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51 H III Stat. 2.

The Owner may

feed his Cattle im
Bro. Distr. 72.
9 Ed. 4, f. 2.

5 Hen. 7, f. 9. 21 Ed 4, f. 53.

The Words in Italics are Lot in the Orginal.


[This Subject is only introduced so far as the Statutes are con nected with private Titles. The Acts relating to the Regulation of official Duties are only included so far as they affect the other object.]

No. 1.

51 Henry III. Stat. 2.--(The Statute De Districtione Scaccarri.)-What Distress shall be taken for the King's Debts, and how it shall be used.


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FORASMUCH as the Comsustained great Damage by monalty of the Realm hath "wrongful taking of Distresses, which have been made by Sheriff's, and by other the King's Bailiffs, for the King's Debt, « or for any other cause," It is therefore provided and ordained, that when a Sheriff, or any 'other Man, doth take the Beasts ' of other, they to whom the Beasts do belong may give thein their Feeding without Disturbauce (so long as they be im'pounded) without giving any thing for their keeping. And that the Beasts, nor no other within fif Distress taken for the King's 'Debt, nor for any other cause, be given ne sold within fifteen Days after the taking. And if any bring the Tally of a Payment inade in the Exchequer, the 'Distress shall cease. And if he bring the Tally of any Sheriff or Bailiff, of Payment made to them of the thing demanded, and will find Pledges that he will appear in the Exchequer, upon the next account, to do as Right shall require, then the Distress shall 'cease. And the Sheriff or Bailiff

No Sale of Dis1-SS

een Days.

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Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. OURCEO qe la comunalte du


roialme ad eu graunt damage per torcenouces prises, quount este faites per viscountes, & per autres Bailliffs le Roi, per acheson de la dette le Roi, ou per autre acheson; purveu est que ceux as queux les avers sount les puissent pestre de lour saunz destourber, quaunt eux serrount emparkez, saunz rien doner pur la garde; & que les avers, ne nulla autre destresse pris pur la deute le Roi, ou per autre encheson, ne soient venduz [ne dones,] deinz les xv. jours [de la prise Et si nul porte taille come de paie faite a Lescheqer, cesse la destresce & sil [si nul] porte_taillie de nul Viscounte ou de Baillif de paie fate a lui de la chose demaunde, & voille trover plegges destre al Escheqer al proschein acompt, afaire qe droit serra, adonqes cessa la destresse, &qe le Viscount, on les

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bailliffs, face attacher lui que les deust aveir aquite, sil soit sur mesme lacompte, afaire sur ceo qe droit serra; & eit illoeques les nouns des plegges Unqore est purveu, qe null homme de religion, nautre, soit destreinte per

No 1.

shall cause him to be attached
that ought to have acquitted 51 Hen. III. st. 4.
him, if he appear upon the same
account, to do as Right shall re-
quire; and there shall have the
names of the pledges. Yet it is
provided, that no man of Reli- No Distress shall

[ses] bestes qe gaignent sa terre,gion, nor other, shall be distrain- be taken of Plough


per ses berbis, pur la dette le Roi, ne pur la dette dautri ne per autre encheson, per le baillif le Roi, ne per autre homme, taunt come lem trove autre destresce, & autres chateux suffisauntz, dount ils poient lever la dette, ou ceo qe suffice al demaunde, horspris emparkementz des bestes quaunt homme les trove fesauntz damage, selonc leie & lusage de la terre : & qe les destresçes soient resonables a la mountaunce de la dette, ou de la demannde [damage,] selonc resoun, & noun pas outrageous [la *value per estimacion des vesins, nemye per estranges.] Unquore voet le Roi, & comaunde, que touz les Viscountes & les Baillifs, qount rescue les dettes le Roi de la somons del Escheqer, & qi naquitent de ceo les dettours sur Jour pro schein acompte soient puniz selone les estatutz nadgairs faites. Et voet le Roi, qe touz les dettes de la somons de Lescheger, qe les Viscountes, ou les Baillifs ount resceu, qils soient maintenaunt allowez; le quel qils eient resceu toute la dette, ou partie, issint qe mes ne viegne en somons, ceo qe le Viscount avera conu soi aver resceu, &c.

