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prepared to enter into that Rest which yet remaineth unto Thy people, and to serve Thee in Thy Kingdom of glory for ever.

Remember, O LORD, each one of us before Thee, and the absent members of this family, [especially

-]. We pray Thee for all our relations, our friends, and acquaintances. Be with all Thy servants who minister before Thee in Thy holy Church, and with all Thy people who shall unite in the worship of Thy great Name. Have mercy upon all Thy creatures of mankind; send forth Thine Angels to gather in Thine elect from the four winds under heaven; unite and carry on to perfection all Thy saints; and grant that we, together with Thy whole Church, may be one in Thee, O FATHER, and in JESUS CHRIST Thy SON. Perfect in us the hope of His coming, that we may purify ourselves, even as He is pure, and be made unto our God kings and priests, at His appearing and kingdom, through the same Thy SON JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

R. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer.

OUR FATHER, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our

daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, For ever and ever.

B. Amen.


The grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of GOD, and the communion of the HOLY GHOST, be with you, and with this whole household and family, this day and for evermore.

R. Amen.



O come, let us worship, and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.


O ALMIGHTY GOD, and most merciful FATHER ; we come before Thee at the close of this Thine Holy Sabbath, as a family and household of Thy people, whom Thou hast blessed with another day of rest, and with times of refreshing from Thy Presence, giving us to partake of those spiritual blessings which Thou sheddest down upon Thy people, through the all-prevailing Intercession of Thy SON, and by the ministries and ordinances of Thine House. We humble ourselves before Thee, confessing our unworthiness, and lamenting our short-comings, and unprofitableness in Thy blessed service. For though Thou hast made us Thy children, very members of CHRIST, and one with Thine Eternal SON, that revealing Thee unto the world, all men

through us might believe, we have failed in Thine hands, and dishonoured Thy Holy Name through our unbelief and hardness of heart: Have mercy upon us, most merciful FATHER; absolve us from all our sins; bless the reading of Thy Holy Word unto our hearts, and sanctify us wholly by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily magnify Thy Holy Name, through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.

R. Amen.

[Here should follow the reading of GOD's Holy Word.]


O LORD GOD, Merciful and Gracious, Who forgivest the sins of all those who confess their sins unto Thee, through the most precious blood of Thy SON, and rememberest them no more: We thank Thee for the continuance of Thy favour and goodness towards us; for the ministry of Thy Holy Word and Sacraments, and for Thy Presence this day vouchsafed unto us. Truly Thou revealest Thyself unto us as Thou dost not unto the world; Thou leadest us beside the still waters, and dost feed us with heavenly food of which the world knoweth not: and we partake, by faith, of the Lamb of GOD slain for us, not with the old leaven, but

with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth: His flesh is meat indeed, and His blood is drink indeed. The words which He speaketh unto us, they are Spirit and they are Life; and the Unction of the Holy One doth fill our hearts with joy and gladness, giving us the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise and glory of Thy name.

O Thou, who hast made us partakers of such unspeakable grace; we supplicate Thy mercy for all with whom we are connected, either in the bonds of kindred or friendship; lead them, we pray Thee, into all truth, and of Thy great goodness, grant unto them the fulness of Thy grace and blessing. We pray Thee for all who have this day heard Thy Holy word, and for all Thy baptized people throughout the earth, that they may receive the dew of Thy blessing and be refreshed in the abundance of peace.

Remember, according to Thy loving kindness and tender mercies, each one of us now worshipping before Thee, and the absent members of this household and family; preserve us from the evil that is in the world; and sanctify us by Thy truth, that we may be one in Thee, O FATHER, and in Thy SON JESUS CHRIST. Give us to know the fellowship of His sufferings, and to be made conformable unto

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