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but the plainest words of the Redeemer. How much better calculated his language is than any other to reach the heart, may be judged of by this instance, out of many.

Some remarkable evidences of INTEGRITY occurred on occasion of the fire above mentioned :-In the anxiety to save as much as possible, almost every article was removed. In the confusion, many things were scattered about the yard: not one article, however, even the most trifling, was lost; but all were brought again to the house, and fixed in their proper places. A boy, who had got possession of the box which contained the money for paying the mechanics and labourers, was found in the garden, parading with the box under his arm, and guarding it, though unnecessarily, with a drawn cutlass in his hand.

The INDUSTRY of these Christian Negroes is thus attested by Mr. Morgan:-Many of the gardens are kept in very neat order, though most of the owners have but little leisure to devote to this employment. I have frequently known the whole of the time allowed for dinner, spent, by both husband and wife, in fencing, digging, or planting the little spot of ground attached to each dwelling.

Decency and cleanliness manifest the diligence of those who live under the power of religion. Their time is, indeed, so well occupied, that, in cases where they can read, they may be frequently seen, at leisure moments, with some friends around them, searching the Word of Life: and these little respites from labour are often made a blessing to the whole town; as the sick, the careless, the backsliding, and the profane, are not seldom visited, instructed, warned, comforted, and relieved, at these seasons, by their zealous bre


Of the DOCILITY of the pious Negroes, Mr. Morgan gives the following striking instance:-On the disbanding of the West-India regiments sent to the Colony for that purpose, a natural degree of affectionate feeling was excited in the breasts of the Negroes to see them. These regiments had been, several years before, formed of liber

ated Negroes, and many of the people were expecting to find parents, brothers, and friends among them. The feelings of glowing hope were strongly delienated in almost every countenance. When, in the evening, intelligence arrived that on the following morning the troops would be permitted to land, after Evening Prayer it became a matter of general conversation. Some were looking forward with hope; while their joy cast a cloud over the faces of others, whose friends had been murdered in different skirmishes when they themselves were enslaved. In the morning, at Prayer, the Church was particularly full; and a few words were spoken on the danger to which a Christian was

posed when running into temptation, -eum Seme desire intimated that none uwould visit Free Town that day. I gave this intimation against my own feelings; for I thought their wishes laudable, though I feared the consequences which might arise from gratifying them. In the course of an hour after, an old and faithful Christian came to tell me that his brother was come among the soldiers. "Well," said I," and you wish to see him ?" "Yes, Massa! I want to look him, but I nowant to go to-day." "Well," I replied, "I want to send to Free Town: if you can find another communicant, who wishes to go and see the soldiers, I will send you down." After a search of near two hours, he returned with, "Well, Massa, me no see that one what want to go: all them people what belong to Church think 'tis no good for them to run where God say temptation live." Two days elapsed before this poor fellow, whose heart was full of affection to his brother, went to Free Town to see him. I singled him out as a fit object of reward; and having mentioned the subject to the Governor, that father of the liberated Negroes, anticipating my request, promised, and kept his promise, that the brothers should have the privilege of living together.

I know of many similar instances, but this one struck me much. I thought it an example worthy of imitation; and was fully convinced, that while I had known the Gospel longer, I had obeyed it less.

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THE Negroes continue to manifest the genuine operation of divine grace on the spirit and in the life. Every awakened and feeling heart may here find its own picture-heart anser to heart: and it is most instructive and encouraging, to witness the varieg ways in which it pleases God on the minds of his servan~ these operations are felt and as similar to those which t themselves, by others of his every colour and in every unanswerable proof of the gen ture of this influence, and of the of the source from which it proceeds.

It is observable in the following extracts, how much these Christian Negroes make of the Scriptures; and with what simplicity they apply them, as before noticed by Mr. Morgan, to their own particular cases— -with frequent reference to what they hear from their Minister.

By familiar expositions, morning and evening, at which numbers attendedby leading them to open their minds in social meetings and by frequently visiting them at their habitations-the people are brought to disclose to their Minister the most secret workings of their hearts. They will come sometimes, in succession, for a considerable time, to open their minds to him.