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ed by his Beasts that gain his

Land, nor by his Sheep, for the
King's Debt, nor the Debt of
any other man, nor for any other

· cause, by the King's or other

Cattle or Sheep.

For By the Bailiffs, but until they can find King's or other another Distress, or Chattels suf- Bailiffs, read By the King's Bailiff <ficient whereof they may levy the or other Person. 'Debt, or that is sufficient for the 'Demand (except impounding of ⚫ Beasts that a man findeth in his

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Enforced by 28 Ed. 1, stat. 3, c. 12.

Ground, Damage feasant, after Regist. 97. the Use and Custom of the Rast. 226. Realm). And that such Dis- Bro. Distress, tresses be reasonable, after the f. 31, 67. Value of the Debt or Demand, H. 7, f. 8. and by the Estimation of Neigh- Dyer, f. 312. 'bours, and not by Strangers, and Fitz. Brief, 662. not outragious. Howbeit, the 52 H. 3, c. 4. King willeth and commandeth, 29 E. 3, f. 24. that Sheriffs, or their Bailiffs, 41 E. 3, f. 26. that have received the King's See 1 Bur. 586, Debt of the Summons of the 588. Exchequer, and have not ac

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quitted the Debtors thereof at

29 E. 3, f. 16.

[blocks in formation]

51 Henry III. Stat. 5-(De Scaccario.)-When the King's Fermors, Sheriffs, and Bailiffs, shall make their Accompts and Payments. Who shall be Escheators in several Shires.

Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2.

E roi voet, qe toutes maneres

Les Baints, Viscountes, &

autres Ministres le Roi, auxibien le Justice de Cestre, & les Bailifs


HE King commandeth, that 51 Hen. III. st. 5. all Manner of Bailiffs, She- When the Kings riffs, and other Officers, as well Bailiffs and Offi cens shall accompt. the Justices of Chester, and other Bailiffs of these Counties, as

No. 1.

The Words in Italics not in the Original.


aforesaid Terms,

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' other that be Receivers of Issues, des Isles, come autres de touz ma-
neres de resceites des issues, des
gardes, des eschetes, de lour bail-
lies, soint respoignantz al esche-
qer, et illoeqes rendent acompte
al Tresorer, & as Barouns. Et
qe touz les Viscountes, Fermers,
Baillifs des fraunchises, & autres,
qi devent venir al profer del Esche-
qer, lendemain de seint Michel,
& lendemain de la cluse de Pasqe,
pur paier lour fermes, rentes, &
issues, quappendent au Roi, vieg
nent as avauntditz terms, & por
tent illoeqes pleinement les avaunt-
dites fermes, rentes, & issues, &
les paient al' Escheqer. Et si nul
faile de paier pleinement ceo gil
doit paier, șicome avaunt est dit,
son corps demoerge saunz depar
tier jesques a taunt quil eit paie,
ou gree fait Et celui qi ne vendra
as avantdites termes, soit amercie
selane les usages del Escheqer.
Et a mesmes les termes les Vis-
countes & les Baillifs porterount
les deniers, & paierount al Esche-
qer, ceo quils averount resceu a la
somons del Escheqer, & des autres
dettes le Roi, & de touz les choses
avantdites soient prestes & appa-
raillez defaire vewe dacompt.

51 Ilen. III. st. 5. of Wards, of Escheats, of their
Bailiwicks, shall be answerable
in the Exchequer, and there shall
make account to the Treasurer
and Barons of the same place.
And that all Sheriffs, Fermors,
Bailiffs of Franchises, and other,
who ought to come to the Pro-
'fer in the Exchequer, the Mon-
day after the Feast of Saint
Michael, and the Monday after
the Utas of Easter, to pay their
Ferms, Rents, and issues be-
longing to the King, and shall
bring at the foresaid Terms, the
foresaid Ferms, Rents, and Is-
sues due, wholly into the Ex-
chequer, as before is mentioned.
And if they make default, their
Bodies shall remain without de-
parting from thence, until they
have paid or made agreement;
and he that will not come at the
Terms aforesaid, shall be amerced
after the Custom of the Exche-
quer; and the Sheriffs and Bai-
liffs at the same Terms shall
bring and pay such Money as
they have received of the Sum-
'mons of the Exchequer, and
other the King's Debts, and shall
⚫ be prepared and ready to make
'full accompt of the things afore-

