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Religious ideas generally appear among low races of Mankind-Negative

statements on this subject frequently misleading and mistaken:

many cases uncertain-Minimum definition of Religion-Doctrine

of Spiritual Beings, here termed Animism-Animism treated as

belonging to Natural Religion-Animism divided into two sections,

the philosophy of Souls, and of other Spirits-Doctrine of Souls,

its prevalence and definition among the lower races-Definition of

Apparitional Soul or Ghost-Soul-It is a theoretical conception of

primitive Philosophy, designed to account for phenomena now classed

under Biology, especially Life and Death, Health and Disease, Sleep

and Dreams, Trance and Visions-Relation of Soul in name and

nature to Shadow, Blood, Breath-Division or Plurality of Souls-

Soul cause of Life; its restoration to body when supposed absent-

Exit of Soul in Trances-Dreams and Visions: theory of exit of

dreamer's or seer's own soul; theory of visits received by them from

other souls-Ghost-Soul seen in Apparitions-Wraiths and Doubles

-Soul has form of Body; suffers mutilation with it-Voice of

Ghost-Soul treated and defined as of Material Substance; this

appears to be the original doctrine-Transmission of Souls to

service in future life by Funeral Sacrifice of wives, attendants, &c.

- Souls of Animals - Their transmission by Funeral Sacrifice-

Souls of Plants-Souls of Objects-Their transmission by Funeral

Sacrifice-Relation of Doctrine of Object-Souls to Epicurean theory

of Ideas-Historical development of Doctrine of Souls, from the

Ethereal Soul of primitive Biology to the Immaterial Soul of

modern Theology




Culture or Civilization-Its phenomena related according to definite Laws -Method of classification and discussion of the evidence-Connexion of successive stages of culture by Permanence, Modification, and Survival-Principal topics examined in the present work.

CULTURE or Civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. The condition of culture among the various societies of mankind, in so far as it is capable of being investigated on general principles, is a subject apt for the study of laws of human thought and action. On the one hand, the uniformity which so largely pervades civilization may be ascribed, in great measure, to the uniform action of uniform causes: while on the other hand its various grades may be regarded as stages of development or evolution, each the outcome of previous history, and about to do its proper part in shaping the history of the future. To the investigation of these two great principles in several departments of ethnography, with especial consideration of the civilization of the lower tribes as related to the civilization of the higher nations, the present volumes are devoted.

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Our modern investigators in the sciences of inorganic nature are foremost to recognize, both within and without their special fields of work, the unity of nature, the fixity of its laws, the definite sequence of cause and effect through which every fact depends on what has gone before it, and acts upon what is to come after it. They grasp firmly the Pythagorean doctrine of pervading order in the universal Kosmos. They affirm, with Aristotle, that nature is not full of incoherent episodes, like a bad tragedy. They agree with Leibnitz in what he calls my axiom, that nature never acts by leaps (la nature n'agit jamais par saut),' as well as in his 'great principle, commonly little employed, that nothing happens without its sufficient reason.' Nor, again, in studying the structure and habits of plants and animals, or in investigating the lower functions even of man, are these leading ideas unacknowledged. But when we come to talk of the higher processes of human feeling and action, of thought and language, knowledge and art, a change appears in the prevalent tone of opinion. The world at large is scarcely prepared to accept the general study of human life as a branch of natural science, and to carry out, in a large sense, the poet's injunction to 'Account for moral as for natural things.' To many educated minds there seems something presumptuous and repulsive in the view that the history of mankind is part and parcel of the history of nature, that our thoughts, wills, and actions accord with laws as definite as those which govern the motion of waves, the combination of acids and bases, and the growth of plants and animals.

The main reasons of this state of the popular judgment are not far to seek. There are many who would willingly accept a science of history if placed before them with substantial definiteness of principle and evidence, but who not unreasonably reject the systems offered to them, as falling too far short of a scientific standard. Through resistance such as this, real knowledge always sooner or later makes its way, while the habit of opposition to novelty does such

excellent service against the invasions of speculative dogmatism, that we may sometimes even wish it were stronger than it is. But other obstacles to the investigation of laws of human nature arise from considerations of metaphysics and theology. The popular notion of free human will involves not only freedom to act in accordance with motive, but also a power of breaking loose from continuity and acting without cause,-a combination which may be roughly illustrated by the simile of a balance sometimes acting in the usual way, but also possessed of the faculty of turning by itself without or against its weights. This view of an anomalous action of the will, which it need hardly be said is incompatible with scientific argument, subsists as an opinion patent or latent in men's minds, and strongly affecting their theoretic views of history, though it is not, as a rule, brought prominently forward in systematic reasoning. Indeed the definition of human will, as strictly according with motive, is the only possible scientific basis in such enquiries. Happily, it is not needful to add here yet another to the list of dissertations on supernatural intervention and natural causation, on liberty, predestination, and accountability. We may hasten to escape from the regions of transcendental philosophy and theology, to start on a more hopeful journey over more practicable ground. None will deny that, as each man knows by the evidence of his own consciousness, definite and natural cause does, to a great extent, determine human action. Then, keeping aside from considerations of extra-natural interference and causeless spontaneity, let us take this admitted existence of natural cause and effect as our standing-ground, and travel on it so far as it will bear us. It is on this same basis that physical science pursues, with ever-increasing success, its quest of laws of nature. Nor need this restriction hamper the scientific study of human life, in which the real difficulties are the practical ones of enormous complexity of evidence, and imperfection of methods of observation.

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