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ent General, the Rev. P. Beckx, we touch but lightly cult to speak of those who are living.

We deem it a matter of great importance to assert dependence as a writer. It has been said of us was guided by the Jesuits. This accusation is unfou fearlessly assert that the Jesuits, neither directly n ever asked any favor of us as a writer, not even by sinuation. They need not our defense-God is wi for them. Our object in penning these pages was tw have no hesitation in making it known: first, to g tion, on a very interesting subject, to men who can to read more extended histories; secondly, to discha science of a debt of gratitude to the saints of the soci intercession we are indebted for many special favors. we had already published the history of the founder, ral that we should have the desire of following up the his Order, from its origin to our own times. True, we sire to trespass, and we deemed it our duty to a Jesuits for their sanction, before encroaching on th of their historic domain. Permission was granted wit tion-perhaps through a fear of wounding our feeling sal; but, however that may be, it certainly can not be writer is directed when his pen is left entirely free. S ation as we needed was readily and cheerfully furnis members of the society. For this the author is assur ful; but yet this does not imply that his pen has bee or influenced by them-quite the contrary.

At the feet of St. Ignatius, St. Francis Xavier, and saints of the society of Jesus, we humbly, but confident tribute of our devotion, in the hope that they will smil fruits of our labor, and cause Heaven's blessings t upon us. J. M. DA

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ion of St. Ignatius-His sojourn at Manresa-Pilgrimage


ius in Paris-The Society is formed-First labors in Italy. ta-Preaching in Rome-Calumnies-Judgment-Famine of the Constitutions-Approval of the Society-St. Ignaeneral........

E ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA, (1541-1556)..




in Ireland-Zeal and devotedness of the Jesuits-Legates. 26 in Italy-New aspirants... 31 suits in France-Their success in Spain-Araoz, nephew of natius-St. Francis Xavier and Simon Rodriguez in Portugal. 35 Lefèvre-Lejay and Bobadilla in Germany-Peter Canisiusvre in Spain-His death-Charitable foundations of St. Igna-St. Francis Xavier in the Indies-Foreign missions...... esuits at the Council of Trent-Bishoprics refused... lilla at the Diet of Ratisbon-He is wounded-The interimJesuits in Salamanca-Melchior Cano-Death of the Popeus III......

Duke of Gandia-Reassembly of the Council-German Col

ue of the Parliament and of the University of Paris against Society-Laynez Provincial-The Pope wishes to make him -dinal.

its excommunicated at Saragosa-Reparation............. sions of Brazil-The Jesuits in Ethiopia...

stleship of Father Canisius in Germany-St. Francis Borgia Cuses the Cardinal's hat-Death of Ignatius..


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e oF FATHER LAYNEZ, SECOND GENERAL, (1556–1565)................ 93'

arles V and St. Francis Borgia-Don Sebastian-Jealousies of e Court-Calumnies-Pius IV.


lousies in the University-Privileges of the Roman Collegeathers Emond Auger and Pelletier in France-Opposition.... 100 e Parliament and the University of Paris against the JesuitsConference of Poissy-Council of Trent-Triumph of Father aynez....


ne Baron of Adrets-The good Father Emond-The plague and he Jesuits-Father Possevin...


anisius at the Diet of Petrikaw-Calumnies of the heretics-Cardinal Charles Borromeo-Reparation......


issions of the Indies-Of Japan-Of Brazil—Of Africa-Death of Father Laynez......


HIP OF ST. FRANCIS BORGIA, THIRD General, (1565-1572)........... 139 Pius V-Frauds against the Society-Epidemic-Jesuits and here


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ramer Tolet win Carumar CammenⱭOII-Dame

Death of the Pope and of St. Francis Borgia.......

GENERALSHIP OF FATHER MERCURIAN, FOURTH GENERAL, (15) I. Cruelty of the Huguenots-Gregory XIII-Odious c umph..

II. Riot at Antwerp-Don Juan of Austria-Anger of th
Baïus and Father Bellarmine-Triumph of Fath
Charles Borromeo....

III. Elizabeth persecutes the Catholics-Thomas Pound-
in England...

IV. Mission of Brazil-Father Anchieta-Progress of C Japan-Father Rudolphus Aquaviva-Peter Canisiu land-Death of Father Mercúrian......

GENERALSHIP OF FATHER CLAUDIUS AQUAVIVA, FIFTH General 1. Father Possevin Legate in Poland and Muscovy-H between the two sovereigns-Negotiation of Fath with the Northern Courts-Treaty of peace..

II. The traitor Elliott-The Fathers Parsons and Campia
tions-Examinations, tortures, and martyrdom of I
mond Campian, Sherwin, and Briant......