For Shall bring the atoresaid Termus, &c. read Snall come at the and shall there bring in full the alores id Ferms, Ruts and Issue, acd pay them into

the Exchequer.

Bailiffs of Franchises Accompt.

The Justices and

Bailiffs of Ches

ters Accompt.

II. And that Bailiffs of Franchises, which ought to levy the King's Debts, and be answerable to the Sheriffs thereof, shall come and accompt sufficiently, according to the Extreats of the Sum'mons of the Exchequer; and such as do not, their Bodies shall ⚫ remain in Ward of the Sheriffs; and for Default in them, the Sheriffs shall cause the Debts to be levied by their own Bailiffs, where they have Power, as they have used to do in Time passed. And if the Bailiffs do not come in at the Day that the Sheriff shall give them knowledge, the Sheriff shall enter into the same Franchises, and levy the Debts with his own hand.

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Et touz les Baillifs des fraunchises, qi deivent les dettes le Roi [lever] & respounderont as Viscountes a lour maundement, selonc les estretes de la somons del Escheqer, viegnent & respoignent suffisantement. Et ceux qi ne frount, demoergent les corps de eux en la garde des Viscountes; & les Viscountes, pur lour defautes, envoierent lever les dettes per lour bailiff's demeigne, & per la ou ils purrount, sicome lem soleit faire en temps passe. Et si les Baillifs ne viegnent a respoundre a jour [de ceo un jour,] qe les Viscontes entrent en les fraunchises, & facent lever les dettes per lour baillifs demeigne [en mesme la manere.]

En droit de Justice de Cestre, & des Baillifs des Isles, voet le Roi, qils viegnent per ascun de lour al

profer de seint Michel chescun an, a rendre quannt gils deivent au Roi a cel terme. Et a la [profre de la] cluse de Pasqe, viegnent en mesme la manere, & portent ce qils deivent au Roi adonges. Et le Justice de Cestre eit jour dacompt dan en an a la xv de Pasqe; & les Baillifs des Isles lendemayn de la cluse de Pasqe. Et que touz les Viscountes Dengleterre, horspris le viscounte de Westmerl', Lanc. Wircestr', Roteland', & Cornewaill'; desoremes gardent les gardes & les eschetes, qe ne sount en fce, qappendent au Roi dedeinz lour Countees; & des issues loialment respoignent al Escheqer as termes avauntdites; & as termes [lour tournes] qils frount per lour Countees, de lour offices, & des autres choses, qe les Eschetours soleient faire, & qappent al escheterie un foitz ou deux, au meindre meschief saunz grevance del poe→ ple, qils purrount. Et les eschetes qe cherrount au roi a demurrier en fee, les Viscountes les seisent, & les facent savoir au Roi saunz delaie.

Et le Roi attournera trois prodes hommes, qi irrount per tote la terre, pur pursourver & estendre les gardes & les eschetes avanntdites, de an en an, quaunt ils verrount qe bon foit. Et les Viscountes per counseil de eux proverount per mettre a ferme, & en autre manere, tiels gardes & eschetes en la manere qils verrount, qe mieux soit al pru le Roi.

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Year, when they shall think re

quisite And the Sheriffs by Wards and Ts. their Counsel shall approve, and cheats let to i erm. let to Ferm, or otherwise, such

Wards and Escheats, as they shall think most for the King's 'Advantage.