After one occasion of this kind Mr. Johnson writes-How various are the dealings of God with his people! Some were distressed on account of indwelling sin-others under great darkness and temptations-while some rejoiced, and gave praises to him who worketh

all in all.

On another, he says-At the usual meeting, I addressed the communicants on the Lord's Supper-pointed out

how necessary self-examination was→→→→ proposed some questions-and requested they would put them to themselves when they retired. Some spoke in a very pleasing manner concerning the great things which the Lord had done for them; and how they had been refreshed by hearing the word of God in the Church, and by reading it at home.

On a third occasion he remarks-I

have had visits paid me, every day, almost from morning to night. Were I to write down all the conversations that have taken place between the people and myself, they would fill a volume.

We shall arrange our extracts on this general head of the influence of divine grace, under some of its most proinent operations observable in the irit and character of this Christian ple.


1. Their acknowledgments of the acious hand of Providence in bringg them from their own country.

These are frequent, and striking; and, n making them, they not seldom disclose the pitiable state to which their native countries are reduced by the shame trafficking in human beings.

On Saturday evening, a youth stood up, and said "When I in my country, the King die; then the headman get plenty slaves, to kill them, because that be the fashion of that countrywhen the King die, they kill plenty slaves. Me be slave; but I no belong to the King-I belong to another man. Then my master take me, and carry me to that place where they went to kill the people: he say, 'That boy no good-I will change him for one of them woman that they going to kill.’— He go, and take me; and we come to the place. I see two houses full of slaves which they going to kill; and my master change me for one woman, and they put me among them people which they want to kill for that King who die. Well-I stand-I trembleI don't know what to do. By and bye, them headmen come to look all them people. When they come among us, I look them sharp-they no take notice of me I stand close by the door

I jump out, and run into the bush.I live there three days-I eat grass-I hear when they kill them people-I

fear too much-they cry-they scream --Oh! too much!-I run out of the bush, and run to another country (town). The people in that country catch me they tie my hand and they send to the headman of my country, and tell him they catch one of him slaves. The headman send two people to fetch me back; but that man who catch me say, he no let me go→ they must bring some cloth and pay him. Well, them two men go back— they say they come in three days, and fetch me. The day come, and I expect they come and fetch me; but I try to run away again, and go to another country. The people in that country eatch me again, and carry me and sell me, and I get on board the ship. English ship come one day, and carry us here. Now, first time, I think I been do all this by my own strength; but, this time, I see that the Lord Jesus Christ has done it: he has brought me here by his power."

2. The manner in which convictions of sin are awakened or deepened. One of the school girls said to meSince yesterday morning, all the sins which I done come before me. I am bad too much. I am afraid I shall die soon, and go to hell. I did not sleep all night. I do not know what to do.". She wept bitterly, and said" O! poor me! poor me!" I pointed her to the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.

A communicant, who had been ill for a considerable time, and appeared to be in a consumption, and expected to die soon, said that he had read the Parable of the Ten Virgins, which distressed his mind much: he wept greatly, and said "I am afraid I shall stand like the Five Foolish Women. O, if I was but sure that the Lord Jesus will keep me in the time when I die!" I spoke to him as God enabled me.

A woman of the Ebo Tribe seemed much distressed in mind. She could scarcely speak. As some of these people are much agitated when they come to me, and are more open with their fellow Africans, I sent her to William Tamba. She expressed a wish, however, to be baptized, and said-" Me pray to God the Holy Ghost to take Lie YOL. V.

to Jesus Christ. Me pray to Jesus Christ to take me to the Father." This declaration surprised me. I asked her a few more questions; but her heart seemed so full that she could not speak. I advised her, therefore, to go to William Tamba, (of whom all seem to be very fond), and tell him her heart, who would tell me again.

