P PAPISTS, Proteftants should not with papists, con. 24. 3. Pardon. See fin. Passions, to be restrained, cat. 135. 136. Paffover, one of the types and ordi. nances by which the covenant of grace was administred under the law, con. 7. 5. cat. 34. Patience, Patient bearing of the hand of God, a duty, cat. 135. Patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, a duty, ibid. Peace of confcience. See confcience. Pedo-baptifm. See infants. Perseverance of faints. They whom God hath accepted in Christ can never totally or finally fall away. from the estates of grace, con 17 1. cat. 77, 79. Upon what their perseverance depends, con. 17. 2. cat. 79. How far they may fall, con. 4. cat. 78 they are always kept from utter despair, con 18,4 cat 81. How they are recovered when they fall under God's fatherly difpleafure, con. 10. 5. 13.3. Three Persons in the Godhead diftinguished by personal properties, con. 2. 3. cat. 6. 10. the quality of the perfons proved, cat. II. the perfonal union of the two natures in Christ, con. 8. 3. cat. 36. 37. By reason of this union, the proper works of each nature are accepted of God, and relied on by believers as the work of the whole person, con. 8. 7. cat. 40. Physick to be used moderately, cat, 135 Lascivious pictures discharged, cat. 139. Polygamy unlawful. con. 24. 1. cat. 139. The Pope has no power or jurifdiction over civil magiftrates or their people, con. 23. 4. He is in no sense head of the church, but is antis chrift, con. 25. 6. Powers ecclesiastical or civil, not to be opposed upon pretence of chriftian liberty, con 20.4. Power of the keys. See keys. Praises to be joined with prayer, cat. 196 to be The Praise of any good, we either are, have, or can do, not to be ascribed to fortune, idols, ourselves, or any other creature, cat. 105. Prayer, what, cat, 178. the duty of all men, con. 21. 3. made to God only, and why, con. 2. 2. cat. 179. that it may be accepted, it is to be made in the name of Chrift, by the help of the Spirit, con. 21. 3. cat 178. What it is to pray in the name of Chrift, cat. 180. Why prayer is to be made in his name, cat. 182. How the Spirit helps to pray, cat 182. How prayer is to be made, con. 21. 3. cat. 185 For what and for whom we are to pray, con 12. 4. cat. 183. 184. Prayer not to be made for the dead, nor for those of whom it may be known that they have finned the fin unto death, ibid. Prayer, now under the gospel, is not made more acceptable by any place in which it is performed, nor towards which it is directed, con. 21. 6. the rule of prayer, cat. 186. The Lord's prayer, How to be used, cat. 187 It is explained in the catechifm from question 188, to the end. Preaching of the word, is a part of the ordinary religious worship of God, con. 21. 5. And one of the ordinances in which the covenant of grace is administred under the new testament, con. 7. 6. cat. 35. None are to preach the word, but ministers of the gospel, cat. 158. How they are to preach, cat. 159, How the preaching of the word is made effectual to salvation, cat. 155. Predestination, con. 3. 3, 4. cat. 1.3. the doctrine of predestination how to be handled, and what use to be made of it, con, 3. 8. Preparation required to the hearing of the word, cat, 160. What preparation requisite to the fabbath, cat. 177. What to the Lord's supper, cat. 171. Prescience. See foreknowledge. Priestly office of Chrift, how executed, cat. 44. Private worship in families daily, a duty con. 21. 6. cat. 156. Privileges of the invisible church and of the visible. See church. Prodigality, a fim, cat. 142. The Profeffion of the gospel is adorned by good works, con./19. 2. And ought to be attended with a conversation in holiness and righteousness, cat. 112. 167. Property in goods and poffeffions not infringed by the communion of faints, con. 26. 3. Prophecies. The covenant of grace administred by prophecies under the law, con. 7.5 cat. 34.. The prophetical office of Christ, how executed, cat. 34. Propitiation. Christ's one only sacrifice the alone propitiation for all the fins of the elect, con. 29. 2. Proteftants should not marry with papists, con. 24.4. Providence, is God's most holy, wise and powerful preferving, directing, difpofing and governing all his creatures and all their actions; according to his infallible foreknowledge, and immutable decree; to the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness and mercy, con. 5 1. cat. 18. Events are ordered according to the nature of fecond causes, con. 3 5.2 God in his ordinary providence maketh wse of means, yet is free to work without, above and against them at his pleafure, con. 5. 