III. The Gregorian calendar-A riot of butchers-Martyr
ther Rudolphus Aquaviva and his companions-Ins
Naples appeased by the Jesuits-The calendar aga
IV. Sixtus V and the League-The Pope wishes to chang
of the Society-Firmness and humility of the Gen
of Sixtus V-Death of St. Aloysius Gonzaga....
V. Death of Henry III-Henry IV and the Confederat
Tolet Cardinal-St. Francis of Sales pupil of Father
Father Possevin and Cardinal Tolet have the excom
of Henry IV removed-John Chastel-Injustice of Pa
Martyrdom of Father Guignard, and expulsion of
from Paris....

VI. Persecution in England-Martyrdom of Jesuits-De

VII. Persecution in Japan-Martyrs and conversions.... VIII. Death of Cardinal Tolet-Father Bellarmine Cardinal of the Heretics-Father Coton and Henry IV-T frighten Parliament-Henry IV recalls them-They Gospel in Canada...

IX. Gunpowder Plot in England.....

X. Rupture between the Venetian Senate and the Roman C Jesuits faithful to the Holy See-They are banished... XI. Canonization of St. Ignatius and St. Francis XavierHenry IV-Odious accusation-Insurrection at Aix-la and at Prague-Fourteen Franciscans burned-The J surrounded and robbed.

XII. Father Geronimo Xavier preaches the Gospel in the M pire-Father Legoda in Tartary-Father Nobili in Father Ricci in China..

XIII. Franciscans in Japan-Treason-The twenty martyrs-T uits crucified-More Christians-More martyrs-The P enter Japan and calumniate the Jesuits........

18, and

Pope, Ju XV canonizes St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier..... rmany-Father Frederick Spée.




secutions of the Parliament-Death of Father CotonFor-Pardon of enemies..

n of Jesuits at Utrecht-Jansenius-St. Cyran-St. VinPaul-Port Royal....

d of Malta and the Jesuits-The Jesuit martyrs in Enge Scuole Pie and Father Pietra Santa....




persecutions in Japan-Numberless martyrs-Father -The Fathers Buzoni and Carvalho-Twenty-four Jesuit -An apostate-Father Mastrilli-The apostate martyr. 367 es in the mission of China-Father de Rhodes in Cochin nd at Tonquin-Missions of Asia... of the two Americas....

of Paraguay-Don Bernadino de Cardenas-Death of VIII and Father Mutius Vitelleschi...




Father VinceNT CARAFFA, SEVENTH GENERAL, (1645-1649) 399 tey of Seville-Father Jarrige-Martyrs of Canada-Don le Palafox-Death of the Father-General.......

INTH GENERAL, (1649-1652)..

de Rhodes in Rome and Paris-Retractation of Jarrige-
tes of the Jansenists-Christina of Sweden-Persecution
gland-Missions of Canada-Paraguay - Father Adam
1 at Pekin-Death of Father Piccolomini-Death of Father



......... 410

GENERALSHIP OF Father GoswIN NICKEL, TEnth General, (

I. Jansenism at Rome-Foreign missions....

II. Don Juan de Palafox-Lettres Provinciales-The J to Venice-Martyrdom of Father Bobola....

III. Letter of the Empress of China-Missions of Amer the Father-General...

GENERALSHIP of Father PAUL OLIVA, ELEVENTH GENERAL, ( I. Theologians of Port Royal-Father Annat, Confes XIV-Fresh calumnies-Plot of the Bonzes at of Father Adam Schall...

II. Intrigues of the Jansenists-Father Bourdalouesions-The impostor Lusancy-Père Lachaise.... II. Ridiculous accusation of the Heretics-Titus Oatesde Britto-Death of Father Oliva....


I. Regal rights-The Four Articles of 1682-Revocation of Nantes-Progress of Christianity in China--Dea de Noyelle....

GENERALSHIP OF FATHER DE SANTALLA, THIRTEENTH GENERA I. Rivalry of France and Spain-Firmness of the Fath Father Peter and the King of England-Exaction I-The Jesuits in China....

II. Alexander VIII and Innocent XII-Louis XIV yields Articles; the Jansenists alone sustain them-Relig sions-Père Lachaise-Rollin....

III. The Jesuits and the Dominicans in China-National ceremonies--Madura, Paraguay-California-Guian the Father-General.....

GENERALSHIP OF FATHER TAMBURINI, FOURTEENTH GENERAL, I. Cardinal de Tournon in China and the Indies-Sup Port Royal des Champs-Father Letellier-Cond "Réflexions Morales"-Bull Unigenitus-Death of the II. Jansenist hatreds-Calumnies-Plague of Marseilles III. Chinese customs again-The appellants--Death of General..

GENERALSHIP OF FATHER FRANCIS RETZ, FIFTEENTH GENERAL, I. Triple alliance of Jansenism, Protestantism, and Catharine Cadière-Father Chamillard-Madame 1 the dying patient of the Hôtel Dieu........

II. Question of Chinese customs decided, and the submi Jesuits-Treason of Antiguera-Civil war in Para mines--Death of the General...



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