Several have begun to write to me when they are in trouble. I will give you a copy of one note which I received, in the simple language of the writer:

"Dear Reverend Sir,

"I sent these few lines to you, about my feeling. Yesterday morning, you preach tenth chapter of John, ninth verse; and, the afternoon, you preach again twenty-second Psalm, thirtieth verse. I feel sorry in my heart about the people and myself to-day. When people do bad, and the other people stand over then, and they laugh-oh, when you talk about this, I so sorry→ I see how blind, how wicked, and how ignorant men is; and I say, I know all men ought to pray to God, because God is power all thing, and he hath all the life of men. Therefore, when I remember all these things, I do not know what to do. And, in the evening, you preach fourteenth chapter of Matthew, 12th verse. It talk about the trouble of the disciples of John. All things what be spoken last night, all is my feeling; and some time I told Jesus all my trouble; but as I am get up from my kneel, I feel the same thing again: but I only can say, the devil and all his angels, that may try possible they can to tempt God people, but they can do nothing. O, I can saw much of my trouble; because if I stand up to com plain all what my own heart, it bring bitter things against me: even the people will stop their ears and run away, because my heart bring bitter things against me." He means to say, that, were he to relate the evil thoughts and desires that trouble his heart, the people would stop their ears and run away.

"O, this time, I tempted too much; and, this time, I see myself wicked more than before. Therefore I wish the Lord may eatable me, that I may keep close under his footstool. I


wish the Holy Ghost may be with you. Therefore remember me in your prayer, because this time I very cast down. And what you be preach last night, it please me. You excuse me, because I do not know how to put the word right; neither I do not know how to write, neither to spell."

3. It is not unusual with the Negroes, as our readers know, to describe the conflicts between grace and sin which are common to all real Christians, by their having two hearts. An instance or two will strikingly il lustrate their use of this appropriate figure:

One of them said "Me go, one day, to cut bush: one heart say, 'You go pray't'other heart say, 'You no must go pray mind your work:' then one heart say, You must go pray Lord Jesus Christ; and t'other one say, No mind what that heart tell you then first one say, 'You had better go pray.' So me throw down the cutlass, and me pray to Lord Jesus Christ, and my heart feel glad too much: then the first heart say, "Ah! you see, suppose you no been pray, you no feel glad too much.""

A woman, much distressed, came to me complaining" Massa! I got two hearts." I begged her to explain what she meant. She replied "One heart -new heart tell me of all the bad things me been doing in my country, and since me been here. Same heart tell me I must pray to God to forgive me these bad things. But the other heart tell me, 'Never mind! God no look you God look white people-he no look black people he no look you.' But my new heart tell me, 'Sup pose you no pray you die-you go to hell and then I want to go to pray: then old heart tell me, 'You go work first make fire-cook rice:' and then when I done work, I forget to pray; and so these two hearts trouble me too much, and I don't know what to do." I read to her the seventh chapter to the Romans. When I came to the Apostle's exclamation, O, wretched man that I am!"That me!" said she,

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me feel the very same thing." I then explained the following words-I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord,

and pointed her to Christ. She has since walked worthy of the Gospel.

4. Their acknowledgments of divine forbearance and mercy.

One man said “Massa! I am like a dog who runs away from his master, and runs all about; but finds no house, no place to live: he gets hungry, and then comes again to his master; because nobody will take him in the house, and give him something to eat. I do the same. I run away from the Lord Jesus Christ; but I find no peace

trouble meet me every where, and then I must come back to the Lord Jesus Christ, for he only gives me rest.”

Another said Massa! God do keep me, for true. I have now been past three years in the church”—meaning a communicant. "Sometimes ] have run away from the Lord Jesus Christ, but he no run away from me : he hold me fast. When I run, he send trouble after me. As he bring back Jonah, so he bring me back many times. I no run like Jonah, but heart run more like Jonah. One time I get so much trouble, and my sins so much plague me, that I want to hang myself; but, blessed be the Lord! he no let me do so. I wish, that time, that I no hear the word of God at all-it plague me so. Ah, Massa! first time when you talk to us about trouble, I hear it; but I don't think that trouble can come so much. I cannot tell you how much trouble I been have-sometimes I ne sleep at all. Them words which you preach last night comfort me much. I see now that all them trouble I bring myself. The Lord wanted me, but I did not want him. When I consider, I wonder that God has keep me so long. O, what mercy! I see he will not leave When I look back, I have com


fort." 5. A watchful jealousy over the state of their hearts.

