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Morning Prayer for Sunday

ETERNAL, ALMIGHTY GOD AND FATHER, I return unto Thee most heartfelt thanks for having, during this past night and all former times, graciously kept me by Thy holy angels from all harm and danger of body and soul; and I pray Thee, from the inmost of my heart, to forgive me all my sins wherewith I have ever provoked Thee, and to quicken my heart with Thy Holy Spirit, that I may daily grow and increase in Thy knowledge. Also grant me grace to guard myself on this day against sin and shame and to be found in accord with Thy divine will, in order so to walk that, guarded against all ill, I may always keep Thee in my heart and thoughts. And when the hour of my death draws nigh, and I am to depart, grant, I beseech Thee, that I may fall asleep unto eternal life, in the true knowledge of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Before Going to Church

O GRACIOUS GOD AND FATHER, Thou seest I have no desire for Thy word on account of

my depraved nature. I am enticed from it, or am indolent and slow to hear and keep it, because of the devil, my flesh and blood, the children of this world, and also because of false teachers and preachers. Therefore, I pray Thee, O eternal God, forgive me my natural indolence and slothfulness and give me a willing and alert heart to hear and ponder Thy word. Awaken in me a heartfelt desire for the sincere milk of the word, as the newborn babes. Grant that my highest pleasure and delight may ever center in Thy word. May nothing be dearer to me in this world than Thy word; may I love it more than gold and much fine gold, ever considering it my best treasure. And since, alas! I have lived to see the time foretold by Thine own Son, in which false Christs shall rise and "show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect," I pray Thee, Thou wouldest graciously guard and keep me from error and false doctrine. Preserve me in Thy truth-Thy word is the truth-that I may adhere to it and remain steadfast in it to my last hour. All this, I pray Thee, grant for the sake of Thy glory and Thy most holy and exalted name. Amen.


Evening Prayer for Sunday

O LORD, Almighty God and Heavenly Father, I thank Thee from the inmost of my heart for all Thy mercy and kindness, which, like as a father, Thou hast shown me this day, and hast kept me safe from all ills. And I further pray Thee, as Thy dear child, graciously to preserve me to my last breath in Thy saving word, and to enlighten my heart with Thy Holy Spirit, that I may know what is good or evil. All sin that I have knowingly committed this day, also my secret faults, I ask Thee in mercy to forget, and to grant me a Christian's rest for the night, that I may rise hale and hearty to Thy praise. Also help me, dear Father, by Thy grace, to begin a new life well-pleasing to Thee, to my soul's salvation; through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our only helper. Amen.


A Second Evening Prayer for Sunday

We praise and bless Thee, Lord God, Father of heaven and earth, for having, out of pure mercy and kindness, so bountifully provided both our body

with daily bread and our soul with that heavenly food, even Thy holy word. Grant, O faithful God, that it may remain in our hearts, and work great good to Thine honor and our salvation. We also pray Thy fatherly grace, Thou wouldest not withdraw from us Thy pure word and the service of Thy house; nor remember against us our guilt and sin with which we have desecrated this day, but rather, we pray Thee, blot them out according to Thy great mercy, through the bitter suffering and death of Thy dear Son, Christ Jesus. And we commend ourselves to Thy divine protection and fatherly blessing, for this and all our remaining days, in this vale of tears. May Thy holy angels keep guard over us, that the enemy may have no power

over us.

But since the evening of this world is now drawing nigh and the day is far spent, we would ask for the grace of thy Spirit, that we may ever be watchful, and in living faith, fervent love, firm hope, and holy walk wait for the blessed appearance of the glory of the great God, our Savior, Christ Jesus, when He shall come to judge the quick and the dead, that we may then receive Him fittingly and joyfully, enter eternal life with Him, and thus attain to the eternal day of joy and rest with all elect. Have mercy, O Lord, upon all Christendom, and remove all oppression, derision,

and tyranny from Thy poor persecuted Church, comfort all troubled and distressed consciences by the true Comforter, the Holy Ghost, and send upon all of us Thy peace, through Jesus Christ, our Advocate and only Mediator. Amen.


Morning Prayer for Monday

O THOU HOLY AND FAITHFUL GOD, Heavenly Father, I laud, honor and magnify Thee from the inmost of my heart that Thou didst suffer me to rest and sleep in safety this past night, and didst, in Thy paternal love, again awaken me refreshed and in health. I heartily pray Thee that Thou wouldst graciously preserve me together with all devout Christians, this day and at all times, from every ill and danger of body and soul, that I may each day be found to walk in Thy way. I, therefore, commend my body and soul, my heart, mind, and thoughts, all my meditation and imagination, my sitting and lying down, my going-in and coming-out, my life and death, in fine, all I am and do, to Thy divine protection. Thy holy angel be and remain with me, that I meet with no harm in body or soul. Grant this, I beseech Thee, for Christ Jesus, Thy beloved Son's sake. Amen.

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