EXPOSITION OF THE CXXX. PSALM. WHEREIN The NATURE of the FORGIVENESS of SIN is de- AND The CASE of a SOUL diftreffed with the GUILT of SIN, BY JOHN O W e n, d. d. JOHN V. 39. Search the Scriptures. GLASGOW: Printed by JOHN BRYCE, and Sold at his Shop, op- MDCCLXXII. TO THE READER. HE ensuing expofition and difcourfes are intend THE ed for the benefit of those, whose spiritual state and condition is represented in the Pfalm here explained. That these are not a few, that they are many; yea, that to fome part or parts of it, they are all who believe both the fcriptures and their own experience will bear teftimony to. Some of them, it may be, will enquire into, and after their own concernments, as they are here declared. To be ferviceable to their faith, peace, and fpiritual confolation, hath been the whole of my design. If they meet with any discovery of truth, any due application of it to their confciences, any declaration of the fenfe and mind of the Holy Ghoft, in the fcriptures fuitable unto their condition and useful to their edification, much of my end and purpose is obtained. Iknow there are that dislike all difcourfes of this nature fome. and look upon them with contempt and fcorn. But why they should do fo, I know not unless the gospel itself, and all the mysteries of it, be folly unto them. Sin and Grace in their original caufes, various refpects, |