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summoned, that I may enter into eternal bliss. Grant this gracious God and Father, for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Evening Prayer for Thursday

O GRACIOUS And benignant God, eternal Father, how cordial is the love, and how fatherly the care Thou hast for me, a poor sinner, having so graciously protected me all my days and hours, from my tender youth to the present moment, against the manifold wiles of the devil, and the dangers and temptations of the wicked world. And I humbly pray Thee that, according to Thy fatherly love towards me, Thou wouldest nevermore remember against me all that I have transgressed against Thee this day, but graciously remit the same. Be merciful unto me, because of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who is surety for all my sins. And during this night protect me and all mine against a sudden evil death, against disaster from fire or water, against pestilence and all manner of ills. So I now commend myself, my body, soul and all I have to Thy fatherly protection; Thy holy angel be with me, that I need fear no ill. Amen.


Morning Prayer for Friday

IN THY NAME, Thou crucified Lord Jesus Christ, I, a poor sinner have now arisen. On the sacred cross, Thou, the real and patient lamb of sacrifice, didst endure for me the most painful death and didst redeem me with Thy crimson blood from all my sins, from death, Satan and hell: govern my heart by Thy Holy Spirit, refresh it with the heavenly dew of Thy grace, keep me this day with Thy divine love, and hide me, body and soul, in Thy holy wounds; cleanse me from all my sins, preserve me in all good works, and guide me out of this vale of tears into Thine eternal joy and glory, O most faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, my only comfort, hope and life. Amen.


Evening Prayer for Friday

O LORD JESUS CHRIST, Thou patient sacrificial lamb and sacred atonement for all my sins, and not only for mine but for the sins of the whole world, to Thee I again render thanks from the inmost of my heart, for having, like a father, kept

me, as to body and soul, in Thy protection this day, and I pray Thee graciously to pardon and forgive me all my sins, which this day I have committed because of the weakness of my perverted nature and the instigation of the evil spirit, and which weigh heavily upon my heart and conscience. And since I am now about to retire to rest and to sleep, I pray, Thou wouldest spread the wings of Thy grace over me, that I may sleep, beneath them in peace and quietness as to the body, but with the soul watch alway, looking for Thee and Thy glorious coming to judgment, and sighing for the time. when I shall be called hence to be with Thee in bliss.

Grant this, I beseech Thee, O faithful God, together with Thy dear Son and the Holy Spirit, most blessed for ever. Amen.


Morning Prayer for Saturday

O THOU FAITHFUL FATHER In heaven, would that I could render unto Thee adequate thanks and praise for all the blessings Thou hast bestowed upon me during all the days of my life up to this hour, but this is not within my power

and ability. For I am flesh and blood, which cannot but do wrong. Thou, however, dost daily grant me blessings without measure; in particular, if Thou this night hadst not been my shield and support, Satan would have used his power to harm me in many ways, so that I could not have arisen safe and sound. But owing to Thy gracious protection, I have been kept unharmed. I now fervently pray Thee, let me this day experience Thy grace, and keep me, who am Thine own through Christ's blood, in Thy grace unto life everlasting. Amen. Lord Jesus, receive my soul into Thine hands, and let it be committed unto Thee. Amen.


Evening Prayer for Saturday

MERCIFUL And gracious God and Father, I again render Thee heartfelt thanks and praise, for having, during all the days of my life, taken so paternal a care of me, and having during the day, yea, during the week up to this very hour, graciously guarded me against all harm of body and soul. I pray Thee furthermore, by that grace that all penitent sinners have before Thee, Thou wouldst cover and nevermore remember the sins that to

day and all week I have committed against Thee and my neighbor, knowingly and unknowingly. And grant in grace, I pray Thee, that in leaving the old week I may enter a new Christian life, pleasing to Thee and to all the elect in heaven. For the coming night I commit myself to Thy gracious protection, that I may rest and sleep in safety, and rise to Thy further honor refreshed and in health. And if the hour of my death be at hand, take me unto Thyself, Lord Jesus, for I am Thine and Thou art mine; my soul yearneth to be with Thee. Amen.


Daily Renewal of the Baptismal Covenant

HEREBY, God Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I renew the covenant of my Holy Baptism, this day and for all times renouncing the devil, all his works and all his pomp, also the ways of the wicked world and of my sinful flesh. I anew consecrate to Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, my body and soul, and commit to Thee the temporal, spiritual and eternal welfare of myself and my kin. O God, my Father, I entrust myself fully to Thy care, grace, love and truth. O Jesus, my Redeemer, I clothe myself

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