.
dience and facrifice, maketh inter-
ceffion for his people, cat 55
Meffiah. The elect under the old Tef.
tament believed in the promised
Meffiah, by whom they had full re-
miffion of fins, and eternal falvati-
on, con. 7 5.8 6. cat 34.
The Ministry given by Christ to the
visible church, con. 25.3 The
maintainance thereof, a duty, cat.
108. A minister of the gospel is
one fufficiently gifted, and also du-
ly approved and lawfully called and
ordained to that office, con. 27.
4. 28. 2. cat, 158, By such only
the word is to be read publickly
and preached, and the facraments
difpenfed, con. 27. 4. 28. 2. cat.
156. 158, 159, 169,
Moral law, See law.
Mortification. The regenerate have
the corruption of nature mortified
through Chrift, con. 6.5
the feveral lufts of the body of
fin, còn, 13. 1. Believers draw
strength from the death and refur.
rection of Chrift for the mortifying
of fin, cat. 167.

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AME of Chrift. That
prayer be accepted, it is
to be made in the name of Chrift,
CON. 21. 3. cat. 178. What it is
to pray in the name of Christ, cat,
180 Why praver is to be made in
his name, cat 181

The name of God is only that by
which men ought to swear, and
therein it is to be used with all ho-


ly fear and reverence, con. 22. 2.
How the name of God ought to be
used, and how it is profaned, cat.
112, 113, 114, 190.
Nature. See corruption, original fin,
light of nature.

The two natures of Christ. See
Chrift, incarnation, personal union
The new teftament in Greek is that
to which the church is finally to ap-
peal in controverfies of religion,
con 1. 8. the administration of
the covenant of grace under the
gospel, is called the new testament,
con. 7. 6.

Neighbour. See charity, love.
Niggardliness, sinful, cat 142.



AATH, What it is, con. 22.
1. It is a part of religious
worship, ibid. the name of God is
that by which men ought only to
fwear, con 22.2. cat. 108. Vain
or rash swearing by his name is to
be abhorred, con. 22. 2. cat. 112.
Yet in matters of weight and mo-
ment an oath is warrantable under
the new testament, con. 22 2. A
lawful oath imposed by lawful au-
thority, ought to be taken, ibid.
It is a fin to refuse it, con. 22. 3.
A man must swear nothing but
what he is fully perfuaded is truth;
neither may he bind himself by oath
to any thing, but what he believes
to be jult and good, and what he is
able to perform, ibid. An oath is
to be taken in the plain and com-
mon fenfe of the words; and, in
things not finful, it binds to per-
formance, though to a man's own
hurt, or made to heretics, con. 22.
4. cat 113. But it cannot oblige to
fin, ibid.

Obedience is due to God in whatso-
ever he is pleased to command, con.
2.2. cat 104. Chrift hath perform-
ed perfect obedience to the law for
tis in our nature, con, 8. 4. cat,

38 39 48 97 and by it purchas-
ed an everlaliing inheritance in the
kingdom of heaven for the eleft,
con 8. 5. cat. 33. His obedience
is imputed to believers, con. 1.. 1.
cat 70. He hath not abolished, but
much strengthened the obligation
to the obedience of the moral law,
con. 19.5 Good works done in o-
bedience to God's commands, are
the fruits and evidences of a true
faith, con. 16. 2. cat. 32. How the
fincere, tho' imperfect obedience of
believers, is accepted and reward-
ed, con, 16 6.

Obedience is due to the lawful com-
mands of a magiftrate, con. 23 4
cat. 127, 128.

Offices of Christ, of Mediator. See
Mediator His prophetical office,
cat. 43 Priestly, cat. 44. and king.
ly, cat. 45.
The Old Testament in Hebrew, is
that to which the church is finally
to appeal in controverfies of religi-
on, con. 18 the administration
of the covenant of grace, under the
law, is called the Old Testament,
con. 7.5
The ordinances of God given by
Carnt to the visible church, con.
25. 3 the ordinances under the
law, con. 75 cat. 34. those un-
der the gospel, con. 76. cat 35.
Which are fewer, and administered
with more fimplicity, and less out-
ward glory; yet in them grace and
falvation are held forth in more ful-
nets, evidence and efficacy, ibid.
all God's ordinances, especially the
word, facraments and prayer, are
the outward and ordinary means of
falvation, cat. 154. How they are
made effectual, con. 25. 3. cat.
155, 161, 182. the neglect, con-
tempt or opposing them, fintul, cat.

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