After service, one day, some young women, who are still in the school, followed me into the piazza, and desired to speak to me. One said "Massa! what you now say about having peace with one another, troubles me very much." She began to weep, and could say no more. Another then said"Massa! we have too much trouble in

the school-house. Them girls that no serve God trouble us too much: we have no peace with them. We beg you, Massa, to tell us what we must do. We want to sit down by ourselves, to read and pray sometimes; but we cannot them other girls make too much noise; and some of them would do us bad, but they fear you. And now so much rain live there, we cannot go into the bush; and that make us feel sorry. Last Sunday, you say you fear people neglect prayer, and now them feel cold in them heart. Massa! for my part, I stand that fashion. Sometimes I kneel down to pray, and then my heart so cold, and then somebody come and dis turb me." Another then began to speak for some length in much the same way. I gave them advice, and they left me weeping.

A communcant thus opened his heart to me "I no sabby how I stand, this time. I fear too much. I think I no live in the right way. I no sabby what to do. My heart plague me too much. My heart stand the same like two persons-one do bad, the other do goodone like to pray, the other no like to pray. Sometimes me so sorry for myself, I don't know what to do; and sometimes when you preach me get comfort, but sometimes me get sprrow too much for myself. I don't know if Christians stand that fashion. I want to talk to you plenty time; but just when I go, something tell me, “No use for you to go and tell Massa."Here I interfered, and told him, that he, in some measure, was right, as I could not help him: I might give him advice, which was all I could do; and I would now advise him to go with all his troubles to the Lord Jesus Christ, who only was able, and, at the same time, willing to deliver him. He said "Me think, this time, me have nothing to do with the Lord Jesus Christ." I spoke to him as the Lord enabled me; and may the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Comforter, comfort him!

After prayer, one morning, at which the church was nearly filled, I was followed by a woman, who is a communicant, into my house. She there gave free course to the fulness of her heart. After she had wept bitterly for some

time, she said- The Lord has loved me so much, and that make me cry. My father was killed in war, and my mother die; and then the people dragged me about from one place to another, and sold me like a beast in the markets. Sometimes they could not sell me, because I was so small; and then they wanted to kill me, but the Lord helped me." Wept again. “ I feel all them words in my heart which you talk last night. You show us how them people stand that have grace in the heart, and every word you talk me feel; and me want to cry, me feel what ` great things the Lord Jesus has done for me; and what hurt me and make me sorry is, because I love him so little." Wept again very much. "Yesterday, when I go to the Lord's Table, I feel so cold that make me sorry very much." I endeavoured to com fort her, and she went away, weeping bitterly.

Another instance of this jealousy over the heart discovers a simplicity perfectly delightful, and furnishes a lively illustration of 1 Cor. vii. 82


In calling at one of the houses, I found two women (both communicants) at needle-work. The house was neat and clean. A clean bench was immediately put down, and I was entreated to sit. One of the women had been lately married to a decent and serious young man. I asked how she got on now. She said "I think not so well as before. Beforetime I go to prayer, nobody hinder me-I live by myself in this house-I have no trouble: when I go to church, I was glad-nobody hinder me; and the word which I hear was sweet too much. Sometimes people ask me,' Why you no get married?' I no answer, but I know I have peace too much my heart live upon the Lord Jesus Christ. But, soon after, people begin to talk bad of me, and me be afraid that, by and bye, people would say I do bad; and I was sorry too much. That same time my husband send one man, and he ask me, if I willing to marry. I don't know what to say; but I think I must say Yes. Well, I say Yes; and, soon after, we got married, Me got plenty trouble this time. My

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