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enemies. In all these we are more than conquerors through him that loved us—and we are persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Glory to God. Amen forever and




This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders which is become the head of the corner. Nev ther is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.-Acts 4 chapter, 11, 12 verses.

The language of the Bible throughout bears the impress of its Author. The achievements of the Alexan

ders and Cæsars of this world are blazoned forth with much splendor on the historic page, but destruction and cruelty followed their footsteps. The shining lustre of their brightest victories were like the devouring flames of the volcano, turning the very Edens into a wilder.


But the brightness and glory which mark the progress of the blessed gospel, is like the sunbeams, spreading light and warmth and beauty over the barren wastes, and turning the wilderness to pleasant meads, and make

it bud and blossom like the rose, and bring forth fruit abundantly. The blindare made to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the lame to walk, and the dead to rise to life. This labor of love began to develope itself at an early hour. Behold the mighty Redeemer descending from the tree, to be enshrouded in the garments of the dead. The grave is opened to receive him in, but to let his saints come forth. But Jesus rose, and by his name were wonders many wrought. The miracle wrought, upon the lame man in the porch of the temple, excited much surprise among the people.When they saw him walking and leaping, and heard him praising God, they gazed and wondered. Peter, standing in the midst, declared that this deed of marvel was not performed by any power or holiness in man; but that it was done through the name, and by the power of the risen Jesus. He said, through faith, in the name of Jesus this man is made strong in the presence of you all. The Rulers of the people having examined them, viz: the Apostles, and having conferred among themselves what they should do, strictly interdicted their preaching any more in that name.

Had the apostles agreed to leave out of their preaching, the name of Jesus and his resurrection, it would seem that they might have gone forward in their work without molestation by the rulers. These two principles of our holy religion, some modern ministers seem full willing to exclude from their pulpits. Not so the Apostles of Judea. They knew too well the worth of these fundamental doctrines ever to lose sight of them in their preaching.

These they viewed as the grand conductors of the heavenly oil, by which the Lamp of salvation was fed and kept burning. From these proceeded the steam by which the gospel machinery was propelled forward

with unconquerable energy through God to the pulling down of the strong holds of darkness. Would they give up this primum mobile in the machine of human redemption?

From these words we learn,

I. That Christ is the foundation and corner stone.

II. That on him alone the salvation of sinners is built. I. Christ is set forth, in our text, as a foundation and corner stone. Therefore, thus saith the Lord, Behold, I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation; and other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Upon this foundation the church is built, and the gates of hell can not prevail against it. Christ is the whole of our salvation, our hope and our happiness. "He is the end of the law for righteousness, the substance of the prophecies,—the sum of the gospel, and the life of the promises, our wisdom to direct—our righteousness to justify,-our sanctification to make us holy, and our redemption to make us completely happy in worlds of unutterable joy. He is the perfection. of glory, the standard of holiness, truth without any defect of error, holiness without any taint of pollution, -the chief among ten thousand. Whatever is desirable on earth, whatever is attractive in heaven-all the graces of time-all the glories of eternity, meet in him their proper centre, flow from him their original source, and revolve in him their final end. His promises are precious, his work is perfect, his love is vast,-his mercy is boundless, his truth immutable,-his power omnipotent, his grace sovereign,-his councils profound, his people secure, his presence is heaven,his smiles are transporting,-his gospel is free,-his law is most holy, his precepts how pure, his threatenings tremendous."-[Christian Guardian.

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Notwithstanding all these excellencies, this is the stone that was set at naught of the builders; who seemed so ignorant and blind that they saw not the need of such a stone as a foundation to support, or of such a corner stone to unite the building together. The church of God is built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. The original word here signifies a key-stone, or lock stone, as in the arch of a bridge built upon a frame. The prophets began to build upon the abutment on the one end until John the Baptist: John commenced building on the other abutment, called the foundation of the apostles, his ministry being the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The key-stone was put in on Calvary amid the darkness and the earthquake; and on the morning of the resurrection, it was firmly settled, uniting the arch in such a manner that it never can give way! And on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended from above, and removed the framing of the legal ceremonies away, and presented to the view of the people, the most astonishing and finished piece of architecture which they had ever beheld. Surpassing strange and new were the feelings of surprise and wonder among the people on that memorable day, when they first beheld the glory and the beauty of the lock stone in the arch. They called the building the master-piece of creation!

This figurative language teaches us to consider Christ as the foundation of our hopes, for justification, sanctification, and eternal glory. Notwithstanding the great weight of the salvation of countless millions of ruined men, this foundation is sufficient for the support of the entire building. For justice now is satisfied, the demands of the law are answered, Satan is foiled, the smiles and the frowns of the world are overcome, and

death is swallowed up in victory. Christ is the propitiation for our sins, and is become the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. The Jewish builders threw this stone aside into the rubbish-pit; but from the pit of corruption it was raised without defect. This Jesus God raised up. By the builders he was thrust down-by God he was raised up;-rejected by the builders, but chosen of God;-by the builders set at naught, but precious in the sight of God. What a contrast is here! By men our Jesus was sold, betrayed, and spat upon-by God he was highly esteemed and greatly beloved. By men he was mocked, crowned with thorns, and crucified-but he was the Father's delight, in whom he was well pleased. By men he was enshrouded and entombed-but by the Father he was raised and exalted to be a Prince-to destroy his persecutors? No, verily; but to give as Prince and Saviour, repentance and remission of sins, even to his murderers! This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders. Now he is the Head of the corner. He is now the key-stone in the arch of the bridge, and by him all its parts are firmly united together. Under the first Adam the inhabitants of heaven and earth were like two congregations having two places of worship-one in Eden, the other in heaven. But under the second Adam, the two congregations are united in one, having but one temple, which is the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb. In the Christ the whole building of living stones is fitly framed together-all in heaven and all on earth, even in him who is head over all things. He is not only the brightness of the Father's glory, but he was put in the redeeming scheme for the defence of the divine attri butes, and on him was made to hang all the glory of his Father's house. Take away this foundation and the spiritual building will inevitably fall. Take away

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