Et en les cynk Countees avaunt- V Touching the five Shires nomes, voet le Roi, qe le Viscounte 'before named, the King will, Sheriffs Escheators de Cumberl' face loffice descheterie that the Sheriff of Cumberland in other Shires. en les Countees de Westmerl, & 'shall execute the Office of EsLanc. & celui de Not' en Rotel'; 'cheator in the Shires of West& celui de Lancaster [de Glouces 'morland and Lancaster; and the tre] en Wircestre; & celui de Sheriff of Nottingham, in RutDevenshire en Cornewaill, & land; and the Sheriff of Glousouvement gardent les eschetescester, in Worcester; and the

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Sheriff of Devonshire, in Corn

wall; and shall safely keep the

No. 1.

'King his Wards and Escheats in 51 Hen III. st. 5. 6 the same Shires, and shall be answerable in the Exchequer for the Issues of them, as well as for their own Shires. And the three able persons aforesaid shall 'survey and extend such Wards ، and Escheats, as well there as in other Places, and those shall be approved by their Counsel. And when the Sheriffs do accompt for • their Counties, they shall accompt for such Wards and Es'cheats. And in like Manner 'shall the Justices of Chester do, ' and their Bailiffs also, every one ، for his Bailiwick. And the said 'three able Persons shall keep the 'King's Demeans, and shall approve them as they shall think best for the King's Advantage, and shall be answerable in the Exchequer for the Issues: And they shall have Power to let forth small Manors and Demeans to Folk of the same Places, or to other, according to their Discretion, and shall let them to Ferm 'from Year to Year, as they shall ، think most to the King's Profit: And the Fermors shall be chargeable for their Ferms unto the 'principal Approvers, and they ' unto the Exchequer, the Mor'row next after the Ascension, ، from Year to Year.

Collectors of the

VI. And the principal CollecCustom of Woolls. tors of the Custom of Woolls, at the two Terms before men، tioned, shall pay all such Money as they have received of the said ، Custom, and shall make accompt from Year to Year clearly of all Parcels received in any of the Ports, or other Places of the Realm, so that they shall answer for every ship where it was charged, and how much Wooll it carried, and for every other Charge in the Ship, whereof 'Custom is due, and for the whole Receipt.

The Accompt of

King's Wardrobe.

The King's Debt shall be heard.

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'VII. And the Warden of the the Keeper of the King's Wardrobe shall make accompt yearly in the Exchequer in the Feast of St. Margaret; and the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer shall be charged by Oath, that they shall not at

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[& les gardes] au Roi, & de mesmes les Countees, & respoignens des issues al Escheqer, si come ils deivent faire de lour Countees. Ei les trois prodes hommes avauntditz surverount & estenderount tiels gardes & eschetes, sicome aillours, & per le counseil deux soi ent appruez. Et quaunt les Vis countes acompterount de lour acomptz, si acompterount des gardes & des eschetes. Et per mesme la manere face le Justice de Cestre, & les Baillifs des Isles, chescun en sa baillie. Et les prodes hommes avauntdites gar derount les demeignes le Roi, & les emprowerount selone ceo qils verront qe mieux soit al oeps le Roi, & responderount al Escheqer des issues: Et mesmes ceux averount poer de bailler petitz maneres en meins a les gentz des mesmes les villes [lieux] ou as autre, selonc lour discrecion, a fermes certeins de an en an, per la ou ils verrount qe soit apru le Roi. Et yceux fermers respounderount des issues a ceux avaun ditz principals approvers, & [soient] eux la Es cheqer lendemain del Ascension, de an en an.

Et qe les [principales] Coillours de la custume des leins paient, a les deux termes avantditz, touz les deniers, qils averont pris [coilles ] & resceu de lavauntdit custume, & dan en an rendent acompt apertement & distinctement de touz les parcels resceux per toutes les portes, & per toute la terre, issint qil respoigne de chescun neef, ou ele serra charge, & come bien ele portera de la leine, & dautre aver charge en la nief, de custume qest due, & de toute la resceite.

Roi rende acompt de an en an al Et le gardein de la Garderobe le Escheqer a le seint Margarete; Et le Tresorer & les Barouns de Lescheqer soient chargez per sere ment, qils nentendrount doier les

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