3. How providence is exercised about fin, con 5. 4. See fin. The actual influence of the ho. ly Spirit is required to do good works, con. 19. 3. God's providence towards angels, cat. 16. Toward men when created, cat. 20. God's providence is in a most special manner over his church, con. 5. 7. cat. 43, 45, 63. Public worship not to be neglected, con. 21.6. Punishment. See fin. Purgatory, the scripture acknow ledgeth no such place, con. 32. 2.. R R. EADING the fcriptures, a part of religious worship, con. 21. 5. How made effectual to salvation, cat. 155. It is the duty of all to read them apart by themselves, and with their families, con. 1. 8. cat. 159. How the word of God is to be read, con. 21. 5. cat. 157. Rebellion, a fin, cat. 128. Reconciliation with God purchased by Christ's facrifice of himself, con. 8.5 cat. 44.. Recreations to be moderately used, cat. 135, 136. But not on the Lord's day, con. 21.8, cat. 119. Redemption, how purchased by Christ, con. 8. 5. cat. 38, 39, 40. For all the elect, and them only con. 3. 6. To whom it is certainly applied, con. 8. 8. cat 59. Altho it was not actually wrought by Chrift till after his incarnation; yet the vertue, efficacy and benefits of The refurrection of the dead, of the it, were communicated to the elect Repentance, what, con. 15. 2. cat. Revelation, the divers ways of God's SA ABBATH, by the law of nature, a due proportion of time ought to be fet apart for the worship of God, con. 21. 7. God hath in his word, by a positive and perpetual commandment, binding all mea in all ages, appointed one day in seven, for a fabbath to be kept holy to himself, con. 21. 7. cat. 20, 116. Which was the last day of the week from the beginning of the world to the refurrection of Chrift, and the first day ever fince, and fo to continue to the end of the world, con. 21. 7. cat. 116 How the fabbath is to be fanctified, con. 21.8. cat. 117. How it is profaned, cat. 116. Why we are commanded to remember it, cat. 121. The Lord's day is a memorial of our creation and redemption, which contain a Nn 2 fhor short abridgment of religion, ibid. What are the reasons annexed to the fourth command the more to enforce it, cat 120. Why the charge of keeping the fabbath is directed to governors of families and other fuperiors, cat. 118. A facrament, the institution, nature and ends of it, con. 27. 1. cat. 162. the parts of a facrament, con. 72. 2. cat 193. there are only two facraments instituted by Chrift, con, 27. 4. cat. 164. which are only to be dispensed by ministers of the word lawfully ordain ed, con. 27.4. How they are made effectual to falvation, con. 27.3. cat 161. the facraments of the old teftament were the fame for fubstance with those of the new, con. 275 Wherein the sacraments of baptifm, and of the Lord's supper agree, cat. 176. Wherein they dif. fer, cat. 177. Sacrifice, the covenant of grace was administred under the law by facrifices, con. 7 5.8.6. cat. 34 Which fignified Chrift to come, ibid. Who hath fully fatisfied the justice of his Father, in his once offering himself a facrifice without spot to God, con.8 5. cat. 44. There is no real facrifice made for sin in the Lord's fupper, con. 29. 2. that facrament being instituted for the perpetual remembrance of Christ's one only facrifice in his death, con. 29. 1. cat. 168. to which the mass is most abominably injurious, con. 29. 2. Saints. See believers communion, They are not to be worshipped, con. 21. cat. 105. Salvation not to be attained by men who do not profess the Christian religion, be they never so diligent tolive up to the light of nature, or the law of that religion which they profefs, cop. 10 4. cat. 60. there being no salvation but in Christ 2lone, ibid. Who hath purchased it by his perfect obedience and sacrifice of himself, con. 8. 5. cat 83, For all the elect, and them only, con. 3. 6. to whom the outward means are made effectual for their falvation by the Spirit, con 75 6.25. 3. cat. 154, 155, 161, 182. who worketh in their hearts faith in Jesus Christ, con. 14. 1. cat. 72. Which is necessarily required of them for their justification and falvation, con. 7 3. 11. 1 cat. 75, 71 the Spirit also worketh repen. tance, and infufeth all other saving graces, con. 131. cat. 32,75 76, 77. Which neceffarily accom pany faith, con. II, 2. cat. 73. the Spirit likewise enables them unto all obedience and the practice of holiness, which is the way that God hath appointed them to salvation, con. 13. 1. cat. 32. Elect infants dying in infancy are regenerated and saved by Chrift through the Spirit, &c. con. 10. 3. Sanctification, what, con. 13. 1. cat. 75. Inseparably joined with juftifi cation, cat 77. Wherein they difter, ibid. It is throughout in the whole man, con. 13. 2. cat. 75. But in this life it is not perfect in any, con. 13-2, cat. 77. Whence this imperfection proceeds, con. 13. 2. cat. 78. through the continual supply of strength from the sancti. fying Spirit of Christ, the faints grow in grace, perfecting holiness in the fear of God, con 13. 3. At death they are made perfect in ho. liness, con. 32. 1. cat 86. And at the day of judgment they shall be fully and for ever freed from all fin cat. 90. Satisfaction, Repentance is no fatis. faction for fin, con. 15. 3. Nor good works, and why, con. 16. 5. Neither we nor any other creature can. 25. can make the least satisfaction for fin, cat. 194. Christ alone hath made a proper, real and full fatisfaction to the justice of his Father by his obedience and sufferings, con. 8. 5. 11. 5. cat. 8. 71. Which fatisfaction is imputed to believers, they receiving and resting on Christ and his righteousness by faith, con. II I. cat. 70. Scandalous, not to be admitted to the Lord's table, con. 29. 8. cat. 173. Scoffing and Scorning, finful, cat. 113, 145. The Scripture. Why necessary, con. 1. 1. What books to be owned for fcripture, con1, 2, 3. cat. 3. How proved to be the word of God, con. 1. 5. cat 4. Upon what authority the scripture ought to be believed and obeyed, con. 1. 4. the sufficiency and perfection of the scripture, con. 1 6. cat. 2. 5. Its perfpicuity, con. 16. the infallible rule of interpreting scripture, is the scripture itself, con. 1. 9. the fcripture is the only rule of faith and practice, con. 1. 2 cat, 3. 5 and of worship, con. 21.1. cat. 108, 109. the Spirit speaking in the scriptures, is the supreme judge of all controverfies in religion, con 1. 10. the original text of the scriptures, is that to which the church is finally to appeal, con. 1. 8. But they are to be translated into vulgar languages, con. 1. 8. cat 156. Because all forts of people have an interest in them and are commanded to read them, ibid. How they are to be read, cat. 157. the illumination of the Spirit of God is necessary for the saving understanding of the scriptures, con. 1. 6. cat. 157. How the reading of the word is made effectual to salvation, cat. 155. Misinterpreting, mitapplying, or any way pervert ing the word, or any paat of it to profane jests, is fintul, cat. 113. Sin, what cat. 24 Original fin, what, cat, 25. the fin of our first parents, con. 6. 1. cat. 21 By it they fell from their original righteousness, and communion with God, and had their natures wholly corrupted, con. 6 2. cat. 25, 27. the guilt of this fin is imputed, and the corruption of nature conveyed to all their posterity, con. 6 3. cat. 22. 26. Who are thereby bound over to the wrath of God and curse of the law, con. 6. 6. cat. 27. 194. From the original corruption of nature, all actual fins proceed. con. 6. 4. cat Which are not all equally hainous, cat. 150. the aggravations of fin, cat. 151. the demerit of every in, con 6. 6. cat. 152. Punishments of fin in this world, con. 5 5.6. 17.3.18. 4. cat 28.83. In the world to come, con. 32 1.33.2. cat. 29. 86. 89. Sin is pardoned for Chrift's fake alone. con. 11. 1. 15.3. cat. 70 See justification, atisfaction. Every man bound to pray for parden of fin, con. 15. 6. God continues to pardon the fins of those that are justified, con. 11. 5. How pardon of fin is to be prayed for, cat. 194. the fin unto death, con. 21. 4. cat. 183. Believers have the dominion of the whole body of sin destroyed, and the lufts thereof more and more weakned and mortified, con. 6. 5. 13.1. cat. 75. See mortification, sanctification. How providence is exercised about fin, con. 4. Why God permitted the fin of our first parents, con. 6.1. Why he leaves his children to fall into fin, con, 5.5 Why and how finners are hardned, con. 5. 6. cat. 68. Sins against the first commandment, cat. 105. against the second, car |