(NOTI. In the following table of contents the number of the page is set down immediately 2 The perfection of God asserted 25 He is present every where. 26 God's greatness. Page 734 The wisdom of God in general. 31 God is glorious in favours spi- 55 The wisdom of God in crea- Page 856 The wisdom of God in re 77 Sins of the wicked against the 102 Page 36 145 Persons pronounced blessed, 16 Man's first sin referred to. who they are. Page 51 17 Angels, their number. 146 God's blessing promised by 18 Their names.. 147 Anger ascribed to God. 21 Their employment. Page 61 33 God doth not cast off nor re-52 God depriveth the wicked of 34 Prayers against being cast off 53 35 God casteth off and rejecteth 36 God is a Father to his people. 37 How mankind become the 38 Blessings from God as a Father 58 Page 95 56 God doth direct. the graces and practice of the 61 God doth uphold. duties of religion. Page 86 62 God giveth safety. 40 Wicked stiled children of what- 63 God called a shield, rock, 41 Under God their heavenly Fa- 64 God is an helper to his people. Page 100 Page 87 65 43 Salvation from God, he is the Saviour-God saveth his peo- 67 44 Persons to whom salvation is 68 |