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bear a true and faithful witness to CHRIST our risen and glorified LORD, and Thy name has been dishonoured through us. Let the most precious blood of Thy SON JESUS CHRIST be sprinkled on all our hearts, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness; and so endue us with the HOLY GHOST the Comforter, that we may henceforth yield ourselves entirely up unto Thee, and walk worthy of our high and holy calling in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. now, Heavenly FATHER, be Thou mercifully present with us, and bless the reading of Thy Holy Word unto our hearts, and sanctify us thereby, through JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOUR.

R. Amen.

[Here should follow the reading of GOD's Holy Word.]



O Almighty and most merciful FATHER, Who hast loved us with an everlasting love, and purchased us unto Thyself with the most precious blood of Thy dear SON; favourably receive our evening worship, which we as a family and household of Thy people, offer unto Thee in His name, according to our power, giving Thee thanks. Grant unto us our requests for all things pertaining to life and godliness; give us peace for the present evening, and

coming night; clothe us with the armour of light; save us from fear of the night, and from all the perils of darkness; grant us sleep, that our weary limbs may be refreshed; and defend us from all the malice of the devil. And, O LORD our GOD, the author and giver of all good things: grant us whilst resting on our beds, to remember Thy name in the silent watches of the night; and being blessed with Thy Presence, enlightened by Thy Spirit, and strengthened in our souls and bodies with heavenly grace and might, may we with joy rise in the morning to renew our praises and thanksgivings unto Thee, glorifying Thy goodness, and presenting ourselves unto Thee, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in Thy sight.

In all times of trouble and affliction, be Thou our present help, our refuge, and fortress, wherein we may rest secure, and be kept in peace. May we have grace to praise Thee at all times; in the darkness as well as in the light; in times of sorrow as well as of joy; when tried and tempted, may we be still, and know that Thou art GOD; when bowed down under affliction, may we look up, and find our rest in Thee; and though all men, and all things may fail us, yet may we be comforted and strengthened in the purpose of Thy will, knowing that THOU failest not, and that with THEE there is

no variableness, or even shadow of turning. And inasmuch as we have no strength in ourselves to help ourselves, but our sufficiency is of Thee: give us ever to abide in the unity of the HOLY GHOST, that as members of the One Body of CHRist we may receive out of His fulness, partaking of those spiritual blessings which Thou sheddest down upon Thy saints, through the ministries and ordinances of Thy Church.

Remember, O LORD, according to the greatness of Thy mercies, all Thy people throughout the world; all who are now in need of Thy help by land or by sea, and in all places of Thy dominion. Have compassion on the sick and afflicted, the poor and oppressed. Gather Thy scattered children unto Thee, under Thine own ordinances, that they may be edified and built up in the faith of CHRIST our SAVIOUR, be sealed by Thy Holy Spirit, and prepared for the translation of Thy saints.

And do Thou hear us especially for all our relations, our friends, and acquaintances; lead them to the full knowledge of Thyself, and of Thy SON JESUS CHRIST, that they may be established in the faith of Thy Gospel, and in the one hope of our calling, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

Hear these our prayers, and supplications, which we make unto Thee, in the name and through the

mediation of Thy SON JESUS CHRIST, Who alone is worthy; and to Whom with Thee, O FATHER, and Thee, O HOLY GHOST, the One GoD of our salvation, be equal honour and glory, adoration and blessing, ascribed by us, and Thy whole Church, now, and for ever.

R. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer.

OUR FATHER, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.

B. Amen.

The Benediction.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD lift up the light of His countenance upon you and upon this whole family and household, and give you peace this night and for ever, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

R. Amen.



LET us praise the name of GOD with a psalm, and magnify Him with thanksgiving.

[Here a Psalm should be said or chanted.]


O LORD GOD Almighty, who makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice; unto Thee do we lift up our hearts! From the night early awaketh our soul unto Thee, O GOD. Thou hast chosen us in CHRIST JESUS our Saviour, and made us partakers of Thy HOLY SPIRIT, that we above all mankind, should show forth Thy praise, and glorify Thy holy and blessed Name of FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST. We beseech Thee, therefore, that the lifting up of our hands may be acceptable in Thy sight; let our praises and thanksgivings ascend up before Thee as incense, through the mediation of our great High Priest, Who is passed, with His

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