| William Asplin - 1740 - 258 pages
...faith, Clouds and darknefs are round a- Pfal. bout him : and yet another He made ***}}• 2darknefs his fecret place; his pavilion round*™' "' about him were dark waters and thick clouds : in his Commentary upon which laft Pfalm, Cardinal Eellarmin obferves, God's ordinary or common Method... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 498 pages
...in thy Help, and in his Excellency on the Sky. Pfal. xviii. n. He made Darknefs his fecret Place -f his Pavilion round about him, were dark Waters, and thick Clouds of the Sky. Ibid. Ixviii. 34. — — His Excellency is over Ifrael, and his Strength is in the Clouds. Ibid. Ixxxix.... | |
| Cheyney Hart - 1761 - 274 pages
...18. He rode upon the Cherubim?, and did fly 5 yea, He. came flying upon the Wings of she Wind. 19. He made Darknefs his fecret Place; his Pavilion, round...about him were dark Waters and thick Clouds of the Skies. 20. At the Brightnefs of his Prefence his thick Clouds removed, Hailftones and Coals of Fire.... | |
| L. D. Nelme - Language and languages - 1772 - 168 pages
...under his feet. HE rode upon the cherubim, and did fly ; yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. HE made darknefs HIS fecret place; HIS pavilion round...HIM, were dark waters — — and thick clouds of the fky; At the brightnefs of his prefence, his thick clouds removed, hail ftones and coals of fire. The... | |
| David Durell - Bible - 1772 - 326 pages
...&c. Thus Ch. XXII. 14. Thick Clouds are a Covering to him. -So alfo Pfalms XVIII. u. He made Darkncfs his fecret Place ; his Pavilion round about him were dark Waters, and thick Clouds of the Skies. And XCVII. 2. Clouds and Darkncfs are round about him. V. 1 2 . He divideth the Sea with his... | |
| John Muirhead - Covenant theology - 1782 - 726 pages
...under his feet. And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly : yea, he did fly npon the wings of the wind. He made darknefs his fecret place ; his pavilion round...about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the fries. At the brightnefs that was before him Ks thick xlouds parted ; hail ftoncs and coals offire.... | |
| John Muirhead - Covenant theology - 1782 - 706 pages
...upon a cherub, and did fly : yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. He made darkiicfs his fccret place ; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the ikies. At the brightnefs that was before him his thick xlouds parted; hail ftoncs and coals of fire.... | |
| Hugh Blair - English language - 1784 - 412 pages
...feet ; and he " did ride upon a cherub, and did fly ; " yea, he did fly upon the wings of " the winds. He made darknefs his " fecret place ; his pavilion...about him were dark waters, and « thick clouds of the fky." The circumflances of darknefs and terror are here applied with propriety and fuccefs., for heightening... | |
| Hugh Blair - English language - 1787 - 482 pages
...feet ; and he did ride " upon a cherub, and did fly ; yea, he did " fly upon the wings of the wind. He made " darknefs his fecret place ; his pavilion...about him were dark waters, and " thick clouds of the Iky." Here, agreeably to the principles eftablifhed in the latl Lecture, we fee, with what propriety... | |
| Bible - 1788 - 598 pages
...feet. 10 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly : yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. Iccret place : his pavilion round about him were dark waters, and thick clouds oi the fkies. 12 At the brightnefs that ii'as before him his thick clouds pafled, hzil-ftones, and